IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 24.05 STD DEV: 4.02
Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343, complete genome - 1..1010023
812 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
212	 30.19	+1	271863..272975	+	370	83319466	pdhA	MCAP_0225	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, EI component, alpha subunit
213	 32.83	+2	272975..273964	+	329	83319905	pdhB	MCAP_0226	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, E1 component, beta subunit
214	 32.19	+2	273993..275309	+	438	83319741	pdhC	MCAP_0227	-	branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase subunit E2
215	 31.32	+1	275328..277217	+	629	83319618	pdhD	MCAP_0228	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
216	 27.24	0	277239..278207	+	322	83319483	pta	MCAP_0229	-	phosphate acetyltransferase
217	 26.06	0	278221..279402	+	393	83319412	ackA	MCAP_0230	-	acetate kinase
218	 21.80	0	279470..281437	+	655	83319472	-	MCAP_0231	-	putative lipoprotein
219	 21.75	0	281447..281869	+	140	83319935	coaD	MCAP_0232	-	pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase
220	 26.66	0	281962..283683	+	573	83319559	ptsI	MCAP_0233	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
221	 29.46	+1	283765..284229	+	154	83319491	crr	MCAP_0234	-	PTS system, glucose-specific IIA component
222	 27.59	0	284721..285347	+	208	83319954	-	MCAP_0235	-	dihydroxyacetone kinase family protein
223	 26.92	0	285355..285744	+	129	83319970	-	MCAP_0236	-	hypothetical protein
224	 26.48	0	285801..286427	-	208	83319988	rpsD	MCAP_0237	-	30S ribosomal protein S4
225	 17.56	-1	286682..288469	+	595	83319932	-	MCAP_0238	-	hypothetical protein
226	 22.31	0	288478..289665	+	395	83319792	thiI	MCAP_0239	-	thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiI
227	 21.51	0	289797..291767	+	656	83319648	-	MCAP_0240	-	hypothetical protein
228	 18.97	-1	291884..293554	+	556	83319568	-	MCAP_0241	-	hypothetical protein
229	 20.66	0	293564..295852	+	762	83319400	-	MCAP_0242	-	putative lipoprotein
230	 27.57	0	296087..298150	+	687	83319353	-	MCAP_0243	-	regulatory protein PfoR
231	 25.79	0	298176..301091	-	971	83319459	-	MCAP_0244	-	cation transporter E1-E2 family ATPase
232	 22.67	0	301100..301690	-	196	83319725	-	MCAP_0245	-	GTPase EngB
233	 15.86	-2	301684..302244	-	186	83319833	-	MCAP_0246	-	hypothetical protein
234	 17.62	-1	302246..302824	-	192	83319789	-	MCAP_0247	-	hypothetical protein
235	 17.83	-1	302827..303516	-	229	83319864	-	MCAP_0248	-	hypothetical protein
236	 16.67	-1	303598..304293	+	231	83319305	-	MCAP_0249	-	hypothetical protein
237	 26.42	0	304294..305016	-	240	83319566	-	MCAP_0250	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
238	 27.64	0	305075..305548	-	157	83319925	greA	MCAP_0251	-	transcription elongation factor GreA
239	 21.20	0	305640..307394	-	584	83319764	uvrC	MCAP_0252	-	excinuclease ABC, C subunit
240	 18.57	-1	307403..308479	-	358	83319704	-	MCAP_0253	-	hypothetical protein
241	 26.66	0	310275..312026	-	583	83319270	-	MCAP_0255	-	hypothetical protein
242	 26.67	0	312145..312864	-	239	83319377	-	MCAP_0256	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
243	 22.18	0	312876..313673	-	265	83319993	-	MCAP_0257	-	inorganic polyphosphate/ATP-NAD kinase, putative
244	 22.87	0	313797..316415	-	872	83319485	valS	MCAP_0258	-	valyl-tRNA synthetase
245	 21.37	0	316500..317126	-	208	83319805	-	MCAP_0259	-	hypothetical protein
246	 22.86	0	317116..317793	-	225	83319580	rpe	MCAP_0260	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
247	 21.26	0	317795..318697	-	300	83319551	rsgA	MCAP_0261	-	ribosome small subunit-dependent GTPase A
248	 21.42	0	318707..319822	-	371	83319436	-	MCAP_0262	-	serine/threonine protein kinase, putative
249	 20.83	0	319822..320085	-	87	83319668	-	MCAP_0263	-	hypothetical protein
250	 22.16	0	320054..320581	-	175	83320005	-	MCAP_0264	-	hypothetical protein
251	 17.13	-1	320611..322023	-	470	83319751	-	MCAP_0265	-	hypothetical protein
252	 18.47	-1	322126..322542	+	138	83320050	-	MCAP_0266	-	hypothetical protein
253	 17.02	-1	322544..323107	+	187	83319754	-	MCAP_0267	-	metalloendopeptidase, putative
254	 26.11	0	323167..324522	-	451	83319816	-	MCAP_0268	-	putative lipoprotein
255	 25.72	0	324791..326143	-	450	83319470	-	MCAP_0269	-	putative lipoprotein
256	 21.24	0	326350..331656	-	1768	83319606	-	MCAP_0270	-	ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
257	 20.81	0	331924..335061	+	1045	83319602	-	MCAP_0271	-	hypothetical protein
258	 22.16	0	335085..335603	+	172	83320048	-	MCAP_0272	-	putative lipoprotein
