IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 24.05 STD DEV: 4.02
Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343, complete genome - 1..1010023
812 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
446	 20.71	0	565740..566135	+	131	83319570	-	MCAP_0472	-	HIT family protein
447	 22.53	0	566171..567151	-	326	83319859	-	MCAP_0473	-	hypothetical protein
448	 20.85	0	567220..567876	-	218	83319985	ung	MCAP_0474	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
449	 23.55	0	567869..568798	-	309	83319703	pmi	MCAP_0475	-	phosphomannose isomerase type I
450	 25.28	0	568919..570235	-	438	83319822	gid	MCAP_0476	-	tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase Gid
451	 23.54	0	570228..570911	-	227	83319533	-	MCAP_0477	-	copper homeostasis protein CutC, putative
452	 26.63	0	570902..572065	-	387	83319655	metK	MCAP_0478	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
453	 25.97	0	572276..573049	-	257	83319258	-	MCAP_0479	-	hypothetical protein
454	 17.84	-1	573037..573378	-	113	83319384	p13	MCAP_0480	-	UPF0122 protein, putative
455	 24.24	0	573362..574636	-	424	83319748	ftsY	MCAP_0481	-	signal recognition particle-docking protein FtsY
456	 23.81	0	574705..575376	-	223	83319786	-	MCAP_0482	-	phosphate transport system regulatory protein PhoU, putative
457	 26.42	0	575385..576194	-	269	83319542	pstB	MCAP_0483	-	phosphate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
458	 22.14	0	576187..578277	-	696	83319640	-	MCAP_0484	-	phosphate ABC transporter, permease, putative
459	 21.78	0	578281..579492	-	403	83319693	-	MCAP_0485	-	phosphate ABC transporter, phosphate-binding protein, putative
460	 18.16	-1	579583..580017	-	144	83319383	-	MCAP_0486	-	hypothetical protein
461	 30.30	+1	580246..580443	-	65	83319933	rpmB	MCAP_0488	-	50S ribosomal protein L28
462	 26.36	0	580603..580932	+	109	83319555	-	MCAP_0489	-	hypothetical protein
463	 26.40	0	580962..582605	+	547	83319282	-	MCAP_0490	-	dihydroxyacetone kinase 2 domain-containing protein
464	 26.67	0	582637..583641	+	334	83319479	plsX	MCAP_0491	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
465	 24.46	0	583631..584329	+	232	83319588	-	MCAP_0492	-	ribonuclease III
466	 29.29	+1	584513..584908	+	131	83319679	-	MCAP_0493	-	hypothetical protein
467	 23.26	0	584911..585297	+	128	83319800	-	MCAP_0494	-	hypothetical protein
468	 25.21	0	585624..588590	+	988	83319729	-	MCAP_0495	-	structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) superfamily protein
469	 24.33	0	588629..590893	-	754	83319815	-	MCAP_0496	-	RelA/SpoT family protein
470	 25.54	0	590953..591465	-	170	83319437	apt	MCAP_0497	-	adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
471	 21.30	0	591477..595691	-	1404	83319955	-	MCAP_0498	-	hypothetical protein
472	 22.82	0	595793..597304	-	503	83319610	-	MCAP_0499	-	hypothetical protein
473	 21.29	0	597343..598704	-	453	83319293	-	MCAP_0500	-	DEAD-box ATP dependent DNA helicase
474	 17.50	-1	598713..599489	-	258	83319709	-	MCAP_0501	-	hypothetical protein
475	 19.32	-1	599476..600153	-	225	83319817	-	MCAP_0502	-	hypothetical protein
476	 26.68	0	600156..601673	-	505	83319868	rpoD	MCAP_0503	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD
477	 20.44	0	601676..603490	-	604	83319946	dnaG	MCAP_0504	-	DNA primase
478	 24.36	0	603527..604897	-	456	83319862	glyS	MCAP_0505	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase
479	 18.27	-1	604961..605710	-	249	83319326	-	MCAP_0506	-	DNA repair protein RecO
480	 21.96	0	605710..606615	-	301	83319405	era	MCAP_0507	-	GTP-binding protein Era
481	 20.81	0	606618..607112	-	164	83319995	-	MCAP_0508	-	hypothetical protein
482	 15.19	-2	607118..609007	-	629	83319878	-	MCAP_0509	-	peptidase C39 family protein
483	 25.50	0	609000..609548	-	182	83319368	-	MCAP_0510	-	DJ-1 family protein
484	 21.47	0	609596..614857	-	1753	83319322	-	MCAP_0511	-	hypothetical protein
485	 23.44	0	617508..619751	+	747	83319406	-	MCAP_0513	-	putative lipoprotein
486	 22.94	0	619809..622079	+	756	83319880	-	MCAP_0514	-	putative lipoprotein
487	 23.89	0	622111..623349	-	412	83319965	-	MCAP_0515	-	recombination factor protein RarA
488	 26.84	0	623462..625801	-	779	83319891	lon	MCAP_0516	-	ATP-dependent protease La
489	 25.02	0	625920..627206	-	428	83319723	tig	MCAP_0517	-	trigger factor
490	 19.80	-1	627223..627525	-	100	83319794	-	MCAP_0518	-	hypothetical protein
491	 30.09	+1	627543..628097	-	184	83319745	efp	MCAP_0519	-	translation elongation factor P
492	 23.38	0	628187..629140	-	317	83319576	fmt	MCAP_0520	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
493	 20.65	0	629130..631274	-	714	83319463	-	MCAP_0521	-	hypothetical protein
