IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Mycoplasma pneumoniae M129

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 40.26 STD DEV: 4.85
Mycoplasma pneumoniae M129, complete genome - 1..816394
689 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
269	 35.96	0	319703..321184	+	493	13508008	ysr1	MPN269	-	hypothetical protein
270	 35.42	0	321187..321474	+	95	13508009	-	MPN270	-	hypothetical protein
271	 31.35	-1	321736..322491	+	251	13508010	-	MPN271	-	hypothetical protein
272	 36.88	0	324197..324478	+	93	13508011	-	MPN272	-	hypothetical protein
273	 40.46	0	324455..324889	-	144	13508012	hit1	MPN273	-	nucleotidyl hydrolase/transferase
274	 37.58	0	324858..325658	-	266	13508013	A65_orf266	MPN274	-	ABC transporter (sulfate/molybdenum) permease subunit
275	 40.59	0	325680..325982	+	100	13508014	yaaK	MPN275	-	hypothetical protein
276	 39.98	0	325954..326811	-	285	13508015	-	MPN276	-	hypothetical protein
277	 42.18	0	326856..328325	+	489	13508016	lysS	MPN277	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
278	 39.33	0	328285..329484	+	399	13508017	yefE	MPN278	-	udp-galactopyranose mutase
279	 42.67	0	329484..331229	+	581	13508018	lepA	MPN279	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
280	 43.27	0	331360..333069	+	569	13508019	-	MPN280	-	single stranded RNA(DNA) processing enzyme
281	 36.42	0	333280..334413	+	377	13508020	-	MPN281	-	hypothetical protein
282	 32.93	-1	334768..335268	+	166	13508021	-	MPN282	-	hypothetical protein
283	 39.66	0	336479..336826	+	115	13508022	-	MPN283	-	hypothetical protein
284	 35.01	-1	337770..340154	+	794	13508023	-	MPN284	-	hypothetical protein
285	 38.44	0	340613..341533	+	306	13508024	prrB	MPN285	-	type I restriction enzyme ecokI specificity protein
286	 54.94	+2	341636..343033	+	465	13508025	-	MPN286	-	hypothetical protein
287	 33.89	-1	343764..344120	+	118	13508026	-	MPN287	-	hypothetical protein
288	 35.28	-1	344716..347079	+	787	13508027	-	MPN288	-	hypothetical protein
289	 36.17	0	347169..347732	+	187	13508028	hsdS1B	MPN289	-	this protein specifications means only that it IS a type I restriction with enzyme ecokI specificity protein
290	 34.25	-1	347871..348308	+	145	13508029	-	MPN290	-	hypothetical protein
291	 38.58	0	348301..348891	-	196	13508030	-	MPN291	-	hypothetical protein
292	 40.32	0	348875..349804	-	309	13508031	yceC	MPN292	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase D
293	 37.12	0	349804..350358	-	184	13508032	lspA	MPN293	-	signal peptidase II
294	 41.55	0	350397..351017	+	206	13508033	-	MPN294	-	intracellular protease
295	 40.12	0	351066..351728	+	220	13508034	-	MPN295	-	hypothetical protein
296	 40.44	0	351728..351910	+	60	13508035	rpsU	MPN296	-	30S ribosomal protein S21
297	 40.89	0	351935..352384	+	149	13508036	-	MPN297	-	hypothetical protein
298	 38.33	0	352387..352746	+	119	13508037	acpS	MPN298	-	4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase
299	 40.70	0	352734..353534	+	266	13508038	plsB	MPN299	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
300	 39.51	0	353535..355055	+	506	13508039	scpA	MPN300	-	fused segregation and condensation protein A/unknown domain-containing protein
301	 41.63	0	355039..355665	+	208	13508040	scpB	MPN301	-	segregation and condensation protein B
302	 42.65	0	355685..356671	+	328	13508041	pfkA	MPN302	-	6-phosphofructokinase
303	 42.83	0	356677..358203	+	508	13508042	pyk	MPN303	-	pyruvate kinase
304	 43.10	0	359183..359899	+	238	13508043	arcA	MPN304	-	hypothetical protein
305	 44.56	0	359800..360396	+	198	13508044	arcA	MPN305	-	hypothetical protein
306	 42.70	0	360644..361465	+	273	13508045	argI	MPN306	-	less (fragment)
307	 44.73	0	361468..362397	+	309	13508046	arcC	MPN307	-	carbamate kinase
308	 41.34	0	362400..364097	+	565	13508047	-	MPN308	-	aa_permeases
309	 45.16	+1	364231..365448	+	405	13508048	P65	MPN309	-	hypothetical protein
310	 39.47	0	365468..370924	+	1818	13508049	-	MPN310	-	cytadherence high molecular weight protein 2 (SwissProt HMW2_MYCPN)
311	 38.73	0	370939..372012	+	357	13508050	-	MPN311	-	hypothetical protein
312	 38.36	0	372002..372658	+	218	13508051	-	MPN312	-	hypothetical protein
313	 39.19	0	372741..373013	-	90	13508052	-	MPN313	-	hypothetical protein
314	 42.96	0	373414..373839	+	141	13508053	yabB	MPN314	-	cell division protein MraZ
315	 40.02	0	373829..374755	+	308	13508054	yabC	MPN315	-	SAM-dependent methytransferase
316	 36.67	0	374758..376017	+	419	13508055	-	MPN316	-	hypothetical protein
317	 38.50	0	376023..377165	+	380	13508056	ftsZ	MPN317	-	cell division protein FtsZ
