IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Porphyromonas gingivalis W83

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 48.73 STD DEV: 4.83
Porphyromonas gingivalis W83, complete genome - 1..2343476
1909 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1392	 50.32	0	1701508..1704204	-	898	34541272	-	PG1622	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A
1393	 51.30	0	1704265..1705455	-	396	34541273	-	PG1623	-	membrane bound regulatory protein, putative
1394	 48.16	0	1706278..1707363	-	361	34541274	-	PG1624	-	ISPg1, transposase
1395	 47.55	0	1707576..1708778	+	400	34541275	-	PG1625	-	hypothetical protein
1396	 48.11	0	1708882..1710546	+	554	34541276	-	PG1626	-	hypothetical protein
1397	 45.02	0	1711912..1712202	+	96	34541277	-	PG1630	-	hypothetical protein
1398	 55.90	+1	1712408..1713475	+	355	34541278	galM	PG1632	-	aldose 1-epimerase
1399	 51.26	0	1713525..1714679	+	384	34541279	galK	PG1633	-	galactokinase
1400	 48.36	0	1714813..1715238	-	141	34541280	-	PG1634	-	hypothetical protein
1401	 51.85	0	1715304..1715951	-	215	34541281	-	PG1635	-	hypothetical protein
1402	 51.01	0	1715965..1718550	-	861	34541282	-	PG1636	-	FtsK/SpoIIIE family protein
1403	 50.96	0	1718754..1719740	-	328	34541283	-	PG1638	-	thioredoxin family protein
1404	 45.14	0	1719866..1720009	-	47	34541284	-	PG1639	-	hypothetical protein
1405	 56.67	+1	1720025..1721335	-	436	34541285	dinF	PG1640	-	DNA-damage-inducible protein F
1406	 55.56	+1	1721350..1721853	-	167	34541286	-	PG1641	-	phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase
1407	 49.95	0	1724771..1725709	-	312	34541287	-	PG1644	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf2
1408	 44.87	0	1725763..1726152	-	129	34541288	-	PG1645	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf1
1409	 52.32	0	1726413..1727834	+	473	34541289	cls	PG1647	-	cardiolipin synthetase
1410	 52.88	0	1727902..1730142	+	746	34541290	-	PG1648	-	RelA/SpoT family protein
1411	 46.34	0	1730120..1730242	-	40	34541291	-	PG1649	-	hypothetical protein
1412	 51.71	0	1730466..1733453	+	995	34541292	-	PG1651	-	TPR domain-containing protein
1413	 48.97	0	1733480..1735270	+	596	34541293	-	PG1652	-	hypothetical protein
1414	 52.29	0	1735295..1736518	+	407	34541294	-	PG1653	-	hypothetical protein
1415	 53.53	0	1736598..1737221	+	207	34541295	-	PG1654	-	D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase
1416	 44.29	0	1737235..1737444	+	69	34541296	-	PG1655	-	hypothetical protein
1417	 52.40	0	1737599..1739455	+	618	34541297	mutA	PG1656	-	methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, small subunit
1418	 54.33	+1	1739484..1741631	+	715	34541298	mutB	PG1657	-	methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
1419	 45.77	0	1741837..1742994	-	385	34541299	-	PG1658	-	ISPg4, transposase
1420	 52.42	0	1743445..1743837	-	130	34541300	-	PG1659	-	hypothetical protein
1421	 53.90	+1	1743834..1744358	-	174	34541301	-	PG1660	-	ECF subfamily RNA polymerase sigma factor
1422	 40.28	-1	1744608..1744895	+	95	34541302	-	PG1661	-	hypothetical protein
1423	 47.20	0	1744876..1745250	+	124	34541303	-	PG1662	-	hypothetical protein
1424	 54.39	+1	1745269..1745928	+	219	34541304	-	PG1663	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1425	 51.61	0	1745953..1747227	+	424	34541305	-	PG1664	-	ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
1426	 48.14	0	1747250..1748512	+	420	34541306	-	PG1665	-	ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
1427	 50.77	0	1748582..1749688	+	368	34541307	-	PG1666	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
1428	 53.14	0	1749685..1751052	+	455	34541308	-	PG1667	-	outer membrane efflux protein
1429	 44.23	0	1755501..1755656	-	51	34541309	-	PG1669	-	hypothetical protein
1430	 44.65	0	1755785..1755943	-	52	34541310	-	PG1670	-	hypothetical protein
1431	 44.29	0	1757530..1757748	-	72	34541311	-	PG1671	-	hypothetical protein
1432	 45.24	0	1757777..1757944	+	55	34541312	-	PG1672	-	hypothetical protein
1433	 45.60	0	1758528..1759685	+	385	34541313	-	PG1673	-	ISPg4, transposase
1434	 64.65	+2	1760322..1760420	+	32	34541314	-	PG1675	-	hypothetical protein
1435	 54.66	+1	1760579..1762186	-	535	34541315	pckA	PG1676	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
1436	 54.97	+1	1762482..1763738	+	418	34541316	pgk	PG1677	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
1437	 49.07	0	1763845..1763952	-	35	34541317	-	PG1678	-	hypothetical protein
1438	 48.96	0	1763936..1765330	+	464	34541318	-	PG1679	-	hypothetical protein
1439	 51.59	0	1766552..1768528	+	658	34541319	-	PG1681	-	glycogen debranching protein
1440	 52.34	0	1768525..1769787	+	420	34541320	-	PG1682	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1 family protein
