IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 58.61 STD DEV: 4.14
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000, complete genome - 1..6397126
5475 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
725	 61.89	0	788635..789492	-	285	28867970	-	PSPTO_0742	-	MaoC-like domain-containing protein
726	 64.31	+1	789523..790878	-	451	28867971	-	PSPTO_0743	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
727	 63.30	+1	790987..792264	+	425	28867972	-	PSPTO_0744	-	acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
728	 54.55	0	792445..792675	+	76	28867973	-	PSPTO_0745	-	hypothetical protein
729	 62.30	0	792708..794105	+	465	28867974	-	PSPTO_0746	-	hypothetical protein
730	 60.06	0	794113..795141	-	342	28867975	-	PSPTO_0747	-	transporter, putative
731	 63.43	+1	795585..796481	+	298	28867976	-	PSPTO_0748	-	hypothetical protein
732	 61.69	0	796601..797002	-	133	28867977	-	PSPTO_0749	-	transcriptional regulator, heavy metal-dependent
733	 63.94	+1	796999..799197	-	732	28867978	-	PSPTO_0750	-	copper-translocating P-type ATPase
734	 60.89	0	799267..799647	-	126	28867979	-	PSPTO_0751	-	hypothetical protein
735	 56.06	0	799794..799991	+	65	28867980	-	PSPTO_0752	-	copZ protein, putative
736	 62.49	0	800138..801334	+	398	28867981	-	PSPTO_0753	-	drug resistance transporter, Bcr/CflA family protein
737	 60.76	0	801383..802432	-	349	28867982	-	PSPTO_0754	-	alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc-containing
738	 62.34	0	802509..803432	+	307	28867983	-	PSPTO_0755	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
739	 64.79	+1	803869..804561	+	230	28867984	-	PSPTO_0756	-	transcriptional regulator, putative
740	 60.06	0	804854..805807	-	317	28867985	add	PSPTO_0757	-	adenosine deaminase
741	 61.70	0	805886..806851	-	321	28867986	-	PSPTO_0758	-	2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family oxidoreductase
742	 60.18	0	806929..808023	-	364	28867987	-	PSPTO_0759	-	bmp family protein
743	 64.65	+1	808253..809044	-	263	28867988	-	PSPTO_0760	-	iron-dicitrate transporter ATP-binding subunit
744	 62.54	0	809048..810016	-	322	28867989	fecD	PSPTO_0761	-	iron(III) dicitrate transport system, permease protein FecD
745	 65.23	+1	810013..810987	-	324	28867990	fecC	PSPTO_0762	-	iron-dicitrate transporter permease subunit
746	 62.21	0	811003..811923	-	306	28867991	fecB	PSPTO_0763	-	iron-dicitrate transporter substrate-binding subunit
747	 59.56	0	812170..813267	+	365	28867992	-	PSPTO_0764	-	calcium/proton antiporter, putative
748	 62.09	0	813434..814789	-	451	28867993	atzB	PSPTO_0765	-	hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase
749	 59.64	0	814913..815638	-	241	28867994	-	PSPTO_0766	-	short chain dehydrogenase
750	 63.54	+1	815889..816815	-	308	28867995	-	PSPTO_0767	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
751	 62.03	0	816815..817915	-	366	28867996	-	PSPTO_0768	-	ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
752	 62.93	+1	817927..819480	-	517	28867997	-	PSPTO_0769	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
753	 60.77	0	820004..820597	-	197	28867998	-	PSPTO_0770	-	hypothetical protein
754	 57.69	0	820630..821286	-	218	28867999	-	PSPTO_0771	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
755	 60.66	0	821385..822782	-	465	28868000	-	PSPTO_0772	-	xanthine/uracil permease family protein
756	 59.39	0	822968..823888	-	306	28868001	-	PSPTO_0773	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
