IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 44.16 STD DEV: 5.32
Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3, complete genome - 1..2572079
2002 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1495	 52.75	+1	1994220..1995419	-	399	78189479	-	Cag_1519	-	chorismate synthase
1496	 48.02	0	1995864..1996850	-	328	78189480	-	Cag_1520	-	delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase
1497	 47.47	0	1996949..1998490	-	513	78189481	-	Cag_1521	-	methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, alpha subunit
1498	 48.98	0	1998757..1999542	+	261	78189482	-	Cag_1522	-	histidinol-phosphate phosphatase, putative, inositol monophosphatase
1499	 43.86	0	1999556..2002366	+	936	78189483	-	Cag_1523	-	DEAD/DEAH box helicase-like
1500	 43.75	0	2002387..2003250	+	287	78189484	dinD	Cag_1524	-	DNA-damage-inducible protein D
1501	 47.24	0	2003262..2005001	+	579	78189485	-	Cag_1525	-	type I restriction modification enzyme methylase subunit
1502	 38.85	0	2004998..2006158	+	386	78189486	-	Cag_1526	-	restriction endonuclease S subunits-like
1503	 42.17	0	2006216..2006815	+	199	78189487	-	Cag_1527	-	hypothetical protein
1504	 47.17	0	2006935..2007093	+	52	78189488	-	Cag_1528	-	restriction modification system, type I
1505	 37.31	-1	2007135..2007713	+	192	78189489	-	Cag_1529	-	hypothetical protein
1506	 41.83	0	2007833..2007985	+	50	78189490	-	Cag_1530	-	hypothetical protein
1507	 47.46	0	2008109..2008462	-	117	78189491	secG	Cag_1531	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecG
1508	 44.75	0	2008577..2008795	+	72	78189492	-	Cag_1532	-	hypothetical protein
1509	 47.21	0	2008820..2009410	+	196	78189493	hisB	Cag_1533	-	imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase
1510	 42.88	0	2009481..2010182	+	233	78189494	-	Cag_1534	-	hypothetical protein
1511	 49.15	0	2010314..2010547	-	77	78189495	-	Cag_1535	-	hypothetical protein
1512	 35.77	-1	2011144..2011512	-	122	78189496	-	Cag_1536	-	hypothetical protein
1513	 39.81	0	2012462..2013850	+	462	78189497	-	Cag_1537	-	Elongator protein 3/MiaB/NifB
1514	 41.89	0	2013889..2014905	+	338	78189498	-	Cag_1538	-	bacteriochlorophyll c synthase
1515	 38.83	-1	2015173..2018994	+	1273	78189499	-	Cag_1539	-	PAS/PAC sensor signal transduction histidine kinase
1516	 37.68	-1	2019068..2019850	+	260	78189500	-	Cag_1540	-	two component transcriptional regulator
1517	 46.22	0	2020049..2021623	-	524	78189501	-	Cag_1541	-	phosphodiesterase
1518	 46.21	0	2022062..2022325	-	87	78189502	-	Cag_1542	-	hypothetical protein
1519	 47.39	0	2022343..2022648	-	101	78189503	-	Cag_1543	-	hypothetical protein
1520	 48.88	0	2022665..2025076	-	803	78189504	-	Cag_1544	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
1521	 49.12	0	2025635..2026090	-	151	78189505	-	Cag_1545	-	NUDIX/MutT family protein
1522	 41.33	0	2026285..2027334	+	349	78189506	-	Cag_1546	-	glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase
1523	 44.69	0	2027891..2029105	+	404	78189507	-	Cag_1547	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
1524	 46.54	0	2029207..2030622	+	471	78189508	-	Cag_1548	-	S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase
1525	 48.01	0	2030874..2031527	+	217	78189509	-	Cag_1549	-	N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)-anthranilate isomerase
1526	 44.71	0	2031558..2033306	-	582	78189510	-	Cag_1550	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefC, putative
1527	 43.96	0	2033723..2033995	+	90	78189511	-	Cag_1551	-	RNA recognition motif-containing protein
1528	 44.79	0	2034112..2034399	+	95	78189512	-	Cag_1552	-	hypothetical protein
1529	 45.79	0	2034607..2036268	+	553	78189513	-	Cag_1553	-	sulphate anion transporter
1530	 47.45	0	2036526..2036780	-	84	78189514	-	Cag_1554	-	hypothetical protein
1531	 45.41	0	2036929..2037342	+	137	78189515	-	Cag_1555	-	nitrogenase-associated protein
1532	 42.95	0	2037443..2037754	+	103	78189516	-	Cag_1556	-	hypothetical protein
1533	 48.99	0	2037899..2038345	+	148	78189517	-	Cag_1557	-	hypothetical protein
1534	 44.16	0	2038659..2039609	+	316	78189518	-	Cag_1558	-	hypothetical protein
1535	 35.51	-1	2039958..2041013	-	351	78189519	-	Cag_1559	-	transposase for IS1663
1536	 46.95	0	2041236..2046752	+	1838	78189520	-	Cag_1560	-	VCBS
1537	 48.03	0	2046926..2047660	-	244	78189521	-	Cag_1561	-	zinc protease, putative
1538	 39.61	0	2047657..2048772	-	371	78189522	-	Cag_1562	-	hypothetical protein
1539	 50.98	+1	2048940..2050928	+	662	78189523	secA	Cag_1563	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecA
1540	 44.44	0	2051285..2051905	+	206	78189524	-	Cag_1564	-	membrane protein
1541	 50.97	+1	2051896..2052870	+	324	78189525	-	Cag_1565	-	Sua5/YciO/YrdC/YwlC
1542	 39.44	0	2052927..2054006	+	359	78189526	-	Cag_1566	-	hydrogenase/sulfur reductase, beta subunit
1543	 40.85	0	2054060..2054884	+	274	78189527	-	Cag_1567	-	hydrogenase/sulfur reductase, gamma subunit
1544	 34.41	-1	2054950..2055228	-	92	78189528	-	Cag_1568	-	hypothetical protein
1545	 35.34	-1	2055502..2055750	-	82	78189529	-	Cag_1569	-	hypothetical protein
1546	 41.58	0	2055929..2056207	-	92	78189530	-	Cag_1570	-	virulence-associated protein D
1547	 43.75	0	2056207..2056446	-	79	78189531	-	Cag_1571	-	hypothetical protein
1548	 43.75	0	2056563..2057378	-	271	78189532	-	Cag_1572	-	hypothetical protein
1549	 45.78	0	2057540..2057764	-	74	78189533	-	Cag_1573	-	hypothetical protein
1550	 47.81	0	2058012..2058743	-	243	78189534	-	Cag_1574	-	hypothetical protein
1551	 50.91	+1	2058740..2060002	-	420	78189535	-	Cag_1575	-	hypothetical protein
1552	 42.74	0	2060642..2060875	+	77	78189536	-	Cag_1576	-	hypothetical protein
1553	 40.86	0	2060872..2061150	+	92	78189537	-	Cag_1577	-	hypothetical protein
1554	 43.75	0	2061177..2061464	+	95	78189538	-	Cag_1578	-	hypothetical protein
1555	 35.96	-1	2061477..2061704	+	75	78189539	-	Cag_1579	-	hypothetical protein
1556	 41.02	0	2061805..2063040	+	411	78189540	-	Cag_1580	-	transposase
1557	 45.20	0	2063194..2064297	-	367	78189541	-	Cag_1581	-	magnesium/cobalt transporter CorA
1558	 44.44	0	2064475..2065653	-	392	78189542	-	Cag_1582	-	heterodisulfide reductase, putative
1559	 45.32	0	2065744..2067996	-	750	78189543	-	Cag_1583	-	heterodisulfide reductase, subunit A/hydrogenase, delta subunit, putative
