IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 30.63 STD DEV: 3.23
Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052, complete genome - 1..6000632
5020 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1640	 32.52	0	1936041..1937144	+	367	150016532	-	Cbei_1656	-	baseplate J family protein
1641	 32.20	0	1937145..1939004	+	619	150016533	-	Cbei_1657	-	hypothetical protein
1642	 33.66	0	1939006..1939620	+	204	150016534	-	Cbei_1658	-	phage-like element pbsx protein XkdT
1643	 33.77	0	1939634..1940779	+	381	150016535	-	Cbei_1659	-	hypothetical protein
1644	 26.74	-1	1940807..1941079	+	90	150016536	-	Cbei_1660	-	hypothetical protein
1645	 28.70	0	1941072..1941287	+	71	150016537	-	Cbei_1661	-	hypothetical protein
1646	 32.99	0	1941547..1942719	+	390	150016538	-	Cbei_1662	-	hypothetical protein
1647	 30.35	0	1942761..1943831	+	356	150016539	-	Cbei_1663	-	Ig domain-containing protein
1648	 30.80	0	1943912..1944148	+	78	150016540	-	Cbei_1664	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 28.34	0	1944164..1944604	+	146	150016541	-	Cbei_1665	-	hypothetical protein
1650	 30.28	0	1944668..1945453	+	261	150016542	-	Cbei_1666	-	glycoside hydrolase family protein
1651	 29.52	0	1945571..1946410	+	279	150016543	-	Cbei_1667	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
1652	 27.39	-1	1946658..1947701	-	347	150016544	-	Cbei_1668	-	D-galactose-binding periplasmic protein precursor
1653	 27.37	-1	1947754..1948122	-	122	150016545	-	Cbei_1669	-	hypothetical protein
1654	 29.60	0	1948640..1949524	+	294	150016546	-	Cbei_1670	-	hypothetical protein
1655	 20.59	-2	1950460..1950663	+	67	150016547	-	Cbei_1672	-	hypothetical protein
1656	 25.33	-1	1950885..1951034	+	49	150016548	-	Cbei_1673	-	hypothetical protein
1657	 29.23	0	1951993..1952406	+	137	150016549	-	Cbei_1674	-	hypothetical protein
1658	 34.67	+1	1953040..1953489	+	149	150016550	-	Cbei_1675	-	cell wall binding repeat-containing protein
1659	 30.06	0	1953652..1954599	+	315	150016551	-	Cbei_1676	-	beta-lactamase domain-containing protein
1660	 20.83	-2	1954992..1955183	+	63	150016552	-	Cbei_1677	-	hypothetical protein
1661	 27.63	0	1955372..1955599	+	75	150016553	-	Cbei_1678	-	XRE family transcriptional regulator
1662	 31.42	0	1955849..1956526	+	225	150016554	-	Cbei_1679	-	MgtC/SapB transporter
1663	 25.62	-1	1956874..1957275	+	133	150016555	-	Cbei_1680	-	hypothetical protein
1664	 27.33	-1	1958399..1959514	+	371	150016556	-	Cbei_1682	-	type II secretion system protein
1665	 30.20	0	1959511..1959957	+	148	150016557	-	Cbei_1683	-	hypothetical protein
1666	 27.46	0	1959954..1960379	+	141	150016558	-	Cbei_1684	-	hypothetical protein
1667	 23.66	-2	1960369..1960833	+	154	150016559	-	Cbei_1685	-	hypothetical protein
1668	 23.70	-2	1960863..1961246	+	127	150016560	-	Cbei_1686	-	hypothetical protein
1669	 24.47	-1	1961311..1961976	+	221	150016561	-	Cbei_1687	-	hypothetical protein
1670	 23.65	-2	1961987..1962337	+	116	150016562	-	Cbei_1688	-	hypothetical protein
1671	 22.49	-2	1962330..1962698	+	122	150016563	-	Cbei_1689	-	hypothetical protein
1672	 31.47	0	1962989..1963579	+	196	150016564	-	Cbei_1690	-	elongation factor P
1673	 24.59	-1	1963670..1964035	+	121	150016565	-	Cbei_1691	-	hypothetical protein
