IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Haemophilus somnus 129PT

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 37.21 STD DEV: 3.48
Haemophilus somnus 129PT, complete genome - 1..2007700
1792 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
996	 38.67	0	1088177..1090873	+	898	113461133	secA	HS_0990	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecA
997	 38.35	0	1090920..1091318	+	132	113461134	mutT	HS_0991	-	7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine-triphosphatase
998	 36.76	0	1091386..1095297	-	1303	113461135	hrpA	HS_0992	-	ATP-dependent RNA helicase HrpA
999	 38.82	0	1095344..1095799	-	151	113461136	-	HS_0993	-	permease
1000	 39.28	0	1096112..1098751	+	879	113461137	ppc	HS_0994	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase
1001	 35.19	0	1098855..1099178	+	107	113461138	-	HS_0995	-	dsDNA-mimic protein
1002	 41.35	+1	1099335..1100282	-	315	113461139	prs	HS_0996	-	ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase
1003	 35.88	0	1100290..1101231	-	313	113461140	ispE	HS_0997	-	4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase
1004	 33.49	-1	1101231..1101860	-	209	113461141	lolB	HS_0998	-	outer membrane lipoprotein LolB
1005	 36.67	0	1102038..1102307	+	89	113461142	-	HS_0999	-	hypothetical protein
1006	 36.90	0	1102586..1103062	+	158	113461143	greA	HS_1000	-	transcription elongation factor GreA
1007	 37.04	0	1103118..1103414	-	98	113461144	-	HS_1001	-	hypothetical protein
1008	 36.75	0	1103541..1103891	-	116	113461145	arsC	HS_1002	-	arsenate reductase
1009	 36.47	0	1103977..1105029	+	350	113461146	perM	HS_1003	-	permease
1010	 36.29	0	1105109..1106497	+	462	113461147	-	HS_1004	-	periplasmic binding transport protein
1011	 35.35	0	1106463..1106660	-	65	113461148	-	HS_1005	-	hypothetical protein
1012	 36.75	0	1107112..1108428	+	438	113461149	cadB	HS_1006	-	lysine/cadaverine antiporter
1013	 34.23	0	1108445..1110571	+	708	113461150	cadA	HS_1007	-	L-lysine decarboxylase
1014	 34.61	0	1110793..1112283	+	496	113461151	lysS	HS_1008	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
1015	 32.88	-1	1112316..1113203	+	295	113461152	iciA	HS_1009	-	chromosome replication initiation inhibitor protein
1016	 40.96	+1	1113463..1114458	-	331	113461153	bioB	HS_1010	-	biotin synthase
1017	 35.97	0	1114490..1115134	-	214	113461154	thiQ	HS_1011	-	thiamine ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1018	 34.63	0	1115127..1116671	-	514	113461155	thiP	HS_1012	-	thiamine transporter membrane protein
1019	 37.17	0	1116733..1117749	-	338	113461156	tbpA	HS_1013	-	thiamine ABC transporter, periplasmic-binding protein
1020	 39.00	0	1118086..1119444	+	452	113461157	-	HS_1014	-	permease
1021	 33.50	-1	1119492..1120085	+	197	113461158	-	HS_1015	-	hypothetical protein
1022	 25.29	-2	1120120..1120293	-	57	113461941	-	HS_1015a	-	hypothetical protein
1023	 33.33	-1	1120294..1120884	-	196	113461159	-	HS_1016	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor
1024	 38.99	0	1120952..1121905	+	317	113461160	-	HS_1017	-	putative sulfite oxidase subunit YedY
1025	 34.67	0	1121905..1122504	+	199	113461161	-	HS_1018	-	putative sulfite oxidase subunit YedZ
1026	 35.64	0	1122606..1123907	-	433	113461162	-	HS_1019	-	permease
1027	 35.79	0	1124740..1126896	-	718	113461163	-	HS_1020	-	23S rRNA m(2)G2445 methyltransferase
