IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Haloquadratum walsbyi DSM 16790

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 48.79 STD DEV: 3.84
Haloquadratum walsbyi DSM 16790, complete genome - 1..3132494
2610 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1579	 44.38	-1	1928907..1929440	-	177	110668555	-	HQ2649A	-	transcriptional regulator
1580	 45.42	0	1929522..1930439	+	305	110668556	galE	HQ2650A	-	nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerase ( UDP-glucose 4-epimerase)
1581	 47.61	0	1930621..1933191	-	856	110668557	gyrA	HQ2651A	-	DNA gyrase / DNA topoisomerase II subunit A
1582	 46.31	0	1933191..1935749	-	852	110668558	gyrB	HQ2652A	-	DNA gyrase / DNA topoisomerase II subunit B
1583	 48.33	0	1935925..1939839	+	1304	110668559	top6B	HQ2653A	-	DNA topoisomerase VI subunit B
1584	 45.75	0	1940145..1941239	+	364	110668560	top6A	HQ2654A	-	DNA topoisomerase VI subunit A
1585	 53.42	+1	1941481..1942152	+	223	110668561	thiE	HQ2655A	-	thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase
1586	 51.56	0	1942152..1943018	+	288	110668562	thiM	HQ2656A	-	hydroxyethylthiazole kinase
1587	 48.66	0	1943205..1944026	+	273	110668563	thiD	HQ2657A	-	phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase
1588	 46.58	0	1944138..1944854	-	238	110668564	-	HQ2658A	-	hypothetical protein
1589	 47.23	0	1945051..1946907	-	618	110668565	ligB	HQ2659A	-	DNA ligase (ATP)
1590	 49.90	0	1947109..1948641	+	510	110668566	-	HQ2660A	-	hypothetical protein
1591	 47.54	0	1948976..1949707	-	243	110668567	psmB	HQ2661A	-	proteasome beta subunit
1592	 48.33	0	1949962..1950201	-	79	110668568	-	HQ2662A	-	hypothetical protein
1593	 48.18	0	1950495..1950851	+	118	110668569	-	HQ2663A	-	hypothetical protein
1594	 50.37	0	1951055..1951600	+	181	110668570	-	HQ2664A	-	transcriptional regulator
1595	 48.40	0	1951759..1952787	-	342	110668571	purM	HQ2665A	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase
1596	 41.37	-1	1953139..1953387	+	82	110668572	-	HQ2666A	-	hypothetical protein
1597	 48.59	0	1953537..1954211	-	224	110668573	-	HQ2667A	-	membrane metallopeptidase
1598	 50.39	0	1954454..1956118	-	554	110668574	traB	HQ2668A	-	plasmid transfer protein
1599	 49.53	0	1956410..1956946	+	178	110668575	-	HQ2669A	-	hypothetical protein
1600	 46.58	0	1957078..1957545	+	155	110668576	-	HQ2670A	-	hypothetical protein
1601	 49.59	0	1957785..1960964	+	1059	110668577	ileS	HQ2671A	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
1602	 50.79	0	1961159..1962166	+	335	110668578	dhaK1	HQ2672A	-	dihydroxyacetone kinase
1603	 49.33	0	1962159..1962902	+	247	110668579	dhaK2	HQ2673A	-	dihydroxyacetone kinase
1604	 50.44	0	1962902..1963357	+	151	110668580	dhaM	HQ2674A	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphoryltransferase
1605	 49.44	0	1963756..1965009	+	417	110668581	gpdA	HQ2675A	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, subunit A
1606	 51.42	0	1965172..1965873	+	233	110668582	-	HQ2676A	-	hypothetical protein
1607	 48.61	0	1965988..1966203	-	71	110668583	-	HQ2677A	-	hypothetical protein
1608	 48.54	0	1966494..1967144	+	216	110668584	-	HQ2678A	-	S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase-like protein
1609	 52.13	0	1967756..1968739	-	327	110668585	-	HQ2679A	-	hypothetical protein
1610	 50.30	0	1968893..1970218	-	441	110668586	ugd	HQ2680A	-	UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase
