IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 66.57 STD DEV: 4.21
Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222 chromosome 1, complete sequence - 1..2852282
2799 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1797	 71.44	+1	1813297..1814532	-	411	119384554	-	Pden_1817	-	N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase
1798	 69.48	0	1814529..1815665	-	378	119384555	-	Pden_1818	-	aminotransferase, class I and II
1799	 66.40	0	1815801..1816553	+	250	119384556	-	Pden_1819	-	DSBA oxidoreductase
1800	 65.07	0	1816643..1817767	-	374	119384557	ispG	Pden_1820	-	4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase
1801	 68.39	0	1817894..1819114	-	406	119384558	-	Pden_1821	-	hypothetical protein
1802	 64.24	0	1819224..1820498	-	424	119384559	-	Pden_1822	-	5-aminolevulinate synthase
1803	 68.47	0	1820623..1822008	+	461	119384560	-	Pden_1823	-	hypothetical protein
1804	 68.92	0	1822158..1822733	+	191	119384561	-	Pden_1824	-	hypothetical protein
1805	 63.92	0	1822871..1823380	-	169	119384562	-	Pden_1825	-	CarD family transcriptional regulator
1806	 57.82	-2	1823834..1824172	-	112	119384563	-	Pden_1826	-	4Fe-4S ferredoxin iron-sulfur binding domain-containing protein
1807	 73.33	+1	1824335..1824604	-	89	119384564	-	Pden_1827	-	RNA-binding S4 domain-containing protein
1808	 68.68	0	1824601..1827528	-	975	119384565	-	Pden_1828	-	helicase domain-containing protein
1809	 70.05	0	1827530..1828267	-	245	119384566	-	Pden_1829	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
1810	 67.37	0	1828317..1828601	+	94	119384567	-	Pden_1830	-	sterol-binding domain-containing protein
1811	 71.96	+1	1828605..1829549	+	314	119384568	-	Pden_1831	-	alpha/beta hydrolase fold
1812	 65.86	0	1829638..1831500	+	620	119384569	-	Pden_1832	-	pepF/M3 family oligoendopeptidase
1813	 68.27	0	1831685..1832866	+	393	119384570	-	Pden_1833	-	peptidase M19, renal dipeptidase
1814	 67.58	0	1832903..1833562	+	219	119384571	-	Pden_1834	-	glutathione S-transferase domain-containing protein
1815	 63.83	0	1833725..1834747	-	340	119384572	-	Pden_1835	-	hypothetical protein
1816	 65.45	0	1834978..1836948	+	656	119384573	-	Pden_1836	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit B
1817	 69.05	0	1836945..1837280	+	111	119384574	-	Pden_1837	-	hypothetical protein
1818	 71.83	+1	1837363..1837866	-	167	119384575	-	Pden_1838	-	phosphoesterase, PA-phosphatase related
1819	 69.08	0	1837863..1838525	-	220	119384576	-	Pden_1839	-	ABC transporter related
1820	 65.90	0	1838518..1839819	-	433	119384577	-	Pden_1840	-	LolC/E family lipoprotein releasing system, transmembrane protein
1821	 61.64	-1	1839899..1840057	-	52	119384578	-	Pden_1841	-	cytochrome oxidase maturation protein, cbb3-type
1822	 70.49	0	1840067..1842265	-	732	119384579	-	Pden_1842	-	heavy metal translocating P-type ATPase
1823	 67.74	0	1842267..1842731	-	154	119384580	-	Pden_1843	-	FixH family protein
1824	 65.23	0	1842731..1844188	-	485	119384581	-	Pden_1844	-	4Fe-4S ferredoxin iron-sulfur binding domain-containing protein
1825	 67.81	0	1844464..1845513	-	349	119384582	-	Pden_1845	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit III
1826	 62.43	0	1845513..1845701	-	62	119384583	-	Pden_1846	-	Cbb3-type cytochrome oxidase component
1827	 62.67	0	1845710..1846435	-	241	119384584	-	Pden_1847	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit II
1828	 62.84	0	1846445..1848064	-	539	119384585	-	Pden_1848	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit I
