IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 35.99 STD DEV: 3.62
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363, complete genome - 1..2529478
2434 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1327	 38.78	0	1367342..1368130	-	262	125624209	-	llmg_1393	-	hypothetical protein
1328	 37.09	0	1368421..1368819	-	132	125624210	-	llmg_1395	-	hypothetical protein
1329	 34.50	0	1368792..1368962	-	56	125624211	-	llmg_1396	-	hypothetical protein
1330	 25.16	-2	1368981..1369139	-	52	125624212	-	llmg_1397	-	hypothetical protein
1331	 37.59	0	1369190..1372921	-	1243	125624213	cluA	llmg_1398	-	cell surface antigen I/II precursor
1332	 39.39	0	1373131..1374153	-	340	125624214	-	llmg_1399	-	hypothetical protein
1333	 33.67	0	1374171..1374470	-	99	125624215	-	llmg_1400	-	hypothetical protein
1334	 35.54	0	1375104..1375466	-	120	125624216	-	llmg_1402	-	hypothetical protein
1335	 30.19	-1	1375896..1376435	-	179	125624217	-	llmg_1403	-	hypothetical protein
1336	 37.12	0	1376846..1377109	-	87	125624218	-	llmg_1406	-	hypothetical protein
1337	 34.85	0	1377114..1377311	-	65	125624219	-	llmg_1407	-	hypothetical protein
1338	 29.80	-1	1377325..1377522	-	65	125624220	-	llmg_1408	-	hypothetical protein
1339	 30.57	-1	1377548..1378417	-	289	125624221	-	llmg_1409	-	hypothetical protein
1340	 35.09	0	1378410..1378865	-	151	125624222	-	llmg_1410	-	hypothetical protein
1341	 31.95	-1	1379125..1380063	-	312	125624223	-	llmg_1411	-	hypothetical protein
1342	 39.60	0	1380599..1381588	-	329	125624224	guaC	llmg_1412	-	guanosine 5'-monophosphate oxidoreductase
1343	 32.04	-1	1381851..1382468	-	205	125624225	-	llmg_1413	-	hypothetical protein
1344	 38.11	0	1382610..1383383	-	257	125624226	nagD	llmg_1414	-	putative N-acetylglucosamine catabolic protein
1345	 33.20	0	1383432..1384163	-	243	125624227	-	llmg_1415	-	hypothetical protein
1346	 39.68	+1	1384265..1384705	-	146	125624228	-	llmg_1416	-	hypothetical protein
1347	 36.89	0	1384807..1385622	-	271	125624229	-	llmg_1417	-	hypothetical protein
1348	 34.47	0	1385668..1386807	-	379	125624230	hemN	llmg_1418	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
1349	 38.07	0	1386995..1387522	-	175	125624231	-	llmg_1419	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1350	 36.36	0	1387504..1388823	-	439	125624232	-	llmg_1420	-	hypothetical protein
1351	 35.07	0	1389161..1389562	-	133	125624233	-	llmg_1421	-	hypothetical protein
1352	 37.91	0	1389794..1390711	-	305	125624234	pacA	llmg_1422	-	penicillin acylase
1353	 41.37	+1	1390877..1391635	-	252	125624235	tpiA	llmg_1424	-	triosephosphate isomerase
1354	 35.21	0	1391768..1392619	-	283	125624236	-	llmg_1425	-	RpiR family transcriptional regulator
1355	 38.61	0	1392681..1394633	-	650	125624237	-	llmg_1426	-	sucrose-specific PTS system IIBC component
1356	 36.80	0	1394669..1395562	-	297	125624238	murQ	llmg_1427	-	N-acetylmuramic acid-6-phosphate etherase
1357	 35.03	0	1395555..1396616	-	353	125624239	-	llmg_1428	-	hypothetical protein
1358	 38.07	0	1396766..1397737	-	323	125624240	ldhX	llmg_1429	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase
1359	 34.88	0	1397821..1398723	-	300	125624241	ribC	llmg_1430	-	bifunctional riboflavin kinase/FMN adenylyltransferase
