IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli SMS-3-5

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 50.50 STD DEV: 5.49
Escherichia coli SMS-3-5, complete genome - 1..5068389
4743 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1463	 37.68	-2	1508223..1508360	-	45	170679944	-	EcSMS35_1522	-	hypothetical protein
1464	 47.85	0	1508388..1509014	+	208	170680484	-	EcSMS35_1523	-	iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein
1465	 48.03	0	1509035..1511137	+	700	170681360	-	EcSMS35_1524	-	aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase
1466	 52.58	0	1511150..1511788	+	212	170681892	-	EcSMS35_1525	-	hypothetical protein
1467	 49.72	0	1511801..1512520	+	239	170682806	-	EcSMS35_1526	-	iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein
1468	 49.62	0	1512517..1513302	+	261	170680766	-	EcSMS35_1527	-	nickel-dependent hydrogenase, b-type cytochrome subunit
1469	 52.28	0	1513306..1514118	+	270	170680009	-	EcSMS35_1528	-	hypothetical protein
1470	 44.77	-1	1515853..1516158	-	101	170680041	ydhR	EcSMS35_1530	-	YdhR protein
1471	 51.31	0	1516732..1517988	+	418	170682120	-	EcSMS35_1533	-	hypothetical protein
1472	 53.28	0	1518029..1519402	-	457	170682804	-	EcSMS35_1534	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtK
1473	 47.51	0	1519617..1520258	+	213	170683708	ribE	EcSMS35_1535	-	riboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
1474	 48.22	0	1520298..1521446	-	382	170682135	cfa	EcSMS35_1536	-	cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase
1475	 53.05	0	1521737..1522948	-	403	170680618	-	EcSMS35_1537	-	Bcr/CflA subfamily drug resistance transporter
1476	 53.59	0	1523061..1523993	+	310	170682980	-	EcSMS35_1539	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1477	 53.31	0	1523990..1525015	-	341	170683174	purR	EcSMS35_1538	-	transcriptional repressor PurR
1478	 45.83	0	1525284..1525403	+	39	170682303	-	EcSMS35_1540	-	hypothetical protein
1479	 53.42	0	1525569..1526738	+	389	170684306	-	EcSMS35_1541	-	major facilitator transporter
1480	 49.66	0	1526884..1527465	-	193	170683613	sodB	EcSMS35_1542	-	superoxide dismutase (Fe)
1481	 47.83	0	1527593..1528420	-	275	170683187	-	EcSMS35_1543	-	NlpC/P60 family protein
1482	 52.30	0	1528755..1529102	+	115	170680379	-	EcSMS35_1544	-	putative monothiol glutaredoxin
1483	 56.66	+1	1529153..1533769	-	1538	170679759	lhr	EcSMS35_1545	-	DEAD/DEAH box helicase family protein Lhr
1484	 54.78	0	1533862..1534509	-	215	170681755	rnt	EcSMS35_1546	-	ribonuclease T
1485	 51.47	0	1534612..1535019	-	135	170680256	gloA	EcSMS35_1547	-	lactoylglutathione lyase
1486	 53.73	0	1535100..1536197	-	365	170683580	nemA	EcSMS35_1548	-	N-ethylmaleimide reductase
1487	 52.67	0	1536234..1536833	-	199	170683234	-	EcSMS35_1549	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
1488	 48.94	0	1536798..1537175	+	125	170683126	-	EcSMS35_1550	-	hypothetical protein
1489	 53.29	0	1537224..1538120	+	298	170683938	ydhF	EcSMS35_1551	-	oxidoreductase YdhF
1490	 53.45	0	1538201..1538722	+	173	170682074	sodC_1	EcSMS35_1552	-	superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn)
1491	 52.81	0	1538723..1540735	-	670	170682942	-	EcSMS35_1553	-	fusaric acid resistance domain-containing protein
1492	 50.47	0	1540735..1541592	-	285	170681193	-	EcSMS35_1554	-	MFP family transporter
1493	 49.37	0	1541595..1541831	-	78	170681662	-	EcSMS35_1555	-	hypothetical protein
1494	 35.00	-2	1541888..1542007	+	39	170680115	-	EcSMS35_1556	-	hypothetical protein
1495	 47.59	0	1542032..1542466	+	144	170683212	-	EcSMS35_1557	-	transcriptional regulator SlyA
