IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 53.37 STD DEV: 5.65
Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396, complete genome - 1..7215267
6778 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3544	 57.58	0	3872025..3873851	-	608	83646457	-	HCH_03733	-	glycosyl hydrolase
3545	 46.58	-1	3874101..3874334	-	77	83646458	-	HCH_03734	-	hypothetical protein
3546	 54.42	0	3874556..3875200	-	214	83646459	-	HCH_03735	-	hypothetical protein
3547	 39.22	-2	3875290..3875391	-	33	83646460	-	HCH_03736	-	hypothetical protein
3548	 49.52	0	3875729..3876877	+	382	83646461	-	HCH_03737	-	hypothetical protein
3549	 50.82	0	3876787..3877638	+	283	83646462	-	HCH_03738	-	hypothetical protein
3550	 50.20	0	3877663..3878403	+	246	83646463	-	HCH_03739	-	hypothetical protein
3551	 50.58	0	3878406..3879176	+	256	83646464	-	HCH_03740	-	hypothetical protein
3552	 39.28	-2	3879364..3880557	+	397	83646465	-	HCH_03741	-	hypothetical protein
3553	 44.68	-1	3880677..3880817	+	46	83646466	-	HCH_03742	-	hypothetical protein
3554	 43.56	-1	3881430..3881654	+	74	83646467	-	HCH_03743	-	hypothetical protein
3555	 55.11	0	3881775..3883712	+	645	83646468	-	HCH_03744	-	hypothetical protein
3556	 56.95	0	3883840..3884292	-	150	83646469	-	HCH_03745	-	acetyltransferase
3557	 50.39	0	3884366..3884623	-	85	83646470	-	HCH_03746	-	hypothetical protein
3558	 57.82	0	3884946..3886934	-	662	83646471	-	HCH_03747	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
3559	 55.03	0	3887379..3887885	-	168	83646472	-	HCH_03749	-	hypothetical protein
3560	 59.74	+1	3888022..3888960	-	312	83646473	-	HCH_03750	-	hypothetical protein
3561	 49.02	0	3888978..3889130	+	50	83646474	-	HCH_03751	-	hypothetical protein
3562	 58.43	0	3889259..3890059	+	266	83646475	-	HCH_03752	-	cystine transporter subunit
3563	 61.43	+1	3890056..3890724	+	222	83646476	-	HCH_03754	-	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component
3564	 60.10	+1	3890730..3891506	+	258	83646477	-	HCH_03756	-	putative amino-acid ABC transporter ATP-binding protein YecC
3565	 60.83	+1	3891482..3892183	-	233	83646478	-	HCH_03755	-	glutamine amidotransferase
3566	 59.04	+1	3892156..3893139	-	327	83646479	-	HCH_03757	-	hypothetical protein
3567	 54.11	0	3893382..3893612	-	76	83646480	-	HCH_03758	-	hypothetical protein
3568	 60.18	+1	3893656..3894750	+	364	83646481	-	HCH_03759	-	membrane-fusion protein
3569	 60.18	+1	3894747..3897875	+	1042	83646482	-	HCH_03760	-	cation/multidrug efflux pump
3570	 46.59	-1	3897944..3898207	-	87	83646483	-	HCH_03761	-	hypothetical protein
3571	 33.33	-2	3898271..3898420	+	49	83646484	-	HCH_03762	-	hypothetical protein
3572	 42.35	-1	3899090..3899344	-	84	83646485	-	HCH_03763	-	hypothetical protein
3573	 47.74	0	3899341..3899826	-	161	83646486	-	HCH_03764	-	hypothetical protein
3574	 38.89	-2	3900011..3900118	-	35	83646487	-	HCH_03765	-	hypothetical protein
3575	 37.80	-2	3900296..3901012	-	238	83646488	-	HCH_03766	-	hypothetical protein
3576	 42.11	-1	3901017..3901688	-	223	83646489	-	HCH_03767	-	hypothetical protein
