IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 38.03 STD DEV: 3.50
Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H, complete genome - 1..5373180
4910 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2779	 38.05	0	2985787..2986104	-	105	71280458	-	CPS_2856	-	hypothetical protein
2780	 40.32	0	2986149..2987036	-	295	71282344	-	CPS_2857	-	ISCps9, transposase orfB
2781	 37.33	0	2986967..2987341	-	124	71280638	-	CPS_2858	-	ISCps9, transposase orfA
2782	 39.50	0	2987503..2988264	+	253	71282526	-	CPS_2859	-	ATP-binding protein
2783	 37.63	0	2988364..2989155	-	263	71282580	-	CPS_2860	-	hypothetical protein
2784	 34.29	-1	2989286..2989912	-	208	71281463	-	CPS_2861	-	hypothetical protein
2785	 35.48	0	2989903..2990088	-	61	71278430	-	CPS_2862	-	hypothetical protein
2786	 35.13	0	2990878..2991546	+	222	71277907	-	CPS_2863	-	putative lignin beta-etherase
2787	 31.94	-1	2991787..2992074	-	95	71279829	-	CPS_2864	-	hypothetical protein
2788	 35.48	0	2992196..2994847	-	883	71279238	-	CPS_2865	-	hypothetical protein
2789	 34.28	-1	2995001..2995843	-	280	71281845	-	CPS_2866	-	hypothetical protein
2790	 41.36	0	2996237..2999437	-	1066	71279090	-	CPS_2867	-	CzcA family heavy metal efflux protein
2791	 41.87	+1	2999452..3000798	-	448	71280822	-	CPS_2868	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
2792	 41.08	0	3000862..3002100	-	412	71281337	-	CPS_2869	-	putative lipoprotein
2793	 38.22	0	3002387..3002734	-	115	71282417	-	CPS_2870	-	hypothetical protein
2794	 42.15	+1	3002973..3005342	-	789	71277785	-	CPS_2871	-	cold-active alkaline serine protease
2795	 38.79	0	3005552..3006247	+	231	71278625	-	CPS_2872	-	2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family oxidoreductase
2796	 38.67	0	3006415..3007314	-	299	71281322	-	CPS_2873	-	hypothetical protein
2797	 40.29	0	3007302..3008840	-	512	71279737	-	CPS_2874	-	hypothetical protein
2798	 41.20	0	3008932..3010317	-	461	71278455	-	CPS_2875	-	Orn/DAP/Arg decarboxylase family protein
2799	 42.13	+1	3010322..3012526	-	734	71281642	-	CPS_2876	-	hypothetical protein
2800	 42.72	+1	3012513..3012821	-	102	71280202	-	CPS_2877	-	hypothetical protein
2801	 18.75	-2	3013403..3013498	-	31	71282559	-	CPS_2878	-	hypothetical protein
2802	 36.02	0	3013937..3015202	+	421	71280316	-	CPS_2879	-	GGDEF domain-containing protein
2803	 38.76	0	3015248..3016444	-	398	71278673	-	CPS_2880	-	putative lipoprotein
2804	 41.53	0	3016455..3017381	-	308	71282003	murQ	CPS_2881	-	N-acetylmuramic acid-6-phosphate etherase
2805	 38.87	0	3017582..3018664	+	360	71279952	alr	CPS_2882	-	alanine racemase
2806	 40.36	0	3018684..3019352	-	222	71280858	-	CPS_2883	-	radical SAM domain-containing protein
2807	 30.50	-2	3019355..3019495	+	46	71281416	-	CPS_2884	-	hypothetical protein
2808	 39.27	0	3019488..3020144	+	218	71282550	-	CPS_2885	-	exsB protein
2809	 37.56	0	3020563..3020775	+	70	71282031	-	CPS_2886	-	hypothetical protein
2810	 39.66	0	3020946..3022967	-	673	71281240	uvrB	CPS_2887	-	excinuclease ABC subunit B
2811	 37.80	0	3022964..3024352	-	462	71282241	-	CPS_2888	-	MATE efflux family protein
