IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli 536

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 50.53 STD DEV: 5.23
Escherichia coli 536, complete genome - 1..4938920
4620 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2884	 51.32	0	3113628..3114194	+	188	110643101	-	ECP_2946	-	putative membran protein YggT
2885	 48.45	0	3114191..3114481	+	96	110643102	-	ECP_2947	-	hypothetical protein
2886	 55.39	0	3114489..3115082	+	197	110643103	-	ECP_2948	-	putative deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pyrophosphatase
2887	 52.51	0	3115075..3116211	+	378	110643104	-	ECP_2949	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
2888	 43.35	-1	3116276..3117283	-	335	110643105	-	ECP_2950	-	hypothetical protein
2889	 51.86	0	3117400..3118446	-	348	110643106	ansB	ECP_2951	-	L-asparaginase II
2890	 52.64	0	3118622..3119341	-	239	110643107	-	ECP_2952	-	hypothetical protein
2891	 48.62	0	3119525..3119851	-	108	110643108	-	ECP_2953	-	hypothetical protein
2892	 52.92	0	3119851..3120570	-	239	110643109	trmB	ECP_2954	-	tRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase
2893	 55.65	0	3120731..3121783	+	350	110643110	-	ECP_2955	-	adenine DNA glycosylase
2894	 47.10	0	3121811..3122086	+	91	110643111	-	ECP_2956	-	hypothetical protein
2895	 51.43	0	3122148..3123230	+	360	110643112	mltC	ECP_2957	-	murein transglycosylase C
2896	 50.60	0	3123432..3124688	+	418	110643113	-	ECP_2958	-	nucleoside permease NupG
2897	 52.29	0	3124737..3126872	-	711	110643114	-	ECP_2959	-	ornithine decarboxylase
2898	 51.98	0	3127271..3127978	+	235	110643115	-	ECP_2960	-	putative membrane protein YqgA
2899	 47.95	0	3128357..3129622	+	421	110643116	-	ECP_2962	-	putative P4-type integrase
2900	 46.92	0	3129973..3130362	+	129	110643117	-	ECP_2963	-	hypothetical protein
2901	 40.10	-1	3130778..3130969	+	63	110643118	-	ECP_2964	-	transposase-like protein
2902	 32.69	-2	3131239..3132021	-	260	110643119	-	ECP_2965	-	hypothetical protein
2903	 40.99	-1	3132074..3133066	-	330	110643120	-	ECP_2966	-	PixG protein
2904	 38.73	-2	3133089..3133607	-	172	110643121	-	ECP_2967	-	PixF protein
2905	 43.09	-1	3133691..3134254	-	187	110643122	-	ECP_2968	-	PixJ protein
2906	 50.17	0	3134291..3135163	-	290	110643123	-	ECP_2969	-	PixD protein
2907	 54.03	0	3135091..3137661	-	856	110643124	-	ECP_2970	-	fimbrial usher protein PixC
2908	 51.19	0	3137722..3138309	-	195	110643125	-	ECP_2971	-	PixH protein
2909	 40.07	-1	3138395..3138928	-	177	110643126	-	ECP_2972	-	PixA protein
2910	 51.56	0	3139664..3139888	-	74	110643127	-	ECP_2973	-	hypothetical protein
2911	 50.71	0	3140041..3140535	-	164	110643128	-	ECP_2974	-	hypothetical protein
2912	 49.32	0	3140894..3142150	-	418	110643129	-	ECP_2975	-	transport activator
2913	 48.81	0	3142131..3144140	-	669	110643130	-	ECP_2976	-	regulatory protein
2914	 49.84	0	3144137..3145408	-	423	110643131	-	ECP_2977	-	regulatory protein
2915	 45.93	0	3145753..3147117	+	454	110643132	-	ECP_2978	-	transporter protein
2916	 32.24	-2	3147160..3147525	+	121	110643133	-	ECP_2979	-	hypothetical protein
