IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.48 STD DEV: 3.07
Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00, complete genome - 1..1457619
1180 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
646	 35.60	0	802639..805194	+	851	94987091	-	LI0649	-	hypothetical protein
647	 34.75	0	806068..808959	+	963	94987092	-	LI0650	-	Zn-dependent peptidases, insulinase-like
648	 35.66	0	809068..810786	+	572	94987093	nadh	LI0651	-	rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase
649	 31.13	-1	810827..811642	-	271	94987094	-	LI0652	-	DNA adenine methylase
650	 34.44	0	811686..812498	-	270	94987095	-	LI0653	-	Zn-dependent protease with chaperone function
651	 35.50	0	812614..814878	+	754	94987096	topA	LI0654	-	zinc finger domain-containing protein
652	 31.58	0	814978..815604	+	208	94987097	gloB	LI0655	-	Zn-dependent hydrolases, including glyoxylases
653	 36.60	0	815668..816861	+	397	94987098	argG	LI0656	-	argininosuccinate synthase
654	 36.37	0	816949..818331	+	460	94987099	argH	LI0657	-	argininosuccinate lyase
655	 35.25	0	818505..819497	+	330	94987100	trmU	LI0658	-	tRNA(5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate) methyltransferase
656	 26.30	-2	819913..820452	+	179	94987101	-	LI0659	-	shikimate kinase
657	 30.57	-1	820449..820991	-	180	94987102	bfr	LI0660	-	bacterioferritin (cytochrome b1)
658	 35.25	0	821433..823262	+	609	94987103	glmS	LI0661	-	glucosamine 6-phosphate synthetase
659	 34.67	0	823446..826448	+	1000	94987104	-	LI0662	-	hypothetical protein
660	 30.88	-1	828562..828969	+	135	94987105	-	LI0663	-	hypothetical protein
661	 30.40	-1	829283..830440	+	385	94987106	-	LI0664	-	hypothetical protein
662	 37.67	+1	830885..831484	-	199	94987107	-	LI0665	-	hypothetical protein
663	 36.26	0	831665..832279	-	204	94987108	-	LI0666	-	hypothetical protein
664	 35.93	0	833929..835044	-	371	94987109	-	LI0667	-	hypothetical protein
665	 37.51	0	835309..836481	-	390	94987110	-	LI0668	-	hypothetical protein
666	 30.52	-1	836694..837119	-	141	94987111	-	LI0669	-	hypothetical protein
667	 35.98	0	839619..841052	+	477	94987112	ahcY	LI0670	-	S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase
668	 33.44	0	841336..842244	+	302	94987113	serA	LI0671	-	phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase and related dehydrogenases
669	 34.83	0	842275..844410	+	711	94987114	pcrA	LI0672	-	superfamily I DNA/RNA helicase
670	 36.36	0	844426..845448	+	340	94987115	thiL	LI0673	-	thiamine monophosphate kinase
671	 35.75	0	845474..846838	-	454	94987116	-	LI0674	-	hypothetical protein
672	 35.59	0	847108..848259	+	383	94987117	hflK	LI0675	-	membrane protease subunits, stomatin/prohibitin homologs
673	 35.92	0	848260..849111	+	283	94987118	hflC	LI0676	-	membrane protease subunits, stomatin/prohibitin homologs
674	 37.14	0	849077..849838	+	253	94987119	-	LI0677	-	hypothetical protein
675	 33.64	0	849897..851219	-	440	94987120	-	LI0678	-	2-methylthioadenine synthetase
676	 30.53	-1	851253..852002	+	249	94987121	-	LI0679	-	xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase
677	 33.80	0	852068..853144	+	358	94987122	-	LI0680	-	Fe-S-cluster redox protein
678	 34.17	0	853157..854476	-	439	94987123	kdtA	LI0681	-	3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase
679	 37.95	+1	854481..855389	-	302	94987124	ddlA	LI0682	-	D-alanine-D-alanine ligase and related ATP-grasp enzymes
680	 34.27	0	855346..855987	-	213	94987125	-	LI0683	-	hypothetical protein
681	 29.80	-1	856632..857084	-	150	94987126	-	LI0684	-	acetyltransferase
682	 39.56	+1	858662..859786	-	374	94987127	dnaJ	LI0685	-	DnaJ-like molecular chaperone
683	 36.46	0	860201..861736	-	511	94987128	pepA	LI0686	-	leucyl aminopeptidase
684	 34.62	0	861756..863153	-	465	94987129	-	LI0687	-	response regulator
685	 33.28	0	863417..865222	+	601	94987130	-	LI0688	-	Outer membrane protein
686	 32.18	0	865222..869370	+	1382	94987131	grsT	LI0689	-	hypothetical protein
687	 35.26	0	869436..869954	-	172	94987132	-	LI0690	-	hypothetical protein
688	 37.63	+1	870411..870899	-	162	94987133	pal	LI0691	-	Outer membrane protein and related peptidoglycan-associated (lipo)proteins
689	 36.50	0	871045..872403	-	452	94987134	tolB	LI0692	-	periplasmic component of the Tol biopolymer transport system
690	 36.37	0	872867..873820	-	317	94987135	-	LI0693	-	membrane protein involved in colicin uptake
691	 38.39	+1	873921..874355	-	144	94987136	exbD	LI0694	-	biopolymer transport protein
692	 38.79	+1	874438..875115	-	225	94987137	tolQ	LI0695	-	biopolymer transport proteins
693	 37.50	0	875739..876314	+	191	94987138	rubY	LI0696	-	rubrerythrin
694	 35.78	0	876328..876531	+	67	94987139	rubA	LI0697	-	rubredoxin 2 (Rd-2)
695	 34.01	0	876635..877663	+	342	94987140	rfaF	LI0698	-	ADP-heptose:LPS heptosyltransferase II
696	 36.20	0	877710..878720	+	336	94987141	-	LI0699	-	hypothetical protein
