IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 62.80 STD DEV: 5.38
Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2, complete genome - 1..4410291
4084 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1703	 59.13	0	1819887..1821665	+	592	121604622	-	Pnap_1717	-	acetolactate synthase 3 catalytic subunit
1704	 56.71	-1	1821774..1822265	+	163	121604623	ilvH	Pnap_1718	-	acetolactate synthase 3 regulatory subunit
1705	 58.90	0	1822336..1823352	+	338	121604624	-	Pnap_1719	-	ketol-acid reductoisomerase
1706	 56.46	-1	1823586..1824398	+	270	121604625	-	Pnap_1720	-	CDP-diacylglycerol--serine O-phosphatidyltransferase
1707	 56.21	-1	1824667..1826205	+	512	121604626	-	Pnap_1721	-	2-isopropylmalate synthase
1708	 54.85	-1	1826401..1827492	+	363	121604627	-	Pnap_1722	-	peptidase S11, D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase 1
1709	 58.97	0	1827624..1828403	-	259	121604628	-	Pnap_1723	-	regulatory proteins, IclR
1710	 58.79	0	1828494..1829255	-	253	121604629	-	Pnap_1724	-	arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase
1711	 61.30	0	1829252..1830034	-	260	121604630	aat	Pnap_1725	-	leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein transferase
1712	 60.00	0	1830084..1830713	-	209	121604631	-	Pnap_1726	-	uracil phosphoribosyltransferase
1713	 64.62	0	1830752..1832269	-	505	121604632	-	Pnap_1727	-	protein of unknown function DUF853, NPT hydrolase putative
1714	 59.37	0	1832364..1833089	+	241	121604633	-	Pnap_1728	-	hypothetical protein
1715	 62.57	0	1833128..1834420	+	430	121604634	-	Pnap_1729	-	phosphoribosylamine--glycine ligase
1716	 57.90	0	1834430..1835353	+	307	121604635	-	Pnap_1730	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
1717	 57.24	-1	1835732..1836601	+	289	121604636	-	Pnap_1732	-	iojap-like protein
1718	 59.40	0	1836598..1837065	+	155	121604637	-	Pnap_1733	-	hypothetical protein
1719	 60.20	0	1837087..1837689	+	200	121604638	-	Pnap_1734	-	Maf-like protein
1720	 53.13	-1	1837708..1839207	+	499	121604639	-	Pnap_1735	-	ribonuclease
1721	 53.47	-1	1839227..1839976	+	249	121604640	-	Pnap_1736	-	polysaccharide deacetylase
1722	 52.97	-1	1839973..1841184	+	403	121604641	-	Pnap_1737	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1
1723	 60.20	0	1841281..1841481	+	66	121604642	-	Pnap_1738	-	hypothetical protein
1724	 60.02	0	1841486..1842523	-	345	121604643	-	Pnap_1739	-	ISXo7 transposase
1725	 55.35	-1	1842594..1843079	+	161	121604644	-	Pnap_1740	-	putative transposase
1726	 63.62	0	1845660..1846151	+	163	121604645	-	Pnap_1743	-	transposase
1727	 61.73	0	1846260..1847615	-	451	121604646	-	Pnap_1744	-	putative transposase
1728	 59.35	0	1847696..1847941	+	81	121604647	-	Pnap_1745	-	transposase
1729	 64.10	0	1847997..1848971	+	324	121604648	-	Pnap_1746	-	insertion element protein
1730	 64.75	0	1855409..1856449	-	346	121604649	-	Pnap_1747	-	transposase IS116/IS110/IS902 family protein
1731	 59.08	0	1856821..1857888	-	355	121604650	-	Pnap_1748	-	transposase IS116/IS110/IS902 family protein
1732	 63.70	0	1858093..1859373	-	426	121604651	-	Pnap_1749	-	transposase, IS4 family protein
1733	 57.74	0	1859498..1860886	+	462	121604652	-	Pnap_1750	-	integrase catalytic subunit
1734	 59.74	0	1861100..1862182	+	360	121604653	-	Pnap_1751	-	transposase IS116/IS110/IS902 family protein
1735	 63.53	0	1862292..1863629	-	445	121604654	-	Pnap_1752	-	hypothetical protein
