IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Porphyromonas gingivalis W83

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 48.73 STD DEV: 4.83
Porphyromonas gingivalis W83, complete genome - 1..2343476
1909 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1321	 51.33	0	1620466..1620915	+	149	34541201	folK	PG1541	-	2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase
1322	 49.96	0	1620928..1622172	+	414	34541202	prtC	PG1542	-	collagenase
1323	 48.10	0	1622228..1622647	+	139	34541203	-	PG1543	-	thioesterase family protein
1324	 49.16	0	1622732..1623502	+	256	34541204	yaaA	PG1544	-	hypothetical protein
1325	 49.31	0	1623640..1624215	+	191	34541205	sodB	PG1545	-	superoxide dismutase, Fe-Mn
1326	 40.21	-1	1624227..1624415	+	62	34541206	-	PG1546	-	hypothetical protein
1327	 41.24	-1	1624402..1624755	+	117	34541207	-	PG1547	-	hypothetical protein
1328	 42.55	-1	1627897..1628037	-	46	34541208	-	PG1549	-	hypothetical protein
1329	 47.09	0	1628578..1629006	+	142	34541209	hmuY	PG1551	-	hmuY protein
1330	 46.63	0	1629021..1630961	+	646	34541210	hmuR	PG1552	-	TonB-dependent receptor HmuR
1331	 51.47	0	1630998..1635407	+	1469	34541211	-	PG1553	-	CobN/magnesium chelatase family protein
1332	 55.75	+1	1635404..1636081	+	225	34541212	-	PG1554	-	hypothetical protein
1333	 56.99	+1	1636151..1636729	+	192	34541213	-	PG1555	-	hypothetical protein
1334	 51.68	0	1636735..1637061	+	108	34541214	-	PG1556	-	hypothetical protein
1335	 51.42	0	1637994..1639082	-	362	34541215	gcvT	PG1559	-	glycine cleavage system aminomethyltransferase T
1336	 50.05	0	1639157..1640221	-	354	34541216	rfbB	PG1560	-	dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase
1337	 49.18	0	1640228..1641085	-	285	34541217	rfbD	PG1561	-	dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase
1338	 46.53	0	1641082..1641672	-	196	34541218	rfbC	PG1562	-	dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase
1339	 50.11	0	1641687..1642556	-	289	34541219	rfbA	PG1563	-	glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase
1340	 48.52	0	1642671..1644626	-	651	34541220	-	PG1564	-	hypothetical protein
1341	 50.52	0	1644711..1645949	-	412	34541221	-	PG1565	-	3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase, putative
1342	 52.24	0	1645974..1647491	-	505	34541222	gltX	PG1566	-	glutamyl-tRNA synthetase
1343	 48.96	0	1648672..1649055	-	127	34541223	-	PG1570	-	rhodanese-like domain-containing protein
1344	 52.68	0	1649028..1650443	-	471	34541224	-	PG1571	-	metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein
1345	 52.42	0	1650536..1651342	-	268	34541225	-	PG1572	-	hypothetical protein
1346	 45.07	0	1651407..1652258	-	283	34541226	-	PG1573	-	Crp family transcriptional regulator
1347	 46.41	0	1652551..1652703	-	50	34541227	-	PG1574	-	hypothetical protein
1348	 52.92	0	1653156..1654712	+	518	34541228	nadB	PG1576	-	L-aspartate oxidase
1349	 50.85	0	1654759..1655586	+	275	34541229	nadC	PG1577	-	nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase
1350	 49.73	0	1655606..1656532	+	308	34541230	nadA	PG1578	-	quinolinate synthetase
1351	 48.19	0	1656633..1657628	+	331	34541231	-	PG1579	-	MoxR family ATPase
1352	 49.37	0	1657639..1658511	+	290	34541232	-	PG1580	-	hypothetical protein
1353	 46.60	0	1658508..1659464	+	318	34541233	-	PG1581	-	hypothetical protein
1354	 47.46	0	1659461..1660444	+	327	34541234	batA	PG1582	-	batA protein
1355	 46.86	0	1660455..1661474	+	339	34541235	batB	PG1583	-	batB protein
1356	 47.45	0	1661471..1662214	+	247	34541236	batC	PG1584	-	batC protein
1357	 48.03	0	1662395..1664197	+	600	34541237	batD	PG1585	-	batD protein
1358	 50.61	0	1664194..1665102	+	302	34541238	batE	PG1586	-	batE protein
1359	 46.16	0	1665123..1665839	+	238	34541239	-	PG1587	-	PAP2 superfamily protein
1360	 51.82	0	1665855..1666622	-	255	34541240	-	PG1588	-	hypothetical protein
1361	 55.91	+1	1666683..1667528	-	281	34541241	folP	PG1589	-	dihydropteroate synthase
1362	 35.97	-2	1668057..1669154	+	365	34541242	-	PG1591	-	hypothetical protein
1363	 49.06	0	1669523..1671595	+	690	34541243	-	PG1592	-	HDIG domain-containing protein
1364	 52.58	0	1671643..1672203	+	186	34541244	aroK	PG1593	-	shikimate kinase
1365	 55.27	+1	1672142..1673677	-	511	34541245	-	PG1594	-	ComEC/Rec2-related protein
1366	 55.10	+1	1673684..1674340	-	218	34541246	rpe	PG1595	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
1367	 52.81	0	1674683..1678096	+	1137	34541247	ileS	PG1596	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
1368	 48.82	0	1678166..1678546	+	126	34541248	-	PG1597	-	DnaK suppressor protein, putative
1369	 47.43	0	1678550..1679230	+	226	34541249	-	PG1598	-	lipoprotein signal peptidase, putative