2812	 37.76	0	3025899..3028157	-	752	71279835	clpA	CPS_2893	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit ClpA
2813	 36.14	0	3028178..3028498	-	106	71278979	-	CPS_2894	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS
2814	 40.18	0	3028752..3028970	+	72	71278580	cspD	CPS_2895	-	cold shock-like protein CspD
2815	 39.09	0	3029062..3030312	-	416	71277895	icd	CPS_2896	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent
2816	 38.35	0	3030554..3032785	-	743	71281740	-	CPS_2897	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent
2817	 39.44	0	3032968..3033573	+	201	71279927	rluE	CPS_2898	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase E
2818	 36.26	0	3033563..3034075	+	170	71282247	-	CPS_2899	-	MutT/nudix family protein
2819	 39.45	0	3034162..3035289	+	375	71281561	trmU	CPS_2900	-	tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase
2820	 39.31	0	3035353..3035988	+	211	71280866	-	CPS_2901	-	hypothetical protein
2821	 37.42	0	3036062..3037432	+	456	71280210	purB	CPS_2902	-	adenylosuccinate lyase
2822	 36.41	0	3037607..3037996	-	129	71279661	-	CPS_2903	-	hypothetical protein
2823	 40.94	0	3038244..3039281	+	345	71279443	-	CPS_2904	-	Glu/Leu/Phe/Val dehydrogenase
2824	 37.23	0	3039376..3040479	-	367	71278189	hemH	CPS_2905	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase
2825	 41.67	+1	3040719..3041078	-	119	71280047	rplT	CPS_2906	-	50S ribosomal protein L20
2826	 36.27	0	3041095..3041400	-	101	71281765	rpmI	CPS_2907	-	ribosomal protein L35
2827	 42.29	+1	3041500..3042057	-	185	71281686	infC	CPS_2908	-	translation initiation factor IF-3
2828	 38.20	0	3042179..3044089	-	636	71282219	thrS	CPS_2909	-	threonyl-tRNA synthetase
2829	 34.44	-1	3044476..3045201	+	241	71280857	-	CPS_2910	-	hypothetical protein
2830	 40.09	0	3045224..3046909	-	561	71278923	-	CPS_2911	-	hypothetical protein
2831	 41.37	0	3047058..3047393	+	111	71278991	-	CPS_2912	-	ferredoxin, 4Fe-4S
2832	 37.68	0	3047483..3048403	+	306	71282378	-	CPS_2913	-	fructosamine kinase family protein
2833	 39.13	0	3048545..3048751	+	68	71281014	-	CPS_2914	-	hypothetical protein
2834	 38.48	0	3048917..3050335	+	472	71280510	norM	CPS_2915	-	multidrug resistance protein NorM
2835	 40.46	0	3050704..3051951	+	415	71281018	-	CPS_2917	-	phage integrase family site specific recombinase
2836	 35.52	0	3052115..3054310	-	731	71281433	-	CPS_2918	-	hypothetical protein
2837	 35.82	0	3054316..3055563	-	415	71282573	-	CPS_2919	-	hypothetical protein
2838	 36.57	0	3055538..3056341	-	267	71278214	-	CPS_2920	-	M20/M25/M40 family peptidase
2839	 35.67	0	3056459..3057958	-	499	71278878	-	CPS_2921	-	asparagine synthase family protein
2840	 37.74	0	3057958..3058638	-	226	71279286	-	CPS_2922	-	hypothetical protein
2841	 36.33	0	3058631..3059431	-	266	71277984	-	CPS_2923	-	polysaccharide deacetylase family protein
2842	 37.73	0	3059412..3060389	-	325	71281066	-	CPS_2924	-	hypothetical protein
2843	 40.44	0	3060386..3060934	-	182	71279017	-	CPS_2925	-	hypothetical protein