1736	 55.46	-1	1863929..1864276	-	115	121604655	-	Pnap_1753	-	ISCc1, transposase OrfB
1737	 58.96	0	1864249..1864728	-	159	121604656	-	Pnap_1754	-	transposase
1738	 56.29	-1	1864794..1865381	-	195	121604657	-	Pnap_1755	-	peptidoglycan-binding LysM
1739	 64.44	0	1865432..1866691	-	419	121604658	-	Pnap_1756	-	D-amino-acid dehydrogenase
1740	 65.41	0	1866807..1868159	-	450	121604659	-	Pnap_1757	-	amidase
1741	 56.71	-1	1868306..1869058	+	250	121604660	-	Pnap_1758	-	ribosomal protein S2
1742	 59.61	0	1869188..1870108	+	306	121604661	-	Pnap_1759	-	translation elongation factor Ts
1743	 58.23	0	1870170..1870880	+	236	121604662	pyrH	Pnap_1760	-	uridylate kinase
1744	 57.58	0	1870953..1871513	+	186	121604663	-	Pnap_1761	-	ribosome recycling factor
1745	 57.68	0	1871542..1872264	+	240	121604664	-	Pnap_1762	-	undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase
1746	 62.82	0	1872282..1873112	+	276	121604665	-	Pnap_1763	-	phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase
1747	 61.03	0	1873138..1874325	+	395	121604666	-	Pnap_1764	-	1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase
1748	 61.58	0	1874327..1875703	+	458	121604667	-	Pnap_1765	-	putative membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease
1749	 56.84	-1	1875718..1878018	+	766	121604668	-	Pnap_1766	-	surface antigen (D15)
1750	 55.23	-1	1878018..1878524	+	168	121604669	-	Pnap_1767	-	outer membrane chaperone Skp (OmpH)
1751	 62.83	0	1878572..1879639	+	355	121604670	-	Pnap_1768	-	UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl) glucosamine N-acyltransferase
1752	 56.01	-1	1879636..1880076	+	146	121604671	-	Pnap_1769	-	beta-hydroxyacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) dehydratase FabZ
1753	 63.47	0	1880088..1880900	+	270	121604672	-	Pnap_1770	-	acyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)--UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase
1754	 61.82	0	1880908..1882104	+	398	121604673	-	Pnap_1771	-	lipid-A-disaccharide synthase
1755	 62.52	0	1882076..1882702	+	208	121604674	-	Pnap_1772	-	ribonuclease H
1756	 61.54	0	1882699..1883478	+	259	121604675	-	Pnap_1773	-	tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase (SpoU)
1757	 60.83	0	1883634..1884815	+	393	121604676	-	Pnap_1774	-	carbamoyl phosphate synthase small subunit
1758	 62.90	0	1884808..1888050	+	1080	121604677	-	Pnap_1775	-	carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, large subunit
1759	 62.47	0	1888171..1888647	+	158	121604678	-	Pnap_1776	-	transcription elongation factor GreA
1760	 63.72	0	1888647..1889087	+	146	121604679	-	Pnap_1777	-	putative transmembrane protein
1761	 64.54	0	1889136..1889981	-	281	121604680	-	Pnap_1778	-	methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
1762	 60.61	0	1890068..1890694	-	208	121604681	-	Pnap_1779	-	response regulator receiver protein
1763	 62.89	0	1890741..1893311	-	856	121604682	-	Pnap_1780	-	multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase
1764	 61.79	0	1893611..1896340	+	909	121604683	aceE	Pnap_1781	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit E1
1765	 64.03	0	1896383..1898089	+	568	121604684	-	Pnap_1782	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
1766	 59.90	0	1898086..1898676	+	196	121604685	-	Pnap_1783	-	20S proteasome, A and B subunits
