IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 31.10 STD DEV: 2.97
Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M, complete genome - 1..490885
536 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
438	 36.19	+1	398719..399279	-	186	41615235	rpl10e	NEQ450	-	50S ribosomal protein L10e
439	 29.43	0	399328..399840	+	170	41615236	-	NEQ451	-	hypothetical protein
440	 32.02	0	399847..400530	+	227	41615237	-	NEQ452	-	hypothetical protein
441	 30.33	0	400523..401254	+	243	41615238	-	NEQ453	-	hypothetical protein
442	 34.38	+1	401263..402309	-	348	41615239	-	NEQ454	-	H/ACA RNA-protein complex component Cbf5p
443	 27.68	-1	402648..403460	+	270	41615240	-	NEQ455	-	hypothetical protein
444	 30.93	0	403546..405876	+	776	41615241	-	NEQ457	-	hypothetical protein
445	 30.77	0	405851..406591	-	246	41615242	-	NEQ456	-	hypothetical protein
446	 29.82	0	406638..407576	+	312	41615243	-	NEQ458	-	hypothetical protein
447	 33.47	0	407680..408399	-	239	41615244	-	NEQ459	-	hypothetical protein
448	 30.28	0	408446..409198	+	250	41615245	-	NEQ460	-	hypothetical protein
449	 31.68	0	409289..409771	-	160	41615246	-	NEQ461	-	hypothetical protein
450	 34.27	+1	409864..411900	+	678	41615247	-	NEQ462	-	hypothetical protein
451	 30.84	0	411930..412772	+	280	41615248	-	NEQ464	-	hypothetical protein
452	 33.25	0	412751..413944	-	397	41615249	-	NEQ463	-	translation-associated GTPase
453	 32.81	0	413981..415315	+	444	41615250	-	NEQ466	-	hypothetical protein
454	 37.23	+2	415317..415778	-	153	41615251	rps13p	NEQ467	-	30S ribosomal protein S13P
455	 30.41	0	415810..417006	-	398	41615252	-	NEQ468	-	hypothetical protein
456	 35.68	+1	417163..417546	+	127	41615253	-	NEQ469	-	30S ribosomal protein S8e
457	 26.24	-1	417669..418091	-	140	41615254	-	NEQ470	-	hypothetical protein
458	 28.30	0	418063..418539	-	158	41615255	-	NEQ471	-	hypothetical protein
459	 29.79	0	418526..419146	-	206	41615256	-	NEQ472	-	hypothetical protein
460	 37.18	+2	419350..420414	+	354	41615257	-	NEQ473	-	cell division protein FtsZ
461	 35.35	+1	420494..422974	+	826	41615258	-	NEQ475	-	hypothetical protein
462	 28.10	-1	422962..423477	-	171	41615259	-	NEQ474	-	hypothetical protein
463	 29.93	0	423464..424315	-	283	41615260	-	NEQ476	-	hypothetical protein
464	 29.66	0	424350..424703	-	117	41615261	-	NEQ477	-	hypothetical protein
465	 34.89	+1	424693..425397	-	234	41615262	-	NEQ478	-	30S ribosomal protein S4e
466	 30.25	0	425420..426943	-	507	41615263	pheT	NEQ479	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
467	 36.64	+1	426979..427401	+	140	41615264	rps19p	NEQ480	-	30S ribosomal protein S19P
468	 34.60	+1	427595..428305	-	236	41615265	-	NEQ481	-	hypothetical protein
469	 32.86	0	428382..428801	+	139	41615266	-	NEQ482	-	hypothetical protein
470	 24.51	-2	428798..429103	+	101	41615267	-	NEQ483	-	hypothetical protein
471	 32.75	0	429155..429667	+	170	41615268	-	NEQ485	-	hypothetical protein
472	 29.65	0	429662..430123	-	153	41615269	-	NEQ484	-	hypothetical protein
473	 28.80	0	430123..431049	-	308	41615270	-	NEQ486	-	hypothetical protein
474	 34.41	+1	431024..431488	-	154	41615271	rps15p	NEQ487	-	30S ribosomal protein S15P
475	 29.41	0	431520..431876	-	118	41615272	-	NEQ489	-	50S ribosomal protein L18e
476	 28.78	0	434260..435666	+	468	41615273	-	NEQ490	-	hypothetical protein
477	 35.14	+1	435677..436618	+	313	41615274	-	NEQ491	-	hypothetical protein
478	 32.61	0	436704..437393	-	229	41615275	-	NEQ492	-	hypothetical protein
479	 32.28	0	437443..438387	-	314	41615276	-	NEQ493	-	hypothetical protein
480	 33.43	0	438384..439433	-	349	41615277	-	NEQ494	-	hypothetical protein
481	 33.00	0	439439..440923	-	494	41615278	-	NEQ495	-	hypothetical protein
482	 31.94	0	440955..442679	+	574	41615279	-	NEQ498	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
483	 25.99	-1	442676..443179	-	167	41615280	-	NEQ497	-	hypothetical protein
484	 28.36	0	443207..443608	+	133	41615281	-	NEQ499	-	hypothetical protein
485	 30.44	0	443677..444747	+	356	41615282	-	NEQ500	-	hypothetical protein
486	 29.29	0	444866..445384	+	172	41615283	-	NEQ502	-	hypothetical protein