1360	 36.76	0	1398755..1399747	-	330	125624242	truB	llmg_1431	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase B
1361	 38.33	0	1399886..1400605	-	239	125624243	-	llmg_1432	-	hypothetical protein
1362	 34.81	0	1400795..1403095	-	766	125624244	-	llmg_1433	-	putative secreted protein
1363	 35.24	0	1403462..1403986	+	174	125624245	-	llmg_1434	-	putative secreted protein
1364	 34.42	0	1404048..1404506	+	152	125624246	-	llmg_1435	-	putative secreted protein
1365	 36.55	0	1404756..1405595	-	279	125624247	tnp981	llmg_1437	-	transposase for insertion sequence element IS981L
1366	 36.78	0	1405607..1405867	-	86	125624248	-	llmg_1438	-	hypothetical protein
1367	 35.98	0	1406092..1407036	-	314	125624249	-	llmg_1440	-	hypothetical protein
1368	 37.91	0	1407163..1408671	-	502	125624250	frdC	llmg_1441	-	fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit
1369	 37.11	0	1408847..1409296	-	149	125624251	-	llmg_1442	-	hypothetical protein
1370	 34.62	0	1409997..1410464	-	155	125624252	mutX	llmg_1444	-	ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase
1371	 37.15	0	1410489..1412765	-	758	125624253	pcrA	llmg_1445	-	ATP-dependent DNA helicase
1372	 36.81	0	1412917..1413693	+	258	125624254	-	llmg_1446	-	hypothetical protein
1373	 38.10	0	1413638..1414267	-	209	125624255	-	llmg_1447	-	hypothetical protein
1374	 36.96	0	1414254..1417007	-	917	125624256	-	llmg_1448	-	hypothetical protein
1375	 31.87	-1	1417226..1417978	-	250	125624257	srtA	llmg_1449	-	sortase SrtA
1376	 33.43	0	1418101..1419186	-	361	125624258	apbE	llmg_1450	-	thiamine biosynthesis lipoprotein apbE precursor
1377	 40.14	+1	1419268..1421778	-	836	125624259	gyrA	llmg_1451	-	DNA gyrase subunit A
1378	 37.76	0	1422000..1423469	-	489	125624260	-	llmg_1452	-	putative amino-acid permease
1379	 36.95	0	1423642..1424277	-	211	125624261	-	llmg_1453	-	oxidoreductase
1380	 33.12	0	1424379..1425326	-	315	125624262	-	llmg_1454	-	putative sugar kinase
1381	 33.75	0	1425329..1426771	-	480	125624263	bglA2	llmg_1455	-	6-phospho-beta-glucosidase
1382	 35.94	0	1426768..1428912	-	714	125624264	bglX	llmg_1456	-	beta-glucosidase
1383	 41.60	+1	1428989..1430053	-	354	125624265	-	llmg_1457	-	putative di/Tri-peptide transport ATP-binding protein
1384	 39.61	0	1430053..1431072	-	339	125624266	-	llmg_1458	-	putative di/Tri-peptide transport system permease protein
1385	 38.12	0	1431074..1432054	-	326	125624267	-	llmg_1459	-	putative di/Tri-peptide transport system permease protein
1386	 39.33	0	1432054..1433154	-	366	125624268	-	llmg_1460	-	putative di/Tri-peptide transport ATP-binding protein
1387	 38.32	0	1433227..1434771	-	514	125624269	-	llmg_1461	-	putative di/Tri-peptide binding protein precursor
1388	 34.30	0	1435163..1435888	-	241	125624270	-	llmg_1462	-	putative HTH-type transcriptional regulator
1389	 39.80	+1	1436035..1437858	-	607	125624271	lepA	llmg_1463	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
1390	 39.19	0	1438148..1438813	-	221	125624272	aldC	llmg_1464	-	AldC protein
1391	 36.30	0	1438912..1440261	+	449	125624273	murC2	llmg_1465	-	putative UDP-N-acetylmuramyl tripeptide synthetase
1392	 36.01	0	1440262..1441047	+	261	125624274	cobQ	llmg_1466	-	cobyric acid synthase
1393	 34.90	0	1441125..1443806	-	893	125624275	-	llmg_1467	-	ABC transporter permease
