IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Clostridium perfringens str. 13

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 29.13 STD DEV: 3.46
Clostridium perfringens str. 13, complete genome - 1..3031430
2660 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
13	 28.63	0	20683..20916	+	77	18308995	-	CPE0013	-	hypothetical protein
14	 32.32	0	21268..22545	+	425	161485645	serS	CPE0014	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
15	 29.05	0	22722..23141	+	139	18308997	-	CPE0015	-	hypothetical protein
16	 27.72	0	23757..24023	+	88	18308998	-	CPE0016	-	hypothetical protein
17	 22.40	-1	24353..24535	-	60	18308999	-	CPE0017	-	hypothetical protein
18	 26.53	0	24773..25654	+	293	18309000	-	CPE0018	-	hypothetical protein
19	 31.52	0	25743..25907	-	54	18309001	-	CPE0019	-	hypothetical protein
20	 28.16	0	26116..29592	+	1158	18309002	addB	CPE0020	-	ATP-dependent deoxyribonuclease chain B
21	 29.05	0	29582..33388	+	1268	18309003	addA	CPE0021	-	ATP-dependent deoxyribonuclease chain A
22	 25.80	0	33646..34920	-	424	18309004	papS	CPE0022	-	polyA polymerase family protein
23	 30.21	0	35030..36022	+	330	18309005	-	CPE0023	-	CMP-binding factor
24	 26.70	0	36054..37214	-	386	18309006	-	CPE0024	-	ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG family protein
25	 30.96	0	37407..38627	+	406	18309007	pepT	CPE0025	-	peptidase T
26	 30.37	0	38733..39608	-	291	18309008	-	CPE0026	-	degV family protein
27	 24.56	-1	40045..41184	+	379	18309009	-	CPE0027	-	hypothetical protein
28	 28.02	0	41300..42184	-	294	18309010	psdD	CPE0028	-	phosphatidylserine decarboxylase
29	 25.79	0	42348..42917	+	189	18309011	-	CPE0029	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
30	 30.17	0	43192..44457	+	421	18309012	hlyA	CPE0030	-	hemolysin-related protein
31	 34.26	+1	44460..44891	+	143	18309013	-	CPE0031	-	cytidine/deoxycytidylate deaminase family protein
32	 27.23	0	44954..45412	+	152	18309014	-	CPE0032	-	hypothetical protein
33	 21.31	-2	45536..45901	+	121	18309015	-	CPE0033	-	hypothetical protein
34	 35.14	+1	46011..46673	+	220	18309016	-	CPE0034	-	hypothetical protein
35	 31.77	0	46787..48259	-	490	18309017	yplC	CPE0035	-	hypothetical protein
36	 33.17	+1	48590..49786	+	398	18309018	plc	CPE0036	-	phospholipase C
37	 27.40	0	49974..50900	+	308	18309019	cobW	CPE0037	-	CobW/P47K family protein
38	 26.67	0	50920..51504	+	194	18309020	-	CPE0038	-	hypothetical protein
39	 29.42	0	51507..52400	+	297	18309021	-	CPE0039	-	hypothetical protein
40	 25.00	-1	52413..53132	+	239	18309022	-	CPE0040	-	hypothetical protein
41	 29.66	0	53398..54186	+	262	18309023	-	CPE0041	-	prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase
42	 27.58	0	54959..55462	+	167	18309024	-	CPE0042	-	putative lipoprotein
43	 29.99	0	55899..57185	+	428	18309025	brnQ	CPE0043	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter carrier protein
44	 22.63	-1	57339..57824	-	161	18309026	folA	CPE0044	-	dihydrofolate reductase
45	 30.35	0	58015..59658	+	547	18309027	dnaX	CPE0045	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
46	 38.35	+2	59770..60108	+	112	18309028	-	CPE0046	-	hypothetical protein
47	 32.50	0	60206..60802	+	198	18309029	recR	CPE0047	-	recombination protein RecR
48	 25.45	-1	61028..61306	+	92	18309030	-	CPE0048	-	hypothetical protein
49	 27.60	0	61322..61600	+	92	18309031	-	CPE0049	-	hypothetical protein
50	 23.25	-1	61875..63005	+	376	18309032	-	CPE0050	-	hypothetical protein
51	 30.00	0	63169..63348	+	59	18309033	-	CPE0051	-	hypothetical protein
52	 30.05	0	63417..63599	+	60	18309034	-	CPE0052	-	hypothetical protein
53	 29.99	0	63763..64839	+	358	18309035	-	CPE0053	-	aminotransferase, class V
54	 28.26	0	64908..65813	+	301	18309036	serA	CPE0054	-	putative D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
55	 26.89	0	65960..67216	+	418	18309037	-	CPE0055	-	hypothetical protein
56	 34.34	+1	67272..67967	-	231	18309038	mtn	CPE0056	-	5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase
57	 31.36	0	68347..69108	+	253	18309039	-	CPE0057	-	HesA/MoeB/ThiF family protein
58	 29.56	0	69399..70565	+	388	18309040	-	CPE0058	-	hypothetical protein
59	 26.30	0	70590..71528	+	312	18309041	-	CPE0059	-	GNAT family acetyltransferase
60	 29.40	0	71545..72231	+	228	18309042	dgk2	CPE0060	-	deoxyguanosine kinase
61	 31.90	0	78534..79856	+	440	18309043	-	CPE0061	-	integral membrane transport protein