1560	 43.91	0	2068000..2069238	-	412	78189544	-	Cag_1584	-	heterodisulfide reductase, subunit A
1561	 44.63	0	2069397..2071370	-	657	78189545	-	Cag_1585	-	adenylylsulfate reductase
1562	 45.86	0	2071398..2071820	-	140	78189546	-	Cag_1586	-	adenylylsulfate reductase subunit beta
1563	 44.77	0	2071946..2073160	-	404	78189547	-	Cag_1587	-	ATP-sulfurylase
1564	 44.48	0	2073700..2075844	-	714	78189548	-	Cag_1588	-	glutamine synthetase
1565	 40.57	0	2075936..2076460	-	174	78189549	-	Cag_1589	-	AsnC family transcriptional regulator
1566	 43.93	0	2076972..2078339	+	455	78189550	-	Cag_1590	-	zeta-carotene desaturase
1567	 45.80	0	2078351..2079385	+	344	78189551	-	Cag_1591	-	hypothetical protein
1568	 48.28	0	2079373..2080068	+	231	78189552	-	Cag_1592	-	hypothetical protein
1569	 44.44	0	2080065..2080757	+	230	78189553	-	Cag_1593	-	glycosyl transferase
1570	 49.03	0	2081012..2082037	+	341	78189554	-	Cag_1594	-	hypothetical protein
1571	 49.78	+1	2082155..2082604	-	149	78189555	-	Cag_1595	-	dUTP pyrophosphatase subfamily protein
1572	 50.00	+1	2082764..2083507	+	247	78189556	-	Cag_1596	-	hypothetical protein
1573	 43.64	0	2083645..2087514	+	1289	78189557	-	Cag_1597	-	hypothetical protein
1574	 50.59	+1	2087595..2089529	-	644	78189558	-	Cag_1598	-	hypothetical protein
1575	 38.78	-1	2089859..2090593	-	244	78189559	-	Cag_1599	-	hypothetical protein
1576	 37.62	-1	2090597..2091880	-	427	78189560	-	Cag_1600	-	ATPase
1577	 45.33	0	2092552..2093118	-	188	78189561	-	Cag_1601	-	hypothetical protein
1578	 42.77	0	2093155..2093631	-	158	78189562	-	Cag_1602	-	bacterioferritin comigratory protein, thiol peroxidase, putative
1579	 48.48	0	2093814..2094308	+	164	78189563	-	Cag_1603	-	NUDIX/MutT family protein
1580	 39.46	0	2094445..2095620	+	391	78189564	-	Cag_1604	-	hypothetical protein
1581	 48.44	0	2095811..2096644	-	277	78189565	-	Cag_1605	-	hypothetical protein
1582	 48.91	0	2096888..2098261	+	457	78189566	-	Cag_1606	-	hypothetical protein
1583	 45.63	0	2098294..2100057	-	587	78189567	-	Cag_1607	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
1584	 47.59	0	2100167..2101702	-	511	78189568	-	Cag_1608	-	DnaB helicase
1585	 35.57	-1	2102122..2103687	-	521	78189569	-	Cag_1609	-	hypothetical protein
1586	 37.87	-1	2103687..2104634	-	315	78189570	-	Cag_1610	-	hypothetical protein
1587	 32.47	-2	2104884..2107784	-	966	78189571	-	Cag_1611	-	putative ATPase involved in DNA repair
1588	 50.69	+1	2109011..2110249	-	412	78189572	-	Cag_1614	-	DNA/pantothenate metabolism flavoprotein
1589	 47.24	0	2110253..2114875	-	1540	78189573	-	Cag_1615	-	hypothetical protein
1590	 51.42	+1	2114886..2115377	-	163	78189574	-	Cag_1616	-	bifunctional ADP-heptose synthase
1591	 49.91	+1	2115506..2116627	-	373	78189575	-	Cag_1617	-	hypothetical protein
1592	 39.90	0	2116979..2117359	+	126	78189576	-	Cag_1618	-	hypothetical protein
1593	 38.94	0	2117352..2117654	+	100	78189577	-	Cag_1619	-	hypothetical protein
1594	 49.95	+1	2117852..2119717	-	621	78189578	-	Cag_1620	-	magnesium chelatase ATPase subunit D
44.16	MEAN

5.32	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.