IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 38.03 STD DEV: 3.50
Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H, complete genome - 1..5373180
4910 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2618	 35.84	0	2795001..2795399	-	132	71280997	-	CPS_2686	-	hypothetical protein
2619	 37.12	0	2795555..2796373	-	272	71282524	-	CPS_2687	-	hypothetical protein
2620	 37.91	0	2796552..2798690	-	712	71279294	-	CPS_2688	-	hypothetical protein
2621	 25.81	-2	2798713..2798805	-	30	71278568	-	CPS_2689	-	hypothetical protein
2622	 37.25	0	2799037..2799240	+	67	71280364	-	CPS_2690	-	hypothetical protein
2623	 39.82	0	2799533..2801104	-	523	71279716	-	CPS_2691	-	amidohydrolase family protein
2624	 37.44	0	2801113..2802402	-	429	71281453	-	CPS_2692	-	zinc carboxypeptidase family protein
2625	 40.42	0	2802493..2805513	-	1006	71280752	-	CPS_2693	-	TonB-dependent receptor
2626	 37.20	0	2805911..2810563	-	1550	71282493	-	CPS_2694	-	NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase family protein
2627	 36.55	0	2810640..2810888	-	82	71281783	-	CPS_2695	-	hypothetical protein
2628	 39.12	0	2811014..2812291	+	425	71280920	-	CPS_2696	-	Orn/DAP/Arg decarboxylase family protein
2629	 38.56	0	2812409..2813632	+	407	71281372	gltS	CPS_2697	-	sodium/glutamate symporter
2630	 37.49	0	2815718..2816608	+	296	71279672	-	CPS_2699	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2631	 40.81	0	2816715..2817356	-	213	71279308	-	CPS_2700	-	dsbA-like thioredoxin domain-containing protein
2632	 37.85	0	2817668..2818132	-	154	71282485	-	CPS_2701	-	DsbB family disulfide bond formation protein
2633	 35.69	0	2818261..2819238	-	325	71280720	-	CPS_2702	-	M28 family peptidase
2634	 36.88	0	2819256..2820440	-	394	71282478	-	CPS_2703	-	TPR domain-containing protein
2635	 39.55	0	2820577..2822040	-	487	71282163	-	CPS_2704	-	hypothetical protein
2636	 41.11	0	2822749..2823327	+	192	71280245	-	CPS_2706	-	putative lipoprotein
2637	 41.39	0	2823795..2825309	+	504	71278782	-	CPS_2707	-	putative lipoprotein
2638	 40.34	0	2825533..2827359	+	608	71281898	-	CPS_2708	-	carbon-nitrogen family hydrolase
2639	 38.92	0	2827511..2828710	-	399	71277970	-	CPS_2709	-	hypothetical protein
2640	 31.67	-1	2828719..2828838	-	39	71278043	-	CPS_2710	-	hypothetical protein
2641	 37.47	0	2828854..2829288	-	144	71279046	-	CPS_2711	-	hypothetical protein
2642	 35.75	0	2829513..2829719	+	68	71279692	-	CPS_2712	-	hypothetical protein
2643	 32.01	-1	2829639..2831078	-	479	71280669	-	CPS_2713	-	sensor histidine kinase
2644	 34.64	0	2831066..2831752	-	228	71280839	-	CPS_2714	-	DNA-binding response regulator
2645	 33.88	-1	2831990..2832355	+	121	71280247	dgkA	CPS_2715	-	diacylglycerol kinase
2646	 34.73	0	2832328..2834325	+	665	71280191	-	CPS_2716	-	sulfatase domain-containing protein
2647	 33.81	-1	2834515..2836182	+	555	71279483	-	CPS_2717	-	putative sulfatase
2648	 39.66	0	2836221..2837216	-	331	71278253	-	CPS_2718	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
2649	 43.35	+1	2837509..2838666	+	385	71282496	-	CPS_2719	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