62	 21.33	-2	79983..80132	+	49	18309044	-	CPE0062	-	hypothetical protein
63	 28.69	0	80480..82504	+	674	18309045	glgB	CPE0063	-	glycogen branching enzyme
64	 29.54	0	82532..83980	+	482	18309046	glgA	CPE0064	-	glycogen synthase
65	 30.46	0	84010..86445	+	811	18309047	glgP	CPE0065	-	glycogen phosphorylase
66	 28.61	0	86541..88361	+	606	18309048	-	CPE0066	-	amylopullulanase
67	 28.83	0	88416..88859	+	147	18309049	-	CPE0067	-	hypothetical protein
68	 30.03	0	89069..90250	+	393	18309050	glgC	CPE0068	-	glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase
69	 26.11	0	90280..91386	+	368	18309051	glgD	CPE0069	-	glycogen biosynthesis protein
70	 26.62	0	91449..91895	+	148	18309052	-	CPE0070	-	phosphotransbutyrylase
71	 26.96	0	92062..93504	-	480	18309053	clsA	CPE0071	-	cardiolipin synthase
72	 34.17	+1	93936..95492	+	518	18309054	-	CPE0072	-	hypothetical protein
73	 26.32	0	101425..102009	+	194	18309055	-	CPE0073	-	transcription antiterminator
74	 27.51	0	101897..102274	+	125	18309056	-	CPE0074	-	transcription antiterminator
75	 35.66	+1	102497..102754	-	85	18309057	-	CPE0075	-	hypothetical protein
76	 33.09	+1	103447..104664	+	405	18309058	-	CPE0076	-	PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIBC component
77	 28.49	0	104712..104897	+	61	18309059	-	CPE0077	-	hypothetical protein
78	 23.31	-1	104966..105484	-	172	18309060	-	CPE0078	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
79	 30.80	0	111585..113675	+	696	18309061	fus	CPE0079	-	elongation factor G
80	 24.05	-1	114098..114334	+	78	18309062	-	CPE0080	-	hypothetical protein
81	 35.55	+1	114586..115533	+	315	18309063	glcK	CPE0081	-	glucose kinase
82	 37.57	+2	116074..116616	+	180	18309064	-	CPE0082	-	hypothetical protein
83	 26.60	0	116949..117572	+	207	18309065	gpmA	CPE0083	-	phosphoglycerate mutase family protein
84	 26.72	0	117931..118701	-	256	18309066	iolR	CPE0084	-	transcription repressor of myo-inositol catabolism operon
85	 32.38	0	119183..120337	+	384	18309067	mdh	CPE0085	-	alcohol dehydrogenase
86	 34.87	+1	120344..121189	+	281	18309068	alf1	CPE0086	-	fructose-bisphosphate aldolase
87	 32.25	0	121203..122219	+	338	18309069	iolC	CPE0087	-	myo-inositol catabolism protein
88	 32.94	+1	122233..123000	+	255	18309070	iolB	CPE0088	-	myo-inositol catabolism protein
89	 34.11	+1	123017..124936	+	639	18309071	iolD	CPE0089	-	myo-inositol catabolism protein
90	 31.75	0	125006..126013	+	335	18309072	-	CPE0090	-	dehydrogenase
91	 30.20	0	126132..127025	+	297	18309073	iolE	CPE0091	-	myo-inositol catabolism protein
92	 32.70	+1	127107..128696	+	529	18309074	-	CPE0092	-	putative symporter YidK
93	 32.67	+1	128783..129832	+	349	18309075	-	CPE0093	-	dehydrogenase
94	 31.75	0	130202..130960	+	252	18309076	-	CPE0094	-	hypothetical protein
95	 32.56	0	131191..131967	+	258	18309077	-	CPE0095	-	crotonase
96	 35.27	+1	132070..133620	+	516	18309078	-	CPE0096	-	propionate CoA-transferase
97	 33.51	+1	133724..134860	+	378	18309079	acdS	CPE0097	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
98	 28.77	0	135262..135612	-	116	18309080	-	CPE0098	-	hypothetical protein
99	 33.86	+1	136190..137320	+	376	18309081	gldA	CPE0099	-	glycerol dehydrogenase
100	 33.10	+1	137346..139094	+	582	18309082	-	CPE0100	-	dihydroxyacetone kinase
101	 30.54	0	139454..140887	+	477	18309083	-	CPE0101	-	multidrug resistance protein
102	 28.21	0	141164..141436	+	90	18309084	-	CPE0102	-	hypothetical protein
103	 32.70	+1	141837..142790	-	317	18309085	ldh	CPE0103	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase
104	 23.04	-1	143416..144591	+	391	18309086	-	CPE0104	-	hypothetical protein
105	 27.40	0	144710..145147	+	145	18309087	-	CPE0105	-	hypothetical protein
106	 27.80	0	145358..146098	+	246	18309088	-	CPE0106	-	hypothetical protein
107	 26.12	0	146210..147082	+	290	18309089	-	CPE0107	-	hypothetical protein
108	 30.84	0	147218..148582	-	454	18309090	-	CPE0108	-	GTP-binding protein
109	 27.02	0	149310..149594	-	94	18309091	-	CPE0109	-	hypothetical protein
110	 31.50	0	150273..151694	-	473	18309092	thiH	CPE0110	-	thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiH
111	 32.14	0	151800..152051	-	83	18309093	-	CPE0111	-	hypothetical protein
112	 30.33	0	152495..154060	+	521	18309094	-	CPE0112	-	hypothetical protein
29.13	MEAN

3.46	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.