IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 59.35 STD DEV: 4.19
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genome - 1..6093698
5089 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1948	 55.41	0	2298939..2299382	+	147	66045220	-	Psyr_1980	-	heat shock protein Hsp20
1949	 61.01	0	2299450..2301642	-	730	66045221	-	Psyr_1981	-	PAS:GGDEF
1950	 61.17	0	2301706..2302578	-	290	66045222	-	Psyr_1982	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
1951	 62.53	0	2302724..2304148	+	474	66045223	-	Psyr_1983	-	isopropylmalate isomerase large subunit
1952	 57.63	0	2304159..2304800	+	213	66045224	leuD	Psyr_1984	-	isopropylmalate isomerase small subunit
1953	 61.03	0	2304956..2306038	+	360	66045225	-	Psyr_1985	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
1954	 62.08	0	2306109..2307221	+	370	66045226	-	Psyr_1986	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1955	 64.98	+1	2307402..2308406	+	334	66045227	-	Psyr_1987	-	2-keto-3-deoxy-galactonokinase
1956	 63.36	0	2308408..2309043	+	211	66045228	-	Psyr_1988	-	2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase
1957	 61.11	0	2309056..2310261	+	401	66045229	-	Psyr_1989	-	mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein
1958	 61.86	0	2310588..2311898	+	436	66045230	-	Psyr_1990	-	D-galactonate transporter
1959	 61.60	0	2311978..2312787	+	269	66045231	-	Psyr_1991	-	regulatory proteins, IclR
1960	 61.35	0	2312799..2313851	-	350	66045232	-	Psyr_1992	-	zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily protein
1961	 61.52	0	2314031..2314924	+	297	66045233	-	Psyr_1993	-	helix-turn-helix, AraC type:AraC-type transcriptional regulator, N-terminal
1962	 60.02	0	2315047..2316702	-	551	66045234	-	Psyr_1994	-	electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase
1963	 58.93	0	2317222..2317971	+	249	66045235	-	Psyr_1995	-	electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta
1964	 60.75	0	2317972..2318901	+	309	66045236	-	Psyr_1996	-	electron transfer flavoprotein subunit alpha
1965	 61.11	0	2319018..2319845	+	275	66045237	-	Psyr_1997	-	hypothetical protein
1966	 62.71	0	2319856..2320209	+	117	66045238	-	Psyr_1998	-	putative lipoprotein
1967	 60.17	0	2320206..2321021	+	271	66045239	-	Psyr_1999	-	OmpA/MotB
1968	 59.65	0	2321239..2322678	+	479	66045240	-	Psyr_2000	-	regulatory protein, GntR
1969	 58.26	0	2322793..2323434	+	213	66045241	-	Psyr_2001	-	hypothetical protein
1970	 62.40	0	2323529..2323786	+	85	66045242	-	Psyr_2002	-	hypothetical protein
1971	 56.40	0	2323861..2324454	+	197	66045243	-	Psyr_2003	-	hypothetical protein
1972	 59.53	0	2324521..2325810	-	429	66045244	gltA	Psyr_2004	-	type II citrate synthase
1973	 53.87	-1	2326172..2326546	+	124	66045245	-	Psyr_2005	-	succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b subunit
1974	 58.27	0	2326540..2326908	+	122	66045246	-	Psyr_2006	-	succinate dehydrogenase, hydrophobic membrane anchor protein
1975	 59.90	0	2326912..2328684	+	590	66045247	sdhA	Psyr_2007	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
1976	 57.45	0	2328697..2329401	+	234	66045248	sdhB	Psyr_2008	-	succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit
1977	 58.93	0	2329661..2332492	+	943	66045249	kgd	Psyr_2009	-	alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
1978	 58.66	0	2332534..2333769	+	411	66045250	-	Psyr_2010	-	dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