2650	 43.75	+1	2838681..2839448	+	255	71282295	-	CPS_2720	-	3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
2651	 31.37	-1	2839492..2839593	+	33	71281616	-	CPS_2721	-	hypothetical protein
2652	 42.22	+1	2839791..2840960	+	389	71281510	-	CPS_2722	-	putative alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
2653	 34.23	-1	2841066..2842184	-	372	71280841	-	CPS_2723	-	putative iron-regulated membrane protein
2654	 38.98	0	2842239..2844362	-	707	71280119	fhuE	CPS_2724	-	FhuE receptor
2655	 36.41	0	2844541..2845710	+	389	71278330	-	CPS_2725	-	hypothetical protein
2656	 35.28	0	2845703..2846728	+	341	71281452	-	CPS_2727	-	hypothetical protein
2657	 35.15	0	2845752..2845916	+	54	71280067	-	CPS_2726	-	hypothetical protein
2658	 43.15	+1	2846863..2847504	-	213	71281432	-	CPS_2728	-	hypothetical protein
2659	 33.45	-1	2847739..2848560	+	273	71282248	-	CPS_2729	-	N-acetyltransferase family protein
2660	 35.05	0	2848570..2849445	+	291	71280486	-	CPS_2730	-	membrane protein
2661	 37.13	0	2849495..2850073	+	192	71281185	-	CPS_2731	-	cyclic nucleotide-binding domain-containing protein
2662	 35.75	0	2850214..2850627	-	137	71281476	-	CPS_2732	-	hypothetical protein
2663	 36.15	0	2850773..2852230	-	485	71281933	-	CPS_2733	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
2664	 37.04	0	2852398..2852505	-	35	71280375	-	CPS_2734	-	hypothetical protein
2665	 34.85	0	2852812..2853207	-	131	71278066	-	CPS_2735	-	hypothetical protein
2666	 31.49	-1	2853325..2853759	-	144	71277998	-	CPS_2736	-	hypothetical protein
2667	 35.38	0	2853850..2854044	-	64	71278516	-	CPS_2737	-	hypothetical protein
2668	 35.97	0	2854172..2854702	-	176	71282203	-	CPS_2738	-	hypothetical protein
2669	 32.50	-1	2854807..2855409	-	200	71281689	-	CPS_2739	-	putative outer membrane protein
2670	 34.97	0	2855552..2856895	-	447	71278070	-	CPS_2740	-	hypothetical protein
2671	 35.86	0	2857055..2857450	-	131	71282484	-	CPS_2741	-	hypothetical protein
2672	 38.68	0	2857807..2858760	+	317	71280024	-	CPS_2742	-	ISCps7, transposase
2673	 34.10	-1	2858798..2859445	-	215	71279300	-	CPS_2743	-	hypothetical protein
2674	 34.23	-1	2859525..2859635	-	36	71281659	-	CPS_2744	-	hypothetical protein
2675	 39.84	0	2860006..2860128	+	40	71279628	-	CPS_2745	-	hypothetical protein
2676	 43.80	+1	2860131..2861381	-	416	71279914	-	CPS_2746	-	oxidoreductase, FAD-dependent
2677	 44.17	+1	2861497..2862456	-	319	71279476	-	CPS_2747	-	ornithine cyclodeaminase
2678	 39.61	0	2862824..2863651	+	275	71278826	-	CPS_2748	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
2679	 33.03	-1	2864079..2864729	-	216	71278255	-	CPS_2749	-	putative glutathione S-transferase
2680	 31.07	-1	2864825..2865265	-	146	71280017	-	CPS_2750	-	hypothetical protein
2681	 35.82	0	2865373..2866095	-	240	71279167	-	CPS_2751	-	hypothetical protein
2682	 35.80	0	2866203..2866730	-	175	71280341	-	CPS_2752	-	acetyltransferase
2683	 33.54	-1	2866829..2867314	-	161	71282100	-	CPS_2753	-	hypothetical protein
2684	 39.53	0	2867641..2867769	-	42	71278362	-	CPS_2754	-	hypothetical protein
2685	 39.89	0	2867882..2869162	-	426	71280601	serS	CPS_2755	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