1496	 51.92	0	1542513..1542980	-	155	170681418	slyB	EcSMS35_1558	-	outer membrane lipoprotein SlyB
1497	 54.77	0	1543254..1544363	+	369	170680769	anmK	EcSMS35_1559	-	anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase
1498	 45.76	0	1544461..1544790	+	109	170680469	-	EcSMS35_1560	-	putative lipoprotein
1499	 52.21	0	1544849..1545505	+	218	170679963	pdxH	EcSMS35_1561	-	pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase
1500	 51.53	0	1545634..1546908	+	424	170683918	tyrS	EcSMS35_1562	-	tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
1501	 52.73	0	1546970..1547830	+	286	170683400	pdxY	EcSMS35_1563	-	pyridoxal kinase
1502	 50.17	0	1547874..1548479	-	201	170682568	gst	EcSMS35_1564	-	glutathione S-transferase
1503	 51.63	0	1548584..1550086	-	500	170682111	tppB	EcSMS35_1565	-	tripeptide permease TppB
1504	 48.74	0	1550696..1551331	-	211	170681381	nth	EcSMS35_1566	-	endonuclease III
1505	 53.16	0	1551331..1552026	-	231	170680858	rnfE	EcSMS35_1567	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, E subunit
1506	 52.98	0	1552030..1552650	-	206	170682231	rnfG	EcSMS35_1568	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, G subunit
1507	 52.97	0	1552654..1553712	-	352	170682943	rnfD	EcSMS35_1569	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, D subunit
1508	 55.05	0	1553713..1555743	-	676	170682353	rnfC	EcSMS35_1570	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit
1509	 54.40	0	1555736..1556314	-	192	170682878	rnfB	EcSMS35_1571	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, B subunit
1510	 51.72	0	1556314..1556895	-	193	170680993	rnfA	EcSMS35_1572	-	electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, A subunit
1511	 48.53	0	1556972..1557412	-	146	170681496	-	EcSMS35_1573	-	hypothetical protein
1512	 47.22	0	1557498..1557713	-	71	170679680	-	EcSMS35_1574	-	haemolysin expression modulating protein
1513	 53.51	0	1558354..1559394	+	346	170680179	-	EcSMS35_1575	-	oxidoreductase, NAD-binding
1514	 53.99	0	1559430..1560431	-	333	170684142	add	EcSMS35_1576	-	adenosine deaminase
1515	 51.66	0	1560535..1561707	-	390	170682436	malY	EcSMS35_1577	-	maltose regulon modulator MalY
1516	 52.35	0	1561717..1563309	-	530	170681681	malX	EcSMS35_1578	-	PTS system, maltose and glucose-specific IIBC component
1517	 54.62	0	1563484..1564512	+	342	170681507	malI	EcSMS35_1579	-	maltose regulon regulatory protein MalI
1518	 46.74	0	1564624..1565391	+	255	170680639	-	EcSMS35_1580	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
1519	 50.95	0	1565631..1566209	+	192	170679903	uidR	EcSMS35_1581	-	transcriptional regulator UidR
1520	 51.99	0	1566599..1568410	+	603	170683754	uidA	EcSMS35_1582	-	beta-glucuronidase UidA
1521	 51.89	0	1568407..1569780	+	457	170683190	uidB	EcSMS35_1583	-	glucuronide permease uidB
1522	 47.52	0	1569837..1571084	+	415	170682689	uidC	EcSMS35_1584	-	membrane-associated protein UidC
1523	 49.37	0	1571129..1572637	-	502	170682142	-	EcSMS35_1585	-	hypothetical protein
1524	 51.02	0	1572738..1573913	-	391	170682319	manA	EcSMS35_1586	-	mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, class I
1525	 50.88	0	1574112..1575758	+	548	170682150	fumA	EcSMS35_1587	-	fumarate hydratase
1526	 53.56	0	1575901..1577304	+	467	170681319	fumC	EcSMS35_1589	-	fumarate hydratase
1527	 50.00	0	1577301..1578242	-	313	170680500	tus	EcSMS35_1588	-	DNA replication terminus site-binding protein
1528	 50.61	0	1578306..1579607	-	433	170682743	rstB	EcSMS35_1590	-	sensor histidine kinase RstB
