IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Neisseria meningitidis FAM18

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.80 STD DEV: 7.07
Neisseria meningitidis FAM18, complete genome - 1..2194961
1917 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1439	 44.71	-1	1652172..1652936	+	254	121635340	lgtF	NMC1618	-	beta-1,4-glucosyltransferase
1440	 47.51	0	1652937..1654001	+	354	121635341	rfaK	NMC1619	-	alpha 1,2 N-acetylglucosamine transferase
1441	 42.69	-1	1654040..1654210	+	56	121635342	-	NMC1621	-	hypothetical protein
1442	 52.24	0	1654388..1655725	+	445	121635343	-	NMC1622	-	putative integral membrane ion transporter
1443	 54.61	0	1655897..1656557	-	220	121635344	-	NMC1623	-	putative periplasmic protein
1444	 52.83	0	1656566..1657360	-	264	121635345	thyA	NMC1624	-	thymidylate synthase
1445	 55.96	0	1657744..1659078	+	444	121635346	gdhA	NMC1625	-	glutamate dehydrogenase
1446	 31.71	-2	1659226..1659594	+	122	121635347	-	NMC1626	-	hypothetical protein
1447	 54.02	0	1660081..1660863	-	260	121635348	-	NMC1629	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
1448	 53.33	0	1661395..1661694	+	99	121635349	-	NMC1630	-	putative integral membrane protein
1449	 55.58	0	1662062..1663513	-	483	121635350	mtrE	NMC1632	-	putative outer membrane lipoprotein
1450	 54.28	0	1663520..1666723	-	1067	121635351	mtrD	NMC1633	-	drug efflux protein
1451	 58.27	0	1666735..1667973	-	412	121635352	mtrC	NMC1634	-	membrane fusion protein
1452	 51.82	0	1668381..1669013	+	210	121635353	mtrR	NMC1635	-	transcriptional regulato
1453	 29.07	-2	1669292..1669549	-	85	121635354	-	NMC1636	-	hypothetical protein
1454	 48.25	0	1669838..1671406	+	522	121635355	-	NMC1637	-	hypothetical protein
1455	 55.61	0	1671476..1674685	-	1069	121635356	recC	NMC1638	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V
1456	 54.11	0	1674786..1676195	-	469	121635357	-	NMC1639	-	putative integral membrane protein
1457	 51.31	0	1677927..1678538	-	203	121635358	-	NMC1643	-	putative cytochrome oxidase subunit
1458	 51.31	0	1678565..1680010	-	481	121635359	-	NMC1645	-	cytochrome c oxidase subunit
1459	 51.54	0	1680316..1682073	+	585	121635360	-	NMC1646	-	hypothetical protein
1460	 55.13	0	1682099..1682566	+	155	121635361	-	NMC1647	-	hypothetical protein
1461	 51.72	0	1683253..1683687	-	144	121635362	exbD	NMC1648	-	biopolymer transport protein
1462	 55.35	0	1683690..1684352	-	220	121635363	exbB	NMC1649	-	biopolymer transport protein
1463	 55.56	0	1684418..1685254	-	278	121635364	tonB	NMC1650	-	TonB protein
1464	 56.34	0	1685509..1686147	+	212	121635365	-	NMC1651	-	hypothetical protein
1465	 37.33	-2	1686599..1687399	-	266	121635366	-	NMC1652	-	putative integral membrane protein
1466	 29.12	-2	1687535..1688056	-	173	121635367	-	NMC1653	-	hypothetical protein
1467	 51.32	0	1688378..1689022	-	214	121635368	grxB	NMC1654	-	glutaredoxin 2
1468	 57.45	0	1689347..1691560	+	737	121635369	relA	NMC1655	-	GTP pyrophosphokinase
1469	 52.28	0	1692854..1694257	-	467	121635370	natC	NMC1657	-	putative periplasmic type I secretion system protein
