IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Methylobacterium populi BJ001

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 69.70 STD DEV: 4.03
Methylobacterium populi BJ001, complete genome - 1..5800441
5314 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1689	 74.28	+1	1855354..1855905	+	183	188580975	-	Mpop_1722	-	protein of unknown function DUF1234
1690	 71.83	0	1856105..1856491	+	128	188580976	-	Mpop_1723	-	hypothetical protein
1691	 75.65	+1	1856606..1857640	-	344	188580977	-	Mpop_1724	-	hypothetical protein
1692	 73.22	0	1857637..1859085	-	482	188580978	-	Mpop_1725	-	protein of unknown function DUF463 YcjX family protein
1693	 70.48	0	1859192..1859689	-	165	188580979	-	Mpop_1726	-	RES domain protein
1694	 67.42	0	1859686..1860213	-	175	188580980	-	Mpop_1727	-	hypothetical protein
1695	 72.14	0	1860289..1863651	-	1120	188580981	-	Mpop_1728	-	multi-sensor hybrid histidine kinase
1696	 68.31	0	1863648..1865108	-	486	188580982	-	Mpop_1729	-	hypothetical protein
1697	 66.27	0	1865652..1865903	+	83	188580983	-	Mpop_1730	-	hypothetical protein
1698	 65.86	0	1866263..1867252	-	329	188580984	-	Mpop_1731	-	cobalamin synthesis protein P47K
1699	 65.87	0	1867295..1867669	-	124	188580985	-	Mpop_1732	-	protein of unknown function DUF86
1700	 65.32	-1	1867669..1867965	-	98	188580986	-	Mpop_1733	-	DNA polymerase beta domain protein region
1701	 71.70	0	1867991..1868566	-	191	188580987	-	Mpop_1734	-	transcriptional regulator, TetR family
1702	 70.95	0	1868781..1869713	+	310	188580988	-	Mpop_1735	-	beta-lactamase domain protein
1703	 67.63	0	1869755..1870585	+	276	188580989	-	Mpop_1736	-	Sulphur oxidation protein SoxZ
1704	 75.17	+1	1870609..1871196	+	195	188580990	-	Mpop_1737	-	rhodanese
1705	 71.21	0	1871230..1871625	+	131	188580991	-	Mpop_1738	-	Thioredoxin domain
1706	 69.45	0	1872054..1872878	+	274	188580992	-	Mpop_1739	-	3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase
1707	 55.36	-2	1873790..1873957	+	55	188580993	-	Mpop_1740	-	ribosomal protein L33
1708	 72.68	0	1874138..1874320	+	60	188580994	-	Mpop_1741	-	hypothetical protein
1709	 77.97	+2	1874343..1874864	-	173	188580995	-	Mpop_1742	-	hypothetical protein
1710	 71.90	0	1875032..1876159	+	375	188580996	-	Mpop_1743	-	Radical SAM domain protein
1711	 73.53	0	1876213..1876911	-	232	188580997	-	Mpop_1744	-	Ribonuclease H
1712	 75.30	+1	1876999..1878075	-	358	188580998	-	Mpop_1745	-	glycosyl transferase group 1
1713	 67.53	0	1878107..1878919	-	270	188580999	-	Mpop_1746	-	metallophosphoesterase
1714	 67.58	0	1879575..1880783	+	402	188581000	-	Mpop_1747	-	aminotransferase class V
1715	 65.29	-1	1880946..1881890	+	314	188581001	-	Mpop_1748	-	D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase NAD-binding
1716	 67.70	0	1882100..1882966	+	288	188581002	-	Mpop_1749	-	Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))
1717	 66.97	0	1883015..1883677	+	220	188581003	-	Mpop_1750	-	Formiminotransferase-cyclodeaminase
1718	 68.29	0	1884125..1885297	+	390	188581004	-	Mpop_1751	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta subunit
1719	 68.13	0	1885320..1886210	+	296	188581005	-	Mpop_1752	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit
1720	 68.91	0	1886478..1889246	+	922	188581006	-	Mpop_1753	-	Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase
1721	 66.67	0	1889382..1890356	+	324	188581007	-	Mpop_1754	-	Citrate (pro-3S)-lyase