318	 38.14	0	377208..378683	+	491	13508057	-	MPN318	-	amino acid permease
319	 41.01	0	378658..380169	+	503	13508058	gap1	MPN319	-	amino acid permease
320	 42.01	0	380664..381527	+	287	161723289	thyA	MPN320	-	thymidylate synthase
321	 42.24	0	381529..382011	+	160	13508060	dhfr	MPN321	-	dihydrofolate reductase
322	 40.88	0	382018..383037	+	339	13508061	nrdF	MPN322	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit beta
323	 40.26	0	383040..383501	+	153	13508062	nrdI	MPN323	-	ribonucleotide reductase stimulatory protein
324	 42.29	0	383525..385690	+	721	13508063	nrdE	MPN324	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
325	 38.61	0	385837..386139	+	100	13508064	rplU	MPN325	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
326	 44.55	0	386132..386434	+	100	13508065	ysxB	MPN326	-	hypothetical protein
327	 42.54	0	386427..386741	+	104	13508066	rpmA	MPN327	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
328	 42.16	0	386734..387594	+	286	13508067	nfo	MPN328	-	endonuclease IV
329	 38.16	0	387548..388024	+	158	13508068	-	MPN329	-	ferric uptake regulator
330	 41.81	0	388014..388898	+	294	13508069	-	MPN330	-	hypothetical protein
331	 39.25	0	388923..390257	+	444	13508070	tig	MPN331	-	trigger factor
332	 41.58	0	390328..392715	+	795	13508071	lon	MPN332	-	ATP-dependent protease Lon
333	 38.93	0	392910..395162	+	750	13508072	F10_orf750	MPN333	-	hypothetical protein
334	 36.80	0	395165..396145	+	326	13508073	bcrA	MPN334	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
335	 37.83	0	396132..398357	+	741	13508074	-	MPN335	-	hypothetical protein
336	 38.67	0	398358..399407	-	349	161723288	nadD	MPN336	-	putative nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase
337	 35.10	-1	399477..401342	+	621	13508076	-	MPN337	-	hypothetical protein
338	 36.86	0	401345..403243	+	632	13508077	-	MPN338	-	hypothetical protein
339	 36.89	0	403243..403917	+	224	13508078	-	MPN339	-	hypothetical protein
340	 37.42	0	403921..405510	+	529	13508079	pcrA	MPN340	-	DNA helicase II
341	 35.43	0	405573..407720	+	715	13508080	mutB1	MPN341	-	DNA helicase II
342	 32.84	-1	407861..409492	+	543	13508081	hsdM	MPN342	-	type I restriction enzyme HsdM
343	 38.37	0	409871..410863	+	330	13508082	-	MPN343	-	hypothetical protein
344	 38.25	0	411086..411736	+	216	13508083	-	MPN344	-	hypothetical protein
345	 32.69	-1	412681..413301	+	206	13508084	hsdR	MPN345	-	Type I restriction enzyme (fragment)
346	 29.60	-2	413431..413778	+	115	13508085	-	MPN346	-	Type I restriction enzyme hsdR (fragment)
347	 30.33	-2	413985..415115	+	376	13508086	hsdR	MPN347	-	Type I restriction enzyme (fragment)
348	 31.72	-1	416070..416564	+	164	13508087	-	MPN348	-	5-formyl tetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase
349	 37.71	0	416554..417399	+	281	13508088	-	MPN349	-	hypothetical protein
350	 35.83	0	417391..418110	-	239	13508089	ygiH	MPN350	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsY
351	 35.98	0	418116..418757	-	213	13508090	-	MPN351	-	methyltransferase
352	 40.27	0	418741..420240	-	499	13508091	sigA	MPN352	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor
353	 39.83	0	420293..422155	-	620	13508092	dnaE	MPN353	-	DNA primase
354	 42.74	0	422139..423488	-	449	13508093	grs1	MPN354	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase
355	 41.43	0	423510..424238	-	242	13508094	yacO	MPN355	-	tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase
356	 41.10	0	424241..425554	-	437	13508095	cysS	MPN356	-	cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
357	 42.74	0	425535..427511	-	658	13508096	lig	MPN357	-	DNA ligase
358	 38.13	0	427679..429283	+	534	13508097	-	MPN358	-	hypothetical protein
359	 38.35	0	429513..430289	+	258	13508098	-	MPN359	-	hypothetical protein
360	 36.39	0	430334..430627	+	97	13508099	rpmE	MPN360	-	50S ribosomal protein L31
361	 42.59	0	430628..431707	+	359	13508100	prfA	MPN361	-	peptide chain release factor 1
362	 39.43	0	431707..433068	+	453	13508101	-	MPN362	-	HemK family methylase
363	 39.48	0	433200..433508	+	102	13508102	-	MPN363	-	hypothetical protein
364	 35.69	0	433547..435580	+	677	13508103	-	MPN364	-	hypothetical protein
365	 33.83	-1	435924..436730	+	268	13508104	-	MPN365	-	hypothetical protein
366	 53.36	+2	436814..437632	+	272	13508105	-	MPN366	-	involved in cytadherence
367	 55.01	+2	437563..438531	+	322	13508106	-	MPN367	-	involved in cytadherence
368	 37.20	0	439220..439762	+	180	13508107	-	MPN368	-	hypothetical protein
40.26	MEAN

4.85	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.