1370	 47.53	0	1679227..1680015	+	262	34541250	-	PG1599	-	hypothetical protein
1371	 46.20	0	1680049..1681074	-	341	34541251	-	PG1600	-	hypothetical protein
1372	 50.90	0	1681109..1681882	-	257	34541252	-	PG1601	-	biotin--acetyl-CoA-carboxylase ligase
1373	 48.82	0	1681854..1682234	-	126	34541253	-	PG1602	-	hypothetical protein
1374	 48.38	0	1682305..1682889	+	194	34541254	-	PG1603	-	HAM1 protein
1375	 50.88	0	1682877..1685207	+	776	34541255	-	PG1604	-	immunoreactive 84 kDa antigen PG93
1376	 50.89	0	1685319..1686662	+	447	34541256	pepC	PG1605	-	aminopeptidase C
1377	 36.51	-2	1686993..1687715	-	240	34541257	-	PG1606	-	ion transporter
1378	 49.83	0	1688775..1689926	-	383	34541258	mmdB	PG1608	-	methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, beta subunit
1379	 46.90	0	1689931..1690365	-	144	34541259	mmdC	PG1609	-	methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, gamma subunit
1380	 45.57	0	1690403..1690639	-	78	34541260	-	PG1610	-	hypothetical protein
1381	 46.92	0	1690636..1691577	-	313	34541261	-	PG1611	-	hypothetical protein
1382	 50.19	0	1691602..1693155	-	517	34541262	mmdA	PG1612	-	methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, alpha subunit
1383	 46.17	0	1693254..1693658	-	134	34541263	-	PG1613	-	glyoxalase family protein
1384	 51.98	0	1693890..1694645	-	251	34541264	frdB	PG1614	-	succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit
1385	 53.03	0	1694674..1696617	-	647	34541265	sdhA	PG1615	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
1386	 50.65	0	1696648..1697340	-	230	34541266	-	PG1616	-	hypothetical protein
1387	 46.19	0	1697387..1697845	-	152	34541267	-	PG1617	-	hypothetical protein
1388	 52.69	0	1698043..1698729	+	228	34541268	-	PG1618	-	hypothetical protein
1389	 53.39	0	1698708..1699475	+	255	34541269	-	PG1619	-	biotin synthesis protein BioC, putative
1390	 49.49	0	1699505..1700581	-	358	34541270	-	PG1620	-	carboxyl-terminal protease-related protein
1391	 50.21	0	1700574..1701521	-	315	34541271	-	PG1621	-	hypothetical protein
1392	 50.32	0	1701508..1704204	-	898	34541272	-	PG1622	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A
1393	 51.30	0	1704265..1705455	-	396	34541273	-	PG1623	-	membrane bound regulatory protein, putative
1394	 48.16	0	1706278..1707363	-	361	34541274	-	PG1624	-	ISPg1, transposase
1395	 47.55	0	1707576..1708778	+	400	34541275	-	PG1625	-	hypothetical protein
1396	 48.11	0	1708882..1710546	+	554	34541276	-	PG1626	-	hypothetical protein
1397	 45.02	0	1711912..1712202	+	96	34541277	-	PG1630	-	hypothetical protein
1398	 55.90	+1	1712408..1713475	+	355	34541278	galM	PG1632	-	aldose 1-epimerase
1399	 51.26	0	1713525..1714679	+	384	34541279	galK	PG1633	-	galactokinase
1400	 48.36	0	1714813..1715238	-	141	34541280	-	PG1634	-	hypothetical protein
1401	 51.85	0	1715304..1715951	-	215	34541281	-	PG1635	-	hypothetical protein
1402	 51.01	0	1715965..1718550	-	861	34541282	-	PG1636	-	FtsK/SpoIIIE family protein
1403	 50.96	0	1718754..1719740	-	328	34541283	-	PG1638	-	thioredoxin family protein
1404	 45.14	0	1719866..1720009	-	47	34541284	-	PG1639	-	hypothetical protein
1405	 56.67	+1	1720025..1721335	-	436	34541285	dinF	PG1640	-	DNA-damage-inducible protein F
1406	 55.56	+1	1721350..1721853	-	167	34541286	-	PG1641	-	phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase
1407	 49.95	0	1724771..1725709	-	312	34541287	-	PG1644	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf2
1408	 44.87	0	1725763..1726152	-	129	34541288	-	PG1645	-	ISPg5, transposase Orf1
1409	 52.32	0	1726413..1727834	+	473	34541289	cls	PG1647	-	cardiolipin synthetase
1410	 52.88	0	1727902..1730142	+	746	34541290	-	PG1648	-	RelA/SpoT family protein
1411	 46.34	0	1730120..1730242	-	40	34541291	-	PG1649	-	hypothetical protein
1412	 51.71	0	1730466..1733453	+	995	34541292	-	PG1651	-	TPR domain-containing protein
1413	 48.97	0	1733480..1735270	+	596	34541293	-	PG1652	-	hypothetical protein
1414	 52.29	0	1735295..1736518	+	407	34541294	-	PG1653	-	hypothetical protein
1415	 53.53	0	1736598..1737221	+	207	34541295	-	PG1654	-	D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase
1416	 44.29	0	1737235..1737444	+	69	34541296	-	PG1655	-	hypothetical protein
1417	 52.40	0	1737599..1739455	+	618	34541297	mutA	PG1656	-	methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, small subunit
1418	 54.33	+1	1739484..1741631	+	715	34541298	mutB	PG1657	-	methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
1419	 45.77	0	1741837..1742994	-	385	34541299	-	PG1658	-	ISPg4, transposase
1420	 52.42	0	1743445..1743837	-	130	34541300	-	PG1659	-	hypothetical protein
48.73	MEAN

4.83	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.