697	 34.52	0	878912..879499	-	195	94987142	-	LI0700	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
698	 34.51	0	879685..881550	-	621	94987143	uvrC	LI0701	-	nuclease subunit of the excinuclease complex
699	 33.05	0	881559..882254	-	231	94987144	maf	LI0702	-	nucleotide-binding protein implicated in inhibition of septum formation
700	 35.56	0	882513..883592	+	359	94987145	-	LI0703	-	exopolyphosphatase-like protein
701	 36.26	0	883675..885042	-	455	94987146	asnC	LI0704	-	asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
702	 32.61	0	885106..885795	-	229	94987147	-	LI0705	-	DedA family protein
703	 36.90	0	885880..889188	-	1102	94987148	-	LI0706	-	hypothetical protein
704	 33.58	0	889587..891977	-	796	94987149	hypF	LI0707	-	hydrogenase maturation factor
705	 33.33	0	892189..893016	+	275	94987150	-	LI0708	-	protein-disulfide isomerase
706	 32.76	0	893127..894170	+	347	94987151	ribF	LI0709	-	FAD synthase
707	 38.32	+1	894199..895080	+	293	94987152	fliC	LI0710	-	flagellin-like protein
708	 26.98	-2	895227..895730	-	167	94987153	-	LI0711	-	uncharacterized membrane protein, required for colicin V production
709	 36.93	0	896405..897349	-	314	94987154	pyrD	LI0712	-	dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
710	 36.43	0	897346..898152	-	268	94987155	pyrDII	LI0713	-	2-polyprenylphenol hydroxylase and related flavodoxin oxidoreductases
711	 38.14	+1	898390..899574	+	394	94987156	argJ	LI0714	-	bifunctional ornithine acetyltransferase/N-acetylglutamate synthase protein
712	 34.37	0	899739..900704	+	321	94987157	rluD	LI0715	-	pseudouridylate synthases, 23S RNA-specific
713	 31.42	0	900834..901616	+	260	94987158	gln	LI0716	-	amino acid ABC transporter periplasmic protein
714	 34.19	0	901672..902370	+	232	94987159	glnP	LI0717	-	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component
715	 33.22	0	902381..903256	+	291	94987160	glnQ	LI0718	-	ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component
716	 33.77	0	903258..903944	+	228	94987161	-	LI0719	-	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component
717	 35.37	0	903994..905814	+	606	94987162	lepA	LI0720	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
718	 31.44	0	905910..906278	-	122	94987163	-	LI0721	-	transporter, putative
719	 32.66	0	906849..908045	-	398	94987164	-	LI0722	-	hypothetical protein
720	 33.25	0	908182..909393	-	403	94987165	mltA	LI0723	-	membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase
721	 33.33	0	909409..909858	+	149	94987166	-	LI0724	-	thioesterase
722	 30.90	-1	910107..910928	-	273	94987167	hisB	LI0725	-	PHP family histidinol phosphatase/hydrolase
723	 37.59	+1	911020..912195	-	391	162138293	metK	LI0726	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
724	 31.81	0	912401..912991	+	196	94987169	-	LI0727	-	hypothetical protein
725	 33.45	0	912997..913881	+	294	94987170	lytB	LI0728	-	ribosomal protein S1
726	 35.86	0	913946..914896	+	316	94987171	cheV	LI0729	-	chemotaxis signal transduction protein
727	 35.89	0	914956..916287	-	443	94987172	ugd	LI0730	-	UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase
728	 32.28	0	916424..916801	+	125	94987173	acpS	LI0731	-	holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase
729	 38.20	+1	916828..917361	+	177	94987174	hslV	LI0732	-	ATP-dependent protease peptidase subunit
730	 33.08	0	917632..918429	+	265	94987175	-	LI0733	-	amino acid ABC transporter periplasmic protein
731	 37.47	0	918588..919070	+	160	94987176	-	LI0734	-	hypothetical protein
732	 33.55	0	919170..920087	+	305	94987177	ychB	LI0735	-	4-diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate synthase
733	 38.20	+1	920202..921167	+	321	94987178	prsA	LI0736	-	phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase
734	 33.50	0	921211..921804	+	197	94987179	-	LI0737	-	50S ribosomal protein L25/general stress protein Ctc
735	 33.99	0	921880..922485	+	201	94987180	-	LI0738	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
736	 28.43	-1	922741..923433	+	230	94987181	-	LI0739	-	hypothetical protein
737	 36.73	0	923583..924377	+	264	94987182	flgF	LI0740	-	flagellar basal body rod protein
738	 39.44	+1	924392..925177	+	261	94987183	flgG	LI0741	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG
739	 35.67	0	925203..926186	+	327	94987184	-	LI0742	-	hypothetical protein
740	 37.52	0	926204..926896	+	230	94987185	flgH	LI0743	-	flagellar basal body L-ring protein
741	 38.42	+1	926942..928081	+	379	94987186	flgI	LI0744	-	flagellar basal body P-ring protein
742	 33.04	0	928086..928769	+	227	94987187	flgJ	LI0745	-	membrane proteins related to metalloendopeptidases
743	 34.46	0	928976..929506	+	176	94987188	-	LI0746	-	hypothetical protein
744	 36.40	0	929506..931623	+	705	94987189	flgK	LI0747	-	flagellar hook-associated protein
745	 37.39	0	931633..933210	+	525	94987190	flgL	LI0748	-	flagellin-like protein
34.48	MEAN

3.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.