IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Haemophilus somnus 129PT

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 37.21 STD DEV: 3.48
Haemophilus somnus 129PT, complete genome - 1..2007700
1792 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
240	 36.13	0	237772..238665	+	297	113460383	corC	HS_0237	-	magnesium and cobalt efflux protein
241	 36.92	0	238662..240194	+	510	113460384	lnt	HS_0238	-	apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
242	 37.98	0	240202..240933	-	243	113460385	-	HS_0239	-	TatD family deoxyribonuclease
243	 36.93	0	241113..241613	+	166	113460386	-	HS_0240	-	hypothetical protein
244	 35.29	0	241185..241694	-	169	113460387	ppiB	HS_0241	-	peptidylprolyl isomerase (peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase)
245	 38.70	0	241833..243212	+	459	113460388	cysS	HS_0242	-	cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
246	 37.84	0	243264..243995	-	243	113460389	-	HS_0243	-	hypothetical protein
247	 37.82	0	244128..245108	-	326	113460390	ispB	HS_0244	-	octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase
248	 43.27	+1	245340..245651	+	103	113460391	rplU	HS_0245	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
249	 40.31	0	245672..245929	+	85	113460392	rpmA	HS_0246	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
250	 32.46	-1	246065..246985	+	306	113460393	-	HS_0247	-	hypothetical protein
251	 40.03	0	246995..248173	+	392	113460394	obgE	HS_0248	-	GTPase ObgE
252	 36.49	0	248415..248984	-	189	113460395	ampD	HS_0249	-	N-acetyl-anhydromuranmyl-L-alanine amidase
253	 36.38	0	249107..249565	+	152	113460396	pilA	HS_0250	-	fimbrial subunit
254	 36.79	0	249639..250448	+	269	113460397	artP	HS_0251	-	arginine transporter ATP-binding subunit
255	 34.85	0	250466..251191	+	241	113460398	artI	HS_0252	-	arginine ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein
256	 38.69	0	251196..251867	+	223	113460399	artQ	HS_0253	-	arginine transporter permease subunit ArtQ
257	 34.36	0	251878..252561	+	227	113460400	artM	HS_0254	-	arginine transporter permease subunit ArtM
258	 33.68	-1	252667..252954	-	95	113460401	-	HS_0255	-	hypothetical protein
259	 37.99	0	253414..254979	+	521	113460402	cydA	HS_0256	-	cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I
260	 37.82	0	254994..256130	+	378	113460403	cydB	HS_0257	-	cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase, subunit II
261	 35.68	0	256504..256929	+	141	113460404	-	HS_0258	-	thioesterase
262	 36.26	0	256926..257609	+	227	113460405	tolQ	HS_0259	-	biopolymer transport protein
263	 35.46	0	257677..258099	+	140	113460406	tolR	HS_0260	-	colicin uptake protein TolR
264	 37.78	0	258118..259173	+	351	113460407	tolA	HS_0261	-	cell envelope integrity inner membrane protein TolA
265	 38.54	0	259201..260505	+	434	113460408	tolB	HS_0262	-	translocation protein TolB
266	 38.48	0	260563..260970	+	135	113460409	pal	HS_0263	-	peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane lipoprotein (outer membrane protein P6)
267	 31.06	-1	261644..262171	+	175	113460410	pulG	HS_0264	-	type II secretory pathway, pseudopilin
268	 33.33	-1	262220..262897	+	225	113460411	-	HS_0265	-	hypothetical protein
269	 32.45	-1	262900..263580	+	226	113460412	-	HS_0266	-	hypothetical protein
270	 30.50	-1	263561..263878	+	105	113460413	-	HS_0267	-	hypothetical protein
271	 34.32	0	263931..267365	+	1144	113460414	recC	HS_0268	-	DNA helicase/exodeoxyribonuclease V, gamma subunit
272	 36.10	0	267444..268058	+	204	113460415	ruvA	HS_0269	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase motor protein
273	 41.27	+1	268069..269076	+	335	113460416	ruvB	HS_0270	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase B
274	 38.81	0	269211..270416	-	401	113460417	-	HS_0271	-	hypothetical protein
275	 39.96	0	270419..271384	-	321	113460418	-	HS_0272	-	S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase
276	 38.68	0	271387..272901	-	504	113460419	putP	HS_0273	-	sodium/proline symporter
277	 37.60	0	273032..274507	+	491	113460420	rng	HS_0274	-	ribonuclease G
278	 31.03	-1	274562..275341	+	259	113460421	-	HS_0275	-	glycosyltransferase
279	 41.13	+1	275479..276927	+	482	113460422	tldD	HS_0276	-	microcin-processing peptidase 2
280	 37.06	0	277139..278587	+	482	113460423	-	HS_0277	-	SAM-dependent methyltransferase
281	 39.90	0	278668..279474	-	268	113460424	suhB	HS_0278	-	inositol-1(or 4)-monophosphatase
282	 36.30	0	279646..280386	+	246	113460425	-	HS_0279	-	tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase
283	 38.24	0	280440..280847	+	135	113460426	-	HS_0280	-	BadM/Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator
284	 39.18	0	280926..282140	+	404	113460427	nifS	HS_0281	-	cysteine desulfurase
285	 38.28	0	282216..282599	+	127	113460428	iscU	HS_0282	-	scaffold protein
286	 36.11	0	282765..283088	+	107	113460429	-	HS_0283	-	HesB-family protein
287	 33.91	0	283097..283615	+	172	113460430	hscB	HS_0284	-	co-chaperone HscB
288	 40.03	0	283657..285507	+	616	113460431	hscA	HS_0285	-	chaperone protein HscA
