IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc strain 'Patoc 1 (Paris)'

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 38.82 STD DEV: 4.08
Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc strain 'Patoc 1 (Paris)' chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..3599677
3391 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2822	 42.77	0	2993402..2994355	-	317	183222249	-	LEPBI_I2900	-	putative GTPase
2823	 37.84	0	2994390..2996231	+	613	183222250	-	LEPBI_I2901	-	two-component sensor histidine kinase
2824	 37.76	0	2996236..2997342	-	368	183222251	-	LEPBI_I2902	-	fatty acid desaturase family proteiin
2825	 39.36	0	2997358..2998518	+	386	183222252	-	LEPBI_I2903	-	hypothetical protein
2826	 41.09	0	2998555..2999070	+	171	183222253	tpx	LEPBI_I2904	-	Thiol peroxidase
2827	 35.41	0	2999054..3001363	-	769	183222254	-	LEPBI_I2905	-	putative ATPase
2828	 39.19	0	3001360..3002451	-	363	183222255	-	LEPBI_I2906	-	hypothetical protein
2829	 41.17	0	3002528..3003676	-	382	183222256	-	LEPBI_I2907	-	putative formyl-coenzyme A transferase (Formyl-CoA transferase)
2830	 44.58	+1	3003800..3008059	+	1419	183222257	-	LEPBI_I2908	-	hypothetical protein
2831	 38.16	0	3008234..3010099	-	621	183222258	-	LEPBI_I2909	-	putative arylsulfatase
2832	 39.74	0	3010096..3010485	-	129	183222259	-	LEPBI_I2910	-	putative transporter; putative membrane protein
2833	 41.78	0	3010534..3011385	+	283	183222260	-	LEPBI_I2911	-	alpha/beta family hydrolase
2834	 30.94	-1	3011553..3011969	-	138	183222261	-	LEPBI_I2912	-	PIN domain-containing protein
2835	 35.63	0	3011947..3012207	-	86	183222262	-	LEPBI_I2913	-	hypothetical protein
2836	 43.26	+1	3012574..3013218	+	214	183222263	-	LEPBI_I2914	-	hypothetical protein
2837	 39.67	0	3013793..3014455	-	220	183222264	-	LEPBI_I2915	-	hypothetical protein
2838	 41.67	0	3014904..3015611	-	235	183222265	-	LEPBI_I2916	-	hypothetical protein
2839	 30.16	-2	3015668..3016045	-	125	183222266	-	LEPBI_I2917	-	PIN domain-containing protein
2840	 29.32	-2	3016045..3016293	-	82	183222267	-	LEPBI_I2918	-	hypothetical protein
2841	 44.05	+1	3016423..3017850	-	475	183222268	lpdA3	LEPBI_I2919	-	dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3 component of alpha keto acid dehydrogenase complexes; dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase)
2842	 39.14	0	3017893..3018633	-	246	183222269	-	LEPBI_I2920	-	putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
2843	 36.93	0	3018711..3019877	+	388	183222270	-	LEPBI_I2921	-	hypothetical protein
2844	 37.79	0	3019878..3020393	+	171	183222271	-	LEPBI_I2922	-	hypothetical protein
2845	 43.45	+1	3020400..3021437	+	345	183222272	-	LEPBI_I2923	-	hypothetical protein
2846	 40.76	0	3021490..3022971	+	493	183222273	-	LEPBI_I2924	-	hypothetical protein
2847	 39.57	0	3023111..3023623	-	170	183222274	msrA1	LEPBI_I2925	-	peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase MsrA (protein-methionine-S-oxide reductase; peptide Met(O) reductase)
2848	 41.71	0	3023620..3024693	-	357	183222275	-	LEPBI_I2926	-	putative 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase (MTNA)
2849	 35.90	0	3024810..3025082	+	90	183222276	-	LEPBI_I2927	-	hypothetical protein
2850	 36.17	0	3025089..3025829	-	246	183222277	-	LEPBI_I2928	-	hypothetical protein
2851	 36.85	0	3025826..3027643	-	605	183222278	-	LEPBI_I2929	-	hypothetical protein
2852	 46.13	+1	3027656..3028366	-	236	183222279	-	LEPBI_I2930	-	hypothetical protein
2853	 44.78	+1	3028403..3028603	-	66	183222280	-	LEPBI_I2931	-	RNA polymerase ECF-type sigma factor