494	 23.30	0	631351..631968	-	205	83319952	-	MCAP_0522	-	hypothetical protein
495	 23.40	0	632010..633137	-	375	83319617	trmU	MCAP_0523	-	tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase
496	 22.26	0	633233..634117	-	294	83320054	-	MCAP_0524	-	putative lipoprotein
497	 22.74	0	634769..635542	-	257	83320052	-	MCAP_0525	-	putative lipoprotein
498	 20.27	0	635564..636367	-	267	83319429	-	MCAP_0526	-	putative lipoprotein
499	 22.79	0	636581..637225	-	214	83319354	-	MCAP_0527	-	hypothetical protein
500	 19.34	-1	637250..637885	-	211	83319600	-	MCAP_0528	-	MTA/SAH nucleosidase
501	 21.65	0	637908..639011	-	367	83319440	nadD	MCAP_0529	-	putative nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase
502	 19.92	-1	639029..639274	-	81	83319788	-	MCAP_0530	-	hypothetical protein
503	 26.64	0	639292..640053	-	253	83319278	-	MCAP_0531	-	NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase
504	 26.42	0	640031..641332	-	433	83319638	obgE	MCAP_0532	-	GTPase ObgE
505	 20.39	0	641403..641711	-	102	83319379	-	MCAP_0533	-	hypothetical protein
506	 17.80	-1	641701..642453	-	250	83319307	-	MCAP_0534	-	hypothetical protein
507	 18.75	-1	642641..644245	-	534	83319971	-	MCAP_0536	-	hypothetical protein
508	 25.30	0	644285..646138	-	617	83319875	-	MCAP_0537	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding/permease protein, putative
509	 23.93	0	646156..648027	-	623	83319922	-	MCAP_0538	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding/permease protein, putative
510	 25.49	0	648243..648548	-	101	83319652	-	MCAP_0539	-	single-strand binding protein family
511	 17.92	-1	648710..649948	+	412	83319782	-	MCAP_0540	-	YeeE/YedE family protein, putative
512	 21.37	0	649951..651747	+	598	83319939	-	MCAP_0541	-	hypothetical protein
513	 23.24	0	651769..652392	-	207	83319843	-	MCAP_0542	-	ribonuclease HII, putative
514	 23.97	0	652386..653336	-	316	83319346	-	MCAP_0543	-	GTPase family protein
515	 26.97	0	653429..653821	-	130	83320044	rplS	MCAP_0544	-	50S ribosomal protein L19
516	 23.65	0	653823..654545	-	240	83319498	trmD	MCAP_0545	-	tRNA (guanine-N1)-methyltransferase
517	 18.79	-1	654547..655041	-	164	83319392	-	MCAP_0546	-	16S rRNA processing protein RimM, putative
518	 25.69	0	655059..655385	-	108	83319787	rpsP	MCAP_0547	-	30S ribosomal protein S16
519	 18.59	-1	655474..655941	-	155	83319737	-	MCAP_0548	-	hypothetical protein
520	 27.08	0	655947..657290	-	447	83319981	ffh	MCAP_0549	-	signal recognition particle protein
521	 25.16	0	657320..658849	-	509	83319781	-	MCAP_0550	-	HDIG/HD/KH domain-containing protein
522	 26.14	0	659001..659987	-	328	83319502	recA	MCAP_0551	-	recombinase A
523	 20.77	0	660079..660627	-	182	83319299	-	MCAP_0552	-	hypothetical protein
524	 21.79	0	661194..662042	+	282	83320059	-	MCAP_0554	-	hypothetical protein
525	 25.30	0	663622..664455	+	277	83319814	-	MCAP_0556	-	C-5 cytosine-specific DNA methylase
526	 29.90	+1	664567..665148	+	193	83319592	-	MCAP_0557	-	hypothetical protein
527	 20.00	-1	665588..665737	+	49	83319482	-	MCAP_0558	-	hypothetical protein
528	 23.39	0	666111..668111	+	666	83319401	-	MCAP_0559	-	TraG/TraD family membrane protein
529	 24.22	0	668143..669558	+	471	83319529	-	MCAP_0560	-	hypothetical protein
530	 24.70	0	669691..671172	+	493	83320007	-	MCAP_0561	-	putative lipoprotein
531	 25.87	0	671184..671384	+	66	83319885	-	MCAP_0562	-	hypothetical protein
532	 31.19	+1	671489..671815	+	108	83319411	-	MCAP_0563	-	hypothetical protein
533	 26.64	0	671819..673462	+	547	83319294	-	MCAP_0564	-	hypothetical protein
534	 23.15	0	673465..676302	+	945	83319829	-	MCAP_0565	-	hypothetical protein
535	 22.44	0	676321..676944	+	207	83319718	-	MCAP_0566	-	hypothetical protein
536	 23.02	0	676937..680959	+	1340	83319635	-	MCAP_0567	-	hypothetical protein
537	 23.75	0	681011..681991	+	326	83319534	-	MCAP_0568	-	hypothetical protein
538	 24.59	0	682175..682540	+	121	83320043	-	MCAP_0569	-	hypothetical protein
539	 25.16	0	682755..683672	+	305	83319850	-	MCAP_0570	-	hypothetical protein
540	 21.82	0	683782..685014	+	410	83319924	-	MCAP_0571	-	hypothetical protein
541	 21.96	0	685488..685865	-	125	83319477	-	MCAP_0572	-	hypothetical protein
542	 18.43	-1	685929..686438	+	169	83319747	-	MCAP_0573	-	recombination protein U, putative
543	 14.90	-2	686410..686946	-	178	83319254	-	MCAP_0574	-	hypothetical protein
544	 26.74	0	687004..687276	-	90	83320061	hupA	MCAP_0575	-	DNA-binding protein HU 1
545	 18.92	-1	687308..688306	-	332	83319366	gpsA	MCAP_0576	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)
24.05	MEAN

4.02	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.