IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Enterococcus faecalis V583

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 37.28 STD DEV: 4.35
Enterococcus faecalis V583, complete genome - 1..3218031
3113 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1798	 32.49	-1	1875976..1876332	+	118	29376459	-	EF1933	-	hypothetical protein
1799	 27.78	-2	1876366..1876527	+	53	29376460	-	EF1934	-	hypothetical protein
1800	 26.00	-2	1876496..1876645	+	49	29376461	-	EF1935	-	hypothetical protein
1801	 33.56	0	1876769..1877203	-	144	29376462	-	EF1936	-	hypothetical protein
1802	 39.66	0	1877279..1877815	-	178	29376463	-	EF1937	-	hypothetical protein
1803	 39.91	0	1877885..1880590	-	901	29376464	-	EF1938	-	cation transporter E1-E2 family ATPase
1804	 35.02	0	1880908..1881558	-	216	29376465	-	EF1939	-	hypothetical protein
1805	 36.04	0	1881647..1882312	+	221	29376466	-	EF1940	-	cyclic AMP receptor protein, putative
1806	 42.17	+1	1882384..1882779	+	131	29376467	-	EF1941	-	hypothetical protein
1807	 38.07	0	1882889..1884070	+	393	29376468	-	EF1943	-	drug resistance transporter, Bcr/CflA family protein
1808	 37.50	0	1884131..1884274	+	47	29376469	-	EF1944	-	hypothetical protein
1809	 34.69	0	1884251..1886086	-	611	29376470	-	EF1945	-	hypothetical protein
1810	 29.41	-1	1886191..1886292	+	33	29376471	-	EF1946	-	hypothetical protein
1811	 27.33	-2	1886295..1886444	+	49	29376472	-	EF1947	-	hypothetical protein
1812	 39.60	0	1886595..1886945	+	116	29376473	-	EF1948	-	hypothetical protein
1813	 36.47	0	1886956..1887306	-	116	29376474	-	EF1949	-	hypothetical protein
1814	 38.31	0	1887380..1888384	-	334	29376475	-	EF1950	-	mocD family protein, putative
1815	 37.51	0	1888378..1889454	-	358	29376476	-	EF1951	-	phosphosugar-binding protein
1816	 36.10	0	1889465..1890295	-	276	29376477	-	EF1952	-	PTS system, IID component
1817	 41.79	+1	1890279..1891070	-	263	29376478	-	EF1953	-	PTS system, IIC component
1818	 35.64	0	1892059..1894830	-	923	29376479	-	EF1955	-	sigma-54 dependent DNA-binding response regulator
1819	 37.04	0	1894974..1895189	-	71	29376480	-	EF1956	-	hypothetical protein
1820	 33.26	0	1895401..1896762	-	453	29376481	-	EF1958	-	deoxyguanosinetriphosphate triphosphohydrolase-like protein
1821	 34.06	0	1896779..1897603	-	274	29376482	-	EF1959	-	hypothetical protein
1822	 39.80	0	1897956..1899254	-	432	29376483	eno	EF1961	-	enolase
1823	 39.81	0	1899386..1900141	-	251	29376484	tpiA	EF1962	-	triosephosphate isomerase
1824	 38.78	0	1900190..1901383	-	397	29376485	pgk	EF1963	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
1825	 39.52	0	1901510..1902511	-	333	29376486	gap-2	EF1964	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1826	 40.27	0	1902551..1903588	-	345	29376487	-	EF1965	-	SorC family transcriptional regulator
1827	 37.54	0	1904008..1904886	-	292	29376488	-	EF1966	-	YitT family protein
1828	 40.70	0	1905029..1905598	-	189	29376489	-	EF1967	-	hypothetical protein
1829	 41.62	0	1905595..1906113	-	172	29376490	-	EF1968	-	hypothetical protein
1830	 39.95	0	1906085..1906900	-	271	29376491	-	EF1969	-	phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase, putative
1831	 39.55	0	1907075..1908844	-	589	29376492	aspS	EF1970	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
1832	 38.86	0	1908862..1910163	-	433	29376493	hisS	EF1971	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
1833	 40.16	0	1910160..1910408	-	82	29376494	-	EF1972	-	hypothetical protein
1834	 40.04	0	1910521..1910967	-	148	29376495	-	EF1973	-	D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase
1835	 39.39	0	1910991..1913204	-	737	29376496	relA	EF1974	-	GTP pyrophosphokinase
1836	 39.71	0	1913419..1914171	-	250	29376497	-	EF1975	-	hypothetical protein
1837	 40.08	0	1914173..1915120	-	315	29376498	prmA	EF1976	-	ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase
1838	 36.21	0	1915136..1915621	-	161	29376499	-	EF1977	-	hypothetical protein
1839	 40.29	0	1915578..1916267	-	229	29376500	-	EF1978	-	DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase
1840	 42.49	+1	1916384..1917661	+	425	29376501	-	EF1979	-	recombination factor protein RarA
1841	 33.63	0	1917935..1918267	+	110	29376502	-	EF1980	-	hypothetical protein
1842	 29.93	-1	1918338..1918631	+	97	29376503	-	EF1981	-	hypothetical protein
1843	 37.97	0	1918585..1919058	+	157	29376504	-	EF1982	-	universal stress protein
1844	 36.28	0	1919170..1920357	-	395	29376505	ackA	EF1983	-	acetate kinase
