IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 62.75 STD DEV: 4.09
Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049 chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..3131724
3131 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1904	 61.89	0	1917701..1918642	-	313	55378846	pstB2	rrnAC2146	-	phosphate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1905	 67.80	+1	1918635..1921289	-	884	55378847	pstA1	rrnAC2147	-	phosphate ABC transporter permease protein
1906	 63.46	0	1921286..1922407	-	373	55378848	pstC2	rrnAC2148	-	phosphate ABC transporter permease protein
1907	 63.03	0	1922468..1923622	-	384	55378849	yqgG	rrnAC2149	-	phosphate ABC transporter binding
1908	 62.89	0	1923955..1924959	+	334	55378850	prp1	rrnAC2150	-	phosphate regulatory protein-like
1909	 62.20	0	1925000..1925671	-	223	55378851	-	rrnAC2151	-	hypothetical protein
1910	 62.50	0	1926078..1926461	-	127	55378852	-	rrnAC2152	-	putative rhodanese
1911	 64.46	0	1926500..1927042	-	180	55378853	mutT2	rrnAC2153	-	Mut/nudix family protein
1912	 65.46	0	1927039..1927452	-	137	55378854	-	rrnAC2154	-	hypothetical protein
1913	 66.91	+1	1927452..1927865	-	137	55378855	-	rrnAC2155	-	hypothetical protein
1914	 65.82	0	1927889..1928362	-	157	55378856	-	rrnAC2156	-	hypothetical protein
1915	 61.78	0	1928494..1929087	-	197	55378857	rimI	rrnAC2157	-	Pab N-terminal acetyltransferase
1916	 63.37	0	1929572..1931605	-	677	55378859	acnB	rrnAC2158	-	aconitate hydratase
1917	 61.25	0	1931561..1932169	+	202	55378858	dcd3	rrnAC2159	-	deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase
1918	 60.00	0	1932392..1933051	+	219	55378860	-	rrnAC2160	-	putative DNA binding protein
1919	 57.35	-1	1933276..1933554	+	92	55378861	-	rrnAC2161	-	hypothetical protein
1920	 64.32	0	1933613..1933996	+	127	55378862	mgsA	rrnAC2162	-	methylglyoxal synthase
1921	 65.52	0	1934026..1934724	-	232	55378863	exsB	rrnAC2163	-	succinoglycan biosynthesis ExsB protein
1922	 66.54	0	1934744..1935526	-	260	55378864	-	rrnAC2164	-	hypothetical protein
1923	 64.67	0	1935526..1935975	-	149	55378865	ptpS	rrnAC2166	-	6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
1924	 61.27	0	1936195..1936509	+	104	55378866	-	rrnAC2167	-	hypothetical protein
1925	 57.33	-1	1936639..1937013	+	124	55378867	-	rrnAC2168	-	hypothetical protein
1926	 59.92	0	1937569..1937805	+	78	55378868	-	rrnAC2169	-	hypothetical protein
1927	 67.34	+1	1938271..1939599	-	442	55378869	pepB4	rrnAC2170	-	aminopeptidase
1928	 63.66	0	1939662..1939994	-	110	55378870	-	rrnAC2171	-	hypothetical protein
1929	 71.07	+2	1940106..1941173	+	355	55378871	adh14	rrnAC2172	-	alcohol dehydrogenase
1930	 63.33	0	1941299..1941448	+	49	55378872	-	rrnAC2173	-	hypothetical protein
1931	 66.67	0	1941458..1941775	-	105	55378873	fdx	rrnAC2174	-	ferredoxin
1932	 62.29	0	1941798..1943192	-	464	55378874	seb	rrnAC2175	-	selenium-binding protein
1933	 62.90	0	1943305..1944207	-	300	55378875	galE9	rrnAC2176	-	UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
1934	 63.28	0	1944268..1945152	-	294	55378876	rfbB3	rrnAC2178	-	dTDP-glucose-46-dehydratase
