IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. DH10B

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.13 STD DEV: 4.76
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10B, complete genome - 1..4686137
4126 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1738	 53.35	0	1914550..1915518	-	322	170081401	astE	ECDH10B_1882	-	succinylglutamate desuccinylase
1739	 55.58	0	1915511..1916854	-	447	170081402	astB	ECDH10B_1883	-	succinylarginine dihydrolase
1740	 58.08	+1	1916851..1918329	-	492	170081403	astD	ECDH10B_1884	-	succinylglutamic semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1741	 56.04	+1	1918326..1919360	-	344	170081404	astA	ECDH10B_1885	-	arginine succinyltransferase
1742	 55.04	0	1919357..1920577	-	406	170081405	astC	ECDH10B_1886	-	succinylornithine transaminase, PLP-dependent
1743	 53.41	0	1921023..1921829	+	268	170081406	xthA	ECDH10B_1887	-	exonuclease III
1744	 48.10	0	1921996..1922706	+	236	170081407	ydjX	ECDH10B_1888	-	inner membrane protein
1745	 48.38	0	1922711..1923388	+	225	170081408	ydjY	ECDH10B_1889	-	hypothetical protein
1746	 51.55	0	1923403..1924110	+	235	170081409	ydjZ	ECDH10B_1890	-	inner membrane protein
1747	 56.28	+1	1924110..1924658	+	182	170081410	ynjA	ECDH10B_1891	-	hypothetical protein
1748	 56.38	+1	1924668..1925834	+	388	170081411	ynjB	ECDH10B_1892	-	hypothetical protein
1749	 57.01	+1	1925852..1927342	+	496	170081412	ynjC	ECDH10B_1893	-	ABC transporter membrane protein
1750	 51.07	0	1927342..1927995	+	217	170081413	ynjD	ECDH10B_1894	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1751	 53.52	0	1928062..1929369	+	435	170081414	ynjE	ECDH10B_1895	-	thiosulfate sulfur transferase
1752	 53.46	0	1929378..1929998	-	206	170081415	ynjF	ECDH10B_1896	-	phosphatidyl transferase, inner membrane protein
1753	 54.90	0	1930085..1930492	+	135	170081416	nudG	ECDH10B_1897	-	pyrimidine (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase
1754	 50.55	0	1930458..1930730	-	90	170081417	ynjH	ECDH10B_1898	-	hypothetical protein
1755	 53.27	0	1930966..1932309	+	447	170081418	gdhA	ECDH10B_1899	-	glutamate dehydrogenase, NADP-specific
1756	 41.31	-2	1932426..1933466	-	346	170081419	ynjI	ECDH10B_1900	-	inner membrane protein
1757	 55.15	0	1933594..1935555	-	653	170081420	topB	ECDH10B_1901	-	DNA topoisomerase III
1758	 54.98	0	1935560..1936603	-	347	170081421	selD	ECDH10B_1902	-	selenophosphate synthase
1759	 55.98	+1	1936720..1937271	-	183	170081422	ydjA	ECDH10B_1903	-	oxidoreductase
1760	 51.75	0	1937432..1939288	+	618	170081423	sppA	ECDH10B_1904	-	protease IV (signal peptide peptidase)
1761	 51.13	0	1939455..1940471	+	338	170081424	ansA	ECDH10B_1905	-	cytoplasmic L-asparaginase I
1762	 53.12	0	1940482..1941123	+	213	170081425	pncA	ECDH10B_1906	-	nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase
1763	 45.11	-1	1941216..1942574	-	452	170081426	ydjE	ECDH10B_1907	-	transporter
1764	 42.29	-1	1942691..1943449	-	252	170081427	ydjF	ECDH10B_1908	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1765	 47.81	0	1943586..1944566	-	326	170081428	ydjG	ECDH10B_1909	-	oxidoreductase
1766	 45.36	-1	1944576..1945523	-	315	170081429	ydjH	ECDH10B_1910	-	kinase
1767	 46.74	0	1946385..1947428	-	347	170081430	ydjJ	ECDH10B_1912	-	oxidoreductase, Zn-dependent and NAD(P)-binding
1768	 49.20	0	1947445..1948824	-	459	170081431	ydjK	ECDH10B_1913	-	transporter
