IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. MG1655

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.16 STD DEV: 4.75
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome - 1..4639675
4132 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1301	 53.25	0	1435284..1438808	-	1174	16129339	ydbK	b1378	-	fused predicted pyruvate-flavodoxin oxidoreductase: conserved protein/conserved protein/FeS binding protein
1302	 54.68	0	1439082..1439348	+	88	94541111	ydbJ	b4529	-	predicted protein
1303	 46.81	0	1439345..1439767	-	140	16129340	hslJ	b1379	-	heat-inducible protein
1304	 50.10	0	1439878..1440867	-	329	16129341	ldhA	b1380	-	fermentative D-lactate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent
1305	 52.12	0	1441075..1443714	+	879	16129342	ydbH	b1381	-	predicted protein
1306	 43.01	-1	1443711..1443896	+	61	16129343	ynbE	b1382	-	predicted lipoprotein
1307	 44.95	-1	1443904..1444230	+	108	90111263	ydbL	b1383	-	conserved protein
1308	 48.57	0	1444402..1445307	-	301	16129345	feaR	b1384	-	DNA-binding transcriptional dual regulator
1309	 53.40	0	1445543..1447042	+	499	90111264	feaB	b1385	-	phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase
1310	 50.62	0	1447100..1449373	-	757	162135920	tynA	b1386	-	tyramine oxidase, copper-requiring
1311	 54.20	0	1449621..1451666	-	681	16129348	maoC	b1387	-	fused aldehyde dehydrogenase/enoyl-CoA hydratase
1312	 52.15	0	1451951..1452880	+	309	16129349	paaA	b1388	-	predicted multicomponent oxygenase/reductase subunit for phenylacetic acid degradation
1313	 49.65	0	1452892..1453179	+	95	16129350	paaB	b1389	-	predicted multicomponent oxygenase/reductase subunit for phenylacetic acid degradation
1314	 53.01	0	1453188..1453934	+	248	16129351	paaC	b1390	-	predicted multicomponent oxygenase/reductase subunit for phenylacetic acid degradation
1315	 55.75	0	1453943..1454446	+	167	145698253	paaD	b1391	-	predicted multicomponent oxygenase/reductase subunit for phenylacetic acid degradation
1316	 53.31	0	1454454..1455524	+	356	16129353	paaE	b1392	-	predicted multicomponent oxygenase/reductase subunit for phenylacetic acid degradation
1317	 54.56	0	1455521..1456288	+	255	16129354	paaF	b1393	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase-isomerase
1318	 54.50	0	1456288..1457076	+	262	16129355	paaG	b1394	-	acyl-CoA hydratase
1319	 53.22	0	1457078..1458505	+	475	16129356	paaH	b1395	-	3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
1320	 51.54	0	1458495..1458917	+	140	16129357	paaI	b1396	-	predicted thioesterase
1321	 55.97	+1	1458917..1460122	+	401	16129358	paaJ	b1397	-	predicted beta-ketoadipyl CoA thiolase
1322	 51.83	0	1460149..1461462	+	437	16129359	paaK	b1398	-	phenylacetyl-CoA ligase
1323	 50.37	0	1461563..1462513	+	316	16129360	paaX	b1399	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor of phenylacetic acid degradation, aryl-CoA responsive
1324	 50.59	0	1462495..1463085	+	196	16129361	paaY	b1400	-	predicted hexapeptide repeat acetyltransferase
1325	 55.08	0	1465945..1466850	-	301	16129363	insD	b1402	-	KpLE2 phage-like element; IS2 insertion element transposase InsAB'
1326	 53.01	0	1466808..1467173	-	121	145698254	insC	b1403	-	KpLE2 phage-like element; IS2 insertion element repressor InsA
1327	 45.83	-1	1467382..1468533	+	383	16129365	insI	b1404	-	KpLE2 phage-like element; IS30 transposase
1328	 53.08	0	1472245..1473105	+	286	16129367	ydbC	b1406	-	predicted oxidoreductase, NAD(P)-binding
1329	 43.48	-1	1473168..1475474	+	768	90111266	ydbD	b1407	-	predicted protein
