IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 44.16 STD DEV: 5.32
Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3, complete genome - 1..2572079
2002 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
632	 40.13	0	909988..911106	+	372	78188616	-	Cag_0638	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain H
633	 38.81	-1	911155..911757	+	200	78188617	-	Cag_0639	-	NADH dehydrogenase I, 23 kDa subunit
634	 35.85	-1	911762..912277	+	171	78188618	-	Cag_0640	-	NADH dehydrogenase I subunit 6
635	 35.51	-1	912292..912612	+	106	78188619	-	Cag_0641	-	NADH dehydrogenase I subunit 4L
636	 41.59	0	912666..914978	+	770	78188620	-	Cag_0642	-	NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase, chain 5
637	 40.61	0	915019..916653	+	544	78188621	-	Cag_0643	-	proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase, chain M
638	 38.72	-1	916695..918236	+	513	78188622	-	Cag_0644	-	proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase, chain N
639	 41.73	0	918428..919213	+	261	78188623	-	Cag_0645	-	hypothetical protein
640	 43.67	0	919226..919699	+	157	78188624	-	Cag_0646	-	hypothetical protein
641	 37.06	-1	919985..921058	+	357	78188625	-	Cag_0647	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
642	 38.99	0	921085..921897	+	270	78188626	-	Cag_0648	-	polysaccharide export periplasmic protein
643	 36.76	-1	921961..924381	+	806	78188627	-	Cag_0649	-	hypothetical protein
644	 36.81	-1	924397..925116	+	239	78188628	-	Cag_0650	-	exopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein
645	 41.77	0	925165..926136	+	323	78188629	-	Cag_0651	-	GDP-L-fucose synthetase
646	 43.97	0	926145..927347	+	400	78188630	-	Cag_0652	-	GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase
647	 30.12	-2	928258..928599	+	113	78188631	-	Cag_0653	-	transcriptional modulator of MazE/toxin, MazF
648	 37.00	-1	929060..929359	+	99	78188632	-	Cag_0654	-	hypothetical protein
649	 31.25	-2	929436..929675	+	79	78188633	-	Cag_0655	-	hypothetical protein
650	 28.08	-2	929659..930039	+	126	78188634	-	Cag_0656	-	nucleic acid binding protein
651	 33.85	-1	930370..931527	+	385	78188635	-	Cag_0657	-	putative transcriptional regulator
652	 41.02	0	931743..932978	-	411	78188636	-	Cag_0658	-	transposase
653	 38.46	-1	933468..933740	+	90	78188637	-	Cag_0659	-	hypothetical protein
654	 37.69	-1	933737..934126	+	129	78188638	-	Cag_0660	-	hypothetical protein
655	 37.31	-1	934166..934366	+	66	78188639	-	Cag_0661	-	hypothetical protein
656	 41.24	0	934842..935195	+	117	78188640	-	Cag_0662	-	hypothetical protein
657	 29.21	-2	935574..935888	+	104	78188641	-	Cag_0663	-	hypothetical protein
658	 34.89	-1	936305..937204	+	299	78188642	-	Cag_0664	-	putative transcriptional regulator
659	 34.35	-1	937448..938728	+	426	78188643	-	Cag_0665	-	polysaccharide biosynthesis protein
660	 27.49	-2	938721..939422	+	233	78188644	-	Cag_0666	-	hypothetical protein
661	 28.60	-2	939419..941173	+	584	78188645	-	Cag_0667	-	hypothetical protein
662	 30.25	-2	941170..942303	+	377	78188646	-	Cag_0668	-	poly-gamma-glutamate biosynthesis protein
663	 35.45	-1	942305..943201	+	298	78188647	-	Cag_0669	-	sugar transferase
664	 33.45	-2	943210..944031	+	273	78188648	-	Cag_0670	-	hypothetical protein
665	 36.89	-1	944021..945004	+	327	78188649	-	Cag_0671	-	UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
666	 38.95	0	945055..946158	+	367	78188650	-	Cag_0672	-	pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme
667	 33.13	-2	946158..947141	+	327	78188651	-	Cag_0673	-	putative glycosyltransferase
668	 28.05	-2	947286..948251	+	321	78188652	-	Cag_0674	-	hypothetical protein
669	 28.32	-2	948251..948988	+	245	78188653	-	Cag_0675	-	putative glycosyl transferase
670	 32.17	-2	948975..949832	+	285	78188654	-	Cag_0676	-	teichuronic acid biosynthesis
671	 40.09	0	950877..951098	+	73	78188655	-	Cag_0678	-	hypothetical protein
672	 38.10	-1	951102..951521	+	139	78188656	-	Cag_0679	-	hypothetical protein
673	 36.67	-1	951915..952274	+	119	78188657	-	Cag_0680	-	hypothetical protein
674	 39.06	0	952261..952644	+	127	78188658	-	Cag_0681	-	hypothetical protein
675	 50.65	+1	952670..953818	-	382	78188659	-	Cag_0682	-	transposase
676	 44.78	0	954542..955039	-	165	78188660	-	Cag_0683	-	hypothetical protein
677	 38.89	0	955586..955783	+	65	78188661	-	Cag_0684	-	hypothetical protein
678	 35.31	-1	955774..956076	+	100	78188662	-	Cag_0685	-	hypothetical protein
