IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. DH10B

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.13 STD DEV: 4.76
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10B, complete genome - 1..4686137
4126 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2313	 47.11	0	2565298..2565660	+	120	170081976	yfdS	ECDH10B_2525	-	CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; hypothetical protein
2314	 42.81	-1	2565660..2565965	+	101	170081977	yfdT	ECDH10B_2526	-	CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; hypothetical protein
2315	 43.26	-1	2565881..2566021	+	46	170081978	ypdJ	ECDH10B_2527	-	hypothetical protein
2316	 43.78	-1	2566097..2566297	+	66	170081979	torI	ECDH10B_2528	-	response regulator inhibitor for tor operon
2317	 48.08	0	2566481..2567416	-	311	170081980	dsdC	ECDH10B_2529	-	DNA-binding transcriptional dual regulator
2318	 48.73	0	2567634..2568971	+	445	170081981	dsdX	ECDH10B_2530	-	transporter
2319	 50.87	0	2568989..2570317	+	442	170081982	dsdA	ECDH10B_2531	-	D-serine ammonia-lyase
2320	 41.65	-1	2570425..2571963	-	512	170081983	emrY	ECDH10B_2532	-	multidrug efflux system
2321	 41.92	-1	2571963..2573126	-	387	170081984	emrK	ECDH10B_2533	-	EmrKY-TolC multidrug resistance efflux pump, membrane fusion protein component
2322	 40.00	-2	2573542..2574156	+	204	170081985	evgA	ECDH10B_2534	-	DNA-binding response regulator in two-component regulatory system with EvgS
2323	 45.46	-1	2577810..2578955	-	381	170081986	yfdE	ECDH10B_2536	-	CoA-transferase, NAD(P)-binding
2324	 44.76	-1	2579029..2579973	-	314	170081987	yfdV	ECDH10B_2537	-	transporter
2325	 46.61	0	2580043..2581737	-	564	170081988	oxc	ECDH10B_2538	-	oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase
2326	 47.08	0	2581791..2583041	-	416	170081989	frc	ECDH10B_2539	-	formyl-CoA transferase, NAD(P)-binding
2327	 46.23	-1	2583554..2584189	-	211	170081990	yfdX	ECDH10B_2540	-	hypothetical protein
2328	 40.22	-2	2584485..2584760	+	91	170081991	ypdI	ECDH10B_2541	-	lipoprotein involved in colanic acid biosynthesis
2329	 48.15	0	2584837..2585079	-	80	170081992	yfdY	ECDH10B_2542	-	inner membrane protein
2330	 51.47	0	2585432..2586352	+	306	170081993	lpxP	ECDH10B_2543	-	palmitoleoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP)-dependent acyltransferase
2331	 54.96	0	2586844..2588082	-	412	170081994	yfdZ	ECDH10B_2544	-	prediected aminotransferase, PLP-dependent
2332	 51.41	0	2588458..2590155	+	565	170081995	ypdA	ECDH10B_2545	-	sensory kinase in two-component system with YpdB
2333	 47.48	0	2590170..2590904	+	244	170081996	ypdB	ECDH10B_2546	-	response regulator in two-component system withYpdA
2334	 53.61	0	2590917..2591774	+	285	170081997	ypdC	ECDH10B_2547	-	DNA-binding protein
2335	 55.21	0	2591777..2594272	-	831	170081998	ypdD	ECDH10B_2548	-	fused PTS enzymes: Hpr component; enzyme I component; enzyme IIA component
2336	 58.29	+1	2594297..2595334	-	345	170081999	ypdE	ECDH10B_2549	-	peptidase
2337	 56.81	+1	2595334..2596419	-	361	170082000	ypdF	ECDH10B_2550	-	peptidase
2338	 54.33	0	2596434..2597681	-	415	170082001	ypdG	ECDH10B_2551	-	enzyme IIC component of PTS
2339	 51.38	0	2597703..2598029	-	108	170082002	ypdH	ECDH10B_2552	-	enzyme IIB component of PTS
2340	 51.55	0	2598248..2599213	-	321	170082003	glk	ECDH10B_2553	-	glucokinase
2341	 53.86	0	2599417..2600673	+	418	170082004	yfeO	ECDH10B_2554	-	ion channel protein
2342	 54.13	0	2600788..2601114	+	108	170082005	ypeC	ECDH10B_2555	-	hypothetical protein
2343	 53.27	0	2601255..2602493	-	412	170082006	mntH	ECDH10B_2556	-	manganese/divalent cation transporter
2344	 49.88	0	2602829..2604031	+	400	170082007	nupC	ECDH10B_2557	-	nucleoside (except guanosine) transporter
2345	 51.93	0	2604118..2605230	+	370	170082008	insL-3	ECDH10B_2558	-	IS186/IS421 transposase
