IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 38.03 STD DEV: 3.50
Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H, complete genome - 1..5373180
4910 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2374	 38.97	0	2560985..2561854	-	289	71280887	rarD2	CPS_2440	-	rarD protein
2375	 42.05	+1	2562072..2563517	-	481	71280353	-	CPS_2441	-	catalase
2376	 37.60	0	2563682..2564173	-	163	71280697	-	CPS_2442	-	hypothetical protein
2377	 36.19	0	2564304..2564618	-	104	71279722	-	CPS_2443	-	putative lipoprotein
2378	 36.36	0	2564742..2565005	-	87	71279311	-	CPS_2444	-	hypothetical protein
2379	 35.56	0	2565211..2566602	-	463	71278951	-	CPS_2445	-	hypothetical protein
2380	 40.99	0	2566860..2567603	+	247	71278091	-	CPS_2446	-	hypothetical protein
2381	 33.33	-1	2567583..2567759	-	58	71278864	-	CPS_2447	-	hypothetical protein
2382	 36.91	0	2567674..2568288	-	204	71282013	-	CPS_2448	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
2383	 41.09	0	2568517..2570541	+	674	71282132	fadH2	CPS_2449	-	2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase
2384	 27.27	-2	2570589..2570687	+	32	71280922	-	CPS_2450	-	hypothetical protein
2385	 33.33	-1	2570703..2570852	+	49	71279134	-	CPS_2451	-	hypothetical protein
2386	 37.38	0	2570901..2571815	-	304	71279833	-	CPS_2452	-	putative permease
2387	 39.18	0	2571949..2572239	+	96	71279945	-	CPS_2453	-	ArsR family transcriptional regulator
2388	 37.90	0	2572199..2575327	+	1042	71280181	helD	CPS_2454	-	helicase IV
2389	 38.03	0	2575403..2575636	+	77	71281248	-	CPS_2455	-	hypothetical protein
2390	 41.67	+1	2575801..2577168	+	455	71280498	-	CPS_2456	-	putative GTP-binding protein HflX
2391	 33.33	-1	2577192..2577767	+	191	71281013	-	CPS_2457	-	hypothetical protein
2392	 40.57	0	2577874..2578191	+	105	71281684	-	CPS_2458	-	hypothetical protein
2393	 31.78	-1	2578381..2578830	-	149	71282048	-	CPS_2459	-	hypothetical protein
2394	 38.50	0	2579182..2580207	+	341	71278960	-	CPS_2460	-	putative lipoprotein
2395	 39.82	0	2580354..2581139	-	261	71279539	-	CPS_2461	-	hypothetical protein
2396	 34.04	-1	2581409..2581690	+	93	71280038	-	CPS_2462	-	hypothetical protein
2397	 31.88	-1	2581749..2581955	+	68	71279342	-	CPS_2463	-	hypothetical protein
2398	 34.15	-1	2582100..2582591	+	163	71280519	-	CPS_2464	-	acetyltransferase
2399	 37.43	0	2582696..2583061	+	121	71278921	-	CPS_2465	-	hypothetical protein
2400	 37.22	0	2583127..2583306	+	59	71279000	-	CPS_2466	-	hypothetical protein
2401	 36.60	0	2583754..2583906	+	50	71282488	-	CPS_2467	-	hypothetical protein
2402	 36.56	0	2583948..2584598	+	216	71278261	-	CPS_2468	-	nitroreductase family protein
2403	 35.90	0	2584611..2585156	-	181	71281759	folE1	CPS_2469	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
2404	 34.82	0	2585297..2586034	-	245	71280273	-	CPS_2470	-	solute-binding family 1 protein
2405	 41.67	+1	2586133..2586612	-	159	71279688	-	CPS_2471	-	L-serine dehydratase 1, truncated
2406	 40.85	0	2586764..2587840	-	358	71279008	-	CPS_2472	-	porin
