IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 60.71 STD DEV: 5.38
Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA, complete genome - 1..3814139
3446 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1516	 57.95	0	1672285..1672800	+	171	39996626	apt	GSU1526	-	adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
1517	 59.84	0	1673198..1674487	+	429	39996627	-	GSU1527	-	hypothetical protein
1518	 58.19	0	1674735..1675631	+	298	39996628	-	GSU1528	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein
1519	 58.75	0	1675821..1678232	+	803	39996629	-	GSU1529	-	sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator
1520	 62.67	0	1678319..1679194	-	291	39996630	hisG	GSU1530	-	ATP phosphoribosyltransferase
1521	 59.26	0	1679191..1679568	-	125	39996631	hisI	GSU1531	-	phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase
1522	 69.88	+1	1679914..1680255	+	113	39996632	-	GSU1532	-	hypothetical protein
1523	 70.52	+1	1680276..1683440	+	1054	39996633	recC	GSU1533	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, gamma subunit
1524	 71.18	+1	1683437..1687051	+	1204	39996634	recB	GSU1534	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, beta subunit
1525	 69.74	+1	1687048..1688835	+	595	39996635	recD	GSU1535	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, alpha subunit
1526	 72.58	+2	1688874..1689566	-	230	39996636	-	GSU1536	-	hypothetical protein
1527	 66.36	+1	1689563..1691185	-	540	39996637	-	GSU1537	-	general secretion pathway protein-related protein
1528	 65.08	0	1691494..1692753	+	419	39996638	-	GSU1538	-	methylamine utilization protein MauG, putative
1529	 67.65	+1	1692893..1693708	+	271	39996639	xth	GSU1539	-	exonuclease III
1530	 42.72	-2	1694228..1695442	+	404	39996640	-	GSU1540	-	putative lipoprotein
1531	 53.23	-1	1695669..1696472	+	267	39996641	-	GSU1541	-	hypothetical protein
1532	 54.76	-1	1696510..1696803	-	97	39996642	-	GSU1542	-	Cro/CI family transcriptional regulator
1533	 51.95	-1	1696802..1697134	+	110	39996643	-	GSU1543	-	hypothetical protein
1534	 63.31	0	1697206..1697652	+	148	39996644	-	GSU1544	-	hypothetical protein
1535	 62.28	0	1697747..1698361	+	204	39996645	-	GSU1545	-	amino acid transporter LysE
1536	 56.75	0	1698540..1699406	+	288	39996646	-	GSU1546	-	hypothetical protein
1537	 67.44	+1	1699486..1700907	+	473	39996647	-	GSU1547	-	TPR domain-containing protein
1538	 65.78	0	1701044..1701493	+	149	39996648	-	GSU1548	-	hypothetical protein
1539	 66.34	+1	1701521..1702129	+	202	39996649	-	GSU1549	-	putative lipoprotein
1540	 65.69	0	1702101..1702304	-	67	39996650	-	GSU1550	-	4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase family protein
1541	 63.44	0	1702598..1704583	+	661	39996651	-	GSU1551	-	signal domain-containing protein
1542	 62.71	0	1704642..1705172	+	176	39996652	-	GSU1552	-	hypothetical protein
1543	 60.10	0	1705183..1705563	+	126	39996653	-	GSU1553	-	hypothetical protein
1544	 63.85	0	1705571..1706740	+	389	39996654	-	GSU1554	-	GGDEF domain-containing protein
1545	 59.96	0	1706780..1710118	-	1112	39996655	-	GSU1555	-	sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator
1546	 60.32	0	1710355..1711284	-	309	39996656	-	GSU1556	-	hypothetical protein
1547	 60.24	0	1711580..1712404	+	274	39996657	-	GSU1557	-	mechanosensitive ion channel family protein
