IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.48 STD DEV: 3.07
Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00, complete genome - 1..1457619
1180 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
417	 37.96	+1	511426..512397	-	323	94986862	-	LI0418	-	hypothetical protein
418	 30.26	-1	514084..514919	+	277	94986863	-	LI0419	-	short chain dehydrogenase, putative
419	 33.02	0	514967..515935	-	322	94986864	bioB	LI0420	-	biotin synthase
420	 33.60	0	515952..517097	+	381	94986865	bioF	LI0421	-	7-keto-8-aminopelargonate synthetase and related enzymes
421	 27.54	-2	517094..517732	+	212	94986866	-	LI0422	-	hypothetical protein
422	 28.49	-1	517752..518495	+	247	94986867	bioC	LI0424	-	ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family protein
423	 32.03	0	518495..519106	+	203	94986868	bioD	LI0425	-	dethiobiotin synthetase
424	 32.32	0	519110..520387	+	425	94986869	bioA	LI0426	-	adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase
425	 27.43	-2	520457..521032	-	191	94986870	-	LI0427	-	hypothetical protein
426	 35.09	0	522545..523912	+	455	94986871	putP	LI0428	-	sodium-dependent transporter
427	 34.73	0	524004..525074	-	356	94986872	hemN	LI0429	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase-like protein
428	 31.52	0	525142..525582	+	146	94986873	-	LI0430	-	histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein
429	 27.84	-2	525657..525947	+	96	94986874	himA	LI0431	-	nucleoid DNA-binding protein
430	 32.72	0	526092..526742	-	216	94986875	-	LI0432	-	S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase involved in cell division
431	 34.91	0	527009..528847	-	612	94986876	dsbD	LI0433	-	hypothetical protein
432	 31.49	0	529148..530338	-	396	94986877	-	LI0434	-	glycosyltransferase
433	 34.96	0	530484..531716	+	410	94986878	aspC	LI0435	-	L,L-diaminopimelate aminotransferase
434	 32.39	0	531796..532644	-	282	94986879	-	LI0436	-	PhyA2
435	 35.14	0	532566..533117	-	183	94986880	-	LI0437	-	histidine acid phosphatase
436	 33.79	0	533368..534693	-	441	94986881	-	LI0438	-	PhyA2
437	 40.81	+2	535099..536355	+	418	94986882	hyaA	LI0439	-	hydrogenase-1 small subunit
438	 37.76	+1	536370..538178	+	602	94986883	hyaB	LI0440	-	hydrogenase-1 large subunit
439	 34.18	0	538288..538992	+	234	94986884	hyaC	LI0441	-	Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit
440	 33.15	0	538995..539531	+	178	94986885	hyaD	LI0442	-	processing of HyaA and HyaB proteins
441	 28.40	-1	540291..540695	+	134	94986886	-	LI0443	-	hypothetical protein
442	 36.41	0	540700..541770	+	356	94986887	-	LI0444	-	glycosyltransferase
443	 33.55	0	541891..542361	-	156	94986888	dtd	LI0445	-	D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase
444	 35.83	0	542402..543601	-	399	94986889	-	LI0446	-	4-diphosphocytidyl-2-methyl-D-erithritol synthase
445	 46.26	+2	543696..543989	+	97	94986890	-	LI0447	-	hypothetical protein
446	 36.86	0	544048..544812	-	254	94986891	-	LI0448	-	hypothetical protein
447	 35.59	0	544847..545644	-	265	94986892	-	LI0449	-	hypothetical protein
448	 37.45	0	545767..546591	-	274	94986893	purL	LI0450	-	phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase domain-containing protein
449	 35.75	0	546832..548484	+	550	94986894	pyrG	LI0451	-	CTP synthetase
450	 38.41	+1	548515..549321	+	268	94986895	kdsA	LI0452	-	2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase
451	 34.31	0	549318..549929	+	203	94986896	-	LI0453	-	HAD superfamily low specificity phosphatase
452	 33.15	0	550004..550549	+	181	94986897	-	LI0454	-	hypothetical protein
453	 29.82	-1	550649..551218	+	189	94986898	-	LI0455	-	hypothetical protein
454	 33.89	0	551218..551940	+	240	94986899	-	LI0456	-	ABC transporter ATPase
455	 35.65	0	552086..553507	+	473	94986900	rpoN	LI0457	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase specialized sigma subunit, sigma54-like protein
456	 33.15	0	553542..554078	+	178	94986901	-	LI0458	-	ribosome-associated protein Y (PSrp-1)
457	 33.44	0	554113..555078	+	321	94986902	-	LI0459	-	hypothetical protein
458	 34.06	0	555553..556104	+	183	94986903	-	LI0460	-	putative outer membrane protein
459	 36.94	0	556323..557819	-	498	94986904	-	LI0461	-	hypothetical protein
460	 35.91	0	557976..559373	-	465	94986905	gltX	LI0462	-	glutamyl-and glutaminyl-tRNA synthetases
461	 33.33	0	559477..560727	-	416	94986906	-	LI0463	-	hypothetical protein
462	 37.96	+1	560781..562121	-	446	94986907	pgk	LI0464	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
463	 31.07	-1	562525..563409	+	294	94986908	-	LI0465	-	hypothetical protein
464	 37.16	0	563439..564431	-	330	94986909	galE	LI0466	-	nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerases
465	 32.43	0	564532..565308	-	258	94986910	cynT	LI0467	-	carbonic anhydrase
466	 33.85	0	566233..567591	+	452	94986911	rfbB	LI0468	-	dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase
