IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli 536

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 50.53 STD DEV: 5.23
Escherichia coli 536, complete genome - 1..4938920
4620 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2788	 53.00	0	3007255..3008286	+	343	110643005	-	ECP_2850	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator GalR
2789	 52.65	0	3008293..3009555	-	420	110643006	-	ECP_2851	-	diaminopimelate decarboxylase
2790	 53.53	0	3009677..3010612	+	311	110643007	-	ECP_2852	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator LysR
2791	 50.22	0	3010599..3011291	-	230	110643008	-	ECP_2853	-	putative racemase
2792	 51.44	0	3011420..3012838	-	472	110643009	-	ECP_2854	-	arabinose-proton symporter
2793	 51.97	0	3013153..3013914	-	253	110643010	-	ECP_2855	-	2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase
2794	 49.70	0	3013944..3014780	-	278	110643011	-	ECP_2856	-	5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase
2795	 53.13	0	3015067..3016248	-	393	110643012	-	ECP_2857	-	acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
2796	 44.39	-1	3016503..3017732	+	409	110643013	-	ECP_2858	-	transport protein YqeG
2797	 50.53	0	3018200..3018955	-	251	110643014	-	ECP_2859	-	putative metalloendopeptidase
2798	 53.00	0	3019369..3021666	+	765	110643015	-	ECP_2860	-	xanthine dehydrogenase subunit XdhA
2799	 53.81	0	3021677..3022555	+	292	110643016	-	ECP_2861	-	xanthine dehydrogenase subunit XdhB
2800	 51.04	0	3022552..3023031	+	159	110643017	-	ECP_2862	-	xanthine dehydrogenase subunit XdhC
2801	 45.92	0	3023071..3024849	-	592	110643018	-	ECP_2863	-	sigma-54-dependent transcriptional regulator YgeV
2802	 50.21	0	3025325..3026515	+	396	110643019	-	ECP_2864	-	hypothetical protein
2803	 53.05	0	3026573..3027769	+	398	110643020	-	ECP_2865	-	diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase
2804	 50.74	0	3027827..3029038	+	403	110643021	-	ECP_2866	-	peptidase
2805	 52.60	0	3029091..3030476	+	461	110643022	-	ECP_2867	-	dihydropyrimidinase
2806	 49.52	0	3030524..3031456	+	310	110643023	-	ECP_2868	-	carbamate kinase
2807	 52.40	0	3031497..3033122	-	541	110643024	-	ECP_2869	-	hypothetical protein
2808	 49.28	0	3033170..3033721	-	183	110643025	-	ECP_2870	-	hypothetical protein
2809	 43.31	-1	3034092..3034622	+	176	110643026	-	ECP_2871	-	hypothetical protein
2810	 52.57	0	3034944..3038042	+	1032	110643027	-	ECP_2872	-	putative selenate reductase subunit YgfK
2811	 52.60	0	3038045..3039373	+	442	110643028	-	ECP_2873	-	putative chlorohydrolase/aminohydrolase
2812	 53.59	0	3039424..3040203	+	259	110643029	-	ECP_2874	-	putative selenate reductase subunit YgfM
2813	 52.53	0	3040200..3043070	+	956	110643030	-	ECP_2875	-	putative selenate reductase subunit YgfN
2814	 48.68	0	3043235..3044635	+	466	110643031	-	ECP_2876	-	putative transmembrane transport protein
2815	 48.52	0	3044653..3045969	+	438	110643032	-	ECP_2877	-	guanine deaminase
2816	 53.14	0	3046005..3047372	+	455	110643033	-	ECP_2878	-	hypothetical protein
2817	 55.01	0	3047408..3047896	-	162	110643034	-	ECP_2879	-	putative electron transport protein YgfS
2818	 52.97	0	3047896..3049815	-	639	110643035	-	ECP_2880	-	putative oxidoreductase Fe-S binding subunit
2819	 49.07	0	3050251..3051699	+	482	110643036	-	ECP_2881	-	putative purine permease YgfU