2407	 41.15	0	2588125..2588853	+	242	71277942	-	CPS_2473	-	DNA-binding response regulator
2408	 38.35	0	2588850..2589647	+	265	71281594	-	CPS_2474	-	solute-binding family 1 protein
2409	 41.32	0	2589644..2591998	+	784	71281799	-	CPS_2475	-	sensor histidine kinase/response regulator
2410	 41.42	0	2592360..2593868	+	502	71281124	nhaC1	CPS_2476	-	Na+/H+ antiporter NhaC
2411	 46.41	+2	2594017..2595270	+	417	71279550	glyA2	CPS_2477	-	serine hydroxymethyltransferase
2412	 47.96	+2	2595357..2596607	+	416	71281326	soxB1	CPS_2478	-	sarcosine oxidase, beta subunit
2413	 48.67	+2	2596620..2596919	+	99	71277842	soxD1	CPS_2479	-	sarcosine oxidase, delta subunit
2414	 47.78	+2	2596916..2599939	+	1007	71282317	soxA1	CPS_2480	-	sarcosine oxidase, alpha subunit
2415	 47.74	+2	2599932..2600528	+	198	71280415	soxG1	CPS_2481	-	sarcosine oxidase, gamma subunit
2416	 45.05	+2	2600701..2601579	+	292	71279439	purU1	CPS_2482	-	formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase
2417	 41.71	+1	2601743..2602339	+	198	71279992	-	CPS_2483	-	DNA-binding protein
2418	 37.35	0	2602353..2604068	-	571	71278358	-	CPS_2484	-	GGDEF domain-containing protein
2419	 30.73	-2	2604576..2604959	+	127	71282109	-	CPS_2485	-	hypothetical protein
2420	 29.60	-2	2605069..2605416	+	115	71281753	-	CPS_2486	-	hypothetical protein
2421	 38.51	0	2605564..2606046	+	160	71279022	-	CPS_2487	-	acetyltransferase
2422	 35.29	0	2606307..2606612	+	101	71278633	-	CPS_2488	-	hypothetical protein
2423	 37.09	0	2606853..2607278	+	141	71279691	-	CPS_2489	-	acetyltransferase
2424	 33.58	-1	2607361..2607759	+	132	71279041	-	CPS_2490	-	hypothetical protein
2425	 28.27	-2	2607876..2608349	+	157	71281390	-	CPS_2491	-	hypothetical protein
2426	 32.44	-1	2608449..2609009	+	186	71280705	-	CPS_2492	-	hypothetical protein
2427	 37.25	0	2608992..2609093	-	33	71281988	-	CPS_2493	-	hypothetical protein
2428	 30.75	-2	2609134..2609520	+	128	71281292	-	CPS_2494	-	hypothetical protein
2429	 35.12	0	2609672..2610286	+	204	71278435	-	CPS_2495	-	putative glutathione S-transferase
2430	 31.17	-1	2610373..2610741	+	122	71281447	-	CPS_2496	-	hypothetical protein
2431	 37.24	0	2610776..2611390	+	204	71280064	-	CPS_2497	-	hypothetical protein
2432	 32.03	-1	2611528..2611833	+	101	71280333	-	CPS_2498	-	hypothetical protein
2433	 36.12	0	2612051..2612695	+	214	71277961	-	CPS_2499	-	DJ-1/PfpI family protein
2434	 37.09	0	2612901..2613299	+	132	71279519	-	CPS_2500	-	putative lipoprotein
2435	 31.75	-1	2613899..2614087	+	62	71280961	-	CPS_2501	-	hypothetical protein
2436	 27.78	-2	2614204..2614437	+	77	71278928	-	CPS_2502	-	hypothetical protein
2437	 28.72	-2	2614602..2614991	+	129	71282047	-	CPS_2503	-	hypothetical protein
2438	 34.30	-1	2615199..2615612	+	137	71278244	-	CPS_2504	-	acetyltransferase
2439	 33.33	-1	2615667..2616182	+	171	71281133	-	CPS_2505	-	ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG family protein
2440	 36.78	0	2616304..2616564	+	86	71279001	-	CPS_2506	-	putative lipoprotein