1845	 34.18	0	1921518..1921871	-	117	29376506	-	EF1985	-	hypothetical protein
1846	 30.80	-1	1921871..1922305	-	144	29376507	comG6	EF1986	-	competence protein
1847	 32.69	-1	1922295..1922762	-	155	29376508	-	EF1987	-	hypothetical protein
1848	 23.81	-2	1923000..1923125	+	41	29376509	-	EF1988	-	hypothetical protein
1849	 30.15	-1	1923422..1924363	-	313	29376510	hemH	EF1989	-	ferrochelatase
1850	 24.77	-2	1925103..1925324	-	73	29376511	-	EF1990	-	hypothetical protein
1851	 35.82	0	1925423..1925623	-	66	29376512	cspC	EF1991	-	cold shock protein CspC
1852	 37.52	0	1926460..1927701	-	413	29376513	-	EF1992	-	endolysin
1853	 29.49	-1	1927702..1927935	-	77	29376514	-	EF1993	-	holin
1854	 28.85	-1	1928184..1928339	-	51	29376515	-	EF1994	-	hypothetical protein
1855	 36.76	0	1928341..1928661	-	106	29376516	-	EF1995	-	hypothetical protein
1856	 37.24	0	1930940..1933732	-	930	29376517	-	EF2001	-	minor structural protein
1857	 32.65	-1	1933729..1934463	-	244	29376518	-	EF2002	-	tail protein, putative
1858	 35.11	0	1934453..1937377	-	974	29376519	-	EF2003	-	tape measure protein, putative
1859	 31.05	-1	1937598..1937948	-	116	29376520	-	EF2004	-	hypothetical protein
1860	 39.58	0	1938001..1938849	-	282	29376521	-	EF2005	-	major tail protein, putative
1861	 32.53	-1	1938850..1939224	-	124	29376522	-	EF2006	-	hypothetical protein
1862	 32.33	-1	1939227..1939625	-	132	29376523	-	EF2007	-	hypothetical protein
1863	 30.67	-1	1939618..1939917	-	99	29376524	-	EF2008	-	ribosomal protein L23, putative
1864	 30.05	-1	1940347..1940529	-	60	29376525	-	EF2010	-	hypothetical protein
1865	 34.68	0	1940558..1941445	-	295	29376526	-	EF2011	-	hypothetical protein
1866	 32.05	-1	1941459..1942082	-	207	29376527	-	EF2012	-	hypothetical protein
1867	 34.27	0	1942301..1942621	-	106	29376528	-	EF2013	-	hypothetical protein
1868	 33.77	0	1942678..1942908	-	76	29376529	-	EF2014	-	coenzyme F420 hydrogenase domain-containing protein
1869	 35.54	0	1942909..1944813	-	634	29376530	-	EF2015	-	minor head protein, putative
1870	 33.81	0	1944788..1946260	-	490	29376531	-	EF2016	-	portal protein
1871	 35.99	0	1946272..1947663	-	463	29376532	-	EF2017	-	terminase, large subunit, putative
1872	 36.80	0	1947653..1948114	-	153	29376533	-	EF2018	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 33.85	0	1948190..1948384	-	64	29376534	-	EF2019	-	hypothetical protein
1874	 27.68	-2	1948550..1949362	-	270	29376535	-	EF2020	-	hypothetical protein
1875	 33.93	0	1949474..1949641	-	55	29376536	-	EF2021	-	hypothetical protein
1876	 29.11	-1	1950785..1951708	-	307	29376537	-	EF2022	-	hypothetical protein
1877	 39.18	0	1952130..1952420	-	96	29376538	-	EF2023	-	hypothetical protein
1878	 35.25	0	1952426..1952842	-	138	29376539	-	EF2024	-	ArpU family transcriptional regulator
1879	 31.03	-1	1953210..1953470	-	86	29376540	-	EF2025	-	hypothetical protein
1880	 33.57	0	1954155..1955012	-	285	29376541	-	EF2027	-	hypothetical protein
1881	 31.34	-1	1955012..1955212	-	66	29376542	-	EF2028	-	hypothetical protein
1882	 34.42	0	1955862..1956596	-	244	29376543	-	EF2031	-	hypothetical protein
1883	 34.28	0	1956589..1956906	-	105	29376544	-	EF2032	-	hypothetical protein
1884	 33.33	0	1956992..1957105	-	37	29376545	-	EF2033	-	hypothetical protein
1885	 33.33	0	1957102..1957440	-	112	29376546	-	EF2034	-	hypothetical protein
1886	 25.40	-2	1957741..1957929	+	62	29376547	-	EF2036	-	hypothetical protein
1887	 33.61	0	1957955..1958677	-	240	29376548	-	EF2037	-	antirepressor, putative
1888	 30.77	-1	1958700..1959011	-	103	29376549	-	EF2038	-	hypothetical protein
1889	 34.38	0	1959023..1959214	-	63	29376550	-	EF2039	-	hypothetical protein
1890	 29.82	-1	1959510..1959851	+	113	29376551	-	EF2040	-	Cro/CI family transcriptional regulator
1891	 28.42	-2	1959856..1960506	+	216	29376552	-	EF2041	-	hypothetical protein
1892	 28.29	-2	1960617..1961231	+	204	29376553	-	EF2042	-	hypothetical protein
1893	 32.81	-1	1961337..1962485	+	382	29376554	-	EF2043	-	phage integrase family site specific recombinase
1894	 30.43	-1	1962953..1963228	-	91	29376555	comG3	EF2044	-	competence protein
1895	 36.01	0	1963228..1964274	-	348	29376556	comG2	EF2045	-	competence protein
1896	 40.25	0	1964231..1965199	-	322	29376557	comG1	EF2046	-	competence protein
1897	 36.73	0	1965440..1966939	-	499	29376558	-	EF2047	-	amino acid permease family protein
37.28	MEAN

4.35	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.