467	 34.40	0	567584..569458	+	624	94986912	-	LI0469	-	hypothetical protein
468	 35.45	0	569852..570466	+	204	94986913	-	LI0470	-	membrane proteins related to metalloendopeptidases
469	 32.52	0	570504..571607	+	367	94986914	-	LI0471	-	xylanase/chitin deacetylase
470	 34.58	0	571638..572678	-	346	94986915	-	LI0472	-	permease
471	 35.26	0	573983..577249	-	1088	94986916	-	LI0473	-	putative DNA methylase protein
472	 34.57	0	579345..579749	-	134	94986917	-	LI0474	-	tellurite resistance
473	 37.84	+1	579945..580343	-	132	94986918	-	LI0475	-	hypothetical protein
474	 35.70	0	581215..583965	+	916	94986919	nrdA	LI0476	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
475	 33.23	0	584106..585107	+	333	94986920	nrdB	LI0477	-	ribonucleotide reductase, beta subunit
476	 36.12	0	585484..586632	-	382	94986921	-	LI0478	-	cytosine deaminase-like protein
477	 32.64	0	587222..588658	+	478	94986922	-	LI0479	-	alginate O-acetylation protein
478	 33.03	0	588676..590637	+	653	94986923	-	LI0480	-	esterase MesA
479	 33.07	0	590701..591078	+	125	94986924	-	LI0481	-	hypothetical protein
480	 35.69	0	591277..592125	+	282	94986925	motA	LI0482	-	flagellar motor protein MotA
481	 39.22	+1	592170..592883	+	237	94986926	motB	LI0483	-	flagellar motor protein
482	 32.34	0	592910..594616	-	568	94986927	-	LI0484	-	hypothetical protein
483	 34.37	0	594907..596061	-	384	94986928	-	LI0485	-	major facilitator superfamily permease
484	 33.60	0	596408..597160	+	250	94986929	motA	LI0486	-	flagellar motor component
485	 38.00	+1	597267..597887	+	206	94986930	motB	LI0487	-	flagellar motor protein
486	 36.72	0	598269..599687	+	472	94986931	accC	LI0488	-	biotin carboxylase
487	 36.98	0	599700..601946	+	748	94986932	-	LI0489	-	Acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit
488	 34.56	0	601994..602644	+	216	94986933	-	LI0490	-	hypothetical protein
489	 34.49	0	602649..602993	+	114	94986934	-	LI0491	-	hypothetical protein
490	 35.75	0	603031..603486	+	151	94986935	-	LI0492	-	single-stranded DNA-binding protein
491	 34.86	0	603604..605301	-	565	94986936	glnS	LI0493	-	glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
492	 34.13	0	605340..605717	-	125	94986937	-	LI0494	-	hypothetical protein
493	 34.65	0	605999..607135	+	378	94986938	-	LI0495	-	glycosyltransferase
494	 34.91	0	607449..608588	+	379	94986939	-	LI0496	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter, periplasmic amino acid-binding protein
495	 35.35	0	608669..609562	+	297	94986940	livH	LI0497	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein
496	 33.05	0	609559..610602	+	347	94986941	livM	LI0498	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein
497	 33.33	0	610599..611405	+	268	94986942	livG	LI0499	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
498	 36.10	0	611398..612120	+	240	94986943	livF	LI0500	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
499	 38.15	+1	612389..614464	+	691	94986944	hppA	LI0501	-	membrane-bound proton-translocating pyrophosphatase
500	 35.53	0	614756..615940	-	394	94986945	pabC	LI0502	-	periplasmic solute-binding protein
501	 31.70	0	615937..616365	-	142	94986946	-	LI0503	-	endonuclease
502	 37.68	+1	617036..617818	+	260	94986947	thiG	LI0504	-	thiazole synthase
503	 34.43	0	617868..618959	+	363	94986948	thiH	LI0505	-	thiamine biosynthesis enzyme ThiH and related uncharacterized enzymes
504	 36.39	0	618969..619589	+	206	94986949	thiF	LI0506	-	thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiF
505	 35.58	0	619631..620785	-	384	94986950	-	LI0507	-	hypothetical protein
506	 33.77	0	620873..622246	-	457	94986951	-	LI0508	-	multidrug resistance protein norM
507	 36.47	0	622366..623799	-	477	94986952	-	LI0509	-	carbon starvation protein, membrane protein
508	 31.70	0	624527..625507	+	326	94986953	terC	LI0510	-	tellurium resistance protein TerC
509	 34.99	0	625603..626085	-	160	94986954	-	LI0511	-	hypothetical protein
510	 33.54	0	626142..627587	-	481	94986955	-	LI0512	-	sugar transferases involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis
511	 36.78	0	627646..628749	-	367	94986956	-	LI0513	-	glycosyltransferase
512	 34.39	0	628999..630420	+	473	94986957	-	LI0514	-	Na+/H+ antiporter NhaD and related arsenite permeases
513	 33.74	0	630795..631769	+	324	94986958	ispB	LI0515	-	geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase
514	 35.45	0	631796..634774	+	992	94986959	purL	LI0516	-	phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase domain-containing protein
515	 35.31	0	634857..636629	-	590	94986960	rpoD	LI0517	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, sigma subunit (sigma70/sigma32)
516	 34.43	0	636619..638349	-	576	94986961	dnaG	LI0518	-	DNA primase
34.48	MEAN

3.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.