2854	 39.38	0	3028611..3029321	-	236	183222281	-	LEPBI_I2932	-	RNA polymerase ECF-type sigma factor
2855	 39.67	0	3029367..3030281	+	304	183222282	-	LEPBI_I2933	-	putative signal peptide
2856	 37.30	0	3030327..3032216	-	629	183222283	fadD1	LEPBI_I2934	-	long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (AMP-forming)
2857	 33.06	-1	3032296..3033402	-	368	183222284	-	LEPBI_I2935	-	hypothetical protein
2858	 39.01	0	3033408..3036929	-	1173	183222285	dnaE	LEPBI_I2936	-	DNA polymerase III alpha subunit
2859	 39.91	0	3037063..3038127	+	354	183222286	cobT	LEPBI_I2938	-	nicotinate-nucleotide--dimethylbenzimidazole phophoribosyltransferase
2860	 38.16	0	3038134..3038961	+	275	183222287	cobS	LEPBI_I2939	-	cobalamin synthase; putative membrane protein
2861	 39.36	0	3038946..3039542	+	198	183222288	-	LEPBI_I2940	-	putative phosphoglycerate/bisphosphoglycerate mutase
2862	 39.48	0	3039575..3041038	-	487	183222289	gatB	LEPBI_I2941	-	aspartyl/glutamyl-tRNA(Asn/Gln) amidotransferase subunit B (Asp/Glu-ADT subunit B)
2863	 34.78	0	3041097..3042200	-	367	183222290	-	LEPBI_I2942	-	putative hemerythrin HHE cation binding protein
2864	 39.50	0	3042397..3043872	-	491	183222291	-	LEPBI_I2943	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
2865	 37.06	0	3043958..3046078	-	706	183222292	-	LEPBI_I2944	-	putative adenylate/guanylate cyclase; putative membrane protein
2866	 37.47	0	3046096..3047955	-	619	183222293	-	LEPBI_I2945	-	adenylate cyclase family protein
2867	 44.94	+1	3048324..3049391	+	355	183222294	fliG1	LEPBI_I2946	-	flagellar motor switch protein FliG
2868	 40.58	0	3049396..3050319	+	307	183222295	fliH	LEPBI_I2947	-	flagellar assembly protein FliH
2869	 34.69	-1	3050316..3052304	+	662	183222296	-	LEPBI_I2948	-	putative two-component sensor protein; putative membrane protein; putative signal peptide
2870	 30.24	-2	3052301..3054304	+	667	183222297	-	LEPBI_I2949	-	putative signal peptide
2871	 37.00	0	3054322..3054948	+	208	183222298	-	LEPBI_I2950	-	putative transcriptional regulator
2872	 34.15	-1	3054999..3056225	+	408	183222299	nnrS	LEPBI_I2951	-	putative heme-Cu protein NnrS (nos operon region); putative membrane protein
2873	 37.76	0	3056268..3058076	-	602	183222300	norD	LEPBI_I2952	-	NorD protein
2874	 41.25	0	3058086..3058868	-	260	183222301	norQ	LEPBI_I2953	-	denitrification regulatory protein NorQ
2875	 41.41	0	3058872..3060221	-	449	183222302	norB	LEPBI_I2954	-	nitric-oxide reductase subunit B (nitric oxide reductase cytochrome b subunit; NOR large subunit); putative membrane protein
2876	 42.55	0	3060231..3060935	-	234	183222303	norC	LEPBI_I2955	-	nitric oxide reductase, cytochrome c-containing subunit
2877	 27.78	-2	3060926..3061033	+	35	183222304	-	LEPBI_I2956	-	hypothetical protein
2878	 35.42	0	3061085..3061228	-	47	183222305	-	LEPBI_I2957	-	hypothetical protein
2879	 35.95	0	3061275..3061847	+	190	183222306	norE	LEPBI_I2958	-	nitric oxide reductase subunit E
2880	 31.60	-1	3061857..3062087	+	76	183222307	-	LEPBI_I2959	-	hypothetical protein
2881	 38.04	0	3062084..3062827	-	247	183222308	-	LEPBI_I2960	-	putative enolase-phosphatase E-1
2882	 39.07	0	3062874..3064232	-	452	183222309	-	LEPBI_I2961	-	major facilitator transporter
2883	 40.04	0	3064229..3065257	-	342	183222310	-	LEPBI_I2962	-	putative signal peptide
2884	 44.53	+1	3065383..3066195	+	270	183222311	-	LEPBI_I2963	-	putative glycosyl transferase
2885	 41.51	0	3066199..3069759	-	1186	183222312	-	LEPBI_I2964	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
