IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 61.83 STD DEV: 4.04
Pseudomonas putida KT2440, complete genome - 1..6181863
5350 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1808	 58.12	0	2049328..2049900	-	190	26988553	folE	PP_1823	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
1809	 64.35	0	2049944..2050504	-	186	26988554	-	PP_1824	-	Smr domain-containing protein
1810	 66.67	+1	2050679..2050999	-	106	26988555	-	PP_1825	-	hypothetical protein
1811	 61.25	0	2051085..2051675	-	196	26988556	-	PP_1826	-	isochorismatase superfamily hydrolase
1812	 64.80	0	2051857..2052765	+	302	26988557	-	PP_1827	-	N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
1813	 64.37	0	2052815..2053597	-	260	26988558	-	PP_1828	-	hypothetical protein
1814	 68.75	+1	2053663..2054622	-	319	26988559	-	PP_1829	-	alpha/beta fold family hydrolase
1815	 64.93	0	2054857..2055948	+	363	26988560	aroC	PP_1830	-	chorismate synthase
1816	 66.15	+1	2056091..2057245	+	384	26988561	-	PP_1831	-	major facilitator superfamily MFS_1
1817	 64.43	0	2057245..2057781	+	178	26988562	-	PP_1832	-	oxidase, putative
1818	 59.08	0	2057909..2058211	-	100	26988563	-	PP_1833	-	hypothetical protein
1819	 67.43	+1	2058448..2058972	+	174	26988564	-	PP_1834	-	ankyrin domain-containing protein
1820	 60.64	0	2059033..2059563	+	176	26988565	-	PP_1835	-	hypothetical protein
1821	 66.40	+1	2059687..2060439	-	250	26988566	-	PP_1836	-	hypothetical protein
1822	 59.38	0	2060752..2060943	+	63	26988567	-	PP_1837	-	hypothetical protein
1823	 62.44	0	2061083..2063140	+	685	26988568	-	PP_1838	-	hypothetical protein
1824	 58.02	0	2063191..2063583	+	130	26988569	-	PP_1839	-	hypothetical protein
1825	 61.86	0	2063761..2064093	+	110	26988570	-	PP_1840	-	hypothetical protein
1826	 64.67	0	2064194..2064994	-	266	26988571	-	PP_1841	-	cytochrome c family protein
1827	 60.82	0	2065524..2066258	+	244	26988572	-	PP_1842	-	amidotransferase
1828	 60.80	0	2066299..2067270	-	323	26988573	-	PP_1843	-	Mg2+/Co2+ transporter
1829	 62.89	0	2067339..2068052	-	237	26988574	plsC	PP_1844	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
1830	 64.06	0	2068173..2068862	-	229	26988575	-	PP_1845	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase
1831	 60.20	0	2069624..2071045	+	473	26988576	-	PP_1846	-	group II intron-encoding maturase
1832	 63.93	0	2071272..2073461	-	729	26988577	-	PP_1847	-	TonB-dependent siderophore receptor
1833	 59.65	0	2073464..2073577	-	37	26988578	-	PP_1848	-	hypothetical protein
1834	 62.47	0	2073605..2073985	-	126	26988579	-	PP_1849	-	hypothetical protein
1835	 66.33	+1	2074188..2075375	-	395	26988580	-	PP_1850	-	major facilitator superfamily MFS_1
1836	 65.72	0	2075455..2076405	-	316	26988581	-	PP_1851	-	hypothetical protein
1837	 63.60	0	2076406..2077155	-	249	26988582	fabG	PP_1852	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1838	 65.39	0	2077274..2078212	+	312	26988583	-	PP_1853	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1839	 64.76	0	2078327..2078797	-	156	26988584	-	PP_1854	-	hypothetical protein
1840	 62.16	0	2078800..2079198	-	132	26988585	-	PP_1855	-	hypothetical protein
1841	 60.95	0	2079177..2079281	-	34	26988586	-	PP_1856	-	hypothetical protein
1842	 64.81	0	2079328..2080461	+	377	26988587	-	PP_1857	-	hypothetical protein
1843	 55.44	-1	2080510..2081079	+	189	26988588	efp	PP_1858	-	elongation factor P
1844	 63.64	0	2081194..2081622	-	142	26988589	ohr	PP_1859	-	OsmC family protein
1845	 61.84	0	2081763..2082218	-	151	26988590	-	PP_1860	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
1846	 67.82	+1	2082277..2083230	-	317	26988591	-	PP_1861	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1847	 64.00	0	2083344..2084093	+	249	26988592	-	PP_1862	-	hypothetical protein
1848	 62.21	0	2084122..2084973	-	283	26988593	-	PP_1863	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1849	 59.48	0	2085136..2085288	+	50	26988594	-	PP_1864	-	hypothetical protein
1850	 57.45	-1	2085883..2087184	+	433	26988595	-	PP_1865	-	ISPpu8, transposase
1851	 62.81	0	2088102..2089448	-	448	26988596	-	PP_1866	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
1852	 65.08	0	2089565..2090320	+	251	26988597	-	PP_1867	-	hypothetical protein
1853	 64.35	0	2090672..2092351	+	559	26988598	-	PP_1868	-	DEAD-box ATP dependent DNA helicase
1854	 65.03	0	2092442..2093236	-	264	26988599	-	PP_1869	-	hypothetical protein
1855	 62.67	0	2093311..2093961	+	216	26988600	tpm	PP_1870	-	thiopurine S-methyltransferase
1856	 62.73	0	2094059..2094946	-	295	26988601	htpX	PP_1871	-	heat shock protein HtpX
1857	 61.96	0	2095263..2096474	-	403	26988602	-	PP_1872	-	aminotransferase AlaT
1858	 63.38	0	2096642..2097037	+	131	26988603	-	PP_1873	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase B