2917	 41.06	-1	3147553..3147759	+	68	110643134	-	ECP_2980	-	hypothetical protein
2918	 46.25	0	3148065..3149078	-	337	110643135	-	ECP_2981	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
2919	 44.87	-1	3149090..3150406	-	438	110643136	-	ECP_2982	-	putative L-fucose permease
2920	 40.17	-1	3150434..3151354	-	306	110643137	-	ECP_2983	-	ribokinase family sugar kinase
2921	 45.85	0	3151659..3152441	+	260	110643138	-	ECP_2984	-	DeoR family transcriptional regulator
2922	 48.72	0	3152542..3152658	-	38	110643139	-	ECP_2985	-	hypothetical protein
2923	 46.77	0	3152669..3152869	-	66	110643140	-	ECP_2986	-	hypothetical protein
2924	 54.50	0	3153510..3153731	-	73	110643141	-	ECP_2987	-	hypothetical protein
2925	 44.19	-1	3153836..3154369	-	177	110643142	-	ECP_2988	-	hypothetical protein
2926	 52.86	0	3154363..3155202	-	279	110643143	-	ECP_2989	-	putative transposase (orfB)
2927	 44.55	-1	3155229..3155531	-	100	110643144	-	ECP_2990	-	transposase protein
2928	 48.48	0	3155676..3155873	-	65	110643145	-	ECP_2991	-	hypothetical protein
2929	 51.64	0	3156120..3156545	-	141	110643146	-	ECP_2992	-	hypothetical protein
2930	 53.91	0	3156542..3156925	-	127	110643147	-	ECP_2993	-	hypothetical protein
2931	 47.75	0	3156995..3157216	+	73	110643148	-	ECP_2994	-	hypothetical protein
2932	 52.88	0	3157431..3158453	+	340	110643149	-	ECP_2995	-	transposase for insertion sequence IS100
2933	 50.38	0	3158453..3159232	+	259	110643150	-	ECP_2996	-	transposase/IS protein
2934	 46.98	0	3159276..3159854	-	192	110643151	-	ECP_2997	-	hypothetical protein
2935	 42.64	-1	3160086..3160472	-	128	110643152	-	ECP_2998	-	putative hemolysin expression modulating protein
2936	 41.67	-1	3161311..3162102	+	263	110643153	-	ECP_2999	-	hypothetical protein
2937	 55.56	0	3162486..3162692	+	68	110643154	-	ECP_3000	-	putative regulatory protein
2938	 53.40	0	3162786..3163388	+	200	110643155	-	ECP_3001	-	hypothetical protein
2939	 58.41	+1	3163449..3163763	-	104	110643156	-	ECP_3002	-	hypothetical protein
2940	 54.93	0	3164148..3164360	+	70	110643157	-	ECP_3003	-	hypothetical protein
2941	 43.56	-1	3164407..3164709	+	100	110643158	-	ECP_3004	-	hypothetical protein
2942	 48.36	0	3165098..3165310	+	70	110643159	-	ECP_3005	-	hypothetical protein
2943	 35.09	-2	3165831..3166457	+	208	110643160	-	ECP_3006	-	hypothetical protein
2944	 37.19	-2	3166597..3167271	-	224	110643161	-	ECP_3007	-	hypothetical protein
2945	 58.19	+1	3167566..3168438	+	290	110643162	-	ECP_3008	-	hypothetical protein
2946	 57.22	+1	3168808..3171654	+	948	110643163	-	ECP_3009	-	putative autotransporter
2947	 52.14	0	3171725..3171958	+	77	110643164	-	ECP_3010	-	hypothetical protein
2948	 56.90	+1	3172049..3172867	+	272	110643165	-	ECP_3011	-	hypothetical protein
2949	 54.32	0	3172959..3173444	+	161	110643166	-	ECP_3012	-	hypothetical protein
2950	 58.28	+1	3173460..3173936	+	158	110643167	-	ECP_3013	-	putative radC-like protein YeeS
2951	 54.95	0	3174005..3174226	+	73	110643168	-	ECP_3014	-	hypothetical protein