289	 40.64	0	285519..285860	+	113	113460432	fdx	HS_0286	-	ferredoxin
290	 37.91	0	285995..288268	+	757	113460433	gshA	HS_0287	-	bifunctional glutamate--cysteine ligase/glutathione synthetase
291	 39.61	0	288437..289153	-	238	113460434	deoD	HS_0288	-	purine nucleoside phosphorylase
292	 40.16	0	289282..290541	-	419	113460435	-	HS_0289	-	transport system permease
293	 35.06	0	290717..291352	+	211	113460436	-	HS_0290	-	hypothetical protein
294	 33.33	-1	291438..292208	+	256	113460437	lgtF	HS_0291	-	UDP-glucose--lipooligosaccharide beta 1-4 glucosyltransferase
295	 31.04	-1	292198..293244	+	348	113460438	-	HS_0292	-	glycosyltransferase
296	 40.56	0	293372..293620	+	82	113460439	rpsP	HS_0293	-	30S ribosomal protein S16
297	 36.74	0	293647..294174	+	175	113460440	rimM	HS_0294	-	16S rRNA-processing protein
298	 41.46	+1	294228..294965	+	245	113460441	trmD	HS_0295	-	tRNA (guanine-N(1)-)-methyltransferase
299	 38.75	0	295001..295351	+	116	113460442	rplS	HS_0296	-	50S ribosomal protein L19
300	 35.04	0	295486..296304	-	272	113460443	-	HS_0297	-	hydrolase
301	 37.82	0	296341..297342	-	333	113460444	gntR	HS_0298	-	gluconate utilization operon repressor
302	 38.17	0	297351..298445	-	364	113460445	-	HS_0299	-	tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase
303	 34.87	0	298569..299936	+	455	113460446	pssA	HS_0300	-	phosphatidylserine synthase
304	 34.46	0	299966..300676	-	236	113460447	dnaQ	HS_0301	-	DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit
305	 36.06	0	300673..302619	-	648	113460448	-	HS_0302	-	signal-transduction protein
306	 40.55	0	302655..304565	-	636	113460449	iolC	HS_0303	-	myo-inositol catabolism protein
307	 35.94	0	304808..305650	+	280	113460450	-	HS_0304	-	transcriptional regulator
308	 41.18	+1	305687..306451	-	254	113460451	-	HS_0305	-	SAM-dependent methyltransferase
309	 35.25	0	306427..307626	-	399	113460452	trmA	HS_0306	-	tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase
310	 40.30	0	307592..307921	-	109	113460453	-	HS_0307	-	hypothetical protein
311	 33.83	0	307975..308583	-	202	113460454	dsbA	HS_0308	-	protein disulfide-isomerase (thiol:disulfide interchange protein)
312	 34.46	0	308593..308859	-	88	113460455	-	HS_0309	-	hypothetical protein
313	 37.41	0	308926..309513	+	195	113460456	mobA	HS_0310	-	molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein A
314	 41.60	+1	309632..311638	+	668	113460457	-	HS_0311	-	integral membrane protein
315	 43.45	+1	311761..312432	-	223	113460458	-	HS_0312	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
316	 44.01	+1	312490..313248	-	252	113460459	-	HS_0313	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
317	 30.30	-1	313269..313532	-	87	113460460	-	HS_0314	-	hypothetical protein
318	 39.26	0	313770..314714	-	314	113460461	lipA	HS_0315	-	lipoyl synthase
319	 37.60	0	314750..315406	-	218	113460462	lipB	HS_0316	-	lipoyltransferase
320	 32.66	-1	315415..315711	-	98	113460463	-	HS_0317	-	hypothetical protein
321	 34.88	0	315766..316932	-	388	113460464	dacA	HS_0318	-	penicillin-binding protein
322	 35.12	0	317042..317602	-	186	113460465	rlpA	HS_0319	-	rare lipoprotein A
323	 36.02	0	317645..318760	-	371	113460466	mrdB	HS_0320	-	rod shape-determining protein
324	 38.35	0	318760..320673	-	637	113460467	mrdA	HS_0321	-	peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase
325	 41.24	+1	320690..321157	-	155	113460468	-	HS_0322	-	SPOUT methyltransferase superfamily protein
326	 37.69	0	321161..321481	-	106	113460469	-	HS_0323	-	hypothetical protein
327	 37.46	0	321635..322288	-	217	113460470	-	HS_0324	-	IS1016C2 transposase
328	 39.50	0	322555..323397	-	280	113460471	yfeD	HS_0325	-	chelated iron ABC transporter, permease
329	 40.74	+1	323390..324280	-	296	113460472	yfeC	HS_0326	-	chelated iron ABC transporter, permease
330	 41.11	+1	324285..325043	-	252	113460473	yfeB	HS_0327	-	iron ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
331	 38.21	0	325053..325913	-	286	113460474	yfeA	HS_0328	-	chelated iron ABC transporter, periplasmic-binding protein
332	 35.45	0	326040..326369	-	109	113460475	-	HS_0329	-	sulfite reductase-like protein
333	 35.29	0	326447..327109	-	220	113460476	-	HS_0330	-	integral membrane protein
334	 41.57	+1	327531..329060	-	509	113460477	comM	HS_0331	-	competence-related protein
335	 37.64	0	329162..329857	-	231	113460478	engB	HS_0332	-	GTPase EngB
336	 38.47	0	329778..331139	-	453	113460479	glmU	HS_0333	-	bifunctional N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase/glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransferase
337	 41.00	+1	331242..332363	+	373	113460480	anmK	HS_0334	-	anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase
338	 40.13	0	332366..333277	+	303	113460481	murQ	HS_0335	-	N-acetylmuramic acid-6-phosphate etherase
339	 35.48	0	333498..334103	+	201	113460482	kefF	HS_0336	-	NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone)
37.21	MEAN

3.48	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.