1611	 49.17	0	1970496..1973804	-	1102	110668587	stt3	HQ2681A	-	transmembrane oligosaccharyl transferase
1612	 55.33	+1	1974242..1974991	+	249	110668588	graD	HQ2682A	-	sugar nucleotidyltransferase II ( glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase)
1613	 54.71	+1	1974992..1975978	-	328	110668589	galE	HQ2683A	-	nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerase 1 ( UDP-glucose 4-epimerase)
1614	 47.18	0	1977742..1978557	+	271	110668590	-	HQ2685A	-	hypothetical protein
1615	 49.66	0	1978601..1979641	-	346	110668591	-	HQ2686A	-	hexosyltransferase; glycosyltransferase
1616	 46.34	0	1979745..1981328	+	527	110668592	-	HQ2687A	-	polysaccharide biosynthesis transporter
1617	 51.25	0	1981359..1982357	+	332	110668593	-	HQ2688A	-	hypothetical protein
1618	 51.52	0	1984182..1985633	+	483	110668594	aslA	HQ2690A	-	arylsulfatase
1619	 47.92	0	1985738..1986889	-	383	110668595	-	HQ2691A	-	hexosyltransferase; glycosyltransferase
1620	 51.95	0	1987643..1988641	-	332	110668596	-	HQ2692A	-	glycosyltransferase
1621	 49.50	0	1989499..1990698	+	399	110668597	gtl	HQ2694A	-	glycosyltransferase ( dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase)
1622	 50.15	0	1990887..1991213	-	108	110668598	-	HQ2695A	-	hypothetical protein
1623	 47.42	0	1991662..1991874	+	70	110668599	-	HQ2696A	-	hypothetical protein
1624	 50.77	0	1992174..1992563	-	129	110668600	-	HQ2697A	-	hypothetical protein
1625	 52.36	0	1992782..1993480	-	232	110668601	-	HQ2698A	-	hypothetical protein
1626	 49.49	0	1993740..1994036	-	98	110668602	-	HQ2699A	-	hypothetical protein
1627	 48.71	0	1995698..1996354	+	218	110668603	-	HQ2701A	-	hypothetical protein
1628	 51.17	0	1996400..1998199	+	599	110668604	ilvB	HQ2702A	-	acetolactate synthase large subunit
1629	 49.74	0	1998196..1998969	+	257	110668605	ilvN	HQ2703A	-	acetolactate synthase, small subunit
1630	 49.51	0	1998966..2000084	+	372	110668606	ilvC	HQ2704A	-	ketol-acid reductoisomerase
1631	 48.26	0	2000103..2001569	+	488	110668607	leuC	HQ2705A	-	isopropylmalate isomerase large subunit
1632	 47.13	0	2001569..2002177	+	202	110668608	leuD	HQ2706A	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit
1633	 49.25	0	2002181..2003185	+	334	110668609	leuB	HQ2707A	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
1634	 54.44	+1	2003517..2003786	+	89	110668610	hpr	HQ2708A	-	phosphocarrier protein Hpr
1635	 51.63	0	2003791..2005512	+	573	110668611	ptsI	HQ2709A	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase (phosphotransferase system, enzyme I)
1636	 46.93	0	2005617..2006609	+	330	110668612	gatY	HQ2710A	-	fructose/tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
1637	 50.00	0	2006918..2007403	+	161	110668613	-	HQ2711A	-	acetyltransferase
1638	 47.57	0	2007494..2008378	+	294	110668614	-	HQ2712A	-	hypothetical protein
1639	 46.76	0	2008415..2009263	-	282	110668615	tif2Ba	HQ2713A	-	translation initiation factor 2B alpha chain
1640	 47.20	0	2009325..2010038	-	237	110668616	-	HQ2714A	-	peptidoglycan binding protein
1641	 47.39	0	2010234..2010482	+	82	110668617	-	HQ2715A	-	hypothetical protein
1642	 50.27	0	2010479..2012740	+	753	110668618	-	HQ2716A	-	AAA-type ATPase (transitional ATPase homolog)
1643	 45.22	0	2012830..2013300	-	156	110668619	bcp	HQ2717A	-	peroxiredoxin (thioredoxin-dependent hydroperoxide peroxidase)
1644	 48.70	0	2013348..2014772	-	474	110668620	-	HQ2718A	-	primase operon protein