2952	 56.88	+1	3174240..3174668	+	142	110643169	-	ECP_3015	-	hypothetical protein
2953	 54.76	0	3174758..3175135	+	125	110643170	-	ECP_3016	-	hypothetical protein
2954	 52.15	0	3175132..3175620	+	162	110643171	-	ECP_3017	-	hypothetical protein
2955	 48.56	0	3175587..3175829	+	80	110643172	-	ECP_3018	-	hypothetical protein
2956	 49.23	0	3175914..3176756	+	280	110643173	-	ECP_3019	-	hypothetical protein
2957	 49.39	0	3178080..3179063	+	327	110643174	-	ECP_3020	-	polysialic acid capsule expression protein KpsF
2958	 49.35	0	3179135..3180283	+	382	110643175	-	ECP_3021	-	capsule polysaccharide export inner-membrane protein KpsE
2959	 51.46	0	3180307..3181983	+	558	110643176	-	ECP_3022	-	polysialic acid transport protein KpsD precursor
2960	 54.93	0	3181993..3182733	+	246	110643177	-	ECP_3023	-	3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase
2961	 52.17	0	3182730..3184178	+	482	110643178	-	ECP_3024	-	capsule polysaccharide export protein KpsC
2962	 44.71	-1	3184216..3184593	+	125	110643179	-	ECP_3025	-	hypothetical protein
2963	 43.48	-1	3184702..3185253	+	183	110643180	-	ECP_3026	-	hypothetical protein
2964	 35.97	-2	3185408..3186658	-	416	110643181	-	ECP_3027	-	capsule polysaccharide export protein KpsS
2965	 39.25	-2	3186695..3188824	-	709	110643182	-	ECP_3028	-	capsule export protein KpsC
2966	 33.33	-2	3189178..3190116	-	312	110643183	-	ECP_3029	-	hypothetical protein
2967	 24.31	-2	3190094..3190381	-	95	110643184	-	ECP_3030	-	hypothetical protein
2968	 32.39	-2	3190414..3191052	-	212	110643185	-	ECP_3031	-	hypothetical protein
2969	 31.98	-2	3191049..3192008	-	319	110643186	-	ECP_3032	-	hypothetical protein
2970	 29.29	-2	3192005..3192994	-	329	110643187	-	ECP_3033	-	hypothetical protein
2971	 33.00	-2	3192991..3193881	-	296	110643188	-	ECP_3034	-	putative glycosyltransferase
2972	 33.03	-2	3194876..3195544	-	222	110643189	-	ECP_3035	-	polysialic acid transport ATP-binding protein KpsT
2973	 33.72	-2	3195541..3196317	-	258	110643190	-	ECP_3036	-	polysialic acid transport protein KpsM
2974	 53.45	0	3197373..3197909	-	178	110643191	-	ECP_3037	-	putative general secretion pathway protein YghD
2975	 57.72	+1	3197911..3198771	-	286	162138276	-	ECP_3038	-	GspL-like protein
2976	 55.73	0	3199086..3200063	-	325	110643193	-	ECP_3039	-	type II secretion protein GspK
2977	 55.94	+1	3200060..3200665	-	201	110643194	-	ECP_3040	-	type II secretion protein GspJ
2978	 56.72	+1	3200662..3201033	-	123	110643195	-	ECP_3041	-	type II secretion protein GspI
2979	 55.14	0	3201030..3201593	-	187	110643196	-	ECP_3042	-	type II secretion protein GspH
2980	 51.97	0	3201597..3202052	-	151	110643197	-	ECP_3043	-	type II secretion protein
2981	 58.66	+1	3202069..3203292	-	407	110643198	-	ECP_3044	-	type II secretion protein GspF
2982	 57.56	+1	3203292..3204785	-	497	110643199	-	ECP_3045	-	type II secretion protein GspE
2983	 54.73	0	3204785..3206845	-	686	110643200	-	ECP_3046	-	type II secretion protein GspD
50.53	MEAN

5.23	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.