3577	 44.89	-1	3901685..3902662	-	325	83646490	-	HCH_03768	-	hypothetical protein
3578	 33.33	-2	3902731..3903000	-	89	83646491	-	HCH_03769	-	hypothetical protein
3579	 36.59	-2	3903108..3903506	-	132	83646492	-	HCH_03770	-	hypothetical protein
3580	 44.82	-1	3903516..3904403	-	295	83646493	-	HCH_03771	-	Rhs family protein
3581	 32.44	-2	3904633..3905079	-	148	83646494	-	HCH_03772	-	hypothetical protein
3582	 28.57	-2	3905048..3905152	-	34	83646495	-	HCH_03773	-	hypothetical protein
3583	 37.14	-2	3905244..3906083	-	279	83646496	-	HCH_03774	-	hypothetical protein
3584	 52.38	0	3906352..3906981	-	209	83646497	-	HCH_03775	-	Rhs family protein
3585	 60.22	+1	3906958..3907143	+	61	83646498	-	HCH_03776	-	hypothetical protein
3586	 43.79	-1	3907251..3908666	-	471	83646499	-	HCH_03777	-	Rhs family protein
3587	 32.71	-2	3909174..3909494	-	106	83646500	-	HCH_03778	-	hypothetical protein
3588	 40.67	-2	3910077..3910376	-	99	83646501	-	HCH_03779	-	hypothetical protein
3589	 59.34	+1	3910488..3911006	-	172	83646502	-	HCH_03780	-	transposase
3590	 55.40	0	3911433..3911849	-	138	83646503	-	HCH_03781	-	Rhs family protein
3591	 55.90	0	3911823..3912017	+	64	83646504	-	HCH_03782	-	hypothetical protein
3592	 33.95	-2	3912050..3912373	-	107	83646505	-	HCH_03783	-	hypothetical protein
3593	 56.90	0	3912384..3916622	-	1412	83646506	-	HCH_03784	-	Rhs family protein
3594	 48.16	0	3916889..3917866	-	325	83646507	-	HCH_03785	-	Type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase/topo II, topoisomerase IV), B subunit
3595	 48.89	0	3917842..3918246	-	134	83646508	-	HCH_03786	-	hypothetical protein
3596	 57.68	0	3918406..3919551	-	381	83646509	-	HCH_03787	-	oxidoreductase
3597	 61.24	+1	3919862..3923032	-	1056	83646510	-	HCH_03788	-	cation/multidrug efflux pump
3598	 63.42	+1	3923042..3924181	-	379	83646511	-	HCH_03789	-	membrane-fusion protein
3599	 61.22	+1	3924448..3925512	+	354	83646512	-	HCH_03790	-	iron-enterobactin transporter periplasmic binding protein
3600	 62.47	+1	3925597..3926883	-	428	83646513	-	HCH_03791	-	enterobactin exporter EntS
3601	 63.52	+1	3927147..3928067	+	306	83646514	-	HCH_03792	-	iron-enterobactin transporter membrane protein
3602	 63.33	+1	3928064..3929113	+	349	83646515	-	HCH_03793	-	iron-enterobactin transporter permease
3603	 60.56	+1	3929110..3929994	+	294	83646516	-	HCH_03795	-	ABC-type cobalamin/Fe3+-siderophores transport system, ATPase components
3604	 52.86	0	3929939..3930619	-	226	83646517	-	HCH_03794	-	glutathione S-transferase
3605	 55.39	0	3930621..3931019	-	132	83646518	-	HCH_03796	-	hypothetical protein
3606	 55.36	0	3931121..3931987	+	288	83646519	-	HCH_03797	-	transcriptional regulator
3607	 47.06	-1	3931956..3932057	+	33	83646520	-	HCH_03799	-	hypothetical protein
3608	 48.61	0	3932050..3932697	-	215	83646521	-	HCH_03798	-	endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family protein
3609	 51.33	0	3933001..3933150	-	49	83646522	-	HCH_03800	-	hypothetical protein
3610	 49.19	0	3933147..3933455	-	102	83646523	-	HCH_03801	-	hypothetical protein