1979	 59.57	0	2333942..2335378	+	478	66045251	-	Psyr_2011	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
1980	 57.93	0	2335587..2336753	+	388	66045252	sucC	Psyr_2012	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta
1981	 58.16	0	2336753..2337634	+	293	66045253	-	Psyr_2013	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit alpha
1982	 61.11	0	2337733..2338308	-	191	66045254	-	Psyr_2014	-	hypothetical protein
1983	 62.33	0	2338610..2339923	+	437	66045255	-	Psyr_2015	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter carrier protein
1984	 54.02	-1	2340017..2340277	-	86	66045256	-	Psyr_2016	-	putative lipoprotein
1985	 57.58	0	2340585..2342498	+	637	66045257	-	Psyr_2017	-	heat shock protein 90
1986	 57.20	0	2342589..2343317	+	242	66045258	-	Psyr_2018	-	dienelactone hydrolase
1987	 60.87	0	2343838..2345061	-	407	66045259	-	Psyr_2019	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase I
1988	 58.91	0	2345072..2345587	-	171	66045260	-	Psyr_2020	-	3-hydroxydecanoyl-(acyl carrier protein) dehydratase
1989	 60.53	0	2345809..2347746	-	645	66045261	-	Psyr_2021	-	response regulator receiver:ATP-binding region, ATPase-like:histidine kinase, HAMP region:histidine kinase A, N-terminal
1990	 60.62	0	2348031..2349056	+	341	66045262	gpsA	Psyr_2022	-	NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1991	 61.74	0	2349081..2349425	+	114	66045263	-	Psyr_2023	-	hypothetical protein
1992	 62.50	0	2349422..2349877	+	151	66045264	-	Psyr_2024	-	phosphohistidine phosphatase SixA
1993	 58.56	0	2349940..2350383	+	147	66045265	-	Psyr_2025	-	phenylacetic acid degradation-related protein
1994	 63.46	0	2350634..2351443	+	269	66045266	-	Psyr_2026	-	hypothetical protein
1995	 62.81	0	2351440..2352294	+	284	66045267	-	Psyr_2027	-	Alpha/beta hydrolase fold
1996	 63.42	0	2352422..2353252	+	276	66045268	-	Psyr_2028	-	hypothetical protein
1997	 63.23	0	2353322..2354368	+	348	66045269	-	Psyr_2029	-	hypothetical protein
1998	 58.73	0	2354414..2355169	-	251	66045270	-	Psyr_2030	-	calcium-binding EF-hand
1999	 63.00	0	2355285..2356319	-	344	66045271	-	Psyr_2031	-	sensor histidine kinase
2000	 62.44	0	2356316..2357095	-	259	66045272	-	Psyr_2032	-	response regulator receiver:transcriptional regulatory protein, C-terminal
2001	 56.33	0	2357475..2359553	+	692	66045273	-	Psyr_2033	-	hypothetical protein
2002	 59.98	0	2359849..2362047	+	732	66045274	-	Psyr_2034	-	Outer membrane autotransporter barrel
2003	 58.09	0	2362151..2363689	+	512	66045275	-	Psyr_2035	-	hypothetical protein
2004	 58.60	0	2363731..2364846	-	371	66045276	-	Psyr_2036	-	fimbrial protein
2005	 60.66	0	2364893..2367406	-	837	66045277	-	Psyr_2037	-	fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein
2006	 56.22	0	2367444..2368190	-	248	66045278	-	Psyr_2038	-	pili assembly chaperone: pili assembly chaperone
2007	 58.70	0	2368298..2368849	-	183	66045279	-	Psyr_2039	-	fimbrial protein
2008	 57.93	0	2369211..2374259	-	1682	66045280	-	Psyr_2040	-	YD repeat-containing protein
2009	 57.30	0	2374542..2378834	+	1430	66045281	-	Psyr_2041	-	hypothetical protein
2010	 57.96	0	2378885..2384074	+	1729	66045282	-	Psyr_2042	-	hypothetical protein
2011	 53.29	-1	2384111..2384596	+	161	66045283	-	Psyr_2043	-	putative lipoprotein
2012	 57.00	0	2384690..2389426	+	1578	66045284	-	Psyr_2044	-	YD repeat-containing protein
