IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Hyphomonas neptunium ATCC 15444

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 62.10 STD DEV: 3.66
Hyphomonas neptunium ATCC 15444, complete genome - 1..3705021
3505 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3223	 62.12	0	3446538..3447350	-	270	114800473	-	HNE_3284	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase domain-containing protein
3224	 61.14	0	3447492..3448142	+	216	114797158	-	HNE_3285	-	ExoD family protein
3225	 66.09	+1	3448157..3448504	+	115	114798128	-	HNE_3286	-	hypothetical protein
3226	 64.54	0	3448581..3449519	+	312	114797225	fabK	HNE_3287	-	trans-2-enoyl-ACP reductase II
3227	 61.94	0	3449649..3451829	+	726	114797980	dcp	HNE_3288	-	peptidyl-dipeptidase
3228	 66.67	+1	3451907..3452374	-	155	114799188	-	HNE_3289	-	sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS),mannose/fructose family protein
3229	 58.79	0	3452401..3452997	-	198	114800119	-	HNE_3290	-	hypothetical protein
3230	 61.99	0	3453225..3455342	-	705	114797169	-	HNE_3291	-	hypothetical protein
3231	 65.67	0	3455430..3456536	-	368	114799167	pspF	HNE_3292	-	psp operon transcription activator
3232	 63.54	0	3456687..3456878	+	63	114800010	-	HNE_3293	-	hypothetical protein
3233	 63.14	0	3456904..3457584	+	226	114797618	pspA	HNE_3294	-	phage shock protein A
3234	 65.12	0	3457698..3457955	+	85	114798410	pspB	HNE_3295	-	phage shock protein B
3235	 60.19	0	3457967..3458383	+	138	114798290	pspC	HNE_3296	-	phage shock protein C
3236	 58.06	-1	3458431..3458616	+	61	114797327	-	HNE_3297	-	hypothetical protein
3237	 67.66	+1	3458613..3460433	-	606	114799736	-	HNE_3298	-	FAD dependent oxidoreductase domain-containing protein
3238	 65.62	0	3460578..3460865	+	95	114799528	-	HNE_3299	-	hypothetical protein
3239	 62.65	0	3460891..3461139	+	82	114798729	-	HNE_3300	-	hypothetical protein
3240	 64.16	0	3461136..3461414	+	92	114797501	-	HNE_3301	-	hypothetical protein
3241	 62.00	0	3461419..3461868	+	149	114800294	-	HNE_3302	-	hypothetical protein
3242	 65.12	0	3461923..3462246	+	107	114799919	-	HNE_3303	-	ArsR family transcriptional regulator
3243	 61.64	0	3462243..3462461	+	72	114799160	-	HNE_3304	-	hypothetical protein
3244	 57.98	-1	3462468..3462893	+	141	114798014	-	HNE_3305	-	hypothetical protein
3245	 56.47	-1	3462890..3463291	+	133	114797620	-	HNE_3306	-	hypothetical protein
3246	 63.66	0	3463288..3463686	+	132	114798569	-	HNE_3307	-	hypothetical protein
3247	 67.33	+1	3463731..3464630	+	299	114798167	-	HNE_3308	-	putative tyrosine recombinase XerC
3248	 64.62	0	3464637..3465809	-	390	114797411	-	HNE_3309	-	putative oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
3249	 61.04	0	3465806..3466462	-	218	114800076	rdgB	HNE_3310	-	non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase
3250	 64.65	0	3466585..3467079	+	164	114799603	-	HNE_3311	-	hypothetical protein
3251	 63.75	0	3467095..3467334	+	79	114799014	-	HNE_3312	-	DNA-binding protein
3252	 56.98	-1	3467388..3468068	+	226	114797623	-	HNE_3313	-	putative satD protein
3253	 56.15	-1	3468055..3468444	+	129	114800112	-	HNE_3314	-	hypothetical protein
3254	 65.29	0	3468445..3469170	-	241	114798422	rph	HNE_3315	-	ribonuclease PH
