IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 40.66 STD DEV: 3.39
Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70, complete genome - 1..2257487
2015 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1582	 43.20	0	1790900..1791517	-	205	15603446	-	PM1581	-	hypothetical protein
1583	 42.90	0	1791589..1793511	+	640	15603447	-	PM1582	-	hypothetical protein
1584	 41.79	0	1793560..1794174	-	204	15603448	-	PM1583	-	hypothetical protein
1585	 41.49	0	1794303..1795148	-	281	15603449	rpoH	PM1584	-	RNA polymerase factor sigma-32
1586	 41.01	0	1795379..1796785	-	468	15603450	-	PM1585	-	hypothetical protein
1587	 41.81	0	1796968..1798512	-	514	15603451	-	PM1586	-	hypothetical protein
1588	 44.17	+1	1798701..1799660	-	319	15603452	tehA	PM1587	-	potassium-tellurite ethidium and proflavin transporter
1589	 43.59	0	1799657..1799968	-	103	15603453	-	PM1588	-	hypothetical protein
1590	 42.98	0	1799981..1801006	-	341	15603454	murB	PM1589	-	UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase
1591	 39.90	0	1801010..1801633	-	207	15603455	-	PM1590	-	hypothetical protein
1592	 42.36	0	1801630..1803336	-	568	15603456	narQ	PM1591	-	nitrate/nitrite sensor protein NarQ
1593	 43.52	0	1803532..1804071	+	179	15603457	napF	PM1592	-	hypothetical protein
1594	 42.75	0	1804072..1804347	+	91	15603458	napD	PM1593	-	NapD
1595	 43.99	0	1804388..1806874	+	828	15603459	napA	PM1594	-	nitrate reductase
1596	 48.21	+2	1806938..1807690	+	250	15603460	napG	PM1595	-	quinol dehydrogenase periplasmic component
1597	 44.06	+1	1807690..1808565	+	291	15603461	napH	PM1596	-	quinol dehydrogenase membrane component
1598	 42.96	0	1808571..1808996	+	141	15603462	napB	PM1597	-	NapB
1599	 40.40	0	1809012..1809605	+	197	15603463	napC	PM1598	-	NapC
1600	 43.32	0	1809760..1810881	+	373	15603464	dprA	PM1599	-	hypothetical protein
1601	 41.63	0	1810987..1813347	-	786	15603465	-	PM1600	-	organic solvent tolerance protein
1602	 40.58	0	1813399..1813950	-	183	15603466	tagI	PM1601	-	TagI
1603	 41.30	0	1814108..1815061	+	317	15603467	tal_1	PM1602	-	transaldolase B
1604	 26.57	-2	1815252..1816079	-	275	15603468	-	PM1603	-	hypothetical protein
1605	 43.05	0	1816100..1816552	-	150	15603469	-	PM1604	-	hypothetical protein
1606	 42.01	0	1816565..1817290	-	241	15603470	-	PM1605	-	hypothetical protein
1607	 43.59	0	1817479..1818726	+	415	15603471	idp	PM1606	-	Idp
1608	 34.77	-1	1818883..1819161	+	92	15603472	ftsB	PM1607	-	cell division protein FtsB
1609	 45.19	+1	1819161..1819877	+	238	15603473	ispD	PM1608	-	2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase
1610	 46.96	+1	1819886..1820362	+	158	15603474	-	PM1609	-	hypothetical protein
1611	 45.83	+1	1820362..1821369	+	335	15603475	truD	PM1610	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase D
1612	 45.47	+1	1821399..1821917	+	172	15603476	-	PM1611	-	hypothetical protein
1613	 46.56	+1	1821989..1822729	+	246	15603477	surE	PM1612	-	stationary phase survival protein SurE
1614	 41.32	0	1822769..1823344	+	191	15603478	lppB	PM1613	-	LppB
1615	 45.30	+1	1823557..1824960	+	467	15603479	-	PM1614	-	hypothetical protein
1616	 42.76	0	1825027..1825461	-	144	15603480	-	PM1615	-	D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase
1617	 39.54	0	1825458..1826408	-	316	15603481	rbn	PM1616	-	ribonuclease BN
1618	 41.14	0	1826405..1826878	-	157	15603482	-	PM1617	-	hypothetical protein
1619	 39.65	0	1826972..1827652	-	226	15603483	-	PM1618	-	hypothetical protein
1620	 41.14	0	1827663..1828379	+	238	15603484	dod_2	PM1619	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
1621	 42.52	0	1828408..1829082	+	224	15603485	gph	PM1620	-	phosphoglycolate phosphatase
1622	 44.11	+1	1829092..1830093	+	333	15603486	trpS	PM1621	-	tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
1623	 38.36	0	1830252..1832798	+	848	15603487	hasR	PM1622	-	HasR
1624	 35.38	-1	1833008..1833643	+	211	15603488	-	PM1623	-	hypothetical protein
1625	 43.77	0	1833711..1835252	-	513	15603489	ilvA	PM1624	-	threonine dehydratase
1626	 47.22	+1	1835362..1837197	-	611	15603490	ilvD	PM1625	-	dihydroxy-acid dehydratase
1627	 38.53	0	1837457..1838149	-	230	15603491	-	PM1626	-	hypothetical protein
1628	 41.13	0	1838168..1838398	-	76	15603492	ilvM	PM1627	-	acetolactate synthase 2 regulatory subunit
1629	 46.48	+1	1838436..1840085	-	549	15603493	ilvG	PM1628	-	acetolactate synthase 2 catalytic subunit
1630	 40.42	0	1840445..1841263	+	272	15603494	-	PM1629	-	hypothetical protein
1631	 42.47	0	1841279..1841683	+	134	15603495	ccrB	PM1630	-	camphor resistance protein CrcB