3611	 52.54	0	3933355..3933807	+	150	83646524	-	HCH_03802	-	hypothetical protein
3612	 51.30	0	3934239..3939476	+	1745	83646525	-	HCH_03804	-	helicase family protein
3613	 54.75	0	3939473..3942316	+	947	83646526	-	HCH_03805	-	SNF2 family DNA/RNA helicase
3614	 46.50	-1	3942388..3946632	+	1414	83646527	-	HCH_03806	-	Type II restriction enzyme, methylase subunit
3615	 43.53	-1	3946977..3947378	+	133	83646528	-	HCH_03807	-	hypothetical protein
3616	 54.02	0	3947599..3947859	+	86	83646529	-	HCH_03808	-	hypothetical protein
3617	 57.02	0	3947856..3947969	-	37	83646530	-	HCH_03809	-	hypothetical protein
3618	 45.49	-1	3948144..3948398	-	84	83646531	-	HCH_03810	-	hypothetical protein
3619	 46.81	-1	3948685..3949233	+	182	83646532	-	HCH_03811	-	hypothetical protein
3620	 46.30	-1	3949230..3949499	+	89	83646533	-	HCH_03812	-	hypothetical protein
3621	 39.90	-2	3949560..3949940	+	126	83646534	-	HCH_03813	-	hypothetical protein
3622	 56.94	0	3950251..3951237	-	328	83646535	-	HCH_03814	-	dienelactone hydrolase
3623	 44.62	-1	3951638..3952213	+	191	83646536	-	HCH_03815	-	hypothetical protein
3624	 38.53	-2	3952673..3953095	-	140	83646537	-	HCH_10014	-	putative toxin YafO
3625	 33.86	-2	3953095..3953283	-	62	83646538	-	HCH_03816	-	hypothetical protein
3626	 37.07	-2	3953265..3953585	-	106	83646539	-	HCH_03817	-	hypothetical protein
3627	 63.26	+1	3953985..3962546	-	2853	83646540	-	HCH_03818	-	non-ribosomal peptide synthetase modules and related protein
3628	 57.21	0	3962785..3963006	-	73	83646541	-	HCH_03820	-	hypothetical protein
3629	 64.02	+1	3963060..3964496	-	478	83646542	-	HCH_03821	-	enterobactin/ferric enterobactin esterase
3630	 59.62	+1	3964918..3967032	+	704	83646543	-	HCH_03822	-	Outer membrane receptor protein, mostly Fe transport
3631	 48.04	0	3967267..3967368	+	33	83646544	-	HCH_03823	-	hypothetical protein
3632	 49.32	0	3967758..3968195	-	145	83646545	-	HCH_03824	-	hypothetical protein
3633	 53.93	0	3968202..3968672	-	156	83646546	-	HCH_03825	-	NTP pyrophosphohydrolase including oxidative damage repair enzyme
3634	 53.46	0	3968755..3969231	-	158	83646547	-	HCH_03827	-	NTP pyrophosphohydrolase including oxidative damage repair enzyme
3635	 50.83	0	3969254..3969613	-	119	83646548	-	HCH_03828	-	lactoylglutathione lyase
3636	 60.91	+1	3969977..3970549	-	190	83646549	-	HCH_03829	-	nicotinamidase-like amidase
3637	 62.63	+1	3970659..3971549	+	296	83646550	-	HCH_03832	-	transcriptional regulator
3638	 59.85	+1	3971682..3971945	+	87	83646551	feoA1	HCH_03833	-	Fe2+ transport system protein A
3639	 55.27	0	3971962..3972198	+	78	83646552	feoA2	HCH_03834	-	Fe2+ transport system protein A
3640	 60.55	+1	3972230..3974614	+	794	83646553	feoB	HCH_03835	-	ferrous iron transport protein B
3641	 54.85	0	3974611..3974847	+	78	83646554	-	HCH_03836	-	hypothetical protein
3642	 55.96	0	3974851..3976017	-	388	83646555	-	HCH_03837	-	Fatty acid desaturase
3643	 58.01	0	3976053..3977207	-	384	83646556	-	HCH_03838	-	flavodoxin reductase (ferredoxin-NADPH reductase) family protein 1
53.37	MEAN

5.65	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.