3255	 64.33	0	3469261..3470931	+	556	114799647	fhs	HNE_3316	-	formate--tetrahydrofolate ligase
3256	 66.76	+1	3470977..3472065	+	362	114800305	hrcA	HNE_3317	-	heat-inducible transcription repressor
3257	 66.14	+1	3472065..3472631	+	188	114797336	grpE	HNE_3318	-	co-chaperone GrpE
3258	 67.54	+1	3472650..3473570	-	306	114797965	-	HNE_3319	-	hypothetical protein
3259	 67.06	+1	3473667..3473918	-	83	114799170	-	HNE_3320	-	hypothetical protein
3260	 61.81	0	3474210..3476105	+	631	114798319	dnaK	HNE_3321	-	chaperone protein DnaK
3261	 65.05	0	3476261..3476878	+	205	114798065	-	HNE_3322	-	hypothetical protein
3262	 62.53	0	3476925..3477914	-	329	114798574	-	HNE_3323	-	putative quinone oxidoreductase
3263	 67.24	+1	3478012..3478884	+	290	114800051	-	HNE_3324	-	putative asparaginase
3264	 62.93	0	3478881..3479201	+	106	114797073	-	HNE_3325	-	hypothetical protein
3265	 62.17	0	3479201..3479734	+	177	114798567	-	HNE_3326	-	RNA methyltransferase
3266	 61.93	0	3479756..3480430	-	224	114799135	-	HNE_3327	-	ChR family anti-sigma factor
3267	 60.81	0	3480520..3481065	-	181	114798215	-	HNE_3328	-	ECF subfamily RNA polymerase sigma factor
3268	 59.74	0	3481255..3481788	+	177	114799447	-	HNE_3329	-	hypothetical protein
3269	 63.99	0	3481862..3482497	-	211	114800290	-	HNE_3330	-	OmpA family protein
3270	 61.43	0	3482686..3483849	+	387	114797352	-	HNE_3331	-	radical SAM protein
3271	 64.07	0	3483860..3486091	-	743	114800151	-	HNE_3332	-	putative transporter
3272	 62.27	0	3486211..3486960	+	249	114797851	-	HNE_3333	-	putative lipoprotein
3273	 60.76	0	3486957..3487193	+	78	114798596	-	HNE_3334	-	hypothetical protein
3274	 62.28	0	3487288..3487629	+	113	114798929	-	HNE_3335	-	ArsC family protein
3275	 57.64	-1	3487662..3487949	-	95	114799803	-	HNE_3336	-	hypothetical protein
3276	 66.20	+1	3488106..3488537	+	143	114797390	-	HNE_3337	-	hypothetical protein
3277	 62.28	0	3488534..3490426	+	630	114799796	thiC	HNE_3338	-	thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiC
3278	 46.38	-2	3490490..3491263	+	257	114797060	-	HNE_3339	-	hypothetical protein
3279	 65.54	0	3491365..3491541	-	58	114799404	-	HNE_3340	-	hypothetical protein
3280	 61.60	0	3491745..3492119	-	124	114799045	-	HNE_3341	-	hypothetical protein
3281	 64.23	0	3492226..3492348	+	40	114797325	-	HNE_3342	-	hypothetical protein
3282	 64.97	0	3492323..3493147	-	274	114798061	-	HNE_3343	-	Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family protein
3283	 60.94	0	3493248..3494993	-	581	114800286	-	HNE_3344	-	putative lipoprotein
3284	 59.58	0	3495062..3495781	+	239	114799264	-	HNE_3345	-	hypothetical protein
3285	 58.38	-1	3495903..3496433	-	176	114798630	-	HNE_3346	-	hypothetical protein
3286	 68.15	+1	3496498..3497373	-	291	114799859	-	HNE_3347	-	chemotaxis MotA protein
3287	 64.86	0	3497512..3498783	+	423	114798953	-	HNE_3348	-	drug:H+ antiporter-1 family protein
3288	 64.98	0	3498804..3500108	-	434	114799549	-	HNE_3349	-	lytic murein transglycosylase
3289	 53.17	-2	3500252..3500377	+	41	114798781	rpmJ	HNE_3350	-	ribosomal protein L36
3290	 62.56	0	3500409..3501017	+	202	114797582	-	HNE_3351	-	HAD family hydrolase
