IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. DH10B

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.13 STD DEV: 4.76
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10B, complete genome - 1..4686137
4126 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3365	 53.96	0	3761948..3763348	-	466	170083028	gadA	ECDH10B_3694	-	glutamate decarboxylase A, PLP-dependent
3366	 48.43	0	3763559..3764956	-	465	170083029	yhjA	ECDH10B_3695	-	cytochrome C peroxidase
3367	 53.94	0	3765360..3767009	+	549	170083030	treF	ECDH10B_3696	-	cytoplasmic trehalase
3368	 47.76	0	3767060..3767662	-	200	170083031	yhjB	ECDH10B_3697	-	DNA-binding response regulator in two-component regulatory system
3369	 52.06	0	3768110..3769081	+	323	170083032	yhjC	ECDH10B_3698	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
3370	 52.66	0	3769130..3770143	+	337	170083033	yhjD	ECDH10B_3699	-	inner membrane protein
3371	 55.63	0	3770554..3771876	+	440	170083034	yhjE	ECDH10B_3700	-	transporter
3372	 53.23	0	3772058..3774133	-	691	170083035	yhjG	ECDH10B_3701	-	outer membrane biogenesis protein
3373	 52.73	0	3774188..3774955	-	255	170083036	yhjH	ECDH10B_3702	-	EAL domain-containing flagellar function protein
3374	 57.10	+1	3775187..3776116	+	309	170083037	kdgK	ECDH10B_3703	-	ketodeoxygluconokinase
3375	 53.44	0	3776212..3777708	-	498	170083038	yhjJ	ECDH10B_3704	-	zinc-dependent peptidase
3376	 52.62	0	3779398..3781347	-	649	170083039	yhjK	ECDH10B_3706	-	diguanylate cyclase
3377	 57.11	+1	3781468..3784941	-	1157	170083040	bcsC	ECDH10B_3707	-	cellulose synthase subunit
3378	 54.74	0	3784923..3786029	-	368	170083041	bcsZ	ECDH10B_3708	-	endo-1,4-D-glucanase
3379	 54.91	0	3786036..3788375	-	779	170083042	bcsB	ECDH10B_3709	-	regulator of cellulose synthase, cyclic di-GMP binding
3380	 55.36	0	3788386..3791004	-	872	170083043	bcsA	ECDH10B_3710	-	cellulose synthase, catalytic subunit
3381	 46.03	-1	3791765..3791953	-	62	170083044	yhjR	ECDH10B_3712	-	hypothetical protein
3382	 48.44	0	3793794..3793985	+	63	170083045	bcsF	ECDH10B_3714	-	hypothetical protein
3383	 52.68	0	3793982..3795661	+	559	170083046	bcsG	ECDH10B_3715	-	inner membrane protein
3384	 52.78	0	3795748..3795855	-	35	170083047	ldrD	ECDH10B_3716	-	toxic polypeptide, small
3385	 45.44	-1	3796331..3797602	+	423	170083048	yhjV	ECDH10B_3718	-	transporter
3386	 56.12	+1	3797632..3798636	-	334	170083049	dppF	ECDH10B_3719	-	peptide ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
3387	 56.71	+1	3798633..3799616	-	327	170083050	dppD	ECDH10B_3720	-	peptide ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
3388	 59.03	+1	3799627..3800529	-	300	170083051	dppC	ECDH10B_3721	-	peptide ABC transporter membrane protein
3389	 56.47	+1	3800539..3801558	-	339	170083052	dppB	ECDH10B_3722	-	peptide ABC transporter membrane protein
3390	 51.55	0	3801866..3803473	-	535	170083053	dppA	ECDH10B_3723	-	peptide ABC transporter periplasmic substrate-binding protein
3391	 50.41	0	3804384..3806075	-	563	170083054	eptB	ECDH10B_3725	-	metal dependent hydrolase
3392	 51.20	0	3806399..3807607	-	402	170083055	yhjX	ECDH10B_3726	-	transporter
3393	 50.21	0	3807836..3808534	-	232	170083056	yhjY	ECDH10B_3727	-	hypothetical protein
3394	 49.82	0	3808692..3809255	+	187	170083057	tag	ECDH10B_3728	-	3-methyl-adenine DNA glycosylase I, constitutive
3395	 52.15	0	3809252..3809692	+	146	170083058	yiaC	ECDH10B_3729	-	acyltransferase
3396	 54.30	0	3809661..3811940	-	759	170083059	bisC	ECDH10B_3730	-	biotin sulfoxide reductase
