IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Klebsiella pneumoniae 342

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 57.01 STD DEV: 6.61
Klebsiella pneumoniae 342, complete genome - 1..5641239
5425 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2445	 63.76	+1	2556901..2558517	-	538	206577373	-	KPK_2499	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
2446	 67.14	+1	2558514..2559362	-	282	206576694	-	KPK_2500	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
2447	 62.86	0	2559359..2560303	-	314	206581072	-	KPK_2501	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
2448	 61.00	0	2560314..2561936	-	540	206580318	-	KPK_2502	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein
2449	 59.74	0	2562094..2563104	-	336	206579606	-	KPK_2503	-	alcohol dehydrogenase
2450	 57.17	0	2563358..2563957	+	199	206578848	-	KPK_2504	-	inorganic diphosphatase
2451	 61.32	0	2564125..2565078	+	317	206578055	-	KPK_2505	-	transcriptional regulator, MarR family/acetyltransferase, GNAT family
2452	 65.15	+1	2565115..2566830	-	571	206577112	-	KPK_2506	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
2453	 51.27	0	2567228..2567935	-	235	206577555	-	KPK_2507	-	hypothetical protein
2454	 58.72	0	2568119..2569816	-	565	206580960	sfcA	KPK_2508	-	malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)
2455	 43.41	-2	2569872..2570000	+	42	206579435	-	KPK_2510	-	hypothetical protein
2456	 51.06	0	2569997..2570137	-	46	206578589	-	KPK_2509	-	30S ribosomal protein, S22 family
2457	 59.04	0	2570315..2571166	-	283	206577901	-	KPK_2511	-	metallo-beta-lactamase family protein
2458	 66.33	+1	2571279..2572175	+	298	206578406	-	KPK_2512	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family
2459	 51.63	0	2572243..2572488	-	81	206576054	-	KPK_2513	-	hypothetical protein
2460	 61.64	0	2572655..2573569	-	304	206576822	-	KPK_2514	-	oxidoreductase, short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family
2461	 33.33	-2	2573876..2574001	+	41	206576754	-	KPK_2515	-	hypothetical protein
2462	 51.61	0	2574223..2574408	+	61	206577702	-	KPK_2516	-	hypothetical protein
2463	 35.61	-2	2574516..2574647	-	43	206580984	-	KPK_2517	-	hypothetical protein
2464	 49.07	-1	2574612..2574827	+	71	206579859	-	KPK_2518	-	hypothetical protein
2465	 54.83	0	2574851..2575357	+	168	206576523	-	KPK_2519	-	hypothetical protein
2466	 61.69	0	2575612..2577237	+	541	206578398	-	KPK_2521	-	putative trehalose synthase
2467	 63.45	0	2577234..2578229	-	331	206581104	-	KPK_2520	-	oxidoreductase, short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family
2468	 44.97	-1	2578544..2578990	-	148	206577642	-	KPK_2522	-	hypothetical protein
2469	 50.20	-1	2578999..2579502	-	167	206579205	-	KPK_2523	-	hypothetical protein
2470	 35.56	-2	2579488..2579622	+	44	206578513	-	KPK_2524	-	hypothetical protein
2471	 57.53	0	2579648..2580052	+	134	206578195	-	KPK_2525	-	conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00156
2472	 58.50	0	2580068..2580214	+	48	206577739	-	KPK_2526	-	hypothetical protein
2473	 57.41	0	2580328..2580759	+	143	206579220	osmC	KPK_2527	-	peroxiredoxin OsmC
2474	 65.52	+1	2580863..2581732	+	289	206577223	-	KPK_2528	-	hypothetical protein
2475	 64.48	+1	2581736..2582422	-	228	206579650	-	KPK_2529	-	putative periplasmic substrate-binding protein
2476	 61.64	0	2582643..2583596	+	317	206579036	-	KPK_2530	-	cation diffusion facilitator family transporter