1767	 65.81	0	1898673..1900538	+	621	121604686	-	Pnap_1784	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
1768	 55.56	-1	1900715..1901245	-	176	121604687	-	Pnap_1785	-	hypothetical protein
1769	 58.39	0	1901287..1901733	+	148	121604688	-	Pnap_1786	-	pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase dimerisation region
1770	 56.98	-1	1901835..1902443	-	202	121604689	-	Pnap_1787	-	NLP/P60 protein
1771	 63.69	0	1902654..1903829	+	391	121604690	-	Pnap_1788	-	glucose sorbosone dehydrogenase
1772	 63.31	0	1903901..1904704	+	267	121604691	-	Pnap_1789	-	ABC-type transport system ipermease component
1773	 65.89	0	1904723..1905754	+	343	121604692	-	Pnap_1790	-	hypothetical protein
1774	 67.79	0	1905751..1906464	+	237	121604693	-	Pnap_1791	-	hypothetical protein
1775	 64.69	0	1906461..1906763	+	100	121604694	-	Pnap_1792	-	hypothetical protein
1776	 63.01	0	1906803..1907021	-	72	121604695	-	Pnap_1793	-	hypothetical protein
1777	 64.76	0	1907260..1907784	+	174	121604696	-	Pnap_1794	-	hypothetical protein
1778	 66.43	0	1907781..1909058	+	425	121604697	-	Pnap_1795	-	putative heat shock protein
1779	 58.85	0	1909102..1909881	-	259	121604698	-	Pnap_1796	-	glutaredoxin family protein
1780	 58.38	0	1910038..1910532	+	164	121604699	-	Pnap_1797	-	hypothetical protein
1781	 59.42	0	1910653..1911135	+	160	121604700	-	Pnap_1798	-	hypothetical protein
1782	 61.47	0	1911362..1911958	+	198	121604701	-	Pnap_1799	-	hypothetical protein
1783	 64.90	0	1912039..1912662	+	207	121604702	-	Pnap_1800	-	isochorismatase hydrolase
1784	 62.44	0	1912698..1913099	-	133	121604703	-	Pnap_1801	-	glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase
1785	 60.56	0	1913168..1913593	-	141	121604704	-	Pnap_1802	-	hypothetical protein
1786	 65.16	0	1913691..1915421	-	576	121604705	-	Pnap_1803	-	ABC transporter
1787	 64.21	0	1915717..1917630	+	637	121604706	-	Pnap_1804	-	propionyl-CoA synthetase
1788	 64.51	0	1917738..1918247	-	169	121604707	-	Pnap_1805	-	ISSod10, transposase OrfB
1789	 61.02	0	1918276..1918647	-	123	121604708	-	Pnap_1806	-	transposase and inactivated derivative
1790	 63.98	0	1918679..1919200	-	173	121604709	-	Pnap_1807	-	hypothetical protein
1791	 63.15	0	1919309..1921327	-	672	121604710	-	Pnap_1808	-	ABC transporter related
1792	 63.88	0	1921411..1922307	-	298	121604711	-	Pnap_1809	-	N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
1793	 63.14	0	1922304..1923524	-	406	121604712	-	Pnap_1810	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
1794	 61.33	0	1923532..1924674	-	380	121604713	-	Pnap_1811	-	twitching motility protein
1795	 62.92	0	1924731..1925558	-	275	121604714	dapD	Pnap_1812	-	2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2-carboxylate N-succinyltransferase
1796	 65.92	0	1925570..1926778	-	402	121604715	-	Pnap_1813	-	hypothetical protein
1797	 66.22	0	1927165..1930710	+	1181	121604716	-	Pnap_1814	-	chromosome segregation protein SMC
1798	 65.66	0	1930726..1931823	+	365	121604717	-	Pnap_1815	-	ZipA, C-terminal FtsZ-binding region
1799	 65.96	0	1931896..1934019	+	707	121604718	-	Pnap_1816	-	DNA ligase, NAD-dependent
1800	 65.71	0	1934031..1934450	-	139	121604719	-	Pnap_1817	-	hypothetical protein
1801	 64.07	0	1934489..1935028	+	179	121604720	-	Pnap_1818	-	peptide deformylase
1802	 63.55	0	1935055..1937649	-	864	121604721	-	Pnap_1819	-	PII uridylyl-transferase
62.80	MEAN

5.38	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.