3397	 57.88	+1	3812147..3812806	+	219	170083060	yiaD	ECDH10B_3731	-	outer membrane lipoprotein
3398	 52.00	0	3812910..3813884	+	324	170083061	tiaE	ECDH10B_3732	-	2-keto-D-gluconate reductase (glyoxalate reductase) (2-ketoaldonate reductase)
3399	 50.49	0	3813934..3814644	-	236	170083062	yiaF	ECDH10B_3733	-	hypothetical protein
3400	 43.99	-1	3815078..3815368	+	96	170083063	yiaG	ECDH10B_3734	-	transcriptional regulator
3401	 48.36	0	3815649..3815861	+	70	170083064	cspA	ECDH10B_3735	-	major cold shock protein
3402	 35.29	-2	3816048..3816200	-	50	170083065	hokA	ECDH10B_3736	-	toxic polypeptide, small
3403	 46.17	-1	3816280..3816801	+	173	170083066	insJ	ECDH10B_3737	-	IS150 protein InsA
3404	 42.84	-1	3816798..3817649	+	283	170083067	insK	ECDH10B_3738	-	IS150 protein InsB
3405	 55.41	0	3817928..3819997	-	689	170083068	glyS	ECDH10B_3739	-	glycine tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
3406	 47.67	0	3821013..3821312	-	99	170083069	ysaB	ECDH10B_3741	-	hypothetical protein
3407	 46.79	0	3821487..3822482	+	331	170083070	yiaH	ECDH10B_3742	-	inner membrane protein
3408	 41.10	-2	3822524..3822961	-	145	170083071	yiaA	ECDH10B_3743	-	inner membrane protein
3409	 41.52	-2	3823007..3823348	-	113	170083072	yiaB	ECDH10B_3744	-	inner membrane protein
3410	 54.78	0	3823517..3824971	-	484	170083073	xylB	ECDH10B_3745	-	xylulokinase
3411	 50.87	0	3825043..3826365	-	440	170083074	xylA	ECDH10B_3746	-	D-xylose isomerase
3412	 44.01	-1	3826731..3827723	+	330	170083075	xylF	ECDH10B_3747	-	D-xylose ABC transporter periplasmic-binding protein
3413	 47.08	0	3827801..3829342	+	513	170083076	xylG	ECDH10B_3748	-	D-xylose ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
3414	 53.89	0	3829320..3830501	+	393	170083077	xylH	ECDH10B_3749	-	D-xylose ABC transporter membrane protein
3415	 48.77	0	3830579..3831757	+	392	170083078	xylR	ECDH10B_3750	-	DNA-binding transcriptional activator, xylose-binding
3416	 48.24	0	3831953..3832777	-	274	170083079	bax	ECDH10B_3751	-	hypothetical protein
3417	 52.83	0	3833097..3835127	+	676	170083080	malS	ECDH10B_3752	-	alpha-amylase
3418	 52.15	0	3835305..3836558	+	417	170083081	avtA	ECDH10B_3753	-	valine-pyruvate aminotransferase
3419	 53.59	0	3836709..3837182	-	157	170083082	ysaA	ECDH10B_3754	-	hydrogenase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin-type component
3420	 52.18	0	3837284..3838132	-	282	170083083	yiaJ	ECDH10B_3755	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor
3421	 53.05	0	3838333..3839331	+	332	170083084	yiaK	ECDH10B_3756	-	2,3-diketo-L-gulonate dehydrogenase, NADH-dependent
3422	 45.30	-1	3839343..3839810	+	155	170083085	yiaL	ECDH10B_3757	-	hypothetical protein
3423	 44.09	-1	3839928..3840401	+	157	170083086	yiaM	ECDH10B_3758	-	transporter
3424	 50.86	0	3840404..3841681	+	425	170083087	yiaN	ECDH10B_3759	-	transporter
3425	 51.17	0	3841694..3842680	+	328	170083088	yiaO	ECDH10B_3760	-	transporter
3426	 57.45	+1	3842684..3844180	+	498	170083089	lyxK	ECDH10B_3761	-	L-xylulose kinase
3427	 59.43	+1	3844177..3844839	+	220	170083090	sgbH	ECDH10B_3762	-	3-keto-L-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase
3428	 55.75	0	3844832..3845692	+	286	170083091	sgbU	ECDH10B_3763	-	L-xylulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase
3429	 57.33	+1	3845686..3846381	+	231	170083092	sgbE	ECDH10B_3764	-	L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase
3430	 48.72	0	3846728..3847468	-	246	170083093	yiaT	ECDH10B_3765	-	hypothetical protein
3431	 47.69	0	3847592..3848566	+	324	170083094	yiaU	ECDH10B_3766	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