1548	 67.59	+1	1712555..1712662	+	35	39996658	-	GSU1558	-	hypothetical protein
1549	 53.51	-1	1712798..1712911	+	37	39996659	-	GSU1559	-	hypothetical protein
1550	 66.18	+1	1713165..1714403	+	412	39996660	-	GSU1560	-	radical SAM domain-containing protein
1551	 64.35	0	1714573..1716561	+	662	39996661	-	GSU1561	-	1A family penicillin-binding protein
1552	 63.33	0	1716575..1716874	+	99	39996662	-	GSU1562	-	hypothetical protein
1553	 56.25	0	1716856..1716951	-	31	39996663	-	GSU1563	-	hypothetical protein
1554	 63.51	0	1717831..1719891	+	686	39996664	-	GSU1564	-	Glu/Leu/Phe/Val dehydrogenase family protein
1555	 58.85	0	1719920..1720111	+	63	39996665	-	GSU1565	-	hypothetical protein
1556	 54.47	-1	1720220..1720678	+	152	39996666	-	GSU1566	-	hypothetical protein
1557	 61.44	0	1721015..1721875	+	286	39996667	-	GSU1567	-	M48 family peptidase
1558	 58.84	0	1721898..1722191	+	97	39996668	-	GSU1568	-	hypothetical protein
1559	 49.54	-2	1722264..1722479	+	71	39996669	-	GSU1569	-	CopG family transcriptional regulator
1560	 53.33	-1	1722702..1723646	+	314	39996670	-	GSU1570	-	TerC family membrane protein
1561	 61.20	0	1723859..1724956	+	365	39996671	-	GSU1571	-	hypothetical protein
1562	 58.71	0	1725013..1725540	+	175	39996672	-	GSU1572	-	riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD domain-containing protein
1563	 57.94	0	1725783..1726538	+	251	39996673	-	GSU1573	-	CAAX amino terminal protease family protein
1564	 57.68	0	1726535..1726801	+	88	39996674	-	GSU1574	-	hypothetical protein
1565	 62.14	0	1726864..1727592	+	242	39996675	-	GSU1575	-	hypothetical protein
1566	 58.98	0	1727617..1728423	+	268	39996676	-	GSU1576	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
1567	 61.96	0	1729228..1729758	+	176	39996677	cobO	GSU1577	-	cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase
1568	 62.22	0	1729770..1730174	+	134	39996678	-	GSU1578	-	B12-binding protein
1569	 62.81	0	1730261..1731220	+	319	39996679	-	GSU1579	-	LAO/AO transport system ATPase
1570	 59.14	0	1731236..1732165	+	309	39996680	-	GSU1580	-	ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG family protein
1571	 60.84	0	1732220..1734862	+	880	39996681	-	GSU1581	-	polyA polymerase family protein
1572	 60.65	0	1734899..1736260	-	453	39996682	bioA	GSU1582	-	adenosylmethionine--8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase
1573	 61.96	0	1736253..1736975	-	240	39996683	bioD	GSU1583	-	dethiobiotin synthase
1574	 60.51	0	1736968..1737957	-	329	39996684	bioB	GSU1584	-	biotin synthetase
1575	 56.67	0	1738189..1738668	+	159	39996685	-	GSU1585	-	hypothetical protein
1576	 58.64	0	1738694..1739851	+	385	39996686	nusA	GSU1586	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
1577	 58.09	0	1739855..1740472	+	205	39996687	-	GSU1587	-	ribosomal protein L7Ae family protein
1578	 59.95	0	1740450..1743101	+	883	39996688	infB	GSU1588	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
1579	 53.78	-1	1743169..1743525	+	118	39996689	rbfA	GSU1589	-	ribosome-binding factor A
1580	 56.26	0	1743518..1744468	+	316	39996690	-	GSU1590	-	DHH domain-containing protein
1581	 58.47	0	1744474..1745388	+	304	39996691	truB	GSU1591	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase B