1632	 40.04	0	1841661..1842614	-	317	15603496	pldB	PM1631	-	hypothetical protein
1633	 44.05	+1	1842756..1843865	-	369	15603497	asd	PM1632	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1634	 28.75	-2	1844066..1844305	+	79	15603498	-	PM1633	-	hypothetical protein
1635	 34.75	-1	1844324..1844677	+	117	15603499	-	PM1634	-	hypothetical protein
1636	 37.16	-1	1844879..1845244	+	121	15603500	-	PM1635	-	hypothetical protein
1637	 36.07	-1	1845568..1845933	+	121	15603501	-	PM1636	-	hypothetical protein
1638	 39.27	0	1846003..1846440	+	145	15603502	-	PM1637	-	hypothetical protein
1639	 44.79	+1	1846682..1848688	-	668	15603503	tkt_2	PM1638	-	transketolase
1640	 39.43	0	1848716..1849666	-	316	15603504	tal_2	PM1639	-	transaldolase B
1641	 37.14	-1	1849684..1850733	-	349	15603505	tpiA_2	PM1640	-	hypothetical protein
1642	 37.65	0	1850746..1851417	-	223	15603506	-	PM1641	-	hypothetical protein
1643	 36.58	-1	1851428..1852720	-	430	15603507	-	PM1642	-	hypothetical protein
1644	 29.77	-2	1852720..1853196	-	158	15603508	-	PM1643	-	hypothetical protein
1645	 35.38	-1	1853250..1854227	-	325	15603509	-	PM1644	-	hypothetical protein
1646	 40.79	0	1854276..1854731	-	151	15603510	rpiA_1	PM1645	-	hypothetical protein
1647	 38.78	0	1854753..1855706	-	317	15603511	-	PM1646	-	hypothetical protein
1648	 31.94	-2	1855699..1856559	-	286	15603512	-	PM1647	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 40.90	0	1856738..1857424	-	228	15603513	-	PM1648	-	hypothetical protein
1650	 41.79	0	1857366..1858370	-	334	15603514	-	PM1649	-	hypothetical protein
1651	 37.48	0	1858391..1859404	-	337	15603515	pdxA	PM1650	-	4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase
1652	 36.72	-1	1859742..1860746	+	334	15603516	-	PM1651	-	hypothetical protein
1653	 36.36	-1	1860770..1861330	+	186	15603517	-	PM1652	-	hypothetical protein
1654	 38.41	0	1861327..1862607	+	426	15603518	-	PM1653	-	hypothetical protein
1655	 35.37	-1	1862604..1862849	-	81	15603519	-	PM1654	-	hypothetical protein
1656	 34.35	-1	1863372..1863764	-	130	15603520	-	PM1655	-	hypothetical protein
1657	 37.40	0	1863807..1864298	-	163	15603521	-	PM1656	-	nucleotide-binding protein
1658	 40.91	0	1864305..1865267	-	320	15603522	serB	PM1657	-	phosphoserine phosphatase
1659	 35.24	-1	1865347..1866027	+	226	15603523	-	PM1658	-	hypothetical protein
1660	 39.77	0	1866084..1866347	-	87	161723307	rpsT	PM1659	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
1661	 43.51	0	1866701..1868233	+	510	15603525	mviN	PM1660	-	hypothetical protein
1662	 42.09	0	1868322..1869257	+	311	15603526	ribF	PM1661	-	bifunctional riboflavin kinase/FMN adenylyltransferase
1663	 42.84	0	1869291..1872089	+	932	15603527	ileS	PM1662	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
1664	 36.14	-1	1872200..1872697	+	165	15603528	lspA	PM1663	-	lipoprotein signal peptidase
1665	 44.97	+1	1872710..1873654	+	314	15603529	ispH	PM1664	-	4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase
1666	 35.92	-1	1873933..1874280	+	115	15603530	-	PM1665	-	hypothetical protein
1667	 42.36	0	1874401..1875009	+	202	15603531	-	PM1666	-	putative deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pyrophosphatase
1668	 38.18	0	1875012..1875692	+	226	15603532	-	PM1667	-	hypothetical protein
1669	 45.06	+1	1875702..1876025	+	107	15603533	-	PM1668	-	hypothetical protein
1670	 40.61	0	1876025..1877179	+	384	15603534	-	PM1669	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
1671	 44.39	+1	1877331..1877990	+	219	15603535	rpiA_2	PM1670	-	ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A
1672	 41.44	0	1878008..1879240	+	410	15603536	serA	PM1671	-	D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
1673	 41.45	0	1879373..1880419	+	348	15603537	-	PM1672	-	hypothetical protein
1674	 46.51	+1	1880421..1881050	+	209	161723306	tdk	PM1673	-	thymidylate kinase
1675	 42.38	0	1881055..1882038	+	327	15603539	holB	PM1674	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
1676	 40.61	0	1882042..1882824	+	260	15603540	-	PM1675	-	hypothetical protein
1677	 39.43	0	1882869..1883393	+	174	15603541	-	PM1676	-	hypothetical protein
1678	 41.04	0	1883439..1884788	+	449	15603542	-	PM1677	-	hypothetical protein
1679	 38.84	0	1885063..1886187	+	374	15603543	-	PM1678	-	hypothetical protein
1680	 39.69	0	1886317..1887276	+	319	15603544	-	PM1679	-	hypothetical protein
1681	 36.42	-1	1887341..1887793	+	150	15603545	-	PM1680	-	hypothetical protein
40.66	MEAN

3.39	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.