2013	 57.20	0	2389505..2389768	-	87	66045285	-	Psyr_2045	-	regulatory protein, LuxR
2014	 54.05	-1	2389996..2390106	+	36	66045286	-	Psyr_2046	-	hypothetical protein
2015	 64.25	+1	2390109..2391803	+	564	66045287	-	Psyr_2047	-	potassium-transporting ATPase subunit A
2016	 63.35	0	2391814..2393892	+	692	66045288	-	Psyr_2048	-	haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase:E1-E2 ATPase-associated region
2017	 63.41	0	2393905..2394519	+	204	66045289	-	Psyr_2049	-	potassium-transporting ATPase subunit C
2018	 66.10	+1	2394587..2397250	+	887	66045290	-	Psyr_2050	-	osmosensitive K+ channel signal transduction histidine kinase
2019	 63.06	0	2397247..2397939	+	230	66045291	-	Psyr_2051	-	response regulator receiver:transcriptional regulatory protein, C-terminal
2020	 58.06	0	2398036..2398314	+	92	66045292	-	Psyr_2052	-	putative lipoprotein
2021	 63.07	0	2399300..2400217	+	305	66045293	-	Psyr_2053	-	moxR protein, putative
2022	 62.80	0	2400214..2401170	+	318	66045294	-	Psyr_2054	-	hypothetical protein
2023	 63.33	0	2401167..2403176	+	669	66045295	-	Psyr_2055	-	transglutaminase-like
2024	 61.94	0	2403201..2403962	+	253	66045296	-	Psyr_2056	-	CHAD
2025	 64.04	+1	2404082..2404879	+	265	66045297	-	Psyr_2057	-	acyl-CoA thioesterase II, putative
2026	 60.91	0	2404892..2405134	-	80	66045298	-	Psyr_2058	-	hypothetical protein
2027	 62.87	0	2405242..2406717	-	491	66045299	-	Psyr_2059	-	histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer
2028	 61.56	0	2406820..2407641	-	273	66045300	-	Psyr_2060	-	TatD-related deoxyribonuclease
2029	 61.32	0	2407822..2409243	+	473	66045301	-	Psyr_2061	-	SLT
2030	 60.69	0	2409356..2409790	+	144	66045302	-	Psyr_2062	-	DoxD-like family protein
2031	 61.17	0	2410035..2410343	+	102	66045303	-	Psyr_2063	-	hypothetical protein
2032	 60.00	0	2410448..2410777	+	109	66045304	-	Psyr_2064	-	hypothetical protein
2033	 57.17	0	2410825..2411298	+	157	66045305	greB	Psyr_2065	-	transcription elongation factor GreB
2034	 64.56	+1	2411391..2413907	-	838	66045306	-	Psyr_2066	-	hypothetical protein
2035	 63.45	0	2413907..2414590	-	227	66045307	-	Psyr_2067	-	ABC transporter
2036	 59.06	0	2414589..2415206	+	205	66045308	-	Psyr_2068	-	arylesterase
2037	 60.99	0	2415263..2415544	+	93	66045309	-	Psyr_2069	-	hypothetical protein
2038	 62.11	0	2415657..2416622	+	321	66045310	-	Psyr_2070	-	ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG
2039	 56.35	0	2417167..2417418	-	83	66045311	-	Psyr_2071	-	outer membrane lipoprotein OprI
2040	 56.21	0	2417814..2418167	+	117	66045312	-	Psyr_2072	-	hypothetical protein
2041	 60.15	0	2418254..2419342	-	362	66045313	-	Psyr_2073	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
2042	 64.51	+1	2419564..2420535	+	323	66045314	-	Psyr_2074	-	2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase
2043	 62.54	0	2420539..2421459	+	306	66045315	-	Psyr_2075	-	5-nucleotidase
2044	 58.79	0	2421536..2422030	+	164	66045316	-	Psyr_2076	-	hypothetical protein
2045	 59.18	0	2422181..2423155	+	324	66045317	cysB	Psyr_2077	-	transcriptional regulator CysB
2046	 59.32	0	2423281..2424015	-	244	66045318	-	Psyr_2078	-	phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase
2047	 56.15	0	2424155..2424772	+	205	66045319	-	Psyr_2079	-	phosphoserine phosphatase
59.35	MEAN

4.19	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.