1674	 30.94	0	1964190..1965110	+	306	150016566	-	Cbei_1692	-	sporulation stage III, protein AA
1675	 30.44	0	1965098..1965616	+	172	150016567	-	Cbei_1693	-	stage III sporulation protein SpoAB
1676	 30.81	0	1965681..1965878	+	65	150016568	-	Cbei_1694	-	stage III sporulation AC family protein
1677	 29.69	0	1965890..1966273	+	127	150016569	-	Cbei_1695	-	sporulation stage III, protein AD
1678	 30.23	0	1966284..1967573	+	429	150016570	-	Cbei_1696	-	sporulation stage III, protein AE
1679	 26.83	-1	1967580..1968179	+	199	150016571	-	Cbei_1697	-	sporulation stage III, protein AF
1680	 28.99	0	1968191..1968811	+	206	150016572	-	Cbei_1698	-	sporulation stage III, protein AG
1681	 30.23	0	1968851..1969366	+	171	150016573	-	Cbei_1699	-	stage III sporulation protein AH
1682	 32.81	0	1969468..1969848	+	126	150016574	-	Cbei_1700	-	hypothetical protein
1683	 29.85	0	1969980..1970381	+	133	150016575	-	Cbei_1701	-	NusB antitermination factor
1684	 29.68	0	1970509..1971357	+	282	150016576	-	Cbei_1702	-	methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))
1685	 30.50	0	1971347..1972546	+	399	150016577	-	Cbei_1703	-	exodeoxyribonuclease VII, large subunit
1686	 24.44	-1	1972559..1972783	+	74	150016578	-	Cbei_1704	-	exonuclease VII, small subunit
1687	 30.34	0	1972770..1973639	+	289	150016579	-	Cbei_1705	-	polyprenyl synthetase
1688	 31.18	0	1973657..1975513	+	618	150016580	-	Cbei_1706	-	1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase
1689	 32.35	0	1975526..1976335	+	269	150016581	-	Cbei_1707	-	hemolysin A
1690	 28.89	0	1976352..1977206	+	284	150016582	-	Cbei_1708	-	ATP-NAD/AcoX kinase
1691	 30.46	0	1977203..1977655	+	150	150016583	argR	Cbei_1709	-	arginine repressor
1692	 28.18	0	1977675..1979363	+	562	150016584	-	Cbei_1710	-	DNA repair protein RecN
1693	 31.40	0	1979592..1980782	+	396	150016585	-	Cbei_1711	-	peptidase S55, sporulation stage IV, protein B
1694	 30.29	0	1981390..1982211	+	273	150016586	-	Cbei_1712	-	response regulator receiver protein
1695	 31.37	0	1983097..1983504	+	135	150016587	-	Cbei_1713	-	hemerythrin-like metal-binding protein
1696	 30.70	0	1983913..1984140	+	75	150016588	-	Cbei_1714	-	hypothetical protein
1697	 30.56	0	1984491..1985786	+	431	150016589	-	Cbei_1715	-	uracil transporter
1698	 29.75	0	1985966..1986607	+	213	150016590	-	Cbei_1716	-	hypothetical protein
1699	 25.62	-1	1986791..1987192	+	133	150016591	-	Cbei_1717	-	hypothetical protein
1700	 26.31	-1	1987231..1988241	+	336	150016592	-	Cbei_1718	-	prophage ps3 protein 01, putative
1701	 29.90	0	1988267..1988878	+	203	150016593	-	Cbei_1719	-	phosphoglycerate mutase
1702	 25.90	-1	1989056..1989499	+	147	150016594	-	Cbei_1720	-	hypothetical protein
1703	 26.36	-1	1989569..1990213	+	214	150016595	-	Cbei_1721	-	metallophosphoesterase
1704	 34.10	+1	1990689..1991855	+	388	150016596	-	Cbei_1722	-	iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
1705	 31.82	0	1992278..1993996	+	572	150016597	-	Cbei_1723	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer
1706	 30.90	0	1994297..1995283	+	328	150016598	-	Cbei_1724	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1707	 31.53	0	1995297..1997516	+	739	150016599	-	Cbei_1725	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1708	 26.71	-1	1997892..1999643	+	583	150016600	-	Cbei_1726	-	uncharacterized membrane protein