2686	 37.56	0	2869240..2869641	-	133	71279775	ccrB	CPS_2756	-	camphor resistance protein CrcB
2687	 42.58	+1	2869625..2871160	-	511	71282024	-	CPS_2757	-	recombination factor protein RarA
2688	 38.10	0	2871144..2871878	-	244	71281172	lolA	CPS_2758	-	outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein LolA
2689	 41.02	0	2872018..2874657	-	879	71278389	-	CPS_2759	-	cell division protein FtsK
2690	 36.69	0	2874919..2875395	-	158	71277873	lrp	CPS_2760	-	leucine-responsive transcriptional regulator
2691	 41.02	0	2875572..2876690	+	372	71277938	ald	CPS_2761	-	alanine dehydrogenase
2692	 40.82	0	2877151..2878098	+	315	71281844	trxB	CPS_2762	-	thioredoxin-disulfide reductase
2693	 38.57	0	2878179..2878904	+	241	71280540	aat	CPS_2763	-	leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein transferase
2694	 36.61	0	2878974..2879735	+	253	71281548	-	CPS_2764	-	arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase
2695	 36.07	0	2879866..2880084	+	72	71281895	infA	CPS_2765	-	translation initiation factor IF-1
2696	 32.80	-1	2880265..2880825	-	186	71278631	-	CPS_2766	-	hypothetical protein
2697	 40.52	0	2880929..2883238	-	769	71277859	recD	CPS_2767	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, alpha subunit
2698	 38.41	0	2883240..2887100	-	1286	71279749	recB	CPS_2768	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, beta subunit
2699	 39.64	0	2887100..2890696	-	1198	71279256	recC	CPS_2769	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, gamma subunit
2700	 40.35	0	2890846..2891073	+	75	71278493	-	CPS_2770	-	hypothetical protein
2701	 39.86	0	2891253..2893046	+	597	71277843	-	CPS_2771	-	AMP-binding protein
2702	 33.33	-1	2893040..2893270	+	76	71279742	-	CPS_2772	-	hypothetical protein
2703	 38.26	0	2893248..2894180	+	310	71279266	-	CPS_2773	-	putative lipid A biosynthesis acyltransferase
2704	 35.82	0	2894168..2895940	+	590	71279629	-	CPS_2774	-	lipid ABC transporter, ATP-binding/permease protein MsbA
2705	 37.22	0	2895948..2896307	-	119	71279431	-	CPS_2775	-	hypothetical protein
2706	 38.90	0	2896517..2898781	-	754	71280121	-	CPS_2776	-	putative protease
2707	 35.90	0	2898751..2899764	-	337	71280801	-	CPS_2777	-	hypothetical protein
2708	 39.60	0	2899783..2900835	-	350	71280875	-	CPS_2778	-	hypothetical protein
2709	 38.62	0	2900947..2902005	-	352	71282168	aroG	CPS_2779	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
2710	 32.62	-1	2902561..2902842	-	93	71280416	-	CPS_2780	-	hypothetical protein
2711	 37.90	0	2903060..2904175	+	371	71278020	-	CPS_2781	-	hypothetical protein
2712	 40.39	0	2904250..2904972	-	240	71280954	-	CPS_2782	-	hypothetical protein
2713	 31.81	-1	2904972..2905889	-	305	71278990	-	CPS_2783	-	hypothetical protein
2714	 36.32	0	2905879..2906280	-	133	71277943	-	CPS_2784	-	hypothetical protein
2715	 38.53	0	2906282..2907820	-	512	71278433	-	CPS_2785	-	sensor histidine kinase
2716	 39.07	0	2907887..2908618	-	243	71279007	-	CPS_2786	-	response regulator
2717	 39.98	0	2908627..2909544	-	305	71278290	-	CPS_2787	-	apbE family protein
38.03	MEAN

3.50	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.