IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Porphyromonas gingivalis W83

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 48.73 STD DEV: 4.83
Porphyromonas gingivalis W83, complete genome - 1..2343476
1909 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
335	 49.24	0	420783..421970	+	395	34540215	tuf	PG0387	-	elongation factor Tu
336	 45.74	0	422354..422893	+	179	34540216	nusG	PG0389	-	transcription antitermination protein NusG
337	 44.06	0	422962..423399	+	145	34540217	rplK	PG0390	-	50S ribosomal protein L11
338	 43.35	-1	423420..424118	+	232	34540218	rplA	PG0391	-	50S ribosomal protein L1
339	 43.81	-1	424134..424658	+	174	34540219	rplJ	PG0392	-	50S ribosomal protein L10
340	 47.62	0	424700..425077	+	125	34540220	rplL	PG0393	-	50S ribosomal protein L7/L12
341	 44.86	0	425189..428998	+	1269	34540221	rpoB	PG0394	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta
342	 46.54	0	429064..433365	+	1433	34540222	rpoC	PG0395	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta'
343	 46.64	0	433653..434351	+	232	34540223	-	PG0396	-	Crp/FNR family transcriptional regulator
344	 49.14	0	434402..434692	-	96	34540224	-	PG0397	-	hypothetical protein
345	 48.40	0	434706..435800	-	364	34540225	recF	PG0398	-	recF protein
346	 50.28	0	435797..436327	-	176	34540226	-	PG0399	-	putative lipoprotein
347	 53.43	0	436335..437618	-	427	34540227	-	PG0400	-	hypothetical protein
348	 53.18	0	437855..439396	-	513	34540228	-	PG0401	-	phosphodiesterase
349	 51.46	0	439543..439851	-	102	34540229	-	PG0403	-	hypothetical protein
350	 46.90	0	439858..440196	-	112	34540230	-	PG0404	-	hypothetical protein
351	 39.89	-1	441042..441575	-	177	34540231	-	PG0408	-	hypothetical protein
352	 48.18	0	441589..442410	+	273	34540232	-	PG0409	-	hypothetical protein
353	 40.13	-1	442757..446641	+	1294	34540233	-	PG0410	-	hypothetical protein
354	 45.07	0	446641..449418	+	925	34540234	-	PG0411	-	hemagglutinin, putative
355	 52.56	0	449674..451530	-	618	34540235	mutL	PG0412	-	DNA mismatch repair protein MutL
356	 49.86	0	451527..451871	-	114	34540236	-	PG0413	-	hypothetical protein
357	 50.56	0	451862..453742	-	626	34540237	-	PG0414	-	hypothetical protein
358	 45.48	0	453804..455186	-	460	34540238	-	PG0415	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, PPIC-type
359	 46.79	0	455223..457400	-	725	34540239	recQ-1	PG0416	-	ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ
360	 46.36	0	457479..458714	-	411	34540240	clpX	PG0417	-	ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit
361	 48.73	0	458751..459419	-	222	34540241	clpP	PG0418	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, proteolytic subunit
362	 49.89	0	459792..460697	-	301	34540242	-	PG0419	-	hypothetical protein
363	 46.15	0	460926..461783	-	285	34540243	-	PG0421	-	hypothetical protein
364	 41.67	-1	462021..462392	-	123	34540244	-	PG0422	-	hypothetical protein
365	 43.62	-1	462391..462633	+	80	34540245	-	PG0423	-	hypothetical protein
366	 51.65	0	462608..463273	+	221	34540246	-	PG0424	-	hypothetical protein
367	 52.01	0	463309..464079	-	256	34540247	-	PG0425	-	esterase, putative
368	 50.27	0	464250..465188	-	312	34540248	-	PG0426	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf2
369	 46.15	0	465242..465631	-	129	34540249	-	PG0427	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf1
370	 43.56	-1	465843..466067	-	74	34540250	-	PG0428	-	hypothetical protein
371	 52.26	0	466240..468099	+	619	34540251	-	PG0429	-	pyruvate synthase
372	 53.08	0	468126..469133	+	335	34540252	-	PG0430	-	2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta
373	 45.30	0	469118..469234	+	38	34540253	-	PG0431	-	hypothetical protein
374	 52.24	0	469363..470769	-	468	34540254	-	PG0432	-	NOL1/NOP2/sun family protein
375	 51.68	0	470773..471486	-	237	34540255	-	PG0433	-	tetrapyrrole methylase family protein
376	 50.74	0	471524..472603	-	359	34540256	-	PG0434	-	hypothetical protein
377	 44.89	0	472798..473541	-	247	34540257	-	PG0435	-	capsular polysaccharide biosythesis protein, putative
378	 44.88	0	473551..476019	-	822	34540258	-	PG0436	-	capsular polysaccharide transport protein, putative
379	 44.81	0	476044..476967	-	307	34540259	-	PG0437	-	BexD/CtrA/VexA family polysaccharide export protein
380	 47.21	0	477024..477974	+	316	34540260	-	PG0438	-	hypothetical protein
381	 48.22	0	477971..478870	+	299	34540261	-	PG0439	-	hypothetical protein
382	 56.72	+1	478874..481507	+	877	34540262	-	PG0441	-	hypothetical protein