1709	 32.44	0	1999640..2000530	+	296	150016601	-	Cbei_1727	-	UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase
1710	 34.88	+1	2000712..2001164	+	150	150016602	-	Cbei_1728	-	hypothetical protein
1711	 29.08	0	2001325..2002548	+	407	150016603	-	Cbei_1729	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1712	 29.98	0	2002804..2003310	+	168	150016604	-	Cbei_1730	-	NUDIX hydrolase
1713	 31.86	0	2003459..2004136	+	225	150016605	-	Cbei_1731	-	two component transcriptional regulator
1714	 29.31	0	2004139..2005653	+	504	150016606	-	Cbei_1732	-	integral membrane sensor signal transduction histidine kinase
1715	 23.76	-2	2005824..2006126	-	100	150016607	-	Cbei_1733	-	hypothetical protein
1716	 27.41	0	2006603..2007835	+	410	150016608	-	Cbei_1734	-	hypothetical protein
1717	 27.80	0	2007939..2009366	-	475	150016609	-	Cbei_1735	-	hypothetical protein
1718	 29.04	0	2009359..2009847	-	162	150016610	-	Cbei_1736	-	ECF subfamily RNA polymerase sigma-24 factor
1719	 29.98	0	2010211..2010807	+	198	150016611	-	Cbei_1737	-	NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone)
1720	 26.28	-1	2011115..2011270	+	51	150016612	-	Cbei_1738	-	hypothetical protein
1721	 28.99	0	2011404..2012186	+	260	150016613	-	Cbei_1739	-	hypothetical protein
1722	 30.20	0	2012256..2013182	+	308	150016614	-	Cbei_1740	-	ribonuclease Z
1723	 29.49	0	2013449..2014150	+	233	150016615	-	Cbei_1741	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
1724	 30.73	0	2014432..2016468	+	678	150016616	-	Cbei_1742	-	small GTP-binding protein
1725	 27.82	0	2016550..2017329	+	259	150016617	-	Cbei_1743	-	hypothetical protein
1726	 29.22	0	2017423..2017884	-	153	150016618	-	Cbei_1744	-	hypothetical protein
1727	 28.13	0	2017906..2018328	-	140	150016619	-	Cbei_1745	-	hypothetical protein
1728	 24.53	-1	2018501..2019193	+	230	150016620	-	Cbei_1746	-	cyclic nucleotide-binding protein
1729	 31.08	0	2019409..2020518	-	369	150016621	-	Cbei_1747	-	DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain-containing protein
1730	 25.17	-1	2020842..2021270	+	142	150016622	-	Cbei_1748	-	BadM/Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator
1731	 30.82	0	2022262..2023653	+	463	150016623	-	Cbei_1749	-	anthranilate synthase component I
1732	 31.80	0	2023650..2024237	+	195	150016624	-	Cbei_1750	-	glutamine amidotransferase of anthranilate synthase
1733	 35.00	+1	2024317..2025336	+	339	150016625	-	Cbei_1751	-	anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase
1734	 25.87	-1	2025361..2026164	+	267	150016626	-	Cbei_1752	-	indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase
1735	 27.25	-1	2026207..2026896	+	229	150016627	-	Cbei_1753	-	phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase
1736	 35.54	+1	2026918..2028093	+	391	150016628	-	Cbei_1754	-	tryptophan synthase subunit beta
1737	 34.23	+1	2028093..2028869	+	258	150016629	-	Cbei_1755	-	tryptophan synthase, alpha subunit
1738	 25.12	-1	2028994..2029407	-	137	150016630	-	Cbei_1756	-	hypothetical protein
1739	 27.00	-1	2029699..2029998	+	99	150016631	-	Cbei_1757	-	hypothetical protein
30.63	MEAN

3.23	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.