2441	 34.60	0	2616699..2616935	+	78	71279796	-	CPS_2507	-	putative lipoprotein
2442	 36.10	0	2617051..2617665	+	204	71278794	-	CPS_2508	-	amino acid transporter LysE
2443	 31.73	-1	2617774..2618271	+	165	71278576	-	CPS_2509	-	putative thiol:disulfide interchange protein
2444	 37.55	0	2618366..2618911	-	181	71282634	-	CPS_2510	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
2445	 42.48	+1	2619010..2619468	+	152	71278076	-	CPS_2511	-	HPP family protein
2446	 43.78	+1	2619646..2619894	+	82	71280892	-	CPS_2512	-	hypothetical protein
2447	 32.03	-1	2620261..2620566	+	101	71281886	-	CPS_2513	-	hypothetical protein
2448	 36.45	0	2620666..2621691	+	341	71279790	-	CPS_2514	-	hypothetical protein
2449	 36.56	0	2621747..2621839	+	30	71282367	-	CPS_2515	-	hypothetical protein
2450	 31.11	-1	2621844..2622023	-	59	71279372	-	CPS_2516	-	hypothetical protein
2451	 38.61	0	2622117..2622533	+	138	71279930	-	CPS_2517	-	hypothetical protein
2452	 36.87	0	2622668..2623006	+	112	71279882	-	CPS_2518	-	hypothetical protein
2453	 37.89	0	2623480..2623764	+	94	71280318	-	CPS_2519	-	putative outer membrane lipoprotein
2454	 39.17	0	2624065..2624664	-	199	71280825	-	CPS_2520	-	short chain dehydrogenase
2455	 37.94	0	2624746..2625657	+	303	71281955	-	CPS_2521	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2456	 41.78	+1	2625901..2627250	+	449	71282527	pbuX	CPS_2522	-	xanthine permease
2457	 37.69	0	2627349..2628656	-	435	71278183	-	CPS_2523	-	sensor histidine kinase
2458	 36.65	0	2628646..2629368	-	240	71280127	-	CPS_2524	-	DNA-binding response regulator
2459	 36.41	0	2629445..2629801	-	118	71281607	-	CPS_2525	-	hypothetical protein
2460	 38.16	0	2629912..2632395	-	827	71278738	-	CPS_2526	-	putative permease
2461	 38.13	0	2632389..2633180	-	263	71278326	-	CPS_2527	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
2462	 41.25	0	2633468..2634313	+	281	71280142	-	CPS_2528	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase family protein
2463	 36.79	0	2634310..2634714	+	134	71280932	-	CPS_2529	-	hypothetical protein
2464	 41.72	+1	2635616..2636521	-	301	71280356	-	CPS_2531	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2465	 37.94	0	2636881..2640813	-	1310	71282230	-	CPS_2532	-	hypothetical protein
2466	 37.60	0	2640810..2642639	-	609	71281704	-	CPS_2533	-	OMP85 family outer membrane protein
2467	 29.86	-2	2643065..2643208	-	47	71279456	-	CPS_2534	-	hypothetical protein
2468	 38.22	0	2643217..2644506	-	429	71280174	-	CPS_2535	-	hypothetical protein
2469	 41.19	0	2644718..2645035	+	105	71279448	-	CPS_2536	-	hypothetical protein
2470	 37.46	0	2645235..2645792	+	185	71278767	-	CPS_2537	-	hypothetical protein
2471	 37.22	0	2645901..2646260	+	119	71278110	-	CPS_2538	-	hypothetical protein
2472	 41.46	0	2646329..2647042	+	237	71281472	-	CPS_2539	-	ZIP zinc transporter family protein
2473	 39.76	0	2647102..2647599	+	165	71279606	-	CPS_2540	-	acetyltransferase
38.03	MEAN

3.50	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.