1722	 67.20	0	1890428..1890994	-	188	188581008	-	Mpop_1755	-	protein of unknown function DUF1003
1723	 68.04	0	1891186..1892061	+	291	188581009	-	Mpop_1756	-	Carboxymethylenebutenolidase
1724	 65.61	-1	1892069..1892446	-	125	188581010	-	Mpop_1757	-	transcriptional coactivator/pterin dehydratase
1725	 72.79	0	1892672..1893667	+	331	188581011	-	Mpop_1758	-	putative ABC transporter periplasmic solute-binding protein
1726	 69.12	0	1893707..1894441	+	244	188581012	-	Mpop_1759	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
1727	 73.93	+1	1894422..1895219	+	265	188581013	-	Mpop_1760	-	ABC transporter related
1728	 64.73	-1	1895935..1897740	+	601	188581014	-	Mpop_1761	-	PQQ-dependent dehydrogenase, methanol/ethanol family
1729	 64.17	-1	1897897..1898496	+	199	188581015	-	Mpop_1762	-	hypothetical protein
1730	 67.72	0	1898496..1899350	+	284	188581016	-	Mpop_1763	-	extracellular solute-binding protein family 3
1731	 70.48	0	1899408..1899932	-	174	188581017	-	Mpop_1764	-	2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase
1732	 69.55	0	1899929..1900309	-	126	188581018	-	Mpop_1765	-	dihydroneopterin aldolase
1733	 72.99	0	1900302..1901171	-	289	188581019	-	Mpop_1766	-	dihydropteroate synthase
1734	 69.11	0	1901268..1901636	-	122	188581020	-	Mpop_1767	-	hypothetical protein
1735	 67.50	0	1901617..1902333	-	238	188581021	-	Mpop_1768	-	hypothetical protein
1736	 67.79	0	1902330..1903484	-	384	188581022	-	Mpop_1769	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein E
1737	 68.87	0	1903481..1904569	-	362	188581023	-	Mpop_1770	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein C
1738	 67.22	0	1904750..1905649	-	299	188581024	-	Mpop_1771	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein B
1739	 70.06	0	1906079..1906786	-	235	188581025	-	Mpop_1772	-	two component transcriptional regulator, winged helix family
1740	 72.84	0	1906783..1908417	-	544	188581026	-	Mpop_1773	-	integral membrane sensor signal transduction histidine kinase
1741	 63.29	-1	1908515..1908721	-	68	188581027	-	Mpop_1774	-	hypothetical protein
1742	 73.93	+1	1908866..1909663	-	265	188581028	-	Mpop_1775	-	formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit C
1743	 69.34	0	1909660..1910595	-	311	188581029	-	Mpop_1776	-	formylmethanofuran--tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase
1744	 69.76	0	1910621..1912267	-	548	188581030	-	Mpop_1777	-	formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit A
1745	 74.47	+1	1912261..1913337	-	358	188581031	-	Mpop_1778	-	tungsten-containing formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase, subunit B
1746	 73.85	+1	1913790..1914791	+	333	188581032	-	Mpop_1779	-	beta-ribofuranosylaminobenzene 5'-phosphate synthase family
1747	 68.90	0	1914902..1915795	+	297	188581033	-	Mpop_1780	-	Methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase
1748	 75.81	+1	1915918..1917054	+	378	188581034	-	Mpop_1781	-	protein of unknown function DUF201
1749	 70.99	0	1916984..1917955	+	323	188581035	-	Mpop_1782	-	methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase
1750	 73.01	0	1918131..1919045	+	304	188581036	-	Mpop_1783	-	alpha-L-glutamate ligase, RimK family
1751	 74.43	+1	1919042..1919917	+	291	188581037	-	Mpop_1784	-	triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA protein
1752	 65.50	-1	1920164..1920676	+	170	188581038	-	Mpop_1785	-	formaldehyde-activating enzyme
1753	 72.68	0	1920812..1921510	-	232	188581039	-	Mpop_1786	-	histidine biosynthesis protein