1582	 52.43	-1	1745512..1745778	+	88	39996692	rpsO	GSU1592	-	30S ribosomal protein S15
1583	 58.26	0	1746052..1748145	+	697	39996693	pnp	GSU1593	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
1584	 53.38	-1	1748190..1749446	+	418	39996694	-	GSU1594	-	M16 family peptidase
1585	 59.11	0	1749458..1749907	+	149	39996695	dut	GSU1595	-	deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase
1586	 54.41	-1	1749952..1750563	+	203	39996696	-	GSU1596	-	Sua5/YciO/YrdC/YwlC family protein
1587	 57.30	0	1750565..1750927	+	120	39996697	-	GSU1597	-	hypothetical protein
1588	 52.96	-1	1751112..1751651	+	179	39996698	-	GSU1598	-	hypothetical protein
1589	 55.19	-1	1751673..1751855	+	60	39996699	rpmF	GSU1599	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1590	 54.56	-1	1751901..1752941	+	346	39996700	plsX	GSU1600	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
1591	 57.77	0	1752957..1753934	+	325	39996701	fabH-2	GSU1601	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase III
1592	 61.69	0	1753957..1754880	+	307	39996702	fabD	GSU1602	-	malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
1593	 58.84	0	1754891..1755631	+	246	39996703	fabG-2	GSU1603	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1594	 50.43	-1	1755718..1755951	+	77	39996704	acpP-2	GSU1604	-	acyl carrier protein
1595	 58.07	0	1756090..1757322	+	410	39996705	fabF-2	GSU1605	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase II
1596	 61.52	0	1757333..1757779	+	148	39996706	-	GSU1606	-	ribose 5-phosphate isomerase B, putative
1597	 58.01	0	1757872..1759119	+	415	39996707	glyA	GSU1607	-	serine hydroxymethyltransferase
1598	 58.66	0	1759240..1760013	+	257	39996708	-	GSU1608	-	hypothetical protein
1599	 58.27	0	1760201..1761700	+	499	39996709	-	GSU1609	-	outer membrane efflux protein
1600	 61.77	0	1761729..1762913	+	394	39996710	-	GSU1610	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
1601	 59.79	0	1762910..1766008	+	1032	39996711	-	GSU1611	-	AcrB/AcrD/AcrF family protein
1602	 60.75	0	1766005..1766748	+	247	39996712	gpm	GSU1612	-	phosphoglycerate mutase
1603	 60.72	0	1766767..1767624	-	285	39996713	-	GSU1613	-	A/G-specific adenine glycosylase, putative
1604	 56.79	0	1767621..1768025	-	134	39996714	-	GSU1614	-	CoA-binding protein
1605	 54.38	-1	1768108..1769385	-	425	39996715	-	GSU1615	-	hypothetical protein
1606	 54.55	-1	1769602..1770831	-	409	39996716	-	GSU1616	-	ImpB/MucB/SamB family protein
1607	 57.03	0	1770881..1771492	-	203	39996717	lexA-2	GSU1617	-	LexA repressor
1608	 58.56	0	1771700..1772563	-	287	39996718	-	GSU1618	-	hypothetical protein
1609	 55.00	-1	1772610..1772969	-	119	39996719	cheY-4	GSU1619	-	chemotaxis protein CheY
1610	 59.61	0	1773123..1775249	-	708	39996720	-	GSU1620	-	iron-sulfur cluster binding protein, putative
1611	 58.53	0	1775253..1775891	-	212	39996721	-	GSU1621	-	hypothetical protein
1612	 58.41	0	1776004..1777953	+	649	39996722	-	GSU1622	-	L-lactate permease
1613	 62.08	0	1778047..1779420	+	457	39996723	-	GSU1623	-	glycolate oxidase subunit GlcD, putative
1614	 61.63	0	1779431..1780681	+	416	39996724	-	GSU1624	-	glycolate oxidase iron-sulfur subunit, putative
1615	 46.24	-2	1780730..1780822	-	30	39996725	-	GSU1625	-	hypothetical protein
60.71	MEAN

5.38	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.