1829	 67.75	0	1848315..1849148	+	277	119384586	-	Pden_1849	-	UspA domain-containing protein
1830	 67.77	0	1849236..1849871	-	211	119384587	-	Pden_1850	-	CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator
1831	 68.88	0	1850034..1851389	+	451	119384588	-	Pden_1851	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
1832	 69.34	0	1851392..1852327	-	311	119384589	-	Pden_1852	-	cation diffusion facilitator family transporter
1833	 67.34	0	1852399..1855221	-	940	119384590	-	Pden_1853	-	DNA polymerase I
1834	 67.72	0	1855405..1855593	-	62	119384591	-	Pden_1854	-	hypothetical protein
1835	 68.33	0	1855663..1856622	+	319	119384592	-	Pden_1855	-	ABC transporter related
1836	 66.13	0	1856610..1856984	-	124	119384593	-	Pden_1856	-	histidine triad (HIT) protein
1837	 64.40	0	1856995..1858584	-	529	119384594	-	Pden_1857	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1838	 60.81	-1	1858734..1859552	+	272	119384595	-	Pden_1858	-	hypothetical protein
1839	 66.67	0	1859826..1860032	+	68	119384596	rpmF	Pden_1859	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1840	 68.37	0	1860050..1861162	+	370	119384597	-	Pden_1860	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
1841	 70.06	0	1861162..1862133	+	323	119384598	-	Pden_1861	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase III
1842	 70.29	0	1862142..1862417	-	91	119384599	-	Pden_1862	-	hypothetical protein
1843	 65.37	0	1862630..1862938	+	102	119384600	-	Pden_1863	-	integration host factor, alpha subunit
1844	 72.61	+1	1862938..1863543	+	201	119384601	-	Pden_1864	-	MerR family transcriptional regulator
1845	 68.60	0	1863788..1864873	+	361	119384602	-	Pden_1865	-	2'-deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate deaminase
1846	 70.72	0	1865120..1865785	-	221	119384603	-	Pden_1866	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1847	 71.11	+1	1865782..1866636	-	284	119384604	-	Pden_1867	-	chromosome segregation and condensation protein ScpA
1848	 72.54	+1	1866682..1867668	-	328	119384605	-	Pden_1868	-	Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase
1849	 72.39	+1	1867678..1868847	-	389	119384606	-	Pden_1869	-	sporulation domain-containing protein
1850	 66.95	0	1868916..1870661	-	581	119384607	-	Pden_1870	-	arginyl-tRNA synthetase
1851	 67.01	0	1874653..1875819	+	388	119384608	-	Pden_1873	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
1852	 64.91	0	1875928..1876554	-	208	119384609	-	Pden_1874	-	heat shock protein DnaJ domain-containing protein
1853	 64.29	0	1876624..1876875	+	83	119384610	-	Pden_1875	-	BolA family protein
1854	 68.32	0	1876957..1877922	+	321	119384611	glpX	Pden_1876	-	fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase II
1855	 72.81	+1	1877974..1879716	+	580	119384612	-	Pden_1877	-	single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease RecJ
1856	 66.98	0	1880002..1880325	+	107	119384613	-	Pden_1878	-	hypothetical protein
1857	 66.76	0	1880355..1883687	-	1110	119384614	carB	Pden_1879	-	carbamoyl phosphate synthase large subunit
1858	 60.00	-1	1883878..1884402	-	174	119384615	-	Pden_1880	-	hypothetical protein
1859	 70.52	0	1884716..1885078	-	120	119384616	-	Pden_1881	-	hypothetical protein
1860	 73.90	+1	1885082..1885717	-	211	119384617	-	Pden_1882	-	hypothetical protein
1861	 67.86	0	1885895..1886482	+	195	119384618	hisB	Pden_1883	-	imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase
1862	 69.21	0	1886482..1887111	+	209	119384619	hisH	Pden_1884	-	imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisH
1863	 62.79	0	1887211..1887597	-	128	119384620	-	Pden_1885	-	hypothetical protein
1864	 71.27	+1	1887757..1888473	+	238	119384621	-	Pden_1886	-	1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino] imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase
1865	 69.55	0	1888501..1889262	+	253	119384622	-	Pden_1887	-	imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisF
1866	 64.83	0	1889259..1889585	+	108	119384623	hisE	Pden_1888	-	phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase
1867	 69.66	0	1889590..1890090	+	166	119384624	-	Pden_1889	-	MgtC/SapB transporter
1868	 68.99	0	1890087..1891292	-	401	119384625	-	Pden_1890	-	ribonuclease D
1869	 67.72	0	1891381..1892523	-	380	119384626	-	Pden_1891	-	queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase
1870	 66.40	0	1892555..1893310	-	251	119384627	-	Pden_1892	-	putative hemolysin
1871	 66.67	0	1893409..1893801	+	130	119384628	-	Pden_1893	-	methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase
1872	 67.54	0	1893837..1894292	-	151	119384629	-	Pden_1894	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 70.45	0	1894407..1894934	+	175	119384630	-	Pden_1895	-	hypothetical protein
1874	 66.79	0	1894936..1896588	-	550	119384631	-	Pden_1896	-	choline dehydrogenase
1875	 70.26	0	1896670..1898115	-	481	119384632	-	Pden_1897	-	betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase
1876	 69.30	0	1898112..1898681	-	189	119384633	-	Pden_1898	-	transcriptional regulator BetI
1877	 66.35	0	1898812..1899765	+	317	119384634	-	Pden_1899	-	substrate-binding region of ABC-type glycine betaine transport system
1878	 65.26	0	1899930..1900781	+	283	119384635	-	Pden_1900	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
1879	 68.18	0	1900774..1901832	+	352	119384636	-	Pden_1901	-	ABC transporter related
1880	 70.55	0	1901854..1902780	-	308	119384637	-	Pden_1902	-	hypothetical protein
1881	 70.83	+1	1902808..1903407	-	199	119384638	-	Pden_1903	-	lysine exporter protein LysE/YggA
1882	 72.07	+1	1903489..1904358	+	289	119384639	-	Pden_1904	-	chromosome replication initiation inhibitor protein
1883	 61.27	-1	1904398..1905138	-	246	119384640	-	Pden_1905	-	hypothetical protein
1884	 70.65	0	1905203..1905478	-	91	119384641	-	Pden_1906	-	hypothetical protein
1885	 68.10	0	1905465..1905674	-	69	119384642	-	Pden_1907	-	hypothetical protein
1886	 65.16	0	1905677..1907074	-	465	119384643	fumC	Pden_1908	-	fumarate hydratase
1887	 62.12	-1	1907167..1907628	-	153	119384644	-	Pden_1909	-	hypothetical protein
1888	 63.03	0	1908117..1908446	-	109	119384645	-	Pden_1911	-	hypothetical protein
1889	 74.50	+1	1909112..1910221	-	369	119384646	anmK	Pden_1912	-	anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase
1890	 64.10	0	1910277..1911521	+	414	119384647	-	Pden_1913	-	tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
1891	 64.43	0	1911566..1912147	-	193	119384648	-	Pden_1914	-	hypothetical protein
1892	 73.03	+1	1912182..1912637	-	151	119384649	-	Pden_1915	-	hypothetical protein
1893	 67.17	0	1912702..1913295	-	197	119384650	-	Pden_1916	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, cyclophilin type
1894	 64.31	0	1913285..1913794	-	169	119384651	-	Pden_1917	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, cyclophilin type
1895	 68.25	0	1913972..1915168	+	398	119384652	pgk	Pden_1918	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
1896	 64.35	0	1915409..1915624	-	71	119384653	-	Pden_1919	-	hypothetical protein
66.57	MEAN

4.21	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.