1769	 49.77	0	1948851..1949927	-	358	170081432	ydjL	ECDH10B_1914	-	oxidoreductase, Zn-dependent and NAD(P)-binding
1770	 45.05	-1	1950297..1950569	-	90	170081433	yeaC	ECDH10B_1915	-	hypothetical protein
1771	 48.55	0	1950611..1951024	-	137	170081434	msrB	ECDH10B_1916	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase B
1772	 50.00	0	1951366..1952361	+	331	170081435	gapA	ECDH10B_1917	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase A
1773	 49.83	0	1952445..1953329	+	294	170081436	yeaD	ECDH10B_1918	-	hypothetical protein
1774	 50.53	0	1953377..1954231	-	284	170081437	yeaE	ECDH10B_1919	-	oxidoreductase
1775	 52.21	0	1954321..1955067	-	248	170081438	mipA	ECDH10B_1920	-	scaffolding protein for murein synthesizing machinery
1776	 50.13	0	1955503..1957437	+	644	170081439	yeaG	ECDH10B_1921	-	hypothetical protein
1777	 49.14	0	1957550..1958833	+	427	170081440	yeaH	ECDH10B_1922	-	hypothetical protein
1778	 38.48	-2	1958980..1960455	+	491	170081441	yeaI	ECDH10B_1923	-	diguanylate cyclase
1779	 46.01	-1	1960636..1962126	+	496	170081442	yeaJ	ECDH10B_1924	-	diguanylate cyclase
1780	 51.39	0	1962169..1962672	+	167	170081443	yeaK	ECDH10B_1925	-	hypothetical protein
1781	 42.86	-1	1962673..1962777	-	34	170081444	yoaI	ECDH10B_1926	-	hypothetical protein
1782	 54.81	0	1962947..1963393	+	148	170081445	yeaL	ECDH10B_1927	-	inner membrane protein
1783	 49.88	0	1963350..1964171	-	273	170081446	yeaM	ECDH10B_1928	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1784	 52.71	0	1964268..1965449	+	393	170081447	yeaN	ECDH10B_1929	-	transporter
1785	 52.59	0	1965504..1965851	+	115	170081448	yeaO	ECDH10B_1930	-	hypothetical protein
1786	 52.55	0	1965873..1966127	-	84	170081449	yoaF	ECDH10B_1931	-	outer membrane protein
1787	 48.05	0	1966310..1967335	+	341	170081450	yeaP	ECDH10B_1932	-	diguanylate cyclase
1788	 46.18	-1	1967602..1967850	-	82	170081451	yeaQ	ECDH10B_1933	-	inner membrane protein
1789	 45.90	-1	1967998..1968180	-	60	170081452	yoaG	ECDH10B_1934	-	hypothetical protein
1790	 48.33	0	1968184..1968543	-	119	170081453	yeaR	ECDH10B_1935	-	hypothetical protein
1791	 45.23	-1	1968716..1969354	-	212	170081454	yeaS	ECDH10B_1936	-	neutral amino-acid efflux system
1792	 52.38	0	1969481..1970404	-	307	170081455	yeaT	ECDH10B_1937	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1793	 53.68	0	1970507..1971592	+	361	170081456	yeaU	ECDH10B_1938	-	dehydrogenase
1794	 51.24	0	1971783..1973228	+	481	170081457	yeaV	ECDH10B_1939	-	transporter
1795	 51.73	0	1973260..1974384	+	374	170081458	yeaW	ECDH10B_1940	-	2Fe-2S cluster-containing protein
1796	 50.10	0	1974440..1975405	+	321	170081459	yeaX	ECDH10B_1941	-	oxidoreductase
1797	 54.08	0	1975459..1976586	-	375	170081460	rnd	ECDH10B_1942	-	ribonuclease D
1798	 51.19	0	1976656..1978341	-	561	170081461	fadD	ECDH10B_1943	-	acyl-CoA synthetase (long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase)
1799	 53.61	0	1978546..1979127	-	193	170081462	yeaY	ECDH10B_1944	-	lipoprotein
1800	 55.60	0	1979167..1979862	-	231	170081463	yeaZ	ECDH10B_1945	-	peptidase
1801	 55.21	0	1979920..1981830	-	636	170081464	yoaA	ECDH10B_1946	-	hypothetical protein
1802	 51.59	0	1981962..1982306	+	114	170081465	yoaB	ECDH10B_1947	-	hypothetical protein
1803	 41.67	-1	1982668..1983027	+	119	170081466	yoaC	ECDH10B_1948	-	hypothetical protein