1754	 74.98	+1	1921514..1922548	+	344	188581040	-	Mpop_1787	-	H4MPT-linked C1 transfer pathway protein
1755	 71.14	0	1922602..1922802	+	66	188581041	-	Mpop_1788	-	hypothetical protein
1756	 71.61	0	1922806..1923816	-	336	188581042	-	Mpop_1789	-	40-residue YVTN family beta-propeller repeat protein
1757	 65.35	-1	1923824..1924354	-	176	188581043	-	Mpop_1790	-	conserved hypothetical protein; putative signal peptide
1758	 67.78	0	1924420..1924956	-	178	188581044	-	Mpop_1791	-	putative exported protein of unknown function
1759	 68.68	0	1925001..1925597	-	198	188581045	-	Mpop_1792	-	hypothetical protein
1760	 70.03	0	1925658..1927232	-	524	188581046	-	Mpop_1793	-	dihydropteroate synthase DHPS
1761	 70.40	0	1927229..1927870	-	213	188581047	-	Mpop_1794	-	aspartate/glutamate/uridylate kinase
1762	 77.08	+1	1927876..1928547	-	223	188581048	-	Mpop_1795	-	hypothetical protein
1763	 70.04	0	1928644..1929177	-	177	188581049	-	Mpop_1796	-	hypothetical protein
1764	 71.34	0	1929389..1930672	+	427	188581050	-	Mpop_1797	-	putative exported protein of unknown function
1765	 65.55	-1	1930851..1931837	+	328	188581051	-	Mpop_1798	-	40-residue YVTN family beta-propeller repeat protein
1766	 64.14	-1	1931926..1932360	+	144	188581052	-	Mpop_1799	-	hypothetical protein
1767	 69.44	0	1932369..1932620	+	83	188581053	-	Mpop_1800	-	hypothetical protein
1768	 72.00	0	1932617..1933366	+	249	188581054	-	Mpop_1801	-	ABC transporter related
1769	 66.10	0	1933377..1934258	+	293	188581055	-	Mpop_1802	-	ABC-2 type transporter
1770	 68.57	0	1934270..1934899	+	209	188581056	-	Mpop_1803	-	hypothetical protein
1771	 68.45	0	1935504..1938023	+	839	188581057	-	Mpop_1804	-	TonB-dependent receptor
1772	 67.41	0	1938322..1938723	+	133	188581058	-	Mpop_1805	-	putative signal transduction protein with EFhand domain
1773	 70.00	0	1938950..1939309	+	119	188581059	-	Mpop_1806	-	hypothetical protein
1774	 67.05	0	1939419..1940972	-	517	188581060	-	Mpop_1807	-	exopolysaccharide biosynthesis polyprenyl glycosylphosphotransferase
1775	 70.18	0	1941104..1942297	-	397	188581061	-	Mpop_1808	-	glycosyl transferase group 1
1776	 68.74	0	1942543..1943121	-	192	188581062	-	Mpop_1809	-	polysaccharide export protein
1777	 71.32	0	1943432..1945732	+	766	188581063	-	Mpop_1810	-	lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein
1778	 66.36	0	1946373..1946696	-	107	188581064	-	Mpop_1811	-	hypothetical protein
1779	 73.50	0	1946785..1948656	-	623	188581065	-	Mpop_1812	-	DNA polymerase III, subunits gamma and tau
1780	 69.90	0	1948924..1949418	+	164	188581066	-	Mpop_1813	-	hypothetical protein
1781	 64.37	-1	1949454..1949714	-	86	188581067	-	Mpop_1814	-	hypothetical protein
1782	 74.33	+1	1949861..1951399	+	512	188581068	-	Mpop_1815	-	Mg chelatase, subunit ChlI
1783	 70.68	0	1951516..1952685	+	389	188581069	-	Mpop_1816	-	protein of unknown function DUF1745
1784	 71.72	0	1952682..1954046	+	454	188581070	-	Mpop_1817	-	histidine kinase
1785	 75.62	+1	1954068..1954391	-	107	188581071	-	Mpop_1818	-	hypothetical protein
1786	 72.15	0	1954569..1955243	-	224	188581072	-	Mpop_1819	-	transglutaminase family protein cysteine peptidase BTLCP
1787	 71.19	0	1955497..1955916	+	139	188581073	-	Mpop_1820	-	thioesterase superfamily protein
1788	 71.08	0	1955955..1956860	-	301	188581074	-	Mpop_1821	-	Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-3 domain protein
69.70	MEAN

4.03	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.