1859	 61.55	0	2097051..2097539	+	162	26988604	-	PP_1874	-	glutathione peroxidase
1860	 64.04	0	2097529..2099886	-	785	26988605	-	PP_1875	-	histidine kinase
1861	 65.04	0	2099932..2100978	+	348	26988606	-	PP_1876	-	hypothetical protein
1862	 63.56	0	2100979..2101461	+	160	26988607	-	PP_1877	-	GAF domain-containing protein
1863	 60.29	0	2101537..2102304	-	255	26988608	-	PP_1878	-	hypothetical protein
1864	 58.35	0	2103366..2104880	-	504	26988609	-	PP_1879	-	hypothetical protein
1865	 64.30	0	2104921..2107113	-	730	26988610	-	PP_1880	-	outer membrane autotransporter
1866	 59.26	0	2107302..2109326	-	674	26988611	-	PP_1881	-	hypothetical protein
1867	 60.75	0	2109384..2114282	-	1632	26988612	-	PP_1882	-	hypothetical protein
1868	 59.12	0	2114376..2116283	+	635	26988613	-	PP_1883	-	hypothetical protein
1869	 57.50	-1	2116322..2118787	+	821	26988614	-	PP_1884	-	hypothetical protein
1870	 62.17	0	2118847..2121201	+	784	26988615	-	PP_1885	-	hypothetical protein
1871	 58.67	0	2121170..2124097	+	975	26988616	-	PP_1886	-	hypothetical protein
1872	 58.35	0	2124627..2128499	+	1290	26988617	-	PP_1887	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 60.00	0	2128549..2129643	-	364	26988618	-	PP_1888	-	fimbrial protein
1874	 62.90	0	2129700..2132195	-	831	26988619	fimD	PP_1889	-	fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein
1875	 54.62	-1	2132229..2133008	-	259	26988620	-	PP_1890	-	pili assembly chaperone
1876	 55.93	-1	2133062..2133601	-	179	26988621	fimI	PP_1891	-	type 1 pili subunit FimI
1877	 58.39	0	2133821..2134231	-	136	26988622	-	PP_1892	-	hypothetical protein
1878	 65.28	0	2134300..2136747	-	815	26988623	fadE	PP_1893	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
1879	 63.94	0	2137138..2137761	+	207	26988624	-	PP_1894	-	glutathione S-transferase family protein
1880	 61.20	0	2137895..2138827	+	310	26988625	-	PP_1895	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1881	 60.77	0	2138824..2139603	+	259	26988626	-	PP_1896	-	ABC transporter
1882	 67.98	+1	2140262..2142475	+	737	26988627	-	PP_1897	-	DNA internalization-related competence protein ComEC/Rec2
1883	 61.33	0	2142547..2143221	+	224	26988628	-	PP_1898	-	MotA/TolQ/ExbB proton channel
1884	 64.83	0	2143218..2143652	+	144	26988629	-	PP_1899	-	biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR
1885	 66.67	+1	2143649..2144653	+	334	26988630	lpxK	PP_1900	-	tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase
1886	 60.75	0	2144698..2144883	+	61	26988631	-	PP_1901	-	hypothetical protein
1887	 65.62	0	2144880..2145644	+	254	26988632	kdsB	PP_1902	-	3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase
1888	 66.24	+1	2145644..2146108	+	154	26988633	-	PP_1903	-	protein tyrosine phosphatase
1889	 62.31	0	2146069..2147124	+	351	26988634	murB	PP_1904	-	UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase
1890	 65.78	0	2147241..2150516	-	1091	26988635	rne	PP_1905	-	ribonuclease, Rne/Rng family
1891	 62.52	0	2152274..2152948	+	224	26988636	-	PP_1907	-	HAD superfamily hydrolase
1892	 61.82	0	2152955..2153944	+	329	26988637	-	PP_1908	-	signal peptide peptidase SppA, 36K type
1893	 61.95	0	2154154..2154768	-	204	26988638	maf	PP_1909	-	Maf-like protein
1894	 55.49	-1	2154829..2155356	+	175	26988639	-	PP_1910	-	hypothetical protein
1895	 56.83	-1	2155370..2155552	+	60	26988640	rpmF	PP_1911	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1896	 63.20	0	2155556..2156566	+	336	26988641	plsX	PP_1912	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
1897	 65.18	0	2156694..2157632	+	312	26988642	fabD	PP_1913	-	malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
1898	 63.43	0	2157648..2158388	+	246	26988643	fabG	PP_1914	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1899	 52.74	-2	2158592..2158828	+	78	26988644	acpP	PP_1915	-	acyl carrier protein
1900	 64.42	0	2159016..2160260	+	414	26988645	fabF	PP_1916	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase II
1901	 63.73	0	2160260..2161075	+	271	26988646	pabC	PP_1917	-	4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase
1902	 63.82	0	2161050..2162315	+	421	26988647	-	PP_1918	-	aminodeoxychorismate lyase
1903	 45.86	-2	2164314..2165534	-	406	26988648	-	PP_1920	-	hypothetical protein
1904	 50.26	-2	2166934..2168097	+	387	26988649	-	PP_1921	-	hypothetical protein
1905	 44.41	-2	2168785..2169633	-	282	26988650	-	PP_1922	-	hypothetical protein
1906	 56.29	-1	2169737..2170738	-	333	26988651	-	PP_1923	-	hypothetical protein
1907	 58.65	0	2171865..2172425	-	186	26988652	-	PP_1924	-	phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase, putative
61.83	MEAN

4.04	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.