1804	 56.11	+1	1983147..1983326	-	59	170081467	yoaH	ECDH10B_1949	-	hypothetical protein
1805	 54.92	0	1984765..1985343	+	192	170081468	yeaB	ECDH10B_1951	-	NUDIX hydrolase
1806	 53.99	0	1985527..1986891	+	454	170081469	sdaA	ECDH10B_1952	-	L-serine deaminase I
1807	 50.53	0	1987022..1988620	+	532	170081470	yoaD	ECDH10B_1953	-	phosphodiesterase
1808	 53.89	0	1988624..1990180	-	518	170081471	yoaE	ECDH10B_1954	-	fused membrane protein; protein
1809	 50.31	0	1990643..1991614	+	323	170081472	manX	ECDH10B_1955	-	fused mannose-specific PTS enzymes: IIA component; IIB component
1810	 51.56	0	1991677..1992477	+	266	170081473	manY	ECDH10B_1956	-	mannose-specific enzyme IIC component of PTS
1811	 52.73	0	1992481..1993341	+	286	170081474	manZ	ECDH10B_1957	-	mannose-specific enzyme IID component of PTS
1812	 45.10	-1	1993396..1993854	+	152	170081475	yobD	ECDH10B_1958	-	inner membrane protein
1813	 51.68	0	1994283..1994849	+	188	170081476	yebN	ECDH10B_1959	-	inner membrane protein
1814	 51.36	0	1994846..1995655	-	269	170081477	rrmA	ECDH10B_1960	-	23S rRNA m1G745 methyltransferase
1815	 46.67	0	1995821..1996030	-	69	170081478	cspC	ECDH10B_1961	-	CspA family stress protein
1816	 42.36	-1	1996043..1996186	-	47	170081479	yobF	ECDH10B_1962	-	hypothetical protein
1817	 43.40	-1	1996856..1997143	-	95	170081480	yebO	ECDH10B_1963	-	hypothetical protein
1818	 46.53	0	1997218..1997361	-	47	170081481	yobG	ECDH10B_1964	-	hypothetical protein
1819	 43.75	-1	1997520..1997759	+	79	170081482	yobH	ECDH10B_1965	-	hypothetical protein
1820	 49.75	0	1997903..1998694	-	263	170081483	kdgR	ECDH10B_1966	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1821	 52.33	0	1998871..2000244	+	457	170081484	yebQ	ECDH10B_1967	-	transporter
1822	 53.51	0	2000290..2001171	-	293	170081485	htpX	ECDH10B_1968	-	endopeptidase
1823	 50.37	0	2001363..2003411	-	682	170081486	prc	ECDH10B_1969	-	carboxy-terminal protease for penicillin-binding protein 3
1824	 52.93	0	2003431..2004129	-	232	170081487	proQ	ECDH10B_1970	-	structural transport element
1825	 47.83	0	2004226..2004777	-	183	170081488	yebR	ECDH10B_1971	-	hypothetical protein
1826	 50.08	0	2004853..2006136	+	427	170081489	yebS	ECDH10B_1972	-	inner membrane protein
1827	 53.64	0	2006105..2008738	+	877	170081490	yebT	ECDH10B_1973	-	hypothetical protein
1828	 51.81	0	2008818..2010257	+	479	170081491	yebU	ECDH10B_1974	-	methyltransferase
1829	 48.52	0	2010375..2010611	+	78	170081492	yebV	ECDH10B_1975	-	hypothetical protein
1830	 45.83	-1	2010716..2010907	+	63	170081493	yebW	ECDH10B_1976	-	hypothetical protein
1831	 47.79	0	2010908..2011564	-	218	170081494	pphA	ECDH10B_1977	-	serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase 1
1832	 45.91	-1	2011960..2012301	-	113	170081495	yebY	ECDH10B_1980	-	hypothetical protein
1833	 53.15	0	2012314..2013186	-	290	170081496	yebZ	ECDH10B_1981	-	inner membrane protein
1834	 49.87	0	2013190..2013564	-	124	170081497	yobA	ECDH10B_1982	-	hypothetical protein
1835	 48.48	0	2013703..2013933	+	76	170081498	holE	ECDH10B_1983	-	DNA polymerase III, theta subunit
1836	 52.05	0	2014035..2014691	+	218	170081499	yobB	ECDH10B_1984	-	hypothetical protein
1837	 51.89	0	2014715..2015377	+	220	170081500	exoX	ECDH10B_1985	-	DNA exonuclease X
51.13	MEAN

4.76	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.