IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 24.05 STD DEV: 4.02
Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343, complete genome - 1..1010023
812 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
301	 19.27	-1	378592..379707	+	371	83319713	-	MCAP_0315	-	IS3 family transposase
302	 19.34	-1	380492..381184	+	230	83319763	-	MCAP_0317	-	hypothetical protein
303	 24.42	0	381165..382589	+	474	162316930	proS	MCAP_0318	-	prolyl-tRNA synthetase
304	 21.74	0	382602..383222	+	206	83319587	-	MCAP_0319	-	ribonuclease H1, putative
305	 15.11	-2	383224..384123	+	299	83319424	-	MCAP_0320	-	hypothetical protein
306	 27.12	0	384137..385939	+	600	83319434	lepA	MCAP_0321	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
307	 22.51	0	385973..386776	+	267	83319589	-	MCAP_0322	-	hypothetical protein
308	 24.65	0	386797..388524	-	575	83319674	aspS	MCAP_0323	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
309	 22.57	0	388533..389777	-	414	83319312	hisS	MCAP_0324	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
310	 22.32	0	389949..390302	+	117	83319338	rbfA	MCAP_0325	-	ribosome-binding factor A
311	 20.59	0	390352..391230	+	292	83319374	-	MCAP_0326	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase B, putative
312	 17.66	-1	391217..391771	+	184	83319941	-	MCAP_0327	-	riboflavin kinase domain-containing protein
313	 21.18	0	391784..393832	-	682	83319972	-	MCAP_0328	-	hypothetical protein
314	 18.76	-1	393844..395682	-	612	83319670	-	MCAP_0329	-	putative lipoprotein
315	 24.72	0	395895..396161	+	88	83319798	rpsO	MCAP_0330	-	30S ribosomal protein S15
316	 16.28	-1	396385..397035	+	216	83319456	-	MCAP_0332	-	hypothetical protein
317	 27.75	0	397049..398911	-	620	83319583	infB	MCAP_0333	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
318	 23.33	0	398931..399230	-	99	83319415	-	MCAP_0334	-	ribosomal protein L7A family protein
319	 21.18	0	399217..399504	-	95	83319398	-	MCAP_0335	-	hypothetical protein
320	 24.93	0	399479..401155	-	558	83319641	nusA	MCAP_0336	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
321	 20.61	0	401164..401658	-	164	83319689	-	MCAP_0337	-	hypothetical protein
322	 23.40	0	401771..402394	-	207	83319910	-	MCAP_0338	-	nitroreductase family protein
323	 23.94	0	402434..406873	-	1479	83319984	polC	MCAP_0339	-	DNA polymerase III, alpha subunit
324	 20.21	0	406882..407910	-	342	83319347	cdsA	MCAP_0340	-	phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase
325	 25.53	0	408108..409184	-	358	83319612	-	MCAP_0341	-	Xaa-Pro peptidase
326	 24.83	0	409342..410352	+	336	83319724	trpS	MCAP_0342	-	tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
327	 19.87	-1	410382..411272	-	296	83319766	-	MCAP_0343	-	hypothetical protein
328	 20.53	0	411606..412175	+	189	83319886	-	MCAP_0344	-	Fic family protein
329	 27.30	0	412795..415050	+	751	83320046	-	MCAP_0345	-	hypothetical protein
330	 25.18	0	415071..417659	+	862	83319263	-	MCAP_0346	-	putative lipoprotein
331	 26.28	0	417869..420121	+	750	83319546	-	MCAP_0347	-	hypothetical protein
332	 25.23	0	420139..422718	+	859	83319626	-	MCAP_0348	-	putative lipoprotein
333	 26.71	0	422903..425152	+	749	83319956	-	MCAP_0349	-	hypothetical protein
334	 25.43	0	425172..427751	+	859	83319681	-	MCAP_0350	-	putative lipoprotein
335	 28.01	0	428011..430263	+	750	83319325	-	MCAP_0351	-	hypothetical protein
336	 25.43	0	430287..432854	+	855	83319949	-	MCAP_0352	-	putative lipoprotein
337	 19.06	-1	432889..434352	+	487	83319499	-	MCAP_0353	-	hypothetical protein
338	 20.20	0	434327..434821	+	164	83319918	-	MCAP_0354	-	hypothetical protein
339	 17.87	-1	434823..435734	+	303	83319680	-	MCAP_0355	-	hypothetical protein
340	 17.12	-1	435734..436177	+	147	83319308	-	MCAP_0356	-	hypothetical protein
341	 24.34	0	436179..438446	+	755	83319895	-	MCAP_0357	-	hypothetical protein
342	 24.94	0	438451..439998	+	515	83319286	atpA2	MCAP_0358	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit alpha
343	 26.52	0	439998..441377	+	459	83319416	atpD2	MCAP_0359	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit beta
344	 22.36	0	441432..443936	-	834	83319350	-	MCAP_0360	-	hypothetical protein
345	 22.30	0	444199..446745	-	848	83319607	-	MCAP_0361	-	hypothetical protein
346	 21.09	0	446899..449406	-	835	83319780	-	MCAP_0362	-	hypothetical protein
347	 21.50	0	449586..450185	+	199	83319285	-	MCAP_0363	-	RdgB/HAM1 family non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase
348	 25.46	0	450199..450744	+	181	83319378	-	MCAP_0364	-	RNA methyltransferase
349	 21.11	0	450744..451610	+	288	83319438	-	MCAP_0365	-	HAD superfamily hydrolase