1394	 34.47	0	1443810..1444511	-	233	125624276	-	llmg_1468	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1395	 38.91	0	1444713..1445537	-	274	125624277	nadE	llmg_1470	-	NAD synthetase
1396	 35.58	0	1445594..1446082	-	162	125624278	-	llmg_1471	-	putative acetyltransferase
1397	 37.81	0	1446079..1447551	-	490	125624279	pncB	llmg_1472	-	nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
1398	 36.03	0	1448134..1448727	+	197	125624280	nadD	llmg_1473	-	nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase
1399	 36.39	0	1448742..1449953	-	403	125624281	-	llmg_1474	-	putative voltage gated chloride channel
1400	 37.86	0	1450356..1450598	-	80	125624282	-	llmg_1475	-	hypothetical protein
1401	 35.21	0	1450705..1452726	-	673	125624283	glyS	llmg_1477	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain
1402	 38.89	0	1452726..1453679	-	317	125624284	glyQ	llmg_1478	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
1403	 30.34	-1	1453908..1454675	-	255	125624285	nucA	llmg_1479	-	5'-nucleotidase
1404	 39.02	0	1454785..1455804	-	339	125624286	-	llmg_1480	-	hypothetical protein
1405	 29.74	-1	1455870..1456370	-	166	125624287	vanZ	llmg_1481	-	putative teicoplanin resistance protein
1406	 33.81	0	1456412..1457047	-	211	125624288	-	llmg_1482	-	hypothetical protein
1407	 34.65	0	1457104..1458396	+	430	125624289	comFA	llmg_1483	-	superfamily II DNA/RNA helicase
1408	 31.80	-1	1458396..1459046	+	216	125624290	comFC	llmg_1484	-	putative late competence protein
1409	 31.09	-1	1459105..1459683	-	192	125624291	-	llmg_1485	-	hypothetical protein
1410	 34.87	0	1459700..1460155	-	151	125624292	dgkA	llmg_1486	-	DgkA protein
1411	 37.42	0	1460139..1460627	-	162	125624293	-	llmg_1487	-	putative metalloprotease
1412	 35.79	0	1460857..1461345	-	162	125624294	-	llmg_1488	-	putative hydrolase
1413	 38.91	0	1461415..1462383	-	322	125624295	phoH	llmg_1489	-	PhoH-like protein
1414	 36.33	0	1462457..1463989	-	510	125624296	mntH	llmg_1490	-	putative proton-dependent manganese transporter group C beta
1415	 44.91	+2	1464261..1464545	-	94	125624297	rpmA	llmg_1491	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
1416	 39.88	+1	1464547..1464882	-	111	125624298	-	llmg_1492	-	hypothetical protein
1417	 38.41	0	1464885..1465199	-	104	125624299	rplU	llmg_1493	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
1418	 33.84	0	1465369..1466544	-	391	125624300	-	llmg_1494	-	ABC transporter permease
1419	 33.08	0	1466537..1466935	-	132	125624301	-	llmg_1495	-	hypothetical protein
1420	 36.38	0	1467108..1468451	+	447	125624302	-	llmg_1496	-	putative phosphohydrolase
1421	 38.73	0	1468504..1469319	+	271	125624303	-	llmg_1497	-	putative hydrolase
1422	 34.15	0	1469458..1469823	+	121	125624304	-	llmg_1498	-	hypothetical protein
1423	 37.21	0	1469857..1470630	-	257	125624305	-	llmg_1499	-	hypothetical protein
1424	 35.94	0	1470627..1471316	-	229	125624306	-	llmg_1500	-	putative methyltransferase
1425	 39.57	0	1471309..1471965	-	218	125624307	nth	llmg_1501	-	putative endonuclease III (DNA repair)
1426	 37.37	0	1471987..1472655	-	222	125624308	dnaD	llmg_1502	-	DNA replication protein dnaD
35.99	MEAN

3.62	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.