3291	 63.87	0	3501087..3501623	+	178	114799283	-	HNE_3352	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
3292	 63.82	0	3501629..3502576	+	315	114799194	-	HNE_3353	-	alpha/beta fold family hydrolase
3293	 59.47	0	3502616..3502879	+	87	114798719	-	HNE_3354	-	hypothetical protein
3294	 63.71	0	3502929..3503435	+	168	114800017	-	HNE_3355	-	hypothetical protein
3295	 64.63	0	3503462..3504346	+	294	114797298	-	HNE_3356	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
3296	 63.40	0	3504422..3505309	+	295	114798306	-	HNE_3357	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
3297	 62.86	0	3505300..3505614	-	104	114797278	-	HNE_3358	-	hypothetical protein
3298	 60.96	0	3505583..3506545	+	320	114800316	-	HNE_3359	-	putative transporter
3299	 66.28	+1	3506694..3507716	+	340	114797778	-	HNE_3360	-	NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase family protein
3300	 57.42	-1	3507891..3508355	+	154	114797311	-	HNE_3361	-	putative lipoprotein
3301	 64.76	0	3508592..3509062	-	156	114798616	-	HNE_3362	-	hypothetical protein
3302	 61.72	0	3509068..3509451	-	127	114798847	-	HNE_3363	-	hypothetical protein
3303	 64.77	0	3509561..3510034	-	157	114799534	-	HNE_3364	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
3304	 63.90	0	3510290..3511120	+	276	114800244	-	HNE_3365	-	chloride peroxidase
3305	 62.86	0	3511193..3511402	-	69	114797835	-	HNE_3366	-	hypothetical protein
3306	 66.11	+1	3511506..3512399	+	297	114798607	-	HNE_3367	-	M48B family peptidase
3307	 69.34	+1	3512431..3513702	+	423	114799841	-	HNE_3368	-	putative ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase B
3308	 66.05	+1	3513822..3514310	+	162	114798828	-	HNE_3369	-	putative lipoprotein
3309	 62.93	0	3514452..3515120	+	222	114797584	rpe	HNE_3370	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
3310	 67.48	+1	3515148..3516875	+	575	114797226	-	HNE_3371	-	heparinase II/III-like family protein
3311	 66.79	+1	3516969..3518558	+	529	114797222	purH	HNE_3372	-	bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein PurH
3312	 47.92	-2	3518642..3518929	+	95	114797976	-	HNE_3373	-	putative lipoprotein
3313	 67.33	+1	3519321..3520220	-	299	114800467	-	HNE_3374	-	putative hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase
3314	 65.58	0	3520228..3521058	-	276	114797855	-	HNE_3375	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase
3315	 64.90	0	3521179..3521574	+	131	114797571	-	HNE_3376	-	phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase
3316	 62.25	0	3521600..3522505	+	301	114799156	-	HNE_3377	-	metallo-beta-lactamase family lipoprotein
3317	 64.66	0	3522495..3524141	-	548	114798755	-	HNE_3378	-	hypothetical protein
3318	 63.26	0	3524229..3525929	-	566	114800342	-	HNE_3379	-	isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
3319	 64.96	0	3526058..3526876	-	272	114799744	-	HNE_3380	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
3320	 62.65	0	3527048..3529534	+	828	114798760	-	HNE_3381	-	TonB-dependent receptor
3321	 65.34	0	3529672..3530499	+	275	114799337	-	HNE_3382	-	alpha/beta fold family hydrolase
3322	 63.17	0	3530504..3531475	-	323	114799917	-	HNE_3383	-	putative cyclase
62.10	MEAN

3.66	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.