IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Neisseria meningitidis FAM18

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.80 STD DEV: 7.07
Neisseria meningitidis FAM18, complete genome - 1..2194961
1917 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1646	 61.02	+1	1886412..1887704	-	430	121635547	-	NMC1856	-	hypothetical protein
1647	 59.75	+1	1887781..1888749	+	322	121635548	-	NMC1857	-	hypothetical protein
1648	 55.31	0	1888950..1890419	-	489	121635549	-	NMC1858	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 40.45	-1	1893555..1894763	+	402	121635550	-	NMC1861	-	putative replication initiation factor
1650	 41.03	-1	1894784..1895095	+	103	121635551	-	NMC1862	-	hypothetical protein
1651	 36.32	-2	1895099..1895299	+	66	121635552	-	NMC1863	-	hypothetical protein
1652	 44.59	-1	1895537..1895767	+	76	121635553	-	NMC1864	-	hypothetical protein
1653	 42.90	-1	1895796..1896098	+	100	121635554	-	NMC1865	-	putative integral membrane protein
1654	 48.14	0	1896545..1898050	+	501	121635555	-	NMC1866	-	TspB protein
1655	 44.91	0	1898353..1898637	+	94	121635556	-	NMC1867	-	putative integral membrane protein
1656	 44.70	-1	1898638..1899825	+	395	121635557	-	NMC1868	-	hypothetical protein
1657	 39.29	-1	1900040..1900996	+	318	121635558	-	NMC1869	-	putative invertase/transposase
1658	 50.41	0	1902080..1902325	-	81	121635559	-	NMC1870	-	hypothetical protein
1659	 54.57	0	1902428..1902865	+	145	121635560	-	NMC1871	-	hypothetical protein
1660	 50.00	0	1902862..1903353	+	163	121635561	-	NMC1872	-	hypothetical protein
1661	 55.21	0	1903703..1904191	-	162	121635562	folA	NMC1873	-	dihydrofolate reductase
1662	 53.22	0	1904259..1905314	-	351	121635563	aroG	NMC1874	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
1663	 34.01	-2	1905368..1905661	+	97	121635564	-	NMC1875	-	hypothetical protein
1664	 51.61	0	1905779..1905871	+	30	121635565	-	NMC1876	-	hypothetical protein
1665	 49.46	0	1905960..1906238	+	92	121635566	opcB	NMC1877	-	pseudogene (outer membrane protein)
1666	 45.86	0	1906495..1906941	-	148	121635567	-	NMC1879	-	hypothetical protein
1667	 55.05	0	1907066..1907530	-	154	121635568	-	NMC1880	-	putative DNA transport competence protein
1668	 51.30	0	1913331..1914137	-	268	121635569	-	NMC1882	-	hypothetical protein
1669	 52.88	0	1914357..1915727	+	456	121635570	ffh	NMC1883	-	signal recognition particle protein
1670	 51.35	0	1916101..1917066	+	321	121635571	-	NMC1884	-	putative transposase for IS1655
1671	 50.14	0	1917143..1917838	-	231	121635572	-	NMC1885	-	putative thiol:disulphide interchange protein
1672	 39.39	-1	1918009..1918668	-	219	121635573	-	NMC1886	-	hypothetical protein
1673	 54.12	0	1918871..1920982	-	703	121635574	-	NMC1887	-	putative TonB-dependent receptor protein
1674	 51.98	0	1921168..1921773	-	201	121635575	-	NMC1889	-	hypothetical protein
1675	 52.81	0	1921822..1922283	-	153	121635576	-	NMC1890	-	hypothetical protein
1676	 59.87	+1	1922328..1923239	+	303	121635577	-	NMC1891	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1677	 62.14	+1	1923229..1924530	+	433	121635578	phr	NMC1892	-	deoxyribodopyrimidine photolyase
1678	 52.48	0	1924635..1925219	+	194	121635579	-	NMC1894	-	putative IS1106 transposase (fragment)