679	 42.39	0	956189..957127	-	312	78188663	-	Cag_0686	-	hypothetical protein
680	 49.41	0	958798..959736	-	312	78188664	-	Cag_0688	-	MoaA/NifB/PqqE family protein
681	 46.70	0	959742..961088	-	448	78188665	-	Cag_0689	-	PucC protein
682	 42.93	0	961350..963047	-	565	78188666	-	Cag_0690	-	hypothetical protein
683	 42.76	0	963044..964783	-	579	78188667	-	Cag_0691	-	hypothetical protein
684	 47.09	0	964915..965568	-	217	78188668	-	Cag_0692	-	hypothetical protein
685	 48.62	0	965701..966426	+	241	78188669	-	Cag_0693	-	sepiapterin reductase
686	 45.75	0	966817..967275	+	152	78188670	-	Cag_0694	-	hypothetical protein
687	 48.17	0	967300..968580	+	426	78188671	-	Cag_0695	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
688	 30.49	-2	969321..969566	-	81	78188672	-	Cag_0696	-	hypothetical protein
689	 29.85	-2	969702..970103	-	133	78188673	-	Cag_0697	-	hypothetical protein
690	 32.92	-2	970100..970339	-	79	78188674	-	Cag_0698	-	hypothetical protein
691	 52.27	+1	970440..972821	+	793	78188675	-	Cag_0699	-	DNA mismatch repair protein MutS-like
692	 44.67	0	972916..973506	-	196	78188676	-	Cag_0700	-	thiolredoxin peroxidase
693	 45.26	0	973618..974229	-	203	78188677	-	Cag_0701	-	hypothetical protein
694	 42.19	0	974478..974906	+	142	78188678	-	Cag_0702	-	phage-related lysozyme
695	 48.77	0	975458..979999	+	1513	78188679	-	Cag_0703	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
696	 41.12	0	980274..981095	+	273	78188680	-	Cag_0704	-	hypothetical protein
697	 36.22	-1	981228..981608	+	126	78188681	-	Cag_0705	-	hypothetical protein
698	 47.01	0	982067..982300	+	77	78188682	-	Cag_0706	-	hypothetical protein
699	 48.98	0	982290..982583	+	97	78188683	-	Cag_0707	-	hypothetical protein
700	 40.37	0	982852..984087	-	411	78188684	-	Cag_0708	-	transposase
701	 34.55	-1	984157..984321	+	54	78188685	-	Cag_0709	-	hypothetical protein
702	 48.15	0	984359..984601	+	80	78188686	-	Cag_0710	-	hypothetical protein
703	 46.68	0	984745..986190	+	481	78188687	-	Cag_0711	-	prolyl-tRNA synthetase
704	 49.65	+1	986327..987460	+	377	78188688	-	Cag_0712	-	queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase
705	 47.46	0	987538..988854	+	438	78188689	-	Cag_0713	-	hypothetical protein
706	 44.93	0	988873..989079	+	68	78188690	-	Cag_0714	-	hypothetical protein
707	 40.18	0	989066..989737	+	223	78188691	-	Cag_0715	-	hypothetical protein
708	 51.06	+1	989727..991475	+	582	78188692	-	Cag_0716	-	ATPase
709	 50.29	+1	991472..993223	+	583	78188693	-	Cag_0717	-	ATPase
710	 49.21	0	993186..993437	-	83	78188694	-	Cag_0718	-	hypothetical protein
711	 45.64	0	993430..994071	-	213	78188695	-	Cag_0719	-	hypothetical protein
712	 29.49	-2	994284..995063	-	259	78188696	-	Cag_0720	-	hypothetical protein
713	 39.84	0	995225..996238	-	337	78188697	-	Cag_0721	-	hypothetical protein
714	 49.13	0	996712..998142	-	476	78188698	-	Cag_0722	-	HDIG
715	 45.76	0	998166..999203	-	345	78188699	-	Cag_0723	-	Gfo/Idh/MocA family oxidoreductase
716	 34.35	-1	999222..1000790	-	522	78188700	-	Cag_0724	-	hypothetical protein
717	 41.95	0	1000962..1002215	-	417	78188701	-	Cag_0725	-	drug resistance protein, putative
718	 50.71	+1	1002356..1003270	-	304	78188702	-	Cag_0726	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein
719	 47.24	0	1003248..1003700	-	150	78188703	-	Cag_0727	-	NUDIX/MutT family protein
720	 45.23	0	1003884..1004858	-	324	78188704	-	Cag_0728	-	fructose-bisphosphate aldolase
721	 46.59	0	1005202..1007253	+	683	78188705	-	Cag_0729	-	peptidase S41A, C-terminal protease
722	 46.18	0	1007315..1008700	-	461	78188706	-	Cag_0730	-	argininosuccinate lyase
723	 39.90	0	1008962..1009555	-	197	78188707	-	Cag_0731	-	adenylylsulfate kinase
724	 44.93	0	1009651..1011771	+	706	78188708	-	Cag_0732	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
725	 46.34	0	1012049..1013539	+	496	78188709	-	Cag_0733	-	hypothetical protein
726	 47.50	0	1013558..1014037	+	159	78188710	-	Cag_0734	-	hypothetical protein
727	 36.83	-1	1014164..1014706	+	180	78188711	-	Cag_0735	-	hypothetical protein
728	 30.33	-2	1014905..1015303	+	132	78188712	-	Cag_0736	-	hypothetical protein
729	 26.54	-2	1015695..1016018	+	107	78188713	-	Cag_0737	-	nucleotidyltransferase
730	 45.04	0	1017685..1044300	+	8871	78188714	-	Cag_0738	-	VCBS
731	 43.50	0	1044584..1045291	+	235	78188715	-	Cag_0739	-	hypothetical protein
44.16	MEAN

5.32	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.