IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.48 STD DEV: 3.07
Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00, complete genome - 1..1457619
1180 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
94	 34.47	0	120488..121714	+	408	94986539	pfk	LI0094	-	fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
95	 31.46	0	121739..123019	-	426	94986540	-	LI0095	-	CheY-like receiver
96	 27.86	-2	123089..123490	-	133	94986541	-	LI0096	-	hypothetical protein
97	 32.80	0	124343..125278	-	311	94986542	corA	LI0097	-	CorA, CorA-like Mg2+ transporter protein
98	 32.73	0	125579..126076	+	165	94986543	-	LI0098	-	hypothetical protein
99	 34.65	0	126080..127141	-	353	94986544	argC	LI0099	-	N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase
100	 30.77	-1	127145..127495	-	116	94986545	-	LI0100	-	hypothetical protein
101	 29.78	-1	127796..128161	-	121	94986546	dgkA	LI0101	-	diacylglycerol kinase
102	 36.36	0	128189..130795	-	868	94986547	polB	LI0102	-	DNA polymerase I
103	 34.51	0	131168..132442	+	424	94986548	-	LI0103	-	hypothetical protein
104	 27.73	-2	132452..133093	+	213	94986549	-	LI0104	-	hypothetical protein
105	 31.64	0	133237..134181	+	314	94986550	-	LI0105	-	hypothetical protein
106	 35.50	0	134353..136017	-	554	94986551	ilv	LI0106	-	acetolactate synthase
107	 33.87	0	136036..136965	-	309	94986552	-	LI0107	-	permease
108	 31.91	0	137267..138253	-	328	94986553	dapA	LI0108	-	dihydrodipicolinate synthase/N-acetylneuraminate lyase
109	 32.53	0	138738..139481	+	247	94986554	-	LI0109	-	hypothetical protein
110	 35.31	0	139486..140751	+	421	94986555	smf	LI0110	-	Rossmann fold nucleotide-binding protein involved in DNA uptake
111	 34.93	0	140818..141759	+	313	94986556	-	LI0111	-	site-specific recombinase XerC
112	 37.05	0	141824..142765	-	313	94986557	-	LI0112	-	hypothetical protein
113	 33.26	0	142958..144319	-	453	94986558	engA	LI0113	-	GTP-binding protein EngA
114	 35.14	0	144414..145688	-	424	94986559	serS	LI0114	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
115	 34.54	0	145952..146530	+	192	94986560	-	LI0115	-	hypothetical protein
116	 34.54	0	146548..147627	+	359	94986561	-	LI0116	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
117	 33.93	0	147699..149210	+	503	94986562	cysG	LI0117	-	siroheme synthase
118	 34.94	0	149239..149922	+	227	94986563	purN	LI0118	-	phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase
119	 33.93	0	149998..150498	-	166	94986564	msrA	LI0119	-	peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase
120	 34.31	0	150473..150880	-	135	94986565	-	LI0120	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase B
121	 32.42	0	150925..151581	-	218	94986566	pepQ	LI0121	-	Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase
122	 36.23	0	152230..152988	+	252	94986567	-	LI0122	-	cytochrome c biogenesis protein
123	 34.21	0	153127..153696	-	189	94986568	lacA	LI0123	-	maltose O-acetyltransferase
124	 37.51	0	154211..155119	+	302	94986569	cbpA	LI0124	-	DnaJ-class molecular chaperone
125	 33.65	0	155138..155449	+	103	94986570	-	LI0125	-	hypothetical protein
126	 36.52	0	155540..158173	+	877	94986571	clpB	LI0126	-	ATPases with chaperone activity, ATP-binding subunit
127	 36.36	0	158235..158993	-	252	94986572	glnQ	LI0127	-	ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component
128	 35.50	0	158962..159747	-	261	94986573	glnP	LI0128	-	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component
129	 33.20	0	159798..160547	-	249	94986574	-	LI0129	-	amino acid ABC transporter, periplasmic amino acid-binding protein
130	 32.83	0	160881..161474	+	197	94986575	hisJ	LI0130	-	histidinol phosphatase and related phosphatases
131	 34.33	0	161575..162882	+	435	94986576	folC	LI0131	-	folylpolyglutamate synthase
132	 32.15	0	162904..164340	+	478	94986577	selA	LI0132	-	selenocysteine synthase
133	 31.64	0	164510..164863	+	117	94986578	-	LI0133	-	hypothetical protein
134	 31.30	-1	164954..166084	+	376	94986579	-	LI0134	-	polymerase
135	 33.57	0	166090..167793	+	567	94986580	-	LI0135	-	hypothetical protein
136	 38.73	+1	169098..169745	+	215	94986581	-	LI0136	-	hypothetical protein
137	 35.61	0	170015..170803	-	262	94986582	-	LI0137	-	putative integral membrane protein
138	 27.13	-2	171157..171543	-	128	94986583	-	LI0138	-	hypothetical protein
139	 25.67	-2	171577..172059	-	160	94986584	-	LI0139	-	hypothetical protein
140	 29.59	-1	172266..173522	-	418	94986585	-	LI0140	-	glycosyltransferase
141	 34.58	0	173721..174680	+	319	94986586	nodB	LI0141	-	xylanase/chitin deacetylase
142	 32.77	0	178242..179129	+	295	94986587	-	LI0142	-	hypothetical protein
