IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Mycoplasma penetrans HF-2

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 26.11 STD DEV: 3.47
Mycoplasma penetrans HF-2, complete genome - 1..1358633
1037 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
82	 30.53	+1	96789..97181	+	130	26553534	rpsI	MYPE820	-	30S ribosomal protein S9
83	 23.74	0	97919..98137	+	72	26553535	-	MYPE830	-	hypothetical protein
84	 22.69	0	98295..98510	+	71	26553536	-	MYPE835	-	hypothetical protein
85	 26.16	0	98853..99674	+	273	26553537	-	MYPE840	-	haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase
86	 28.74	0	100051..102228	-	725	26553538	-	MYPE850	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
87	 26.44	0	102261..102710	-	149	26553539	nrdI	MYPE860	-	ribonucleotide reductase stimulatory protein
88	 30.10	+1	102713..103732	-	339	26553540	nrdF	MYPE870	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit beta
89	 26.25	0	104027..109387	+	1786	26553541	-	MYPE880	-	permease
90	 26.77	0	109575..114956	+	1793	26553542	-	MYPE890	-	permease
91	 27.07	0	115033..116757	-	574	26553543	-	MYPE900	-	hypothetical protein
92	 24.01	0	116865..117722	-	285	26553544	-	MYPE910	-	putative membrane integrated oxidoreductase
93	 23.93	0	117724..118446	-	240	26553545	-	MYPE920	-	hypothetical protein
94	 20.62	-1	118459..118875	-	138	26553546	-	MYPE930	-	hypothetical protein
95	 29.99	+1	119066..120202	+	378	26553547	-	MYPE940	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
96	 20.67	-1	120286..120885	-	199	26553548	-	MYPE950	-	hypothetical protein
97	 25.52	0	121160..122272	-	370	26553549	-	MYPE960	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
98	 26.76	0	122274..124313	-	679	26553550	-	MYPE970	-	integral membrane protein
99	 26.74	0	124534..124806	+	90	26553551	-	MYPE980	-	chaperonin GroES
100	 29.98	+1	124836..126473	+	545	26553552	groEL	MYPE990	-	chaperonin GroEL
101	 27.64	0	126533..127024	-	163	26553553	-	MYPE1000	-	deoxyuridine 5'triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase dUTPase
102	 30.58	+1	127201..127599	+	132	26553554	-	MYPE1010	-	ribosomal protein S16
103	 24.96	0	127608..128288	+	226	26553555	-	MYPE1020	-	tRNA (guanine-N1)-methyltransferase
104	 29.22	0	128301..128738	+	145	26553556	rplS	MYPE1030	-	50S ribosomal protein L19
105	 37.43	+2	128879..129049	-	56	26553557	-	MYPE1035	-	hypothetical protein
106	 29.15	0	129290..130030	+	246	26553558	-	MYPE1040	-	purine nucleoside phosphorylase
107	 24.81	0	130032..131333	+	433	26553559	-	MYPE1050	-	thymidine phosphorylase
108	 26.48	0	131342..131764	+	140	26553560	-	MYPE1060	-	cytidine deaminase
109	 28.12	0	131768..133435	+	555	26553561	-	MYPE1070	-	phosphomannomutase
110	 27.49	0	133662..136535	+	957	26553562	-	MYPE1080	-	hypothetical protein
111	 27.65	0	136647..138440	+	597	26553563	nusA	MYPE1090	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
112	 18.68	-2	138433..138705	+	90	26553564	-	MYPE1100	-	hypothetical protein
113	 28.56	0	138728..140590	+	620	26553565	infB	MYPE1110	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
114	 23.65	0	140574..140924	+	116	26553566	rbfA	MYPE1120	-	ribosome-binding factor A
115	 26.81	0	140930..141619	+	229	26553567	-	MYPE1130	-	hypothetical protein
116	 26.94	0	141878..142315	+	145	26553568	rpsF	MYPE1140	-	30S ribosomal protein S6
117	 27.54	0	142348..142917	+	189	26553569	-	MYPE1150	-	single-strand DNA binding protein
118	 28.82	0	142944..143408	+	154	26553570	-	MYPE1160	-	ribosomal protein S18
119	 27.35	0	143508..144176	+	222	26553571	-	MYPE1170	-	deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase
120	 26.27	0	144185..144736	+	183	26553572	-	MYPE1180	-	hypothetical protein
121	 28.63	0	145140..146075	+	311	26553573	-	MYPE1190	-	endonuclease IV
122	 22.76	0	146063..146497	+	144	26553574	-	MYPE1200	-	ferric uptake regulation protein
123	 24.50	0	146703..148094	+	463	26553575	-	MYPE1210	-	transporter
124	 27.67	0	148181..149716	+	511	26553576	guaA	MYPE1220	-	bifunctional GMP synthase/glutamine amidotransferase protein
125	 22.13	-1	149987..151048	+	353	26553577	-	MYPE1230	-	adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase
126	 26.25	0	151186..152202	-	338	26553578	-	MYPE1240	-	IS1630-like transposase
127	 20.28	-1	152337..152765	-	142	26553579	-	MYPE1250	-	hypothetical protein
128	 23.62	0	152798..154567	+	589	26553580	uvrC	MYPE1260	-	excinuclease ABC subunit C
129	 25.70	0	154628..155164	-	178	26553581	-	MYPE1270	-	exonuclease
130	 29.63	+1	155344..155856	+	170	26553582	-	MYPE1280	-	phosphoesterase