1529	 49.72	0	1579611..1580330	-	239	170683236	rstA	EcSMS35_1591	-	transcriptional regulatory protein RstA
1530	 47.62	0	1580459..1580794	+	111	170680025	-	EcSMS35_1593	-	hypothetical protein
1531	 50.21	0	1580791..1581513	-	240	170683762	-	EcSMS35_1592	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
1532	 53.36	0	1581550..1582932	-	460	170680556	arcD	EcSMS35_1594	-	arginine/ornithine antiporter
1533	 51.11	0	1583118..1584062	-	314	170681099	ydgH	EcSMS35_1595	-	YdgH protein
1534	 52.51	0	1584587..1586119	+	510	170682207	pntA	EcSMS35_1596	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase, alpha subunit
1535	 52.12	0	1586130..1587518	+	462	170682723	-	EcSMS35_1597	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase, beta subunit
1536	 49.76	0	1587543..1588577	-	344	170683134	-	EcSMS35_1598	-	PerM family permease
1537	 42.90	-1	1588989..1589354	+	121	170683606	mdtJ	EcSMS35_1599	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtJ
1538	 51.82	0	1589341..1589670	+	109	170682978	mdtI	EcSMS35_1600	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtI
1539	 52.07	0	1589709..1590530	-	273	170684042	-	EcSMS35_1601	-	S1A family peptidase
1540	 52.38	0	1590806..1591078	-	90	170681639	-	EcSMS35_1602	-	acid shock repeat-containing protein
1541	 44.83	-1	1591190..1592398	+	402	170681161	-	EcSMS35_1603	-	IS10 transposase
1542	 53.35	0	1592877..1594130	-	417	170680108	ynfM	EcSMS35_1604	-	major facilitator family transporter
1543	 52.24	0	1594237..1595130	+	297	170680231	-	EcSMS35_1605	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1544	 52.74	0	1595265..1596485	+	406	170679760	mic	EcSMS35_1606	-	transcriptional regulator Mic
1545	 52.01	0	1596610..1597305	+	231	170684001	bioD2	EcSMS35_1608	-	dethiobiotin synthase
1546	 53.94	0	1597258..1598514	-	418	170682758	-	EcSMS35_1607	-	chloride channel (ClC) family protein
1547	 53.33	0	1598709..1599323	-	204	170680290	dmsD	EcSMS35_1609	-	twin-arginine leader-binding protein DmsD
1548	 52.16	0	1599366..1600220	-	284	170680653	dmsC2	EcSMS35_1610	-	anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase, C subunit
1549	 52.27	0	1600222..1600839	-	205	170679927	dmsB_1	EcSMS35_1611	-	dimethylsulfoxide reductase, B subunit
1550	 50.06	0	1603333..1605759	-	808	170682222	ynfE	EcSMS35_1613	-	anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase, A subunit YnfE
1551	 56.54	+1	1605958..1606263	-	101	170681546	-	EcSMS35_1614	-	hypothetical protein
1552	 43.78	-1	1606335..1607081	+	248	170680891	-	EcSMS35_1615	-	hypothetical protein
1553	 47.06	0	1607084..1607644	-	186	170682991	speG	EcSMS35_1616	-	diamine N-acetyltransferase
1554	 50.58	0	1607679..1608020	-	113	170680551	-	EcSMS35_1617	-	hypothetical protein
1555	 51.99	0	1608155..1608481	+	108	170683618	-	EcSMS35_1618	-	hypothetical protein
1556	 51.11	0	1608687..1609901	+	404	170684261	rspA	EcSMS35_1619	-	starvation-sensing protein RspA
1557	 45.39	0	1609913..1610932	+	339	170681959	rspB	EcSMS35_1620	-	starvation sensing protein RspB
1558	 46.64	0	1610990..1612357	+	455	170680764	ydfJ	EcSMS35_1621	-	inner membrane metabolite transport protein ydfJ
1559	 37.61	-2	1612320..1612436	+	38	170681422	-	EcSMS35_1622	-	hypothetical protein
1560	 49.83	0	1612446..1613906	+	486	170679858	-	EcSMS35_1623	-	mannitol dehydrogenase family protein
1561	 51.47	0	1613942..1614145	-	67	170679938	-	EcSMS35_1624	-	hypothetical protein
1562	 50.36	0	1614322..1615008	-	228	170679935	-	EcSMS35_1625	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
50.50	MEAN

5.49	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.