2820	 50.27	0	3051949..3052497	+	182	110643037	-	ECP_2882	-	isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase
2821	 52.57	0	3052540..3054057	-	505	110643038	lysS	ECP_2883	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
2822	 53.06	0	3054067..3054948	-	293	110643039	-	ECP_2884	-	peptide chain release factor 2
2823	 56.98	+1	3055256..3056989	-	577	110643040	-	ECP_2885	-	ssDNA exonuclease RecJ
2824	 48.38	0	3056995..3057705	-	236	110643041	-	ECP_2886	-	thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC
2825	 53.18	0	3057730..3058626	-	298	110643042	xerD	ECP_2887	-	site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerD
2826	 51.53	0	3058738..3059259	+	173	110643043	-	ECP_2888	-	flavodoxin FldB
2827	 53.43	0	3059299..3059706	-	135	110643044	-	ECP_2889	-	hypothetical protein
2828	 49.44	0	3059687..3059953	-	88	110643045	-	ECP_2890	-	hypothetical protein
2829	 41.53	-1	3059937..3060119	+	60	110643046	-	ECP_2891	-	hypothetical protein
2830	 54.64	0	3060196..3061176	+	326	110643047	-	ECP_2892	-	putative global regulator
2831	 52.12	0	3061253..3061912	-	219	110643048	-	ECP_2893	-	putative hemolysin (putative membrane protein)
2832	 44.87	-1	3062076..3062387	-	103	110643049	-	ECP_2894	-	hypothetical protein
2833	 51.53	0	3062432..3063865	+	477	110643050	-	ECP_2895	-	6-phospho-beta-glucosidase BglA
2834	 55.50	0	3064031..3066904	-	957	110643051	-	ECP_2896	-	glycine dehydrogenase
2835	 51.54	0	3067022..3067411	-	129	110643052	-	ECP_2897	-	glycine cleavage system protein H
2836	 53.61	0	3067435..3068598	-	387	110643053	gcvT	ECP_2898	-	glycine cleavage system aminomethyltransferase T
2837	 54.78	0	3068977..3070179	-	400	110643054	-	ECP_2899	-	hypothetical protein
2838	 59.20	+1	3070202..3071380	-	392	110643055	-	ECP_2900	-	2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenyl hydroxylase
2839	 52.87	0	3071377..3072702	-	441	110643056	-	ECP_2901	-	proline aminopeptidase P II
2840	 52.14	0	3072728..3073312	-	194	110643057	-	ECP_2902	-	hypothetical protein
2841	 46.97	0	3073474..3073803	+	109	110643058	-	ECP_2903	-	Z-ring-associated protein
2842	 52.61	0	3073905..3074651	+	248	110643059	-	ECP_2904	-	putative ligase
2843	 52.15	0	3075041..3076273	-	410	110643060	-	ECP_2905	-	D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
2844	 51.44	0	3076529..3077224	-	231	110643061	-	ECP_2906	-	ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A
2845	 54.48	0	3077244..3077522	-	92	110643062	-	ECP_2907	-	hypothetical protein
2846	 54.25	0	3077615..3078508	+	297	110643063	-	ECP_2908	-	chromosome replication initiation inhibitor protein
2847	 52.51	0	3078711..3079805	+	364	110643064	-	ECP_2909	-	hypothetical protein
2848	 44.37	-1	3079802..3080698	-	298	110643065	-	ECP_2910	-	transcriptional regulator YgfI
2849	 53.25	0	3080856..3081548	-	230	110643066	-	ECP_2911	-	hypothetical protein
2850	 50.31	0	3081689..3082324	-	211	110643067	-	ECP_2912	-	arginine exporter protein
2851	 50.52	0	3082463..3083323	-	286	110643068	-	ECP_2913	-	mechanosensitive channel MscS
2852	 49.84	0	3083346..3084611	-	421	110643069	-	ECP_2914	-	fructose-bisphosphate aldolase
2853	 52.15	0	3084826..3085989	-	387	110643070	pgk	ECP_2915	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