2346	 49.00	0	2605430..2607619	-	729	170082009	yfeA	ECDH10B_2559	-	diguanylate cyclase
2347	 50.14	0	2608254..2608598	+	114	170082010	yfeC	ECDH10B_2562	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2348	 46.06	-1	2608600..2608992	+	130	170082011	yfeD	ECDH10B_2563	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2349	 52.54	0	2609044..2610459	-	471	170082012	gltX	ECDH10B_2564	-	glutamyl-tRNA synthetase
2350	 50.51	0	2611380..2612264	-	294	170082013	xapR	ECDH10B_2569	-	DNA-binding transcriptional activator
2351	 48.05	0	2612516..2613772	-	418	170082014	xapB	ECDH10B_2570	-	xanthosine transporter
2352	 51.68	0	2613832..2614665	-	277	170082015	xapA	ECDH10B_2571	-	purine nucleoside phosphorylase II
2353	 45.23	-1	2614914..2615678	+	254	170082016	yfeN	ECDH10B_2572	-	outer membrane protein
2354	 53.94	0	2615717..2616643	-	308	170082017	yfeR	ECDH10B_2573	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2355	 51.75	0	2616733..2617731	+	332	170082018	yfeH	ECDH10B_2574	-	inner membrane protein
2356	 51.60	0	2617728..2617946	-	72	170082019	ypeB	ECDH10B_2575	-	hypothetical protein
2357	 54.41	0	2617948..2619963	-	671	170082020	ligA	ECDH10B_2576	-	DNA ligase, NAD(+)-dependent
2358	 55.12	0	2620034..2621020	-	328	170082021	zipA	ECDH10B_2577	-	cell division protein involved in Z ring assembly
2359	 50.13	0	2621250..2622011	+	253	170082022	cysZ	ECDH10B_2578	-	inner membrane protein
2360	 50.31	0	2622196..2623167	+	323	170082023	cysK	ECDH10B_2579	-	cysteine synthase A, O-acetylserine sulfhydrolase A subunit
2361	 50.78	0	2623551..2623808	+	85	170082024	ptsH	ECDH10B_2580	-	phosphohistidinoprotein-hexose phosphotransferase component of PTS system (Hpr)
2362	 49.65	0	2623853..2625580	+	575	170082025	ptsI	ECDH10B_2581	-	PEP-protein phosphotransferase of PTS system (enzyme I)
2363	 47.25	0	2625621..2626130	+	169	170082026	crr	ECDH10B_2582	-	glucose-specific enzyme IIA component of PTS
2364	 52.23	0	2626173..2627024	-	283	170082027	pdxK	ECDH10B_2583	-	pyridoxal-pyridoxamine kinase/hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase
2365	 46.40	0	2627129..2627503	+	124	170082028	yfeK	ECDH10B_2584	-	hypothetical protein
2366	 39.18	-2	2627536..2628270	+	244	170082029	yfeS	ECDH10B_2585	-	hypothetical protein
2367	 56.47	+1	2628459..2629370	-	303	170082030	cysM	ECDH10B_2586	-	cysteine synthase B (O-acetylserine sulfhydrolase B)
2368	 58.65	+1	2629504..2630601	-	365	170082031	cysA	ECDH10B_2587	-	sulfate/thiosulfate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
2369	 56.62	+1	2630591..2631466	-	291	170082032	cysW	ECDH10B_2588	-	sulfate/thiosulfate ABC transporter membrane protein
2370	 56.24	+1	2631466..2632299	-	277	170082033	cysU	ECDH10B_2589	-	sulfate/thiosulfate ABC transporter membrane protein
2371	 53.79	0	2632299..2633315	-	338	170082034	cysP	ECDH10B_2590	-	thiosulfate ABC transporter periplasmic substrate-binding protein
2372	 55.30	0	2633619..2634410	-	263	170082035	ucpA	ECDH10B_2591	-	oxidoredutase, sulfate metabolism protein
2373	 51.63	0	2634539..2635396	-	285	170082036	yfeT	ECDH10B_2592	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2374	 53.51	0	2635560..2636456	+	298	170082037	yfeU	ECDH10B_2593	-	PTS component
2375	 56.56	+1	2636460..2637884	+	474	170082038	murP	ECDH10B_2594	-	fused PTS enzymes: IIB component; IIC component
2376	 51.88	0	2637889..2639193	+	434	170082039	yfeW	ECDH10B_2595	-	periplasmic esterase
2377	 56.00	+1	2639433..2640332	-	299	170082040	yfeX	ECDH10B_2596	-	hypothetical protein
2378	 50.87	0	2640428..2641003	-	191	170082041	yfeY	ECDH10B_2597	-	hypothetical protein
2379	 52.89	0	2641064..2641513	-	149	170082042	yfeZ	ECDH10B_2598	-	inner membrane protein
2380	 51.64	0	2641500..2641925	-	141	170082043	ypeA	ECDH10B_2599	-	acyltransferase