1645	 48.70	0	2015096..2016253	-	385	110668621	priA	HQ2719A	-	DNA primase small subunit
1646	 52.58	0	2016966..2018378	+	470	110668622	hisD	HQ2720A	-	histidinol dehydrogenase
1647	 48.91	0	2018705..2019070	+	121	110668623	-	HQ2721A	-	hesB/IscA family protein
1648	 49.59	0	2019416..2019778	+	120	110668624	-	HQ2722A	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 48.10	0	2020055..2021476	+	473	110668625	ushA	HQ2723A	-	5'-nucleotidase; 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 2'-phosphodiesterase; UDP-sugar hydrolase
1650	 46.86	0	2021776..2022189	+	137	110668626	-	HQ2724A	-	hypothetical protein
1651	 45.38	0	2022521..2023666	-	381	110668627	msc	HQ2725A	-	mechanosensitive ion channel
1652	 48.49	0	2024062..2025123	+	353	110668628	trmB	HQ2726A	-	sugar-specific transcriptional regulator TrmB
1653	 49.42	0	2025210..2025638	+	142	110668629	-	HQ2727A	-	hypothetical protein
1654	 54.57	+1	2025878..2027158	+	426	110668630	-	HQ2728A	-	IS1341-type transposase
1655	 50.48	0	2027483..2029033	+	516	110668631	rfcB	HQ2729A	-	replication factor C large subunit
1656	 46.26	0	2029134..2029868	-	244	110668632	glnQ	HQ2730A	-	ABC-type glutamine/glutamate/polar amino acids transport system, ATP-binding protein
1657	 46.78	0	2029861..2030715	-	284	110668633	glnP	HQ2731A	-	ABC-type glutamine/glutamate/polar amino acids transport system, permease protein
1658	 44.85	-1	2030803..2031705	-	300	110668634	glnH	HQ2732A	-	ABC-type glutamine/glutamate/polar amino acids transport system, substrate-binding protein
1659	 50.06	0	2032136..2032972	-	278	110668635	ctaA	HQ2733A	-	cytochrome-c-aa3 oxidase assembly factor CtaA
1660	 49.01	0	2033484..2034593	+	369	110668636	-	HQ2735A	-	metallopeptidase
1661	 47.17	0	2034710..2036956	+	748	110668637	mdh	HQ2736A	-	malic enzyme
1662	 51.46	0	2037807..2038595	-	262	110668638	-	HQ2737A	-	hypothetical protein
1663	 49.25	0	2038881..2039816	+	311	110668639	rhaT	HQ2738A	-	DMT superfamily drug/metabolite transporter
1664	 46.57	0	2040524..2040931	-	135	110668640	-	HQ2739A	-	hypothetical protein
1665	 49.92	0	2041078..2041692	-	204	110668641	cmk	HQ2740A	-	cytidylate kinase
1666	 45.91	0	2041924..2042583	+	219	110668642	-	HQ2741A	-	hypothetical protein
1667	 49.31	0	2042747..2042890	+	47	110668643	-	HQ2742A	-	hypothetical protein
1668	 45.05	0	2042986..2043318	+	110	110668644	-	HQ2743A	-	ribosomal protein S10-like protein
1669	 49.30	0	2043374..2044726	+	450	110668645	-	HQ2744A	-	indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartic acid hydrolase
1670	 50.00	0	2045619..2045810	-	63	110668646	-	HQ2745A	-	hypothetical protein
1671	 43.70	-1	2045858..2046889	-	343	110668647	phoU	HQ2746A	-	transport system regulatory protein
1672	 50.95	0	2046939..2048039	-	366	110668648	-	HQ2747A	-	hypothetical protein
1673	 50.31	0	2048682..2048840	-	52	110668649	-	HQ2748A	-	hypothetical protein
1674	 42.80	-1	2049242..2050477	+	411	110668650	-	HQ2749A	-	signal-transducing histidine kinase
1675	 46.19	0	2051100..2053013	+	637	110668651	bat	HQ2750A	-	bacterio-opsin activator
1676	 46.12	0	2053234..2053671	-	145	110668652	-	HQ2751A	-	response regulator / transcription regulator
1677	 49.63	0	2055077..2057935	+	952	110668653	lhr	HQ2752A	-	Lhr-like helicase
1678	 49.91	0	2058037..2060334	-	765	110668654	cdc48	HQ2753A	-	AAA-type ATPase (transitional ATPase homolog)
48.79	MEAN

3.84	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.