757	 57.54	0	824016..825362	+	448	28868002	-	PSPTO_0774	-	beta alanine--pyruvate transaminase
758	 59.64	0	825456..826949	+	497	28868003	mmsA-1	PSPTO_0775	-	methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
759	 60.89	0	832977..836453	+	1158	28868004	recC	PSPTO_0776	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, gamma subunit
760	 62.58	0	836450..840142	+	1230	28868005	recB	PSPTO_0777	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, beta subunit
761	 63.80	+1	840139..842232	+	697	28868006	recD	PSPTO_0778	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, alpha subunit
762	 51.43	-1	842459..843613	-	384	28868007	-	PSPTO_0779	-	hypothetical protein
763	 54.19	-1	843955..844932	+	325	28868008	-	PSPTO_0780	-	ISPssy, transposase
764	 59.79	0	845447..846391	-	314	28868009	-	PSPTO_0781	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
765	 61.56	0	846549..848075	+	508	28868010	mmsA-2	PSPTO_0782	-	methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
766	 61.95	0	848110..849000	+	296	28868011	mmsB	PSPTO_0783	-	3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase
767	 60.22	0	849115..851085	+	656	28868012	-	PSPTO_0784	-	TonB-dependent siderophore receptor, putative
768	 63.55	+1	851370..852716	-	448	28868013	-	PSPTO_0785	-	sensor histidine kinase
769	 64.58	+1	852746..853510	-	254	28868014	-	PSPTO_0786	-	DNA-binding response regulator
770	 60.76	0	853803..855530	+	575	28868015	ggt	PSPTO_0787	-	gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
771	 65.23	+1	855610..856377	-	255	28868016	-	PSPTO_0788	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
772	 65.70	+1	856374..857201	-	275	28868017	-	PSPTO_0789	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
773	 65.79	+1	857195..857992	-	265	28868018	-	PSPTO_0790	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, putative
774	 61.50	0	857989..858840	-	283	28868019	-	PSPTO_0791	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, periplasmic phosphonate-binding protein, putative
775	 64.44	+1	858886..859020	+	44	28868020	-	PSPTO_0792	-	hypothetical protein
776	 63.29	+1	859077..860111	+	344	28868021	selD	PSPTO_0793	-	selenophosphate synthetase
777	 61.22	0	860111..861211	+	366	28868022	-	PSPTO_0794	-	tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase
778	 63.92	+1	861246..862010	+	254	28868023	-	PSPTO_0795	-	hypothetical protein
779	 61.92	0	862083..863051	-	322	28868024	ispB	PSPTO_0796	-	octylprenyl diphosphate synthase
780	 51.28	-1	863291..863602	+	103	28868025	rplU	PSPTO_0797	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
781	 56.52	0	863635..863910	+	91	28868026	rpmA	PSPTO_0798	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
782	 59.15	0	864127..865350	+	407	28868027	-	PSPTO_0799	-	GTPase ObgE
783	 63.99	+1	865441..866559	+	372	28868028	proB	PSPTO_0800	-	gamma-glutamyl kinase
784	 60.08	0	866585..867055	+	156	28868029	creA	PSPTO_0801	-	creA protein
785	 52.33	-1	867260..867538	-	92	28868030	rpsT	PSPTO_0802	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
786	 51.52	-1	867642..867740	+	32	28868031	-	PSPTO_0803	-	hypothetical protein
787	 59.19	0	867789..869327	+	512	28868032	-	PSPTO_0804	-	MviN family membrane protein
788	 62.03	0	869460..870386	+	308	28868033	ribF	PSPTO_0805	-	bifunctional riboflavin kinase/FMN adenylyltransferase