1470	 55.67	0	1694326..1695753	-	475	121635371	-	NMC1658	-	putative periplasmic type I secretion system protein
1471	 45.17	0	1696339..1696845	+	168	121635372	-	NMC1660	-	hypothetical protein
1472	 46.57	0	1697238..1698272	+	344	121635373	-	NMC1661	-	hypothetical protein
1473	 47.25	0	1698263..1698607	+	114	121635374	-	NMC1662	-	hypothetical protein
1474	 42.42	-1	1698612..1698809	+	65	121635375	-	NMC1663	-	hypothetical protein
1475	 47.37	0	1698817..1699101	+	94	121635376	-	NMC1664	-	putative integral membrane protein
1476	 45.88	0	1699108..1699386	+	92	121635377	-	NMC1665	-	putative integral membrane protein
1477	 30.21	-2	1699544..1699831	+	95	121635378	-	NMC1667	-	hypothetical protein
1478	 44.61	-1	1699812..1700210	+	132	121635379	-	NMC1668	-	putative cell-surface protein
1479	 46.67	0	1700877..1701236	-	119	121635380	-	NMC1669	-	hypothetical protein
1480	 48.68	0	1701259..1701903	-	214	121635381	-	NMC1670	-	hypothetical protein
1481	 44.32	-1	1701905..1702441	-	178	121635382	-	NMC1671	-	hypothetical protein
1482	 47.27	0	1702453..1703550	-	365	121635383	-	NMC1672	-	hypothetical protein
1483	 49.75	0	1703553..1704965	-	470	121635384	-	NMC1673	-	hypothetical protein
1484	 42.14	-1	1705209..1706003	-	264	121635385	-	NMC1674	-	hypothetical protein
1485	 44.14	-1	1705979..1706626	-	215	121635386	-	NMC1675	-	hypothetical protein
1486	 44.44	-1	1706636..1707778	-	380	121635387	bioF	NMC1676	-	8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase
1487	 53.20	0	1708001..1709077	+	358	121635388	-	NMC1677	-	hypothetical protein
1488	 50.65	0	1709284..1710750	-	488	121635389	-	NMC1679	-	putative integral membrane transport protein
1489	 53.14	0	1710948..1711871	-	307	121635390	speB	NMC1680	-	agmatinase
1490	 49.60	0	1711970..1713862	-	630	121635391	speA	NMC1682	-	arginine decarboxylase
1491	 50.18	0	1714029..1714313	-	94	121635392	-	NMC1683	-	hypothetical protein
1492	 53.51	0	1714464..1716272	-	602	121635393	aspS	NMC1684	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
1493	 51.76	0	1716330..1717067	-	245	121635394	-	NMC1686	-	putative integral membrane protein
1494	 54.17	0	1718482..1718745	-	87	121635395	rpsT	NMC1688	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
1495	 53.46	0	1719048..1720190	+	380	121635396	-	NMC1689	-	putative polyamine permease substrate-binding protein
1496	 49.50	0	1721463..1724189	-	908	121635397	tbpA	NMC1690	-	transferrin-binding protein A
1497	 44.78	0	1724276..1726075	-	599	121635398	tbpB	NMC1691	-	transferrin-binding protein B
1498	 54.24	0	1727770..1728582	-	270	121635399	glr	NMC1692	-	glutamate racemase
1499	 58.87	+1	1728772..1729233	+	153	121635400	-	NMC1693	-	hypothetical protein
1500	 59.39	+1	1729230..1730480	+	416	121635401	amiC	NMC1694	-	N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase
1501	 44.65	-1	1730544..1731365	+	273	121635402	-	NMC1695	-	hypothetical protein
1502	 57.31	0	1731666..1732808	-	380	121635403	-	NMC1697	-	hypothetical protein
1503	 55.32	0	1732857..1733279	-	140	121635404	-	NMC1698	-	putative secreted protein
1504	 59.63	+1	1733272..1734081	-	269	121635405	-	NMC1699	-	MutT-related protein
