IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Chlamydophila pneumoniae TW-183

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 40.62 STD DEV: 3.18
Chlamydophila pneumoniae TW-183, complete genome - 1..1225935
1113 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
15	 43.15	0	18563..20722	+	719	33241350	-	CpB0015	-	outer membrane protein 7
16	 43.64	0	20653..21108	+	151	33241351	-	CpB0016	-	outer membrane protein 5
17	 41.57	0	21391..21924	+	177	33241352	-	CpB0017	-	to outer membrane protein 5
18	 42.43	0	21858..24176	+	772	33241353	-	CpB0018	-	outer membrane protein 5
19	 43.07	0	24415..26190	+	591	33241354	-	CpB0019	-	outer membrane protein 5
20	 44.41	+1	26108..27172	+	354	33241355	-	CpB0020	-	outer membrane protein 5
21	 40.21	0	27317..27505	+	62	33241356	-	CpB0021	-	hypothetical protein
22	 44.31	+1	27521..29005	+	494	33241357	-	CpB0022	-	outer membrane protein 11
23	 42.83	0	29021..30358	+	445	33241358	-	CpB0023	-	outer membrane protein 5
24	 43.03	0	30599..32713	-	704	33241359	-	CpB0024	-	putative outer membrane protein
25	 44.29	+1	32703..34409	-	568	33241360	-	CpB0025	-	putative outer membrane protein
26	 40.27	0	34391..34981	-	196	33241361	maf	CpB0026	-	Maf-like protein
27	 41.18	0	35010..36614	-	534	33241362	-	CpB0027	-	putative ABC transporter protein ATPase
28	 42.07	0	36657..37595	-	312	33241363	xerC	CpB0028	-	site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerC
29	 43.18	0	37680..38603	-	307	33241364	-	CpB0029	-	ribonuclease Z
30	 41.75	0	38758..39624	-	288	33241365	-	CpB0030	-	hypothetical protein
31	 40.77	0	39774..42233	-	819	33241366	-	CpB0031	-	lon ATP-dependent proteinase
32	 36.39	-1	42539..43324	-	261	33241367	-	CpB0032	-	hypothetical protein
33	 37.40	-1	43386..43754	-	122	33241368	-	CpB0033	-	hypothetical protein
34	 41.59	0	43890..44531	+	213	33241369	-	CpB0034	-	putative o-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
35	 40.68	0	44710..44886	+	58	33241370	rpsU	CpB0035	-	30S ribosomal protein S21
36	 43.85	+1	44922..46100	+	392	33241371	-	CpB0036	-	heat shock protein dnaJ
37	 45.16	+1	46137..48173	+	678	33241372	-	CpB0037	-	2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase alpha and beta subunit
38	 41.57	0	48206..49456	-	416	33241373	-	CpB0038	-	hypothetical protein
39	 43.92	+1	49565..51028	-	487	33241374	-	CpB0039	-	hypothetical protein
40	 40.35	0	51001..51798	+	265	33241375	-	CpB0040	-	hypothetical protein
41	 40.98	0	51791..52117	+	108	33241376	-	CpB0041	-	phosphotransferase system phosphohistidine-containing protein
42	 42.89	0	52118..53833	+	571	33241377	-	CpB0042	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
43	 41.92	0	53959..54249	-	96	33241378	-	CpB0043	-	hypothetical protein
44	 40.71	0	54314..55642	-	442	33241379	-	CpB0044	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
45	 43.26	0	55995..57344	+	449	33241380	-	CpB0045	-	hypothetical protein
46	 40.74	0	57402..58184	+	260	33241381	-	CpB0046	-	hypothetical protein
47	 42.53	0	58555..60762	+	735	33241382	-	CpB0047	-	HB3/HB4 fusion protein
48	 33.33	-2	60951..61151	+	66	33241383	-	CpB0048	-	hypothetical protein
49	 41.97	0	61183..63300	+	705	33241384	-	CpB0049	-	hypothetical protein
50	 39.75	0	63310..63792	-	160	33241385	-	CpB0050	-	hypothetical protein
51	 39.94	0	63992..64309	-	105	33241386	-	CpB0051	-	hypothetical protein
52	 41.49	0	64329..64610	+	93	33241387	-	CpB0052	-	hypothetical protein
53	 45.39	+1	64797..65501	-	234	33241388	-	CpB0053	-	porphobilinogen deaminase
54	 43.83	+1	65479..66840	-	453	33241389	-	CpB0054	-	DNA repair protein RadA
55	 43.14	0	66806..67519	-	237	33241390	rnc	CpB0055	-	ribonuclease III
56	 40.86	0	67625..68089	+	154	33241391	-	CpB0056	-	hypothetical protein
57	 43.13	0	68449..70245	+	598	33241392	-	CpB0057	-	phosphomannomutase
58	 39.90	0	70430..71053	+	207	33241393	-	CpB0058	-	manganese superoxide dismutase precursor
59	 43.04	0	71135..72061	+	308	33241394	-	CpB0059	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunit beta
60	 45.66	+1	72112..72549	+	145	33241395	dut	CpB0060	-	deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase
61	 41.72	0	72527..73027	+	166	33241396	fruA	CpB0061	-	PTS fructose-specific enzyme IIBC component
62	 39.23	0	73030..73707	+	225	33241397	ptsN	CpB0062	-	phosphotransferase system enzyme II
63	 40.98	0	73804..75189	+	461	33241398	mst101	CpB0063	-	hypothetical protein