487	 27.78	-1	445365..445850	-	161	41615284	-	NEQ501	-	hypothetical protein
488	 29.12	0	446123..447190	+	355	41615285	-	NEQ504	-	hypothetical protein
489	 33.91	0	447177..449789	-	870	41615286	-	NEQ503	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha
490	 31.25	0	449825..450592	+	255	41615287	-	NEQ506	-	hypothetical protein
491	 30.85	0	450579..452030	-	483	41615288	pheS	NEQ505	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
492	 30.43	0	452270..452545	-	91	41615289	rpoH	NEQ507	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit H
493	 31.35	0	452542..453147	-	201	41615290	rps2P	NEQ508	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
494	 34.27	+1	453195..454898	+	567	41615291	-	NEQ509	-	hypothetical protein
495	 26.76	-1	455194..455634	-	146	41615292	-	NEQ510	-	hypothetical protein
496	 33.78	0	455624..456742	-	372	41615293	-	NEQ511	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
497	 31.05	0	456757..457806	-	349	41615294	-	NEQ512	-	hypothetical protein
498	 29.41	0	457803..458057	-	84	41615295	-	NEQ513	-	hypothetical protein
499	 29.11	0	458069..458731	-	220	41615296	-	NEQ514	-	hypothetical protein
500	 29.65	0	458738..459388	+	216	41615297	-	NEQ515	-	N-glycosylase/DNA lyase
501	 28.57	0	459410..459661	+	83	41615298	-	NEQ516	-	hypothetical protein
502	 31.42	0	459721..460506	+	261	41615299	-	NEQ518	-	hypothetical protein
503	 31.42	0	460503..461129	-	208	41615300	-	NEQ517	-	translation initiation factor IF-6
504	 31.79	0	461181..461570	+	129	41615301	-	NEQ519	-	hypothetical protein
505	 35.98	+1	461563..461751	+	62	41615302	-	NEQ520	-	hypothetical protein
506	 34.79	+1	461845..462597	-	250	41615303	-	NEQ521	-	proteasome subunit alpha
507	 29.74	0	462603..463577	+	324	41615304	-	NEQ523	-	hypothetical protein
508	 29.97	0	463542..464642	-	366	41615305	-	NEQ522	-	hypothetical protein
509	 28.52	0	464677..465735	+	352	41615306	-	NEQ525	-	hypothetical protein
510	 29.22	0	465721..466401	-	226	41615307	-	NEQ524	-	putative RNA-associated protein
511	 29.67	0	466382..467119	-	245	41615308	-	NEQ526	-	hypothetical protein
512	 30.75	0	467116..468585	-	489	41615309	-	NEQ527	-	hypothetical protein
513	 32.81	0	468614..469375	+	253	41615310	-	NEQ528	-	hypothetical protein
514	 26.87	-1	469372..469773	+	133	41615311	-	NEQ529	-	hypothetical protein
515	 30.25	0	469788..470759	+	323	41615312	-	NEQ531	-	hypothetical protein
516	 32.11	0	470737..471144	-	135	41615313	rpl32e	NEQ530	-	50S ribosomal protein L32e
517	 25.18	-1	471450..471731	+	93	41615314	-	NEQ532	-	hypothetical protein
518	 29.86	0	471728..472072	+	114	41615315	-	NEQ533	-	hypothetical protein
519	 36.26	+1	472505..472948	+	147	41615316	-	NEQ534	-	hypothetical protein
520	 33.42	0	472991..474205	+	404	41615317	-	NEQ535	-	hypothetical protein
521	 31.73	0	474202..475200	+	332	41615318	-	NEQ536	-	hypothetical protein
522	 31.94	0	475197..476060	+	287	41615319	-	NEQ538	-	hypothetical protein
523	 34.38	+1	476047..476811	-	254	41615320	-	NEQ537	-	hypothetical protein
524	 33.17	0	476929..477558	-	209	41615321	-	NEQ539	-	hypothetical protein
525	 32.95	0	477562..478089	+	175	41615322	nusG	NEQ540	-	transcription antitermination protein NusG
526	 23.72	-2	478090..478401	+	103	41615323	-	NEQ541	-	hypothetical protein
527	 36.34	+1	478433..480664	+	743	41615324	-	NEQ543	-	elongation factor EF-2
528	 34.44	+1	480661..481740	-	359	41615325	-	NEQ542	-	DNA topoisomerase VI subunit A
529	 29.82	0	481777..482430	+	217	41615326	-	NEQ545	-	hypothetical protein
530	 31.25	0	482420..483379	-	319	41615327	-	NEQ544	-	hypothetical protein
531	 34.27	+1	483418..484059	+	213	41615328	rpl1P	NEQ546	-	50S ribosomal protein L1P
532	 29.82	0	484082..484366	+	94	41615329	-	NEQ548	-	hypothetical protein
533	 31.50	0	484358..485503	-	381	41615330	-	NEQ547	-	hypothetical protein
534	 26.99	-1	485496..486299	-	267	41615331	-	NEQ549	-	hypothetical protein
535	 27.78	-1	486423..486962	-	179	41615332	-	NEQ550	-	hypothetical protein
536	 31.56	0	490883..879	-	293	41614797	-	NEQ001	-	hypothetical protein
31.10	MEAN

2.97	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.