1441	 48.80	0	1769784..1771070	+	428	34541321	-	PG1683	-	hypothetical protein
1442	 48.22	0	1771067..1771543	+	158	34541322	-	PG1684	-	hypothetical protein
1443	 41.25	-1	1772306..1773088	-	260	34541323	-	PG1685	-	hypothetical protein
1444	 51.03	0	1773902..1774291	-	129	34541324	-	PG1687	-	HIT family protein
1445	 46.07	0	1774306..1774776	-	156	34541325	greA	PG1688	-	transcription elongation factor GreA
1446	 54.56	+1	1775261..1775863	-	200	34541326	-	PG1690	-	Sua5/YciO/YrdC/YwlC family protein
1447	 51.06	0	1775870..1776574	-	234	34541327	-	PG1691	-	hypothetical protein
1448	 54.70	+1	1776604..1777263	-	219	34541328	-	PG1692	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1449	 54.93	+1	1777260..1778009	-	249	34541329	-	PG1693	-	HesA/MoeB/ThiF family protein
1450	 53.52	0	1778006..1779100	-	364	34541330	-	PG1694	-	hypothetical protein
1451	 40.10	-1	1779580..1779771	+	63	34541331	-	PG1695	-	hypothetical protein
1452	 45.86	0	1780113..1781150	+	345	34541332	-	PG1696	-	type II DNA modification methyltransferase, putative
1453	 48.50	0	1781160..1785134	+	1324	34541333	-	PG1697	-	type II restriction endonuclease, putative
1454	 52.63	0	1786235..1788043	-	602	34541334	-	PG1701	-	glutamine amidotransferase, class II/dipeptidase
1455	 50.18	0	1788036..1790000	-	654	34541335	gyrB	PG1702	-	DNA gyrase, B subunit
1456	 52.80	0	1790058..1790843	-	261	34541336	mazG	PG1703	-	nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase
1457	 49.68	0	1790861..1792909	-	682	34541337	-	PG1704	-	thiol:disulfide interchange protein dsbD, putative
1458	 48.21	0	1793939..1794301	-	120	34541338	-	PG1706	-	hypothetical protein
1459	 45.90	0	1794322..1794687	-	121	34541339	-	PG1707	-	hypothetical protein
1460	 45.13	0	1795054..1795443	+	129	34541340	-	PG1709	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf1
1461	 50.05	0	1795497..1796435	+	312	34541341	-	PG1710	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf2
1462	 50.35	0	1796742..1799003	-	753	34541342	-	PG1711	-	alpha-1,2-mannosidase family protein
1463	 50.90	0	1799070..1801415	-	781	34541343	-	PG1712	-	alpha-1,2-mannosidase family protein
1464	 47.90	0	1801497..1801901	-	134	34541344	-	PG1713	-	putative lipoprotein
1465	 52.40	0	1801938..1802582	-	214	34541345	pdxH	PG1714	-	pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase
1466	 50.08	0	1803483..1806146	-	887	34541346	-	PG1715	-	hypothetical protein
1467	 46.74	0	1806622..1806897	-	91	34541347	-	PG1718	-	hypothetical protein
1468	 52.62	0	1806889..1808739	+	616	34541348	-	PG1719	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1469	 51.50	0	1808755..1810284	+	509	34541349	-	PG1720	-	hypothetical protein
1470	 50.92	0	1810424..1812532	+	702	34541350	vacB	PG1721	-	ribonuclease R
1471	 42.48	-1	1812723..1813028	-	101	34541351	-	PG1722	-	hypothetical protein
1472	 46.67	0	1813209..1813463	+	84	34541352	rpsT	PG1723	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
1473	 52.44	0	1813881..1814906	+	341	34541353	gcp	PG1724	-	O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
1474	 51.55	0	1814906..1815388	+	160	34541354	-	PG1725	-	competence/damage inducible protein CinA
1475	 50.46	0	1815421..1816839	+	472	34541355	-	PG1726	-	PDZ domain-containing protein
1476	 51.39	0	1816849..1817712	+	287	34541356	yitL	PG1727	-	yitL protein
1477	 49.01	0	1817784..1818236	+	150	34541357	-	PG1728	-	cytidine/deoxycytidylate deaminase family protein
1478	 46.67	0	1818432..1818971	-	179	34541358	-	PG1729	-	thiol peroxidase
1479	 52.84	0	1819017..1819667	-	216	34541359	-	PG1730	-	O-methyltransferase family protein
1480	 52.82	0	1819768..1820193	-	141	34541360	aroQ	PG1731	-	3-dehydroquinate dehydratase
1481	 50.05	0	1820311..1821237	+	308	34541361	xerD	PG1732	-	integrase/recombinase XerD
1482	 48.63	0	1821276..1821713	-	145	34541362	-	PG1733	-	hypothetical protein
1483	 48.94	0	1821710..1822651	-	313	34541363	-	PG1734	-	transporter, putative
1484	 50.27	0	1822618..1823172	-	184	34541364	-	PG1735	-	MutT/nudix family protein
1485	 50.14	0	1824187..1825221	-	344	34541365	-	PG1738	-	hypothetical protein
1486	 49.66	0	1825218..1825799	-	193	34541366	-	PG1739	-	hypothetical protein
1487	 52.80	0	1825946..1827373	-	475	34541367	aspA	PG1741	-	aspartate ammonia-lyase
1488	 43.50	-1	1827390..1827566	+	58	34541368	-	PG1742	-	hypothetical protein
1489	 56.65	+1	1827620..1828438	-	272	34541369	kdsA	PG1743	-	2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase
1490	 49.62	0	1829525..1831114	-	529	34541370	-	PG1745	-	phosphoribulokinase family protein
1491	 41.82	-1	1831190..1832320	-	376	34541371	-	PG1746	-	ISPg2, transposase
48.73	MEAN

4.83	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.