64	 40.61	0	75468..75728	+	86	33241399	-	CpB0064	-	hypothetical protein
65	 46.15	+1	75842..76075	+	77	33241400	-	CpB0065	-	hypothetical protein
66	 41.44	0	76399..78150	+	583	33241401	-	CpB0066	-	hypothetical protein
67	 42.85	0	78421..80154	+	577	33241402	-	CpB0067	-	hypothetical protein
68	 39.31	0	80449..81552	+	367	33241403	-	CpB0068	-	hypothetical protein
69	 36.11	-1	81824..82399	-	191	33241404	-	CpB0069	-	hypothetical protein
70	 43.38	0	83022..84584	+	520	33241405	-	CpB0070	-	hypothetical protein
71	 36.00	-1	85090..85539	-	149	33241406	-	CpB0071	-	hypothetical protein
72	 37.40	-1	85548..86579	-	343	33241407	-	CpB0072	-	hypothetical protein
73	 42.79	0	86850..87071	+	73	33241408	infA	CpB0073	-	translation initiation factor IF-1
74	 43.12	0	87268..88452	+	394	33241409	tuf	CpB0074	-	elongation factor Tu
75	 32.54	-2	88596..88847	+	83	33241410	secE	CpB0075	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecE
76	 38.07	0	88852..89400	+	182	33241411	nusG	CpB0076	-	transcription antitermination protein NusG
77	 38.26	0	89507..89932	+	141	33241412	rplK	CpB0077	-	50S ribosomal protein L11
78	 38.63	0	89959..90657	+	232	33241413	rplA	CpB0078	-	50S ribosomal protein L1
79	 40.35	0	90673..91185	+	170	33241414	rplJ	CpB0079	-	50S ribosomal protein L10
80	 38.72	0	91229..91618	+	129	33241415	rplL	CpB0080	-	50S ribosomal protein L7/L12
81	 40.22	0	91755..95513	+	1252	33241416	rpoB	CpB0081	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta
82	 40.44	0	95537..99718	+	1393	33241417	-	CpB0082	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta'
83	 38.82	0	99827..100810	+	327	33241418	-	CpB0083	-	transaldolase B
84	 33.86	-2	100869..101249	+	126	33241419	-	CpB0084	-	putative predied ferredoxin
85	 38.98	0	101258..102001	-	247	33241420	-	CpB0085	-	hypothetical protein
86	 40.83	0	102399..103025	+	208	33241421	HrpE	CpB0086	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit E
87	 36.58	-1	103074..103874	+	266	33241422	-	CpB0087	-	hypothetical protein
88	 42.00	0	103868..105643	+	591	33241423	-	CpB0088	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit A
89	 40.09	0	105648..106964	+	438	33241424	-	CpB0089	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit B
90	 39.68	0	106949..107578	+	209	161484689	-	CpB0090	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit D
91	 39.69	0	107569..109551	+	660	33241426	ntpI	CpB0091	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit I
92	 43.66	0	109646..110071	+	141	33241427	-	CpB0092	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit K
93	 43.26	0	109950..110513	+	187	33241428	-	CpB0093	-	hypothetical protein
94	 42.47	0	110647..113469	+	940	33241429	valS	CpB0094	-	valyl-tRNA synthetase
95	 40.62	0	113490..116288	+	932	33241430	pknD	CpB0095	-	serine/threonine-protein kinase
96	 42.24	0	116329..121809	-	1826	33241431	-	CpB0096	-	excinuclease ABC subunit A
97	 42.61	0	122050..123504	+	484	33241432	-	CpB0097	-	pyruvate kinase
98	 38.95	0	123598..124986	-	462	33241433	-	CpB0098	-	lipid A biosynthesis lauroyl acyltransferase
99	 42.00	0	125039..125338	-	99	33241434	-	CpB0099	-	hypothetical protein
100	 36.38	-1	125374..126651	-	425	33241435	-	CpB0100	-	hypothetical protein
101	 40.95	0	126633..127472	-	279	33241436	-	CpB0101	-	hypothetical protein
102	 38.08	0	127618..128964	+	448	33241437	-	CpB0102	-	cytochrome oxidase chain I
103	 39.61	0	128975..130009	+	344	33241438	-	CpB0103	-	cytochrome oxidase chain II
104	 40.65	0	130168..131370	-	400	33241439	-	CpB0104	-	hypothetical protein
105	 39.30	0	131521..132375	-	284	33241440	-	CpB0105	-	hypothetical protein
106	 40.57	0	132574..133872	+	432	33241441	psiH	CpB0106	-	phosphate starvation-inducible protein
107	 44.58	+1	133884..134621	-	245	33241442	-	CpB0107	-	hypothetical protein
108	 39.78	0	134795..135352	-	185	33241443	-	CpB0108	-	hypothetical protein
109	 32.05	-2	135446..135601	-	51	33241444	-	CpB0109	-	hypothetical protein
110	 39.30	0	136150..139281	+	1043	33241445	ileS	CpB0110	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
111	 40.61	0	139319..141229	-	636	33241446	-	CpB0111	-	signal peptidase I
112	 41.39	0	141426..142232	-	268	33241447	-	CpB0112	-	hypothetical protein
113	 35.15	-1	142262..142591	+	109	33241448	rpmE2	CpB0113	-	50S ribosomal protein L31 type B
114	 40.69	0	142830..143903	+	357	33241449	prfA	CpB0114	-	peptide chain release factor 1
40.62	MEAN

3.18	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.