1330	 46.53	0	1475645..1476250	+	201	90111267	ynbA	b1408	-	predicted inner membrane protein
1331	 43.59	-1	1476250..1477146	+	298	16129370	ynbB	b1409	-	predicted CDP-diglyceride synthase
1332	 50.91	0	1477162..1478919	+	585	16129371	ynbC	b1410	-	predicted hydrolase
1333	 50.58	0	1478933..1480225	+	430	16129372	ynbD	b1411	-	predicted phosphatase, inner membrane protein
1334	 51.98	0	1480279..1480884	-	201	16129373	azoR	b1412	-	NADH-azoreductase, FMN-dependent
1335	 53.45	0	1481085..1484987	+	1300	145698255	hrpA	b1413	-	ATP-dependent helicase
1336	 51.19	0	1485259..1486059	+	266	16129375	ydcF	b1414	-	conserved protein
1337	 50.97	0	1486256..1487695	+	479	16129376	aldA	b1415	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase A, NAD-linked
1338	 47.65	0	1488926..1489456	+	176	90111268	cybB	b1418	-	cytochrome b561
1339	 44.25	-1	1489701..1489874	+	57	16129378	ydcA	b1419	-	predicted protein
1340	 53.33	0	1489946..1490095	-	49	49176107	hokB	b4428	-	toxic polypeptide, small
1341	 51.19	0	1489986..1490153	-	55	16129379	mokB	b1420	-	regulatory peptide
1342	 51.25	0	1490494..1492134	+	546	16129380	trg	b1421	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III, ribose and galactose sensor receptor
1343	 50.54	0	1492172..1493095	-	307	90111269	ydcI	b1422	-	predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1344	 52.68	0	1493312..1494655	+	447	16129382	ydcJ	b1423	-	conserved protein
1345	 50.79	0	1494880..1496535	+	551	145698256	mdoD	b1424	-	glucan biosynthesis protein, periplasmic
1346	 41.33	-2	1496675..1496899	+	74	90111271	ydcH	b1426	-	predicted protein
1347	 43.33	-1	1496962..1497501	+	179	16129386	rimL	b1427	-	ribosomal-protein-L7/L12-serine acetyltransferase
1348	 48.42	0	1497493..1498473	-	326	16129387	ydcK	b1428	-	predicted enzyme
1349	 53.17	0	1498597..1499589	+	330	16129388	tehA	b1429	-	potassium-tellurite ethidium and proflavin transporter
1350	 45.96	-1	1499586..1500179	+	197	16129389	tehB	b1430	-	predicted S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
1351	 44.69	-1	1500481..1501149	+	222	16129390	ydcL	b1431	-	predicted lipoprotein
1352	 51.45	0	1501681..1502889	+	402	16129391	ydcM	b1432	-	predicted transposase
1353	 52.98	0	1502929..1504104	-	391	90111272	ydcO	b1433	-	predicted benzoate transporter
1354	 49.35	0	1504196..1504732	+	178	16129393	ydcN	b1434	-	predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1355	 51.07	0	1504805..1506766	+	653	90111273	ydcP	b1435	-	predicted peptidase
1356	 48.92	0	1506858..1507088	-	76	16129395	yncJ	b1436	-	predicted protein
1357	 49.15	0	1507310..1507486	+	58	94541092	yncN	b4532	-	predicted protein
1358	 45.56	-1	1507532..1507948	+	138	145698257	ydcQ	b1438	-	predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1359	 51.39	0	1508027..1509433	+	468	16129398	ydcR	b1439	-	fused predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator/predicted amino transferase
1360	 52.79	0	1509678..1510823	+	381	16129399	ydcS	b1440	-	predicted spermidine/putrescine transporter subunit
1361	 54.44	0	1510841..1511854	+	337	16129400	ydcT	b1441	-	predicted spermidine/putrescine transporter subunit
1362	 52.97	0	1511855..1512796	+	313	16129401	ydcU	b1442	-	predicted spermidine/putrescine transporter subunit
1363	 53.96	0	1512786..1513580	+	264	16129402	ydcV	b1443	-	predicted spermidine/putrescine transporter subunit
1364	 53.19	0	1513602..1515026	+	474	16129403	ydcW	b1444	-	medium chain aldehyde dehydrogenase
1365	 33.33	-2	1515123..1515218	-	31	145698258	yncL	b4598	-	hypothetical protein
1366	 44.83	-1	1515413..1515586	+	57	90111274	ydcX	b1445	-	predicted inner membrane protein