2886	 39.72	0	3069777..3070793	+	338	183222313	-	LEPBI_I2965	-	hypothetical protein
2887	 46.18	+1	3070839..3071165	-	108	183222314	-	LEPBI_I2966	-	putative signal peptide
2888	 44.72	+1	3071182..3072147	-	321	183222315	-	LEPBI_I2967	-	putative transketolase
2889	 43.44	+1	3072150..3073316	-	388	183222316	metK	LEPBI_I2968	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
2890	 42.76	0	3073327..3074079	-	250	183222317	-	LEPBI_I2969	-	hypothetical protein
2891	 41.13	0	3074076..3074768	-	230	183222318	-	LEPBI_I2970	-	putative Ser/thr kinase-related protein
2892	 38.79	0	3074765..3075112	-	115	183222319	-	LEPBI_I2971	-	hypothetical protein
2893	 37.63	0	3075160..3076626	-	488	183222320	algI3	LEPBI_I2972	-	alginate O-acetyltransferase
2894	 38.07	0	3076756..3077262	+	168	183222321	-	LEPBI_I2973	-	putative signal peptide
2895	 37.95	0	3077314..3078375	+	353	183222322	-	LEPBI_I2974	-	hypothetical protein
2896	 39.55	0	3078420..3078773	-	117	183222323	ssbB	LEPBI_I2975	-	single-strand binding protein (SSB; helix-destabilizing protein)
2897	 38.33	0	3078927..3080426	+	499	183222324	-	LEPBI_I2976	-	putative two-component sensor and regulator
2898	 38.60	0	3080423..3080821	+	132	183222325	-	LEPBI_I2977	-	putative two-component response regulator
2899	 42.31	0	3080833..3082413	+	526	183222326	-	LEPBI_I2978	-	hypothetical protein
2900	 38.25	0	3082414..3084489	+	691	183222327	-	LEPBI_I2979	-	putative adenylate cyclase; putative membrane protein; putative signal peptide
2901	 39.08	0	3084491..3085795	-	434	183222328	-	LEPBI_I2980	-	putative amino acid permease; putative membrane protein
2902	 36.73	0	3085908..3086849	+	313	183222329	-	LEPBI_I2981	-	hypothetical protein
2903	 38.79	0	3086846..3087724	+	292	183222330	-	LEPBI_I2982	-	hypothetical protein
2904	 37.97	0	3087831..3088649	+	272	183222331	-	LEPBI_I2983	-	hypothetical protein
2905	 41.88	0	3088786..3089592	+	268	183222332	-	LEPBI_I2984	-	hypothetical protein
2906	 42.01	0	3089638..3091308	+	556	183222333	-	LEPBI_I2985	-	hypothetical protein
2907	 46.57	+1	3091447..3091650	+	67	183222334	-	LEPBI_I2987	-	hypothetical protein
2908	 45.50	+1	3091809..3094511	+	900	183222335	-	LEPBI_I2988	-	hypothetical protein
2909	 43.19	+1	3094825..3096417	-	530	183222336	pck	LEPBI_I2989	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase [ATP] (PEP carboxykinase; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase)(PEPCK)
2910	 43.12	+1	3096488..3097918	+	476	183222337	-	LEPBI_I2990	-	putative glycogen synthase
2911	 40.16	0	3097977..3099500	+	507	183222338	-	LEPBI_I2991	-	hypothetical protein
2912	 33.33	-1	3099740..3099880	+	46	183222339	-	LEPBI_I2992	-	hypothetical protein
2913	 38.85	0	3099987..3101399	+	470	183222340	-	LEPBI_I2993	-	hypothetical protein
2914	 37.04	0	3101541..3101918	+	125	183222341	-	LEPBI_I2994	-	hypothetical protein
2915	 37.46	0	3101915..3102787	+	290	183222342	-	LEPBI_I2995	-	hypothetical protein
2916	 37.01	0	3102755..3103651	-	298	183222343	-	LEPBI_I2996	-	putative AraC-type transcriptional regulator
2917	 39.81	0	3103819..3104667	+	282	183222344	-	LEPBI_I2997	-	hypothetical protein
2918	 34.77	0	3104758..3105942	-	394	183222345	-	LEPBI_I2998	-	hypothetical protein
2919	 38.92	0	3106119..3107621	+	500	183222346	-	LEPBI_I2999	-	hypothetical protein
2920	 30.48	-2	3107682..3108101	-	139	183222347	-	LEPBI_I3000	-	putative signal peptide
2921	 40.27	0	3108147..3108824	-	225	183222348	-	LEPBI_I3001	-	hypothetical protein
38.82	MEAN

4.08	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.