2477	 58.17	0	2583840..2584757	+	305	206579653	-	KPK_2531	-	hypothetical protein
2478	 62.19	0	2585100..2587379	+	759	206578845	-	KPK_2532	-	molybdopterin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit
2479	 58.62	0	2587528..2588409	+	293	206580915	-	KPK_2533	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family
2480	 59.91	0	2588430..2589836	-	468	206580191	-	KPK_2534	-	transporter, major facilitator family
2481	 60.82	0	2590117..2591160	+	347	206577346	-	KPK_2535	-	ATPase, AFG1 family
2482	 62.81	0	2591195..2593372	-	725	206576568	katG	KPK_2536	-	catalase/peroxidase HPI
2483	 56.24	0	2593811..2594443	+	210	206579024	-	KPK_2537	-	translocator protein, LysE family
2484	 60.13	0	2594665..2596575	+	636	206580100	-	KPK_2538	-	penicillin-binding protein
2485	 65.85	+1	2596687..2597424	+	245	206579679	-	KPK_2540	-	class I glutamine amidotransferase family protein
2486	 68.68	+1	2597421..2599706	-	761	206579112	pqqF	KPK_2539	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein PqqF
2487	 60.54	0	2599706..2600848	-	380	206577759	pqqE	KPK_2541	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein E
2488	 59.50	0	2600835..2601113	-	92	206579644	pqqD	KPK_2542	-	coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein D
2489	 60.71	0	2601116..2601871	-	251	206577925	pqqC	KPK_2543	-	pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase
2490	 60.95	0	2601865..2602791	-	308	206577171	pqqB	KPK_2544	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein B
2491	 41.67	-2	2602846..2602917	-	23	206578272	pqqA	KPK_2545	-	coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein A
2492	 61.57	0	2603054..2604073	-	339	206580087	-	KPK_2546	-	renal dipeptidase family protein
2493	 63.34	0	2604317..2605309	+	330	206576557	-	KPK_2547	-	hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family
2494	 60.59	0	2605396..2606136	+	246	206578894	-	KPK_2548	-	DNA-binding response regulator
2495	 66.15	+1	2606133..2607476	+	447	206577107	-	KPK_2549	-	sensor histidine kinase
2496	 66.33	+1	2607579..2608769	+	396	206579447	-	KPK_2550	-	cytochrome c biogenesis protein/redoxin
2497	 65.19	+1	2609159..2610040	-	293	206576494	-	KPK_2551	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family
2498	 60.93	0	2610257..2611738	-	493	206575761	ddc	KPK_2552	-	L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase
2499	 58.87	0	2611748..2613133	-	461	206580384	dat	KPK_2553	-	diaminobutyrate--2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase
2500	 59.40	0	2613440..2614375	-	311	206576928	-	KPK_2554	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein
2501	 63.43	0	2614400..2615140	-	246	206579612	-	KPK_2555	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
2502	 69.14	+1	2615137..2615865	-	242	206578999	-	KPK_2556	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
2503	 62.07	0	2615862..2616557	-	231	206578113	-	KPK_2557	-	TENA/THI-4 family protein
2504	 58.16	0	2616554..2616694	-	46	206577549	-	KPK_2558	-	hypothetical protein
2505	 43.48	-2	2616731..2616868	-	45	206581040	-	KPK_2559	-	hypothetical protein
2506	 55.28	0	2617161..2617283	+	40	206578940	-	KPK_2560	-	hypothetical protein
2507	 55.66	0	2617302..2618246	+	314	206577164	-	KPK_2561	-	putative lipoprotein
2508	 61.34	0	2618312..2619418	+	368	206577754	-	KPK_2562	-	hypothetical protein
2509	 62.32	0	2619456..2620628	-	390	206575920	-	KPK_2563	-	oxidoreductase, NAD-binding