1679	 51.45	0	1925685..1925960	+	91	121635580	-	NMC1896	-	hypothetical protein
1680	 56.10	0	1926177..1926971	-	264	121635581	-	NMC1898	-	hypothetical protein
1681	 58.82	0	1927180..1927905	+	241	121635582	-	NMC1899	-	hypothetical protein
1682	 55.89	0	1930082..1930888	-	268	121635583	lgtB2	NMC1900	-	lacto-N-neotetraose biosynthesis glycosyl tranferase
1683	 50.00	0	1930930..1931025	-	31	121635584	-	NMC1900A	-	hypothetical protein
1684	 53.99	0	1931037..1931864	-	275	121635585	lgtB	NMC1901	-	lacto-N-neotetraose biosynthesis glycosyl tranferase
1685	 50.81	0	1931906..1932952	-	348	121635586	lgtA	NMC1902	-	lacto-N-neotetraose biosynthesis glycosyl tranferase
1686	 56.40	0	1932969..1935032	-	687	121635587	glyS	NMC1903	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
1687	 56.08	0	1935149..1936045	-	298	121635588	glyQ	NMC1904	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
1688	 52.25	0	1936369..1936791	-	140	121635589	atpC	NMC1905	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit epsilon
1689	 52.36	0	1936802..1938199	-	465	121635590	atpD	NMC1906	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit beta
1690	 46.92	0	1938237..1939112	-	291	121635591	atpG	NMC1907	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit gamma
1691	 50.78	0	1939137..1940684	-	515	121635592	atpA	NMC1908	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit alpha
1692	 45.51	0	1940695..1941228	-	177	121635593	atpH	NMC1909	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit delta
1693	 51.80	0	1941233..1941703	-	156	121635594	atpF	NMC1910	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit B
1694	 49.79	0	1941774..1942010	-	78	121635595	atpE	NMC1911	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit C
1695	 50.29	0	1942067..1942933	-	288	121635596	atpB	NMC1912	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A
1696	 48.02	0	1942923..1943276	-	117	121635597	atpI	NMC1913	-	putative ATP synthase I
1697	 49.85	0	1943644..1943982	-	112	121635598	-	NMC1914	-	hypothetical protein
1698	 56.91	0	1944117..1944977	-	286	121635599	-	NMC1915	-	putative chromosome segregation proteins
1699	 56.10	0	1945033..1945704	+	223	121635600	-	NMC1916	-	aromatic acid decarboxylase
1700	 55.79	0	1945766..1946629	-	287	121635601	-	NMC1917	-	putative lipoprotein
1701	 57.21	0	1946788..1947474	-	228	121635602	-	NMC1918	-	putative inner membrane transport protein
1702	 57.86	0	1947477..1948214	-	245	121635603	-	NMC1919	-	putative ABC transport ATP-binding subunit
1703	 59.47	+1	1948745..1950592	+	615	121635604	-	NMC1920	-	putative transglycosylase
1704	 53.99	0	1950881..1951093	+	70	121635605	rpsU	NMC1921	-	30S ribosomal protein S21
1705	 56.30	0	1951267..1951671	+	134	121635606	-	NMC1922	-	hypothetical protein
1706	 54.39	0	1951996..1952451	-	151	121635607	regG	NMC1924	-	ClpXP protease specificity-enhancing factor
1707	 53.96	0	1952459..1953064	-	201	121635608	regF	NMC1925	-	putative regulator of pilE expression
1708	 58.96	+1	1953334..1955046	-	570	121635609	-	NMC1926	-	putative inner membrane protein
1709	 35.05	-2	1955151..1955792	-	213	121635610	-	NMC1927	-	cadmium resistance protein
1710	 47.69	0	1956095..1956310	-	71	161723296	rpmE	NMC1928	-	50S ribosomal protein L31
1711	 56.95	0	1956545..1957062	+	172	121635612	-	NMC1929	-	putative acetyltransferase