1367	 54.27	0	1515672..1515905	+	77	16129405	ydcY	b1446	-	predicted protein
1368	 51.78	0	1515906..1516355	-	149	16129406	ydcZ	b1447	-	predicted inner membrane protein
1369	 53.18	0	1516352..1516870	-	172	16129407	yncA	b1448	-	predicted acyltransferase with acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase domain
1370	 52.17	0	1517027..1518088	+	353	145698259	yncB	b1449	-	predicted oxidoreductase, Zn-dependent and NAD(P)-binding
1371	 43.69	-1	1518286..1518951	+	221	90111276	yncC	b1450	-	predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1372	 51.07	0	1518987..1521089	-	700	16129410	yncD	b1451	-	predicted iron outer membrane transporter
1373	 50.66	0	1521331..1522392	+	353	16129411	yncE	b1452	-	conserved protein
1374	 52.00	0	1522505..1524004	-	499	90111277	ansP	b1453	-	L-asparagine transporter
1375	 47.41	0	1524271..1524888	+	205	16129413	yncG	b1454	-	predicted enzyme
1376	 31.46	-2	1524964..1525176	+	70	16129414	yncH	b1455	-	predicted protein
1377	 27.33	-2	1527946..1528428	+	160	16129416	ydcD	b1457	-	predicted protein
1378	 41.78	-1	1529840..1530976	+	378	16129419	ydcC	b1460	-	conserved protein
1379	 43.16	-1	1531076..1531309	+	77	16129420	pptA	b1461	-	4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase
1380	 51.23	0	1531306..1531875	-	189	90111278	yddH	b1462	-	conserved protein
1381	 51.42	0	1532048..1532893	+	281	16129422	nhoA	b1463	-	N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase
1382	 52.01	0	1532989..1533882	-	297	16129423	yddE	b1464	-	conserved protein
1383	 52.72	0	1533961..1534641	-	226	16129424	narV	b1465	-	nitrate reductase 2 (NRZ), gamma subunit
1384	 56.32	+1	1534638..1535333	-	231	16129425	narW	b1466	-	nitrate reductase 2 (NRZ), delta subunit (assembly subunit)
1385	 54.30	0	1535333..1536877	-	514	16129426	narY	b1467	-	nitrate reductase 2 (NRZ), beta subunit
1386	 55.04	0	1536874..1540614	-	1246	16129427	narZ	b1468	-	nitrate reductase 2 (NRZ), alpha subunit
1387	 48.96	0	1540696..1542084	-	462	16129428	narU	b1469	-	nitrate/nitrite transporter
1388	 35.71	-2	1542408..1542743	-	111	16129429	yddJ	b1470	-	predicted protein
1389	 49.66	0	1544312..1545193	-	293	145698260	yddG	b1473	-	predicted methyl viologen efflux pump
1390	 54.17	0	1545425..1548472	+	1015	16129433	fdnG	b1474	-	formate dehydrogenase-N, alpha subunit, nitrate-inducible
1391	 55.03	0	1548485..1549369	+	294	16129434	fdnH	b1475	-	formate dehydrogenase-N, Fe-S (beta) subunit, nitrate-inducible
1392	 49.69	0	1549362..1550015	+	217	16129435	fdnI	b1476	-	formate dehydrogenase-N, cytochrome B556 (gamma) subunit, nitrate-inducible
1393	 51.23	0	1550422..1550706	-	94	145698261	yddM	b1477	-	predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1394	 52.42	0	1550852..1551862	-	336	90111280	adhP	b1478	-	ethanol-active dehydrogenase/acetaldehyde-active reductase
1395	 52.00	0	1551996..1553693	-	565	90111281	maeA	b1479	-	malate dehydrogenase, (decarboxylating, NAD-requiring) (malic enzyme)
1396	 44.20	-1	1553850..1553987	-	45	16129439	sra	b1480	-	30S ribosomal subunit protein S22
1397	 45.37	-1	1554089..1554304	-	71	90111282	bdm	b1481	-	biofilm-dependent modulation protein
1398	 50.00	0	1554649..1555080	+	143	16129441	osmC	b1482	-	osmotically inducible, stress-inducible membrane protein
1399	 54.58	0	1555136..1556062	-	308	16129442	ddpF	b1483	-	D-ala-D-ala transporter subunit
1400	 54.10	0	1556055..1557041	-	328	16129443	ddpD	b1484	-	D-ala-D-ala transporter subunit
51.16	MEAN

4.75	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.