2510	 62.88	0	2620642..2621565	-	307	206576506	-	KPK_2564	-	AP endonuclease, family 2
2511	 60.23	0	2621757..2622797	-	346	206580225	-	KPK_2565	-	transcriptional regulator, LacI family
2512	 49.96	-1	2623195..2624451	+	418	206580868	-	KPK_2566	-	sensory box-containing diguanylate cyclase
2513	 59.66	0	2624576..2625517	+	313	206579050	-	KPK_2567	-	hypothetical protein
2514	 59.80	0	2625639..2626949	-	436	206579621	guaD	KPK_2568	-	guanine deaminase
2515	 59.19	0	2627050..2628546	-	498	206578885	-	KPK_2569	-	permease, cytosine/purine, uracil, thiamine, allantoin family
2516	 61.92	0	2628691..2629407	+	238	206579461	-	KPK_2570	-	transcriptional regulator, GntR family
2517	 63.84	+1	2629407..2630150	+	247	206575926	hyuE	KPK_2571	-	hydantoin racemase
2518	 63.02	0	2630163..2631095	+	310	206576420	-	KPK_2572	-	putative urate catabolism protein
2519	 57.20	0	2631183..2631974	-	263	206580459	-	KPK_2573	-	hypothetical protein
2520	 57.29	0	2632084..2632851	+	255	206581063	-	KPK_2574	-	transcriptional regulator, AraC family
2521	 44.89	-1	2633055..2633279	+	74	206579677	-	KPK_2575	-	hypothetical protein
2522	 49.05	-1	2633557..2634924	+	455	206580250	-	KPK_2576	-	hypothetical protein
2523	 51.24	0	2635134..2635859	-	241	206577362	-	KPK_2577	-	class I glutamine amidotransferase family protein
2524	 51.44	0	2635952..2636752	+	266	206577970	-	KPK_2578	-	transcriptional regulator, AraC family
2525	 43.33	-2	2637214..2638113	-	299	206580587	-	KPK_2579	-	hypothetical protein
2526	 45.56	-1	2638315..2638764	-	149	206575949	-	KPK_2580	-	hypothetical protein
2527	 56.84	0	2638924..2639859	-	311	206578977	-	KPK_2581	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family
2528	 54.71	0	2639959..2640393	+	144	206577227	-	KPK_2582	-	hypothetical protein
2529	 54.27	0	2640403..2640894	+	163	206579156	-	KPK_2583	-	hypothetical protein
2530	 38.76	-2	2641261..2641389	+	42	206576179	-	KPK_2584	-	hypothetical protein
2531	 40.29	-2	2641738..2643333	+	531	206576782	-	KPK_2585	-	porin, LamB family
2532	 42.38	-2	2643603..2645471	+	622	206580119	-	KPK_2586	-	PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIABC component
2533	 43.26	-2	2645476..2646936	+	486	206580694	bglH	KPK_2587	-	beta-glucosidase
2534	 37.77	-2	2646960..2647793	+	277	206577008	-	KPK_2588	-	putative transcriptional antiterminator
2535	 59.47	0	2647866..2648741	-	291	206576368	-	KPK_2589	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family
2536	 53.96	0	2648871..2649476	+	201	206578947	-	KPK_2590	-	glutathione S-transferase
2537	 49.21	-1	2649534..2649848	-	104	206578343	-	KPK_2591	-	hypothetical protein
2538	 53.33	0	2649937..2650056	+	39	206579993	-	KPK_2592	-	hypothetical protein
2539	 65.65	+1	2650114..2651388	-	424	206579521	-	KPK_2593	-	putative 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II
2540	 62.12	0	2651408..2652970	-	520	206577090	-	KPK_2594	-	drug resistance MFS transporter, drug:H+ antiporter-1 (DHA2) family
2541	 63.41	0	2652967..2654010	-	347	206576647	-	KPK_2595	-	auxiliary transport protein, membrane fusion protein (MFP) family
2542	 60.22	0	2653994..2654551	-	185	206579121	-	KPK_2596	-	putative transcriptional regulator
2543	 51.12	0	2654877..2655995	+	372	206577871	-	KPK_2597	-	putative aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
2544	 47.99	-1	2656033..2656455	-	140	206580282	-	KPK_2598	-	acetyltransferase, GNAT family
57.01	MEAN

6.61	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.