1712	 51.53	0	1957146..1957634	-	162	121635613	-	NMC1930	-	putative periplasmic protein
1713	 59.90	+1	1957631..1958014	-	127	121635614	-	NMC1931	-	hypothetical protein
1714	 54.24	0	1958014..1958496	-	160	121635615	-	NMC1932	-	hypothetical protein
1715	 57.73	0	1958501..1959328	-	275	121635616	-	NMC1933	-	putative periplasmic/outer membrane protein
1716	 55.12	0	1959325..1959627	-	100	121635617	-	NMC1934	-	hypothetical protein
1717	 52.28	0	1959660..1960250	-	196	121635618	-	NMC1935	-	putative periplasmic transport protein
1718	 57.50	0	1960287..1960766	-	159	121635619	-	NMC1936	-	putative outer membrane transport protein
1719	 55.47	0	1960832..1961608	-	258	121635620	-	NMC1937	-	putative ABC transport inner membrane subunit
1720	 55.40	0	1961657..1962517	-	286	121635621	-	NMC1938	-	putative ABC transport ATP-binding protein
1721	 56.24	0	1962630..1963543	+	304	121635622	-	NMC1939	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1722	 25.90	-2	1963751..1964140	+	129	121635623	-	NMC1940	-	hypothetical protein
1723	 40.30	-1	1964149..1964349	+	66	121635624	-	NMC1941	-	hypothetical protein
1724	 57.38	0	1964384..1965826	+	480	121635625	aldA	NMC1942	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase A
1725	 56.42	0	1967026..1970228	+	1067	121635626	-	NMC1943	-	putative outer membrane peptidase
1726	 57.43	0	1971412..1973208	+	598	121635627	-	NMC1944	-	putative para-aminobenzoate synthase component I
1727	 55.73	0	1973267..1974784	-	505	121635628	-	NMC1945	-	hypothetical protein
1728	 52.53	0	1975529..1976554	+	341	121635629	hpuA	NMC1946	-	haemoglobin-haptoglobin-utilization protein
1729	 55.03	0	1976585..1979017	+	810	121635630	hpuB	NMC1947	-	haemoglobin-haptoglobin-utilization protein
1730	 54.80	0	1979605..1981239	-	544	121635631	groEL	NMC1948	-	chaperonin GroEL
1731	 51.38	0	1981332..1981658	-	108	121635632	groES	NMC1949	-	co-chaperonin GroES
1732	 47.86	0	1981852..1982505	+	217	121635633	-	NMC1950	-	insertion element IS1016 transposase
1733	 54.47	0	1982622..1984253	+	543	121635634	-	NMC1951	-	putative sodium-dependent inner membrane transport protein
1734	 55.90	0	1984378..1985622	-	414	121635635	lysA	NMC1952	-	diaminopimelate decarboxylase
1735	 56.14	0	1985633..1985803	-	56	121635636	-	NMC1953	-	putative lipoprotein
1736	 53.40	0	1985874..1986197	+	107	121635637	cyaY	NMC1954	-	frataxin-like protein
1737	 45.95	0	1986228..1986647	+	139	121635638	-	NMC1955	-	hypothetical protein
1738	 54.44	0	1986669..1987175	+	168	121635639	-	NMC1956	-	S-ribosylhomocysteinase
1739	 57.50	0	1987321..1990113	+	930	121635640	polA	NMC1957	-	DNA polymerase I
1740	 45.78	0	1991459..1992181	+	240	121635641	-	NMC1958	-	hypothetical protein
1741	 50.79	0	1992290..1996654	-	1454	121635642	iga2	NMC1959	-	IgA-specific serine endopeptidase
1742	 56.94	0	1996788..1997219	-	143	121635643	-	NMC1960	-	putative inner membrane protein
1743	 53.85	0	1997216..1997371	-	51	121635644	-	NMC1961	-	hypothetical protein
1744	 59.69	+1	1997502..1998848	+	448	121635645	trmE	NMC1962	-	tRNA modification GTPase TrmE
1745	 53.33	0	2000909..2003053	+	714	121635646	fetA	NMC1963	-	putative iron-regulated outer membrane protein
51.80	MEAN

7.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.