1935	 61.88	0	1945621..1946205	-	194	55378877	fer2	rrnAC2179	-	2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain-containing protein
1936	 66.00	0	1946334..1947233	-	299	55378878	gnd	rrnAC2180	-	6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-like protein
1937	 63.41	0	1947369..1948595	+	408	55378879	pepB2	rrnAC2181	-	aminopeptidase
1938	 59.41	0	1948948..1950696	-	582	55378880	fapJ	rrnAC2183	-	flagellar assembly protein J
1939	 61.47	0	1950699..1952372	-	557	55378881	gspE3	rrnAC2184	-	type II secretion system protein
1940	 60.24	0	1952386..1953147	-	253	55378882	flpH	rrnAC2186	-	flagella-related protein H
1941	 58.94	0	1953144..1953596	-	150	55378883	flaG	rrnAC2187	-	putative flagella-related protein G
1942	 61.87	0	1953598..1954035	-	145	55378884	flaF	rrnAC2190	-	flagellar protein F
1943	 63.29	0	1954019..1955704	-	561	55378885	fapE1	rrnAC2191	-	flagella-related protein E
1944	 58.81	0	1955946..1956467	-	173	55378886	cheD	rrnAC2192	-	chemoreceptor glutamine deamidase CheD
1945	 58.46	-1	1956467..1957684	-	405	55378887	cheA1	rrnAC2193	-	CheA histidine kinase
1946	 53.89	-2	1957685..1958044	-	119	55378888	cheY	rrnAC2194	-	chemotaxis protein CheY
1947	 57.45	-1	1958193..1958756	-	187	55378889	-	rrnAC2195	-	hypothetical protein
1948	 61.06	0	1958989..1959897	-	302	55378890	-	rrnAC2197	-	hypothetical protein
1949	 52.97	-2	1960025..1961389	-	454	55378891	flaB	rrnAC2198	-	flagellin B precursor
1950	 55.43	-1	1961640..1961915	-	91	55378892	-	rrnAC2199	-	hypothetical protein
1951	 55.36	-1	1961999..1962334	-	111	55378893	-	rrnAC2200	-	hypothetical protein
1952	 55.51	-1	1962491..1963216	-	241	55378894	kaiC1	rrnAC2202	-	circadian regulator
1953	 59.54	0	1963305..1963739	-	144	55378895	cheW1	rrnAC2203	-	chemotaxis protein CheW
1954	 63.24	0	1963910..1965019	+	369	55378896	cheB	rrnAC2204	-	protein-glutamate methylesterase
1955	 62.39	0	1965022..1967010	+	662	55378897	cheA3	rrnAC2205	-	chemotaxis protein CheA
1956	 60.86	0	1967007..1967816	+	269	55378898	cheR	rrnAC2206	-	chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR
1957	 65.45	0	1967823..1969055	+	410	55378899	cpcE2	rrnAC2207	-	phycocyanin alpha phycocyanobilin lyase-like
1958	 62.38	0	1969115..1969978	+	287	55378900	-	rrnAC2209	-	hypothetical protein
1959	 61.80	0	1970061..1971335	+	424	55378901	htlD	rrnAC2211	-	HTR-like protein
1960	 65.64	0	1971405..1971794	+	129	55378902	rps6E	rrnAC2212	-	30S ribosomal protein S6e
1961	 60.64	0	1972329..1973207	+	292	55378903	-	rrnAC2213	-	hypothetical protein
1962	 63.59	0	1973229..1973651	-	140	55378904	dcd1	rrnAC2215	-	deoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase
1963	 65.74	0	1973756..1974187	+	143	55378905	-	rrnAC2214	-	hypothetical protein
1964	 68.04	+1	1974189..1974626	-	145	55378906	-	rrnAC2216	-	hypothetical protein
1965	 66.21	0	1974706..1975797	-	363	55378907	recJ4	rrnAC2217	-	RecJ-like exonuclease
1966	 65.24	0	1975882..1976859	-	325	55378908	phoR	rrnAC2219	-	PhoR protein-like
1967	 67.96	+1	1977594..1978058	-	154	55378910	usp5	rrnAC2220	-	universal stress protein
1968	 62.87	0	1978039..1978617	+	192	55378909	-	rrnAC2221	-	hypothetical protein
1969	 62.07	0	1978614..1979135	-	173	55378911	-	rrnAC2222	-	acetyltransferase