2381	 49.77	0	2642139..2643008	+	289	170082044	amiA	ECDH10B_2600	-	N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine amidase I
2382	 54.67	0	2643012..2643911	+	299	170082045	hemF	ECDH10B_2601	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
2383	 53.37	0	2643917..2644969	-	350	170082046	yfeG	ECDH10B_2602	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2384	 58.08	+1	2645015..2645515	-	166	170082047	yffI	ECDH10B_2603	-	carboxysome structural protein with role in ethanolamine utilization
2385	 56.36	+1	2645528..2646187	-	219	170082048	eutL	ECDH10B_2604	-	carboxysome structural protein with role in ethanolamine utilization
2386	 56.64	+1	2646197..2647084	-	295	170082049	eutC	ECDH10B_2605	-	ethanolamine ammonia-lyase, small subunit (light chain)
2387	 55.65	0	2647105..2648466	-	453	170082050	eutB	ECDH10B_2606	-	ethanolamine ammonia-lyase, large subunit, heavy chain
2388	 53.47	0	2648558..2649853	+	431	170082051	intZ	ECDH10B_2607	-	CPZ-55 prophage; integrase
2389	 44.39	-1	2650044..2650685	+	213	170082052	yffL	ECDH10B_2608	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2390	 48.78	0	2651155..2651400	+	81	170082053	yffM	ECDH10B_2609	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2391	 46.61	0	2651397..2651780	+	127	170082054	yffN	ECDH10B_2610	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2392	 48.92	0	2651898..2652314	+	138	170082055	yffO	ECDH10B_2611	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2393	 52.36	0	2652311..2652904	+	197	170082056	yffP	ECDH10B_2612	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2394	 44.02	-1	2653364..2653756	+	130	170082057	yffQ	ECDH10B_2613	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2395	 44.02	-1	2653767..2654159	+	130	170082058	yffR	ECDH10B_2614	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2396	 49.88	0	2654280..2655119	+	279	170082059	yffS	ECDH10B_2615	-	CPZ-55 prophage; hypothetical protein
2397	 59.12	+1	2655268..2656671	-	467	170082060	eutA	ECDH10B_2616	-	reactivating factor for ethanolamine ammonia lyase
2398	 55.18	0	2656668..2657894	-	408	170082061	eutH	ECDH10B_2617	-	inner membrane protein
2399	 58.59	+1	2658111..2659298	-	395	170082062	eutG	ECDH10B_2618	-	alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanolamine utilization
2400	 58.66	+1	2659288..2660124	-	278	170082063	eutJ	ECDH10B_2619	-	chaperonin, ethanolamine utilization protein
2401	 57.12	+1	2660135..2661538	-	467	170082064	eutE	ECDH10B_2620	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
2402	 53.12	0	2661550..2661837	-	95	170082065	cchB	ECDH10B_2621	-	carboxysome structural protein, ethanolamine utilization protein
2403	 58.16	+1	2661944..2662237	-	97	170082066	cchA	ECDH10B_2622	-	carboxysome structural protein, ethanolamine utilization protein
2404	 58.21	+1	2662276..2663292	-	338	170082067	eutI	ECDH10B_2623	-	phosphotransacetylase subunit
2405	 58.58	+1	2663289..2664092	-	267	170082068	eutT	ECDH10B_2624	-	cobalamin adenosyltransferase in ethanolamine utilization
2406	 55.98	+1	2664089..2664790	-	233	170082069	eutQ	ECDH10B_2625	-	hypothetical protein
2407	 49.79	0	2664765..2665244	-	159	170082070	eutP	ECDH10B_2626	-	hypothetical protein
2408	 50.60	0	2665257..2665592	-	111	170082071	ypfE	ECDH10B_2627	-	carboxysome structural protein with role in ethanol utilization
2409	 54.12	0	2665885..2668164	-	759	170082072	maeB	ECDH10B_2628	-	fused malic enzyme oxidoreductase; phosphotransacetylase
2410	 50.26	0	2668453..2669403	+	316	170082073	talA	ECDH10B_2629	-	transaldolase A
2411	 54.64	0	2669423..2671426	+	667	170082074	tktB	ECDH10B_2630	-	transketolase 2, thiamin-binding
2412	 54.60	0	2671521..2672564	-	347	170082075	ypfG	ECDH10B_2631	-	hypothetical protein
51.13	MEAN

4.76	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.