383	 40.65	-1	481604..481972	-	122	34540263	-	PG0442	-	hypothetical protein
384	 48.33	0	482161..483207	+	348	34540264	-	PG0443	-	hemagglutinin-related protein
385	 55.61	+1	483396..485375	+	659	34540265	-	PG0444	-	OPT family oligopeptide transporter
386	 53.94	+1	485392..486609	+	405	34540266	pepT	PG0445	-	peptidase T
387	 54.66	+1	486739..487446	+	235	34540267	thiF	PG0446	-	thiF protein
388	 50.61	0	487502..488236	+	244	161579532	-	PG0447	-	pantothenate kinase
389	 46.59	0	488229..489533	+	434	34540269	-	PG0448	-	hypothetical protein
390	 46.64	0	489545..490927	+	460	34540270	-	PG0449	-	TPR domain-containing protein
391	 45.57	0	490952..491662	+	236	34540271	-	PG0450	-	hypothetical protein
392	 44.74	0	491659..492912	+	417	34540272	-	PG0451	-	CBS domain-containing protein
393	 49.12	0	493019..495166	+	715	34540273	-	PG0452	-	hypothetical protein
394	 47.92	0	495456..496730	+	424	34540274	-	PG0453	-	hypothetical protein
395	 34.75	-2	497855..499894	+	679	34540275	-	PG0456	-	phosphotransferase domain-containing protein
396	 36.73	-2	499875..500168	+	97	34540276	-	PG0457	-	hypothetical protein
397	 50.27	0	500615..501553	-	312	34540277	-	PG0458	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf2
398	 47.62	0	501607..501984	-	125	34540278	-	PG0459	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf1
399	 48.62	0	502077..503162	+	361	34540279	-	PG0460	-	ISPg1, transposase
400	 44.65	0	503529..504836	-	435	34540280	-	PG0461	-	ISPg7, transposase
401	 49.50	0	504966..506369	-	467	34540281	-	PG0462	-	transporter, putative
402	 52.87	0	506407..507696	-	429	34540282	folC	PG0463	-	folylpolyglutamate synthase
403	 52.99	0	507693..508964	-	423	34540283	purA	PG0464	-	adenylosuccinate synthetase
404	 47.90	0	508993..509493	-	166	34540284	fur	PG0465	-	ferric uptake transcriptional regulator
405	 50.00	0	509579..510334	-	251	34540285	-	PG0466	-	hypothetical protein
406	 55.00	+1	510464..511474	-	336	34540286	manA	PG0468	-	mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, class I
407	 51.19	0	511497..511748	-	83	34540287	-	PG0469	-	hypothetical protein
408	 48.30	0	511827..511973	-	48	34540288	-	PG0470	-	hypothetical protein
409	 53.90	+1	512428..513492	+	354	34540289	-	PG0471	-	hypothetical protein
410	 55.22	+1	513479..514474	+	331	34540290	-	PG0472	-	iron-sulfur cluster binding protein, putative
411	 53.37	0	515101..516138	-	345	34540291	-	PG0474	-	low-specificity L-threonine aldolase
412	 52.52	0	516178..517308	-	376	34540292	-	PG0475	-	oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, putative
413	 54.84	+1	517305..518852	-	515	34540293	yngK-2	PG0476	-	yngK protein
414	 53.78	+1	518842..519687	-	281	34540294	panC	PG0477	-	pantoate--beta-alanine ligase
415	 47.95	0	519826..520605	+	259	34540295	-	PG0479	-	hypothetical protein
416	 48.18	0	520696..521409	-	237	34540296	-	PG0480	-	precorrin-2 C20-methyltransferase, putative
417	 52.73	0	521522..522712	-	396	34540297	kbl	PG0481	-	2-amino-3-ketobutyrate coenzyme A ligase
418	 49.54	0	522788..523219	-	143	34540298	-	PG0482	-	hypothetical protein
419	 54.52	+1	523326..523934	-	202	34540299	-	PG0483	-	kinase, putative
420	 49.31	0	523941..524948	-	335	34540300	-	PG0484	-	hypothetical protein
421	 49.85	0	525076..525414	-	112	34540301	yajC	PG0485	-	preprotein translocase, YajC subunit
422	 51.52	0	525497..526024	-	175	34540302	ogt	PG0486	-	methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine S-methyltransferase
423	 45.77	0	526366..527523	-	385	34540303	-	PG0487	-	ISPg4, transposase
424	 55.81	+1	528309..529340	+	343	34540304	ruvB	PG0488	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase B
425	 51.42	0	529387..530868	+	493	34540305	-	PG0489	-	polysaccharide biosynthesis-related protein
426	 49.37	0	530968..532308	+	446	34540306	-	PG0490	-	hypothetical protein
427	 51.80	0	532324..534462	+	712	34540307	-	PG0491	-	hypothetical protein
428	 41.38	-1	534498..534758	-	86	34540308	-	PG0492	-	hypothetical protein
429	 48.43	0	534832..534990	-	52	34540309	-	PG0493	-	hypothetical protein
430	 41.76	-1	535184..535456	-	90	34540310	-	PG0494	-	hypothetical protein
431	 42.41	-1	535587..536996	+	469	34540311	-	PG0495	-	hypothetical protein
432	 43.01	-1	537308..537400	+	30	34540312	-	PG0496	-	hypothetical protein
433	 52.84	0	537397..538083	+	228	34540313	mtn	PG0497	-	5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase
434	 51.25	0	538108..538587	+	159	34540314	luxS	PG0498	-	S-ribosylhomocysteinase
48.73	MEAN

4.83	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.