143	 30.35	-1	180054..180455	-	133	94986588	-	LI0143	-	hypothetical protein
144	 30.45	-1	180718..181446	-	242	94986589	-	LI0144	-	SAM-dependent methyltransferases
145	 34.69	0	182088..183926	+	612	94986590	typA/bipA	LI0145	-	GTP-binding protein lepA
146	 33.61	0	183980..185080	-	366	94986591	-	LI0146	-	translation-associated GTPase
147	 38.78	+1	185352..185810	+	152	94986592	-	LI0147	-	Outer membrane lipoprotein
148	 37.02	0	185906..188398	-	830	94986593	lon	LI0148	-	ATP-dependent protease
149	 35.24	0	188436..189116	-	226	94986594	radC	LI0149	-	DNA repair proteins
150	 32.21	0	189211..190188	-	325	94986595	-	LI0150	-	hypothetical protein
151	 33.33	0	190209..190736	-	175	94986596	-	LI0151	-	hypothetical protein
152	 33.33	0	190747..193254	-	835	94986597	leuS	LI0152	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase
153	 30.25	-1	193265..193750	-	161	94986598	nusB	LI0153	-	transcription termination factor
154	 36.29	0	193760..194233	-	157	94986599	ribH	LI0154	-	riboflavin synthase beta-chain
155	 36.33	0	194320..195588	-	422	94986600	ribA	LI0155	-	GTP cyclohydrolase II
156	 29.73	-1	195573..196238	-	221	94986601	ribE	LI0156	-	riboflavin synthase subunit alpha
157	 33.25	0	196242..197390	-	382	94986602	ribD	LI0157	-	pyrimidine reductase, riboflavin biosynthesis
158	 35.75	0	197926..199164	-	412	94986603	glyA	LI0159	-	serine hydroxymethyltransferase
159	 35.65	0	199233..200483	-	416	94986604	fabF/fabB	LI0160	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase
160	 35.08	0	200903..201646	-	247	94986605	fabG	LI0161	-	3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase
161	 33.73	0	201755..202759	-	334	94986606	fabH	LI0162	-	3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III
162	 33.91	0	202841..203884	-	347	94986607	plsX	LI0163	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
163	 31.28	-1	204107..204643	-	178	94986608	-	LI0164	-	metal-binding protein
164	 34.07	0	204755..205846	-	363	94986609	mutY	LI0165	-	A/G-specific DNA glycosylase
165	 28.99	-1	205977..206483	+	168	94986610	ppiB	LI0166	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
166	 28.57	-1	206826..207434	-	202	94986611	-	LI0167	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
167	 34.67	0	207522..210743	-	1073	94986612	-	LI0168	-	SNF2 family DNA/RNA helicase
168	 34.08	0	211599..213256	+	551	94986613	oppA	LI0169	-	ABC-type dipeptide transport system, periplasmic component
169	 34.88	0	213386..215581	+	731	94986614	relA	LI0170	-	guanosine polyphosphate pyrophosphohydrolases/synthetases
170	 33.33	0	215599..216006	-	135	94986615	-	LI0171	-	hypothetical protein
171	 33.33	0	216601..217899	-	432	94986616	-	LI0172	-	hypothetical protein
172	 38.05	+1	218703..219869	+	388	94986617	-	LI0173	-	prophage DLP12 integrase
173	 29.18	-1	219859..220869	+	336	94986618	-	LI0174	-	hypothetical protein
174	 48.89	+2	221210..222874	+	554	94986619	-	LI0175	-	hyphotheical protein
175	 54.71	+2	222965..223357	+	130	94986620	-	LI0176	-	hypothetical protein
176	 36.08	0	223987..224532	+	181	94986621	-	LI0177	-	hypothetical protein
177	 44.24	+2	224690..225184	+	164	94986622	-	LI0178	-	hypothetical protein
178	 50.73	+2	225939..227858	-	639	94986623	tetW	LI0179	-	ribosomal protection tetracycline resistance protein
179	 55.30	+2	228343..229257	+	304	94986624	-	LI0180	-	hypothetical protein
180	 37.79	+1	229471..230256	+	261	94986625	-	LI0181	-	endonuclease I
181	 45.64	+2	230232..231092	+	286	94986626	-	LI0182	-	putative recombination protein-phage associated
182	 49.04	+2	231161..232363	+	400	94986627	-	LI0183	-	hypothetical protein
183	 50.13	+2	232347..232721	+	124	94986628	-	LI0184	-	hypothetical protein
184	 52.37	+2	232791..233741	+	316	94986629	-	LI0185	-	MoxR-like ATPases
185	 51.81	+2	233745..234740	+	331	94986630	-	LI0186	-	hypothetical protein
186	 51.10	+2	234755..236347	+	530	94986631	-	LI0187	-	hypothetical protein
187	 37.68	+1	236969..238876	+	635	94986632	ftsH	LI0188	-	ATP-dependent Zn proteases
188	 31.87	0	238888..239775	+	295	94986633	folP	LI0189	-	dihydropteroate synthase
189	 34.95	0	239839..240579	+	246	94986634	-	LI0190	-	hypothetical protein
190	 34.58	0	240772..241494	+	240	94986635	-	LI0191	-	hypothetical protein
191	 36.14	0	241522..242877	+	451	94986636	-	LI0192	-	phosphomannomutase
192	 34.53	0	242878..243798	+	306	94986637	galU	LI0193	-	UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
193	 32.41	0	243833..246211	+	792	94986638	priA	LI0194	-	primosomal protein N'
34.48	MEAN

3.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.