1970	 60.47	0	1979132..1979518	-	128	55378912	usp2	rrnAC2223	-	universal stress protein
1971	 64.89	0	1979619..1980350	+	243	55378913	-	rrnAC2224	-	hypothetical protein
1972	 64.79	0	1980362..1980787	+	141	55378914	-	rrnAC2225	-	hypothetical protein
1973	 65.70	0	1980821..1981339	-	172	55378915	-	rrnAC2226	-	hypothetical protein
1974	 63.90	0	1981426..1984098	+	890	55378916	dppF	rrnAC2227	-	dipeptide ABC transporter ATP-binding
1975	 62.38	0	1984196..1985923	+	575	55378917	dppD	rrnAC2228	-	dipeptide ABC transporter ATP-binding
1976	 61.59	0	1985944..1987026	+	360	55378918	dppB1	rrnAC2229	-	dipeptide ABC transporter permease
1977	 67.20	+1	1987023..1987952	+	309	55378919	oppC1	rrnAC2230	-	oligopeptide transport system permease protein OppC
1978	 67.76	+1	1987952..1988317	+	121	55378920	-	rrnAC2231	-	hypothetical protein
1979	 65.54	0	1988309..1989640	-	443	55378921	pyrC	rrnAC2232	-	dihydroorotase
1980	 67.69	+1	1989665..1990348	-	227	55378922	-	rrnAC2235	-	hypothetical protein
1981	 67.49	+1	1990574..1991428	+	284	55378923	-	rrnAC2234	-	hypothetical protein
1982	 62.30	0	1991498..1992070	-	190	55378924	entB2	rrnAC2236	-	isochorismatase
1983	 64.33	0	1992214..1993671	+	485	55378925	-	rrnAC2237	-	hypothetical protein
1984	 64.90	0	1993664..1995022	+	452	55378926	-	rrnAC2239	-	hypothetical protein
1985	 53.73	-2	1995242..1995496	+	84	55378927	-	rrnAC2240	-	hypothetical protein
1986	 66.75	0	1995629..1996792	+	387	55378928	-	rrnAC2241	-	nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
1987	 63.51	0	1996827..1997111	+	94	55378929	-	rrnAC2242	-	hypothetical protein
1988	 64.00	0	1997183..1997482	+	99	55378930	-	rrnAC2243	-	hypothetical protein
1989	 65.50	0	1997490..1998344	-	284	55378931	-	rrnAC2244	-	zinc transporter
1990	 65.06	0	1998553..1999422	-	289	55378932	-	rrnAC2245	-	M50 family metallopeptidase
1991	 65.19	0	1999785..2000531	+	248	55378933	-	rrnAC2246	-	hypothetical protein
1992	 69.99	+1	2000556..2001998	-	480	55378934	eif2BA	rrnAC2247	-	translation initiation factor eIF-2B alpha subunit
1993	 66.21	0	2001928..2003031	-	367	55378935	csd2	rrnAC2248	-	cysteine desulfurase
1994	 58.25	-1	2003236..2003853	-	205	55378936	-	rrnAC2249	-	hypothetical protein
1995	 60.30	0	2003898..2005859	-	653	55378937	-	rrnAC2250	-	hypothetical protein
1996	 58.33	-1	2006160..2006507	+	115	55378938	-	rrnAC2251	-	hypothetical protein
1997	 61.98	0	2006510..2006893	+	127	55378939	crcB1	rrnAC2252	-	integral membrane protein
1998	 63.61	0	2006893..2007252	+	119	55378940	crcB2	rrnAC2253	-	integral membrane protein
1999	 66.20	0	2007249..2008331	-	360	55378941	-	rrnAC2254	-	hypothetical protein
2000	 61.30	0	2008407..2008853	+	148	55378942	-	rrnAC2255	-	hypothetical protein
2001	 66.67	0	2008850..2009581	-	243	55378943	pcm2	rrnAC2256	-	protein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase 2
2002	 64.83	0	2009643..2010077	-	144	55378944	pcm1	rrnAC2258	-	protein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase 1
2003	 63.00	0	2010268..2010921	-	217	55378945	-	rrnAC2259	-	hypothetical protein
62.75	MEAN

4.09	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.