259	 24.07	0	335689..336228	+	179	83320023	-	MCAP_0273	-	putative lipoprotein
260	 25.61	0	336621..337358	+	245	83319945	-	MCAP_0274	-	hypothetical protein
261	 25.12	0	338352..338984	+	210	83319845	-	MCAP_0275	-	hypothetical protein
262	 33.52	+2	339294..339815	+	173	83319673	-	MCAP_0276	-	hypothetical protein
263	 23.46	0	339845..340249	+	134	83319701	-	MCAP_0277	-	plasmid replication-initiation protein
264	 19.05	-1	340321..340929	+	202	83319630	-	MCAP_0278	-	hypothetical protein
265	 24.27	0	340973..341833	+	286	83319516	-	MCAP_0279	-	hypothetical protein
266	 21.33	0	342147..342296	+	49	83319428	-	MCAP_0280	-	hypothetical protein
267	 25.57	0	342461..342769	+	102	83319433	-	MCAP_0281	-	single-strand binding protein family
268	 23.35	0	342820..343560	+	246	83319475	-	MCAP_0282	-	hypothetical protein
269	 21.76	0	343562..343777	+	71	83319562	-	MCAP_0283	-	hypothetical protein
270	 18.59	-1	343855..344736	+	293	83319371	-	MCAP_0284	-	hypothetical protein
271	 19.02	-1	344834..345322	+	162	83319257	-	MCAP_0285	-	hypothetical protein
272	 19.30	-1	345374..345943	+	189	83319367	-	MCAP_0286	-	hypothetical protein
273	 29.79	+1	346021..346839	+	272	83319861	-	MCAP_0287	-	putative lipoprotein
274	 26.00	0	346886..347458	+	190	83319966	-	MCAP_0288	-	hypothetical protein
275	 27.17	0	347716..348396	+	226	83319740	-	MCAP_0289	-	hypothetical protein
276	 23.74	0	348460..348876	+	138	83319791	-	MCAP_0290	-	hypothetical protein
277	 24.04	0	348951..349499	+	182	83319321	-	MCAP_0291	-	hypothetical protein
278	 26.56	0	349555..350307	+	250	83319636	-	MCAP_0292	-	hypothetical protein
279	 25.53	0	350364..351119	+	251	83319408	-	MCAP_0293	-	hypothetical protein
280	 20.10	0	351168..351779	+	203	83319733	-	MCAP_0294	-	hypothetical protein
281	 21.50	0	351830..352243	+	137	83319820	-	MCAP_0295	-	hypothetical protein
282	 18.53	-1	352322..353125	+	267	83319585	-	MCAP_0296	-	hypothetical protein
283	 18.98	-1	353126..353794	+	222	83319273	-	MCAP_0297	-	adenine-specific DNA methylase, putative
284	 16.27	-1	353798..354178	+	126	83319363	-	MCAP_0298	-	hypothetical protein
285	 23.60	0	354758..359698	+	1646	83319865	-	MCAP_0299	-	hypothetical protein
286	 29.32	+1	360401..361894	-	497	83319882	-	MCAP_0300	-	hypothetical protein
287	 21.90	0	362143..364599	-	818	83319712	-	MCAP_0301	-	hypothetical protein
288	 29.81	+1	364659..365339	-	226	83319818	-	MCAP_0302	-	hypothetical protein
289	 22.45	0	366143..366730	-	195	83319515	-	MCAP_0303	-	hypothetical protein
290	 26.13	0	366730..368646	-	638	83319337	-	MCAP_0304	-	E3 binding domain-containing protein
291	 24.55	0	368903..370393	-	496	83320036	-	MCAP_0305	-	hypothetical protein
292	 26.48	0	370524..370844	-	106	83319919	-	MCAP_0306	-	hypothetical protein
293	 23.94	0	371320..372405	-	361	83319526	-	MCAP_0307	-	hypothetical protein
294	 25.82	0	372470..373015	-	181	83319684	-	MCAP_0308	-	hypothetical protein
295	 30.75	+1	373077..374006	-	309	83319306	-	MCAP_0309	-	hypothetical protein
296	 30.45	+1	374061..374963	-	300	83319628	-	MCAP_0310	-	hypothetical protein
297	 29.12	+1	375026..375997	-	323	83319573	-	MCAP_0311	-	hypothetical protein
298	 24.73	0	376060..377175	-	371	83319853	-	MCAP_0312	-	putative lipoprotein
299	 21.51	0	377232..377510	-	92	83319387	hupB	MCAP_0313	-	DNA-binding protein, HU
300	 24.64	0	377579..378211	-	210	83320065	-	MCAP_0314	-	hypothetical protein
301	 19.27	-1	378592..379707	+	371	83319713	-	MCAP_0315	-	IS3 family transposase
302	 19.34	-1	380492..381184	+	230	83319763	-	MCAP_0317	-	hypothetical protein
303	 24.42	0	381165..382589	+	474	162316930	proS	MCAP_0318	-	prolyl-tRNA synthetase
304	 21.74	0	382602..383222	+	206	83319587	-	MCAP_0319	-	ribonuclease H1, putative
305	 15.11	-2	383224..384123	+	299	83319424	-	MCAP_0320	-	hypothetical protein
306	 27.12	0	384137..385939	+	600	83319434	lepA	MCAP_0321	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
307	 22.51	0	385973..386776	+	267	83319589	-	MCAP_0322	-	hypothetical protein
308	 24.65	0	386797..388524	-	575	83319674	aspS	MCAP_0323	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
309	 22.57	0	388533..389777	-	414	83319312	hisS	MCAP_0324	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
310	 22.32	0	389949..390302	+	117	83319338	rbfA	MCAP_0325	-	ribosome-binding factor A
311	 20.59	0	390352..391230	+	292	83319374	-	MCAP_0326	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase B, putative
24.05	MEAN

4.02	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.