2854	 50.69	0	3086039..3087058	-	339	110643071	-	ECP_2916	-	erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase
2855	 56.18	+1	3087430..3087858	+	142	110643072	-	ECP_2917	-	hypothetical protein
2856	 56.99	+1	3087885..3088463	+	192	110643073	-	ECP_2918	-	putative inner membrane protein
2857	 55.79	+1	3088464..3089171	+	235	110643074	-	ECP_2919	-	ABC transporter permease protein
2858	 55.16	0	3089159..3089836	+	225	110643075	-	ECP_2920	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
2859	 52.80	0	3089830..3090507	+	225	110643076	-	ECP_2921	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
2860	 52.52	0	3090479..3091192	-	237	110643077	frcK	ECP_2922	-	putative fructose transport system kinase
2861	 49.02	0	3091189..3091698	-	169	110643078	-	ECP_2923	-	putative DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
2862	 55.56	0	3091847..3092035	-	62	110643079	-	ECP_2924	-	hypothetical protein
2863	 50.86	0	3092032..3093309	-	425	110643080	-	ECP_2925	-	hypothetical protein
2864	 49.53	0	3093324..3094712	-	462	110643081	-	ECP_2926	-	PTS system, mannitol (cryptic)-specific IIBC component
2865	 42.34	-1	3094740..3095183	-	147	110643082	-	ECP_2927	-	putative mannitol phosphotransferase subunit EIIA
2866	 49.50	0	3095561..3096469	+	302	110643083	-	ECP_2928	-	SPFH domain-containing protein
2867	 55.97	+1	3096689..3098680	-	663	110643084	-	ECP_2929	-	transketolase
2868	 51.86	0	3098832..3099716	+	294	110643085	-	ECP_2930	-	putative metalloprotease YggG
2869	 55.48	0	3099807..3100727	-	306	110643086	-	ECP_2931	-	agmatinase
2870	 48.63	0	3100863..3101594	-	243	110643087	-	ECP_2932	-	hypothetical protein
2871	 54.93	0	3101740..3103716	-	658	110643088	-	ECP_2933	-	arginine decarboxylase
2872	 42.86	-1	3104204..3104455	-	83	110643089	-	ECP_2934	-	hypothetical protein
2873	 53.07	0	3104511..3105665	+	384	110643090	-	ECP_2935	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
2874	 37.96	-2	3105728..3105943	+	71	110643091	-	ECP_2936	-	hypothetical protein
2875	 52.97	0	3106102..3107496	+	464	110643092	-	ECP_2937	-	galactose-proton symporter
2876	 55.07	0	3107519..3108070	+	183	110643093	-	ECP_2938	-	hypothetical protein
2877	 53.53	0	3108165..3108872	+	235	110643094	-	ECP_2939	-	endonuclease I precursor
2878	 53.69	0	3108952..3109683	+	243	110643095	-	ECP_2940	-	hypothetical protein
2879	 52.16	0	3109696..3110646	+	316	110643096	-	ECP_2941	-	glutathione synthetase
2880	 51.06	0	3110755..3111318	+	187	110643097	-	ECP_2942	-	hypothetical protein
2881	 53.48	0	3111318..3111734	+	138	110643098	-	ECP_2943	-	Holliday junction resolvase-like protein
2882	 55.25	0	3111908..3112888	-	326	110643099	-	ECP_2944	-	hypothetical protein
2883	 51.35	0	3112906..3113610	+	234	110643100	-	ECP_2945	-	hypothetical protein
2884	 51.32	0	3113628..3114194	+	188	110643101	-	ECP_2946	-	putative membran protein YggT
2885	 48.45	0	3114191..3114481	+	96	110643102	-	ECP_2947	-	hypothetical protein
2886	 55.39	0	3114489..3115082	+	197	110643103	-	ECP_2948	-	putative deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pyrophosphatase
2887	 52.51	0	3115075..3116211	+	378	110643104	-	ECP_2949	-	coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
50.53	MEAN

5.23	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.