350	 26.80	0	451775..453916	+	713	83319920	-	MCAP_0366	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit ClpB, putative
351	 21.51	0	453921..454943	+	340	83319975	hrcA	MCAP_0367	-	heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcA
352	 23.03	0	454927..455547	+	206	83319669	grpE	MCAP_0368	-	co-chaperone GrpE
353	 29.22	+1	455607..457382	+	591	83319686	dnaK	MCAP_0369	-	chaperone protein dnaK
354	 23.59	0	457447..458565	+	372	83319522	dnaJ	MCAP_0370	-	chaperone protein dnaJ
355	 28.31	+1	458769..459644	+	291	83319465	rpsB	MCAP_0371	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
356	 27.59	0	459656..460543	+	295	83319962	tsf	MCAP_0372	-	elongation factor Ts
357	 17.00	-1	460546..461151	+	201	83319256	-	MCAP_0373	-	hypothetical protein
358	 27.17	0	461283..461996	+	237	83319388	pyrH	MCAP_0374	-	uridylate kinase
359	 25.14	0	462007..462555	+	182	83319658	frr	MCAP_0375	-	ribosome recycling factor
360	 23.36	0	462557..464221	+	554	83319739	argS	MCAP_0376	-	arginyl-tRNA synthetase
361	 20.49	0	469387..473832	+	1481	83319964	-	MCAP_0381	-	hypothetical protein
362	 15.11	-2	473844..474452	+	202	83319969	-	MCAP_0382	-	hypothetical protein
363	 22.32	0	474483..475535	+	350	83319370	pheS	MCAP_0383	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit
364	 18.87	-1	475544..477928	+	794	83319488	pheT	MCAP_0384	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
365	 19.38	-1	477928..478443	+	171	83319758	-	MCAP_0385	-	hypothetical protein
366	 31.11	+1	478458..478637	+	59	83319397	rpmF	MCAP_0386	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
367	 23.06	0	478742..479140	+	132	83319903	-	MCAP_0387	-	cell division protein MraZ
368	 23.87	0	479149..480078	+	309	83319603	mraW	MCAP_0388	-	S-adenosyl-methyltransferase MraW
369	 16.67	-1	480087..481244	+	385	83319280	-	MCAP_0389	-	hypothetical protein
370	 30.09	+1	481359..482498	+	379	83319750	ftsZ	MCAP_0390	-	cell division protein FtsZ
371	 19.14	-1	482511..482954	+	147	83319461	-	MCAP_0391	-	hypothetical protein
372	 20.61	0	482987..483976	+	329	83319292	-	MCAP_0392	-	hypothetical protein
373	 24.97	0	484559..487285	+	908	83319396	ileS	MCAP_0393	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
374	 21.35	0	487294..487902	+	202	83319849	lspA	MCAP_0394	-	signal peptidase (SPase) II
375	 24.05	0	487883..488851	+	322	83319260	-	MCAP_0395	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase A
376	 21.82	0	488835..490145	+	436	83319827	-	MCAP_0396	-	hypothetical protein
377	 26.84	0	490172..490633	+	153	83319549	-	MCAP_0397	-	deoxycytidylate deaminase
378	 20.35	0	490673..491827	+	384	83319976	-	MCAP_0398	-	hypothetical protein
379	 24.82	0	491908..493293	+	461	83319851	-	MCAP_0399	-	hypothetical protein
380	 21.02	0	493313..493645	+	110	83319324	-	MCAP_0400	-	holo-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase, putative
381	 23.78	0	493687..494838	+	383	83320014	-	MCAP_0401	-	hypothetical protein
382	 24.42	0	494973..495926	+	317	83319707	-	MCAP_0402	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, putative
383	 19.09	-1	495977..496594	+	205	83319633	-	MCAP_0403	-	hypothetical protein
384	 25.26	0	497250..498314	-	354	83319936	-	MCAP_0409	-	putative lipoprotein
385	 20.20	0	498691..499581	+	296	83319469	-	MCAP_0410	-	hypothetical protein
386	 25.62	0	499603..500004	+	133	83319657	-	MCAP_0411	-	hypothetical protein
387	 28.38	+1	500149..500451	+	100	83319974	rplU	MCAP_0412	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
388	 22.22	0	500454..500768	+	104	83320038	-	MCAP_0413	-	hypothetical protein
389	 31.21	+1	500770..501051	+	93	83319594	rpmA	MCAP_0414	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
390	 26.01	0	501245..502132	+	295	83319454	nanA	MCAP_0415	-	N-acetylneuraminate lyase
391	 23.76	0	502136..503848	+	570	83319608	-	MCAP_0416	-	sodium/solute symporter family protein
392	 20.00	-1	503857..504306	+	149	83319313	-	MCAP_0417	-	hypothetical protein
393	 20.21	0	504299..505174	+	291	83319464	-	MCAP_0418	-	ROK family protein
394	 26.58	0	505254..505934	+	226	83319759	-	MCAP_0419	-	N-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase
395	 25.93	0	506088..507437	+	449	83319943	-	MCAP_0420	-	dipeptidase, putative
396	 20.92	0	507518..507952	+	144	83319980	-	MCAP_0421	-	hypothetical protein
397	 24.36	0	507977..508600	+	207	83319803	udk	MCAP_0422	-	uridine kinase
398	 19.97	-1	508728..509954	+	408	83319646	-	MCAP_0423	-	ImpB/MucB/SamB family protein
399	 19.20	-1	509967..511070	-	367	83319349	-	MCAP_0424	-	hypothetical protein
400	 17.48	-1	511079..511999	-	306	83319410	-	MCAP_0425	-	hypothetical protein
24.05	MEAN

4.02	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.