1505	 56.08	0	1734163..1734540	-	125	121635406	acpS	NMC1700	-	holo-(acyl-carrier protein) synthase
1506	 35.03	-2	1734740..1735507	-	255	121635407	-	NMC1701	-	hypothetical protein
1507	 33.23	-2	1735517..1736449	-	253	121635408	-	NMC1702	-	hypothetical protein
1508	 58.16	0	1736601..1737329	-	242	121635409	pdxJ	NMC1703	-	pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic protein PdxJ
1509	 59.87	+1	1737353..1738147	-	264	121635410	recO	NMC1704	-	DNA repair protein (recombination protein o)
1510	 59.50	+1	1738178..1739308	-	376	121635411	pheA	NMC1705	-	chorismate mutase
1511	 57.32	0	1739344..1740723	-	459	121635412	-	NMC1706	-	putative integral membrane efflux protein
1512	 58.19	0	1741096..1741980	-	294	121635413	-	NMC1708	-	hypothetical protein
1513	 40.45	-1	1743688..1744896	+	402	121635414	-	NMC1709	-	hypothetical protein
1514	 41.03	-1	1744917..1745228	+	103	121635415	-	NMC1710	-	hypothetical protein
1515	 36.32	-2	1745232..1745432	+	66	121635416	-	NMC1711	-	hypothetical protein
1516	 45.89	0	1745659..1745889	+	76	121635417	-	NMC1712	-	putative integral membrane protein
1517	 43.67	-1	1745917..1746216	+	99	121635418	-	NMC1713	-	putative integral membrane protein
1518	 33.33	-2	1746233..1746655	+	140	121635419	-	NMC1714	-	hypothetical protein
1519	 47.04	0	1746543..1748162	+	539	121635420	-	NMC1715	-	TspB protein
1520	 44.91	0	1748465..1748749	+	94	121635421	-	NMC1716	-	putative integral membrane protein
1521	 44.70	-1	1748750..1749937	+	395	121635422	-	NMC1717	-	hypothetical protein
1522	 39.29	-1	1750152..1751108	+	318	121635423	-	NMC1718	-	putative transposase
1523	 50.18	0	1751514..1752332	+	272	121635424	-	NMC1719	-	Opa1800 outer membrane protein precursor
1524	 61.13	+1	1754168..1754980	-	270	121635425	-	NMC1720	-	hypothetical protein
1525	 60.37	+1	1755065..1755937	+	290	121635426	-	NMC1721	-	putative oxidoreductase
1526	 57.44	0	1755994..1757196	-	400	121635427	-	NMC1722	-	hypothetical protein
1527	 56.10	0	1757193..1757561	-	122	121635428	-	NMC1724	-	hypothetical protein
1528	 56.08	0	1757735..1758178	+	147	121635429	-	NMC1725	-	hypothetical protein
1529	 55.03	0	1758305..1759069	-	254	121635430	-	NMC1726	-	hypothetical protein
1530	 55.92	0	1759032..1760231	-	399	121635431	ackA2	NMC1727	-	acetate kinase
1531	 57.01	0	1760646..1761815	-	389	121635432	-	NMC1728	-	hypothetical protein
1532	 56.58	0	1762168..1764774	-	868	121635433	acnA	NMC1729	-	aconitate hydratase
1533	 37.68	-1	1764877..1766094	-	405	121635434	-	NMC1730	-	putative integral membrane protein
1534	 42.29	-1	1766108..1766833	-	241	121635435	ddpX	NMC1731	-	putative D-alanyl-d-alanine dipeptidase
1535	 52.29	0	1766923..1768077	-	384	121635436	prpC	NMC1732	-	methylcitrate synthase
1536	 53.47	0	1768163..1769041	-	292	121635437	prpB	NMC1733	-	2-methylisocitrate lyase
1537	 53.01	0	1769664..1770974	-	436	121635438	-	NMC1735	-	putative permease
1538	 54.11	0	1771113..1772291	-	392	121635439	ftsZ	NMC1737	-	cell division protein FtsZ
51.80	MEAN

7.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.