2844	 32.92	-1	3061081..3061803	+	240	71278041	-	CPS_2926	-	putative cobalamin biosynthesis protein
2845	 35.48	0	3061807..3062553	+	248	71280194	-	CPS_2927	-	hypothetical protein
2846	 34.67	0	3062718..3063392	-	224	71278536	-	CPS_2928	-	hypothetical protein
2847	 31.09	-1	3063749..3064150	-	133	71278097	-	CPS_2929	-	acetyltransferase
2848	 37.16	0	3064197..3064745	-	182	71282053	folE3	CPS_2930	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
2849	 33.33	-1	3064766..3065740	-	324	71281681	-	CPS_2931	-	hypothetical protein
2850	 28.65	-2	3065755..3065946	-	63	71278651	-	CPS_2932	-	hypothetical protein
2851	 34.99	0	3066090..3066452	+	120	71277953	-	CPS_2933	-	putative 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
2852	 31.38	-1	3066455..3067375	+	306	71282536	-	CPS_2934	-	hypothetical protein
2853	 34.68	0	3067410..3068822	+	470	71281817	-	CPS_2935	-	hypothetical protein
2854	 33.50	-1	3068822..3070021	+	399	71278791	-	CPS_2936	-	hypothetical protein
2855	 35.30	0	3070042..3070701	+	219	71278544	-	CPS_2937	-	exsB protein
2856	 33.62	-1	3070811..3071848	-	345	71282242	-	CPS_2938	-	hypothetical protein
2857	 35.33	0	3071883..3074084	-	733	71281451	-	CPS_2939	-	hypothetical protein
2858	 33.50	-1	3074062..3074664	-	200	71280919	-	CPS_2940	-	hypothetical protein
2859	 35.14	0	3074661..3079088	-	1475	71280221	-	CPS_2941	-	putative DEAD/DEAH box helicase
2860	 31.82	-1	3079115..3079909	-	264	71278321	-	CPS_2942	-	hypothetical protein
2861	 32.49	-1	3079906..3082977	-	1023	71278452	-	CPS_2943	-	hypothetical protein
2862	 34.91	0	3082977..3083927	-	316	71281123	-	CPS_2944	-	hypothetical protein
2863	 34.83	0	3083918..3086449	-	843	71279769	-	CPS_2945	-	putative DEAD/DEAH box helicase
2864	 35.48	0	3086449..3089523	-	1024	71278454	-	CPS_2946	-	SNF2 family protein
2865	 35.10	0	3089745..3090425	-	226	71282067	-	CPS_2947	-	hypothetical protein
2866	 30.65	-2	3090702..3090887	-	61	71282560	-	CPS_2948	-	hypothetical protein
2867	 37.56	0	3091114..3091563	+	149	71282005	-	CPS_2949	-	hypothetical protein
2868	 34.29	-1	3091771..3092082	-	103	71282374	-	CPS_2950	-	hypothetical protein
2869	 39.20	0	3092249..3092725	+	158	71277925	-	CPS_2951	-	DNA repair protein, RadC family protein
2870	 40.92	0	3092908..3093342	+	144	71282046	-	CPS_2952	-	hypothetical protein
2871	 37.08	0	3093393..3093953	+	186	71280555	-	CPS_2953	-	phage integrase family site specific recombinase
2872	 34.37	-1	3095172..3095849	-	225	71281191	-	CPS_2954	-	hypothetical protein
2873	 35.51	0	3096104..3097570	-	488	71279150	-	CPS_2955	-	hypothetical protein
2874	 33.00	-1	3097654..3098844	-	396	71279864	-	CPS_2956	-	hypothetical protein
2875	 31.70	-1	3099091..3099762	+	223	71277788	-	CPS_2957	-	hypothetical protein
2876	 41.33	0	3100465..3101352	-	295	71278532	-	CPS_2958	-	ISCps3, transposase orfB
2877	 40.50	0	3101283..3101645	-	120	71278463	-	CPS_2959	-	ISCps3, transposase orfA
2878	 32.84	-1	3101732..3102139	-	135	71279166	-	CPS_2960	-	hypothetical protein
38.03	MEAN

3.50	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.