131	 20.32	-1	155840..156277	-	145	26553583	-	MYPE1290	-	ribosomal protein-alanine-acetyltransferase
132	 20.79	-1	156252..156833	-	193	26553584	-	MYPE1300	-	hypothetical protein
133	 23.75	0	156823..157719	-	298	26553585	-	MYPE1310	-	pseudouridine synthase
134	 23.51	0	157729..158451	-	240	26553586	-	MYPE1320	-	prolipoprotein signal peptidase
135	 25.11	0	158444..159343	-	299	26553587	-	MYPE1330	-	lytB protein
136	 32.55	+1	159648..162320	+	890	26553588	-	MYPE1340	-	PTS system glucose-specific enzyme IIABC component
137	 23.39	0	162389..163444	-	351	26553589	-	MYPE1350	-	hypothetical protein
138	 21.62	-1	164410..165459	+	349	26553590	-	MYPE1370	-	hypothetical protein
139	 29.63	+1	165706..167217	+	503	26553591	-	MYPE1380	-	hypothetical protein
140	 24.56	0	167290..168258	-	322	26553592	-	MYPE1390	-	thioredoxin reductase
141	 21.79	-1	168317..169165	+	282	26553593	-	MYPE1400	-	methyltransferase
142	 26.50	0	169188..169904	+	238	26553594	-	MYPE1410	-	hypothetical protein
143	 25.28	0	169907..171136	+	409	26553595	-	MYPE1420	-	recombination factor protein RarA
144	 21.27	-1	171184..172335	-	383	26553596	-	MYPE1430	-	hypothetical protein
145	 19.38	-1	172475..172954	+	159	26553597	-	MYPE1440	-	hypothetical protein
146	 26.24	0	172947..173510	+	187	26553598	-	MYPE1450	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
147	 21.17	-1	173513..174400	+	295	26553599	-	MYPE1460	-	cell cycle protein MesJ
148	 23.63	0	174394..175527	+	377	26553600	-	MYPE1470	-	1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase
149	 27.01	0	175640..176620	+	326	26553601	-	MYPE1480	-	asparagine synthetase AsnA
150	 25.41	0	176640..177800	-	386	26553602	-	MYPE1490	-	DNA-damage repair protein MucB
151	 22.81	0	177790..178530	-	246	26553603	-	MYPE1500	-	hemolysin
152	 26.67	0	178626..179390	-	254	26553604	-	MYPE1510	-	hypothetical protein
153	 22.58	-1	179569..182907	+	1112	26553605	-	MYPE1520	-	coiled-coil structure containing protein
154	 25.10	0	182921..186076	+	1051	26553606	-	MYPE1530	-	cytoskeletal protein
155	 23.08	0	186078..188564	+	828	26553607	-	MYPE1540	-	coiled-coil structure containing protein
156	 22.76	0	188576..198529	+	3317	26553608	-	MYPE1550	-	cytoskeletal protein
157	 24.72	0	198554..201118	+	854	26553609	-	MYPE1560	-	cytoskeletal protein
158	 26.18	0	201148..203553	+	801	26553610	-	MYPE1570	-	cytoskeletal protein
159	 29.10	0	203735..204301	+	188	26553611	-	MYPE1580	-	elongation factor P
160	 20.35	-1	204301..204585	+	94	26553612	-	MYPE1590	-	low similarity to ATP synthase subunit gamma
161	 22.44	-1	204575..205024	+	149	26553613	-	MYPE1600	-	transcription termination factor N-utilization substance protein B
162	 20.71	-1	205031..205735	+	234	26553614	-	MYPE1610	-	hypothetical protein
163	 22.64	0	205725..206276	+	183	26553615	-	MYPE1620	-	hypothetical protein
164	 24.53	0	206239..207567	+	442	26553616	-	MYPE1630	-	hypothetical protein
165	 29.54	0	207733..208101	+	122	26553617	-	MYPE1640	-	hypothetical protein
166	 20.42	-1	208269..208787	-	172	26553618	-	MYPE1650	-	hypothetical protein
167	 26.93	0	208836..210209	+	457	26553619	-	MYPE1660	-	hypothetical protein
168	 26.09	0	210312..212162	+	616	26553620	-	MYPE1670	-	tRNA uridine 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification enzyme GidA
169	 23.75	0	212334..212834	+	166	26553621	-	MYPE1680	-	hypothetical protein
170	 30.11	+1	213101..214465	+	454	26553622	-	MYPE1690	-	NADH oxidase
171	 29.76	+1	214628..215215	+	195	26553623	-	MYPE1700	-	acetyl transferase
172	 30.84	+1	215371..215691	+	106	26553624	-	MYPE1710	-	thioredoxin
173	 23.05	0	215896..216741	+	281	26553625	-	MYPE1720	-	transcriptional regulator
174	 28.35	0	216965..219310	+	781	26553626	-	MYPE1730	-	PTS system glucose-specific IIABC component
175	 26.70	0	219403..220095	+	230	26553627	-	MYPE1740	-	N-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase
176	 25.49	0	220295..221479	+	394	26553628	-	MYPE1750	-	N-acetylglucosamine 6-P deacetylase
177	 24.97	0	221487..222215	+	242	26553629	-	MYPE1760	-	N-acetylglucosamine 6-phosphate isomerase
178	 30.60	+1	222279..223340	-	353	26553630	-	MYPE1770	-	hypothetical protein
179	 23.44	0	223836..224876	+	346	26553631	-	MYPE1780	-	adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase
180	 21.90	-1	224839..225765	+	308	26553632	-	MYPE1790	-	adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase
181	 24.17	0	225777..227315	+	512	26553633	-	MYPE1800	-	hypothetical protein
26.11	MEAN

3.47	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.