789	 60.38	0	870407..873238	+	943	28868034	ileS	PSPTO_0806	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
790	 58.43	0	873231..873752	+	173	28868035	lspA	PSPTO_0807	-	lipoprotein signal peptidase
791	 56.18	0	873745..874221	+	158	28868036	-	PSPTO_0808	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, FKBP-type
792	 61.92	0	874305..875252	+	315	28868037	ispH	PSPTO_0809	-	4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase
793	 57.29	0	875259..875759	-	166	28868038	-	PSPTO_0810	-	type IV pilus biogenesis protein
794	 57.17	0	875891..876364	+	157	28868039	-	PSPTO_0811	-	pillin, putative
795	 60.47	0	876364..876879	+	171	28868040	-	PSPTO_0812	-	hypothetical protein
796	 53.81	-1	876876..877583	+	235	28868041	-	PSPTO_0813	-	hypothetical protein
797	 54.04	-1	877595..878101	+	168	28868042	-	PSPTO_0814	-	hypothetical protein
798	 55.15	0	878088..881291	+	1067	28868043	-	PSPTO_0815	-	type IV pilus-associated protein, putative
799	 56.22	0	881303..881704	+	133	28868044	-	PSPTO_0816	-	type IV pilus biogenesis protein
800	 62.59	0	881733..882836	+	367	28868045	-	PSPTO_0817	-	oxidoreductase, FAD-binding
801	 59.01	0	882967..883410	+	147	28868046	-	PSPTO_0818	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
802	 58.23	0	883449..884195	+	248	28868047	-	PSPTO_0819	-	hypothetical protein
803	 61.56	0	884192..887302	-	1036	28868048	-	PSPTO_0820	-	AcrB/AcrD/AcrF family protein
804	 64.52	+1	887299..888414	-	371	28868049	-	PSPTO_0821	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
805	 55.99	0	888496..889113	-	205	28868050	-	PSPTO_0822	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
806	 60.25	0	889587..890927	-	446	28868051	pilR	PSPTO_0823	-	type 4 fimbriae expression regulatory protein pilR
807	 60.09	0	890930..892525	-	531	28868052	pilS	PSPTO_0824	-	sensor protein PilS
808	 60.55	0	892515..892841	-	108	28868053	-	PSPTO_0825	-	hypothetical protein
809	 59.88	0	892888..893904	-	338	28868054	-	PSPTO_0826	-	competence lipoprotein ComL, putative
810	 62.20	0	894060..895022	+	320	162533081	rluD	PSPTO_0827	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase D
811	 61.73	0	895019..895747	+	242	28868055	-	PSPTO_0828	-	hypothetical protein
812	 59.92	0	895919..898483	+	854	28868056	clpB	PSPTO_0829	-	clpB protein
813	 55.94	0	900988..902916	-	642	28868057	-	PSPTO_0831	-	hypothetical protein
814	 57.78	0	903025..903834	-	269	28868058	-	PSPTO_0832	-	transposase/IS protein
815	 59.24	0	903831..904853	-	340	28868059	-	PSPTO_0833	-	ISPsy4, transposase
816	 48.02	-2	905575..906534	+	319	28868060	-	PSPTO_0834	-	alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc-containing
817	 47.85	-2	906604..907278	+	224	28868061	-	PSPTO_0835	-	riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD domain-containing protein
818	 45.75	-2	907344..907931	+	195	28868062	-	PSPTO_0836	-	hypothetical protein
819	 43.95	-2	907933..908535	+	200	28868063	-	PSPTO_0837	-	hypothetical protein
820	 52.76	-1	908556..909749	+	397	28868064	-	PSPTO_0838	-	major facilitator family transporter
821	 50.12	-2	910795..911211	+	138	28868065	-	PSPTO_0840	-	hypothetical protein
822	 48.33	-2	911777..912136	+	119	28868066	-	PSPTO_0842	-	ISPsy5, Orf1
823	 54.19	-1	912397..913374	-	325	28868067	-	PSPTO_0844	-	ISPssy, transposase
824	 49.86	-2	916047..916415	-	122	28868068	-	PSPTO_0847	-	hypothetical protein
58.61	MEAN

4.14	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.