3432	 50.66	0	3848563..3849699	-	378	170083095	yiaV	ECDH10B_3767	-	membrane fusion protein (MFP) component of efflux pump, signal anchor
3433	 46.60	0	3849705..3850028	-	107	170083096	yiaW	ECDH10B_3768	-	inner membrane protein
3434	 54.78	0	3850573..3852111	-	512	170083097	aldB	ECDH10B_3769	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase B
3435	 50.52	0	3852276..3853427	-	383	170083098	yiaY	ECDH10B_3770	-	Fe-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
3436	 56.37	+1	3853617..3855461	-	614	170083099	selB	ECDH10B_3771	-	selenocysteinyl-tRNA-specific translation factor
3437	 52.71	0	3856947..3857555	-	202	170083100	yibF	ECDH10B_3773	-	glutathione S-transferase
3438	 33.69	-2	3861937..3862779	+	280	170083101	yibA	ECDH10B_3775	-	HEAT repeat-containing lyase
3439	 50.28	0	3862821..3863522	+	233	170083102	yibJ	ECDH10B_3776	-	Rhs-family protein
3440	 32.25	-2	3863777..3864238	+	153	170083103	yibG	ECDH10B_3777	-	hypothetical protein
3441	 52.68	0	3865843..3866979	-	378	170083104	yibH	ECDH10B_3778	-	hypothetical protein
3442	 51.52	0	3866982..3867344	-	120	170083105	yibI	ECDH10B_3779	-	inner membrane protein
3443	 53.87	0	3867881..3869794	+	637	170083106	mtlA	ECDH10B_3780	-	fused mannitol-specific PTS enzymes: IIA components; IIB components; IIC components
3444	 52.39	0	3870024..3871172	+	382	170083107	mtlD	ECDH10B_3781	-	mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD(P)-binding
3445	 51.02	0	3871172..3871759	+	195	170083108	mtlR	ECDH10B_3782	-	DNA-binding repressor
3446	 49.05	0	3871771..3871980	-	69	170083109	yibT	ECDH10B_3783	-	hypothetical protein
3447	 50.96	0	3872265..3872627	+	120	170083110	yibL	ECDH10B_3784	-	hypothetical protein
3448	 55.13	0	3872999..3874654	+	551	170083111	lldP	ECDH10B_3785	-	L-lactate permease
3449	 54.05	0	3874654..3875430	+	258	170083112	lldR	ECDH10B_3786	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor
3450	 55.67	0	3875427..3876617	+	396	170083113	lldD	ECDH10B_3787	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase, FMN-linked
3451	 55.06	0	3876815..3877288	+	157	170083114	yibK	ECDH10B_3788	-	rRNA methylase
3452	 53.53	0	3877341..3878162	-	273	170083115	cysE	ECDH10B_3789	-	serine acetyltransferase
3453	 56.76	+1	3878242..3879261	-	339	170083116	gpsA	ECDH10B_3790	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+)
3454	 50.85	0	3879261..3879728	-	155	170083117	secB	ECDH10B_3791	-	protein export chaperone
3455	 52.38	0	3879791..3880042	-	83	170083118	grxC	ECDH10B_3792	-	glutaredoxin 3
3456	 49.54	0	3880184..3880615	-	143	170083119	yibN	ECDH10B_3793	-	rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase
3457	 53.46	0	3880860..3882404	+	514	170083120	gpmI	ECDH10B_3794	-	phosphoglycero mutase III, cofactor-independent
3458	 57.06	+1	3882438..3883697	+	419	170083121	envC	ECDH10B_3795	-	protease with a role in cell division
3459	 52.71	0	3883701..3884660	+	319	170083122	yibQ	ECDH10B_3796	-	polysaccharide deacetylase
3460	 45.99	-1	3884647..3885681	-	344	170083123	yibD	ECDH10B_3797	-	glycosyl transferase
3461	 51.46	0	3885920..3886945	-	341	170083124	tdh	ECDH10B_3798	-	threonine 3-dehydrogenase, NAD(P)-binding
3462	 54.22	0	3886955..3888151	-	398	170083125	kbl	ECDH10B_3799	-	glycine C-acetyltransferase
3463	 37.06	-2	3888426..3889283	-	285	170083126	htrL	ECDH10B_3800	-	hypothetical protein
3464	 50.91	0	3889587..3890519	+	310	170083127	rfaD	ECDH10B_3801	-	ADP-L-glycero-D-mannoheptose-6-epimerase, NAD(P)-binding
51.13	MEAN

4.76	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.