1028	 38.14	0	1126942..1128690	-	582	113461164	msbA	HS_1021	-	lipid transporter ATP-binding/permease protein
1029	 34.90	0	1128741..1131167	-	808	113461165	rec2	HS_1022	-	recombination protein 2
1030	 39.17	0	1131493..1131903	+	136	113461166	dksA	HS_1023	-	DnaK suppressor protein
1031	 38.43	0	1132205..1133578	+	457	113461167	pcnB	HS_1024	-	poly(A) polymerase
1032	 34.80	0	1133575..1134051	+	158	113461168	folK	HS_1025	-	2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase
1033	 37.60	0	1134150..1135298	-	382	113461169	nagA	HS_1026	-	N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase
1034	 34.57	0	1135311..1136117	-	268	113461170	nagB	HS_1027	-	glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase
1035	 39.96	0	1136349..1136801	-	150	113461171	moaE	HS_1028	-	molybdopterin synthase subunit MoaE
1036	 39.84	0	1136802..1137047	-	81	113461172	moaD	HS_1029	-	molybdopterin synthase small subunit
1037	 40.25	0	1137069..1137545	-	158	113461173	moaC	HS_1030	-	GTP cyclohydrolase subunit MoaC
1038	 35.79	0	1137555..1138571	-	338	113461174	moaA	HS_1031	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A
1039	 37.03	0	1138843..1139844	+	333	113461175	purR	HS_1032	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor PurR
1040	 35.80	0	1139894..1140865	-	323	113461176	cysB	HS_1033	-	transcriptional regulator CysB
1041	 36.39	0	1140927..1141253	-	108	113461177	-	HS_1034	-	glutaredoxin-like protein
1042	 39.89	0	1141355..1142422	-	355	113461178	hagA	HS_1035	-	hemagglutinin antigen
1043	 36.96	0	1142526..1143902	-	458	113461179	-	HS_1036	-	metalloprotease
1044	 34.84	0	1144091..1144885	+	264	113461180	znuC	HS_1037	-	high-affinity zinc uptake system, ATP-binding protein
1045	 34.73	0	1144895..1145680	+	261	113461181	znuB	HS_1038	-	high-affinity zinc uptake system, membrane protein
1046	 37.92	0	1145754..1147193	-	479	113461182	-	HS_1039	-	amino acid carrier protein
1047	 21.92	-2	1147178..1147396	-	72	113461183	-	HS_1040	-	hypothetical protein
1048	 39.98	0	1147365..1148282	-	305	113461184	-	HS_1041	-	N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase
1049	 34.01	0	1148318..1149055	-	245	113461185	pgpB	HS_1042	-	phosphatidylglycerophosphatase
1050	 38.86	0	1149148..1149798	+	216	113461186	ribA	HS_1043	-	GTP cyclohydrolase II
1051	 36.21	0	1149951..1153046	+	1031	113461187	-	HS_1044	-	hypothetical protein
1052	 39.24	0	1153063..1153485	+	140	113461188	-	HS_1045	-	hypothetical protein
1053	 36.82	0	1153580..1154095	+	171	113461189	-	HS_1046	-	permease
1054	 37.67	0	1153936..1155066	+	376	113461190	hemH	HS_1047	-	ferrochelatase
1055	 36.13	0	1155218..1156255	+	345	113461191	potD	HS_1048	-	spermidine/putrescine-binding periplasmic protein
1056	 35.43	0	1156362..1157408	-	348	113461192	degS	HS_1049	-	DegS serine peptidase
1057	 40.23	0	1157428..1158558	-	376	113461193	ribD	HS_1050	-	diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase / 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase
1058	 37.78	0	1158561..1159010	-	149	113461194	-	HS_1051	-	transcriptional regulator NrdR
1059	 37.04	0	1159157..1159453	-	98	113461195	azlD	HS_1052	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter
1060	 35.66	0	1159497..1160228	-	243	113461196	azlC	HS_1053	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter
1061	 38.40	0	1160236..1161162	-	308	113461197	metR	HS_1054	-	transcriptional regulator
1062	 41.13	+1	1161299..1162234	-	311	113461198	mdh	HS_1055	-	malate dehydrogenase
1063	 36.32	0	1162457..1162924	+	155	113461199	argR	HS_1056	-	arginine repressor
1064	 37.73	0	1162946..1163833	+	295	113461200	-	HS_1057	-	hypothetical protein
1065	 40.69	+1	1163918..1172638	-	2906	113461201	-	HS_1058	-	large adhesin
1066	 37.63	0	1173363..1173944	+	193	113461202	rnfA	HS_1059	-	Na(+)-translocating NADH-quinone reductase subunit E
1067	 39.26	0	1173948..1174538	+	196	113461203	rnfB	HS_1060	-	electron transport complex protein RnfB
1068	 40.76	+1	1174542..1176521	+	659	113461204	rnfC	HS_1061	-	electron transport complex protein RnfC
1069	 38.64	0	1176538..1177629	+	363	113461205	rnfD	HS_1062	-	electron transport complex protein RnfD
1070	 39.90	0	1177626..1178249	+	207	113461206	rnfG	HS_1063	-	electron transport complex protein RnfG
1071	 36.99	0	1178306..1178962	+	218	113461207	rnfE	HS_1064	-	SoxR-reducing system protein RsxE
1072	 35.22	0	1178959..1179594	+	211	113461208	nth	HS_1065	-	endonuclease III / DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase
1073	 35.53	0	1179629..1180993	+	454	113461209	-	HS_1066	-	sodium-dependent transporter
1074	 30.43	-1	1181208..1181792	+	194	113461210	-	HS_1067	-	hypothetical protein
1075	 35.87	0	1181872..1184517	-	881	113461211	-	HS_1068	-	hypothetical protein
1076	 35.09	0	1184495..1185748	-	417	113461212	-	HS_1069	-	hypothetical protein
1077	 37.26	0	1185960..1186595	+	211	113461213	proQ	HS_1070	-	putative solute/DNA competence effector
1078	 36.29	0	1186675..1188702	+	675	113461214	prc	HS_1071	-	carboxy-terminal protease
1079	 31.09	-1	1188767..1190194	+	475	113461215	-	HS_1072	-	hypothetical protein
1080	 37.94	0	1190271..1190834	+	187	113461216	-	HS_1073	-	hypothetical protein
1081	 33.81	0	1190910..1191542	+	210	113461217	-	HS_1074	-	glyoxalase II family protein
1082	 36.90	0	1191644..1192933	+	429	113461218	serS	HS_1075	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
1083	 37.06	0	1192980..1194053	-	357	113461219	metX	HS_1076	-	homoserine O-acetyltransferase
1084	 34.91	0	1194241..1194936	+	231	113461220	sanA	HS_1077	-	SanA protein
1085	 37.04	0	1195690..1196661	+	323	113461221	-	HS_1078	-	sodium/calcium exchange protein
1086	 35.81	0	1196682..1197689	-	335	113461222	-	HS_1079	-	permease
1087	 31.46	-1	1197680..1198321	-	213	113461223	-	HS_1080	-	hypothetical protein
1088	 33.12	-1	1198553..1199023	+	156	113461224	-	HS_1081	-	ATPase
1089	 36.74	0	1199027..1200229	+	400	113461225	amiB	HS_1082	-	N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase
1090	 37.88	0	1200245..1202092	+	615	113461226	mutL	HS_1083	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
1091	 38.68	0	1202089..1203024	+	311	113461227	miaA	HS_1084	-	tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase
1092	 38.34	0	1203500..1214713	+	3737	113461228	-	HS_1085	-	large adhesin
1093	 37.50	0	1214992..1216431	+	479	113461229	pykA	HS_1086	-	pyruvate kinase
1094	 33.93	0	1216722..1218578	+	618	113461230	ppiD	HS_1087	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase D
1095	 38.89	0	1218833..1219552	+	239	113461231	rpsB	HS_1088	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
37.21	MEAN

3.48	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.