IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 44.16 STD DEV: 5.32
Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3, complete genome - 1..2572079
2002 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1074	 40.45	0	1474068..1475036	+	322	78189058	-	Cag_1091	-	hypothetical protein
1075	 52.93	+1	1475323..1478955	-	1210	78189059	-	Cag_1092	-	hypothetical protein
1076	 52.18	+1	1478952..1480256	-	434	78189060	-	Cag_1093	-	putative exonuclease
1077	 48.25	0	1480443..1481729	+	428	78189061	-	Cag_1094	-	hypothetical protein
1078	 45.57	0	1481823..1482149	+	108	78189062	-	Cag_1095	-	SMR drug efflux transporter
1079	 46.28	0	1482157..1483245	+	362	78189063	-	Cag_1096	-	gamma-glutamyl kinase
1080	 30.55	-2	1483498..1484538	+	346	78189064	-	Cag_1097	-	hypothetical protein
1081	 29.90	-2	1484674..1486071	+	465	78189065	-	Cag_1098	-	hypothetical protein
1082	 31.00	-2	1486323..1487564	+	413	78189066	-	Cag_1099	-	DNA modification methylase-like
1083	 34.01	-1	1487671..1488264	+	197	78189067	-	Cag_1100	-	hypothetical protein
1084	 33.17	-2	1488373..1489581	+	402	78189068	-	Cag_1101	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1085	 51.95	+1	1489710..1490966	+	418	78189069	-	Cag_1102	-	gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase
1086	 34.71	-1	1491093..1491383	+	96	78189070	-	Cag_1103	-	hypothetical protein
1087	 30.83	-2	1491355..1491594	+	79	78189071	-	Cag_1104	-	hypothetical protein
1088	 47.11	0	1492029..1492928	+	299	78189072	-	Cag_1105	-	bacteriochlorophyll/chlorophyll a synthase
1089	 44.91	0	1492925..1493572	+	215	78189073	-	Cag_1106	-	glycosyl transferase
1090	 46.52	0	1493593..1495860	-	755	78189074	-	Cag_1107	-	ComEC/Rec2-related protein
1091	 45.29	0	1496045..1496914	+	289	78189075	-	Cag_1108	-	5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
1092	 46.06	0	1497068..1498324	-	418	78189076	-	Cag_1109	-	diaminopimelate decarboxylase
1093	 38.25	-1	1498535..1498717	+	60	78189077	rpmG	Cag_1110	-	50S ribosomal protein L33
1094	 40.45	0	1499073..1499873	+	266	78189078	-	Cag_1111	-	hypothetical protein
1095	 43.91	0	1500740..1501675	+	311	78189079	-	Cag_1112	-	hypothetical protein
1096	 39.13	0	1502232..1502645	+	137	78189080	-	Cag_1113	-	hypothetical protein
1097	 46.46	0	1502746..1503903	-	385	78189081	-	Cag_1114	-	DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS family protein
1098	 49.73	+1	1503996..1505306	-	436	78189082	-	Cag_1115	-	3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase
1099	 49.04	0	1505789..1507711	+	640	78189083	-	Cag_1116	-	DEAD/DEAH box helicase-like
1100	 44.44	0	1507723..1508199	+	158	78189084	-	Cag_1117	-	hypothetical protein
1101	 44.48	0	1508225..1509139	-	304	78189085	-	Cag_1118	-	tyrosine recombinase XerD
1102	 49.46	0	1509145..1510434	-	429	78189086	-	Cag_1119	-	Fmu, rRNA SAM-dependent methyltransferase
1103	 40.78	0	1510560..1512143	+	527	78189087	-	Cag_1120	-	type I restriction-modification system specificity subunit
1104	 34.22	-1	1512148..1513386	+	412	78189088	-	Cag_1121	-	hypothetical protein
1105	 34.27	-1	1513370..1514656	+	428	78189089	-	Cag_1122	-	restriction endonuclease S subunits-like
1106	 40.03	0	1514844..1515440	+	198	78189090	-	Cag_1123	-	hypothetical protein
1107	 37.67	-1	1515437..1518691	+	1084	78189091	-	Cag_1124	-	Type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease HsdR
1108	 49.25	0	1518946..1520868	+	640	78189092	-	Cag_1125	-	propionate--CoA ligase
1109	 49.02	0	1520865..1521272	+	135	78189093	-	Cag_1126	-	hypothetical protein
1110	 48.97	0	1521301..1523097	+	598	78189094	-	Cag_1127	-	Acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit-like
1111	 48.28	0	1523220..1524350	-	376	78189095	-	Cag_1128	-	alcohol dehydrogenase, iron-containing
1112	 38.73	-1	1524509..1524712	+	67	78189096	-	Cag_1129	-	hypothetical protein
1113	 31.99	-2	1524713..1525009	+	98	78189097	-	Cag_1130	-	hypothetical protein
1114	 37.84	-1	1525024..1525821	-	265	78189098	-	Cag_1131	-	hypothetical protein
1115	 41.01	0	1525876..1526565	-	229	78189099	-	Cag_1132	-	acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase
1116	 43.99	0	1526758..1527714	-	318	78189100	-	Cag_1133	-	hypothetical protein
1117	 46.20	0	1527711..1528775	-	354	78189101	-	Cag_1134	-	hypothetical protein
1118	 44.03	0	1529044..1530876	+	610	78189102	-	Cag_1135	-	long-chain fatty-acid-CoA ligase
1119	 33.68	-1	1531344..1531922	-	192	78189103	-	Cag_1136	-	hypothetical protein
1120	 51.89	+1	1531982..1532827	-	281	78189104	-	Cag_1137	-	HhH-GPD
1121	 48.28	0	1532858..1533700	-	280	78189105	-	Cag_1138	-	putative metal-dependent hydrolase
1122	 48.04	0	1533911..1535188	+	425	78189106	-	Cag_1139	-	adenylosuccinate lyase
1123	 44.93	0	1535185..1535667	+	160	78189107	-	Cag_1140	-	hypothetical protein
1124	 48.84	0	1535671..1536489	+	272	78189108	-	Cag_1141	-	hypothetical protein
1125	 38.63	-1	1536687..1539425	-	912	78189109	-	Cag_1142	-	ATPase, E1-E2 type
1126	 45.38	0	1539725..1540720	-	331	78189110	-	Cag_1143	-	cation efflux protein
1127	 40.00	0	1540744..1541043	-	99	78189111	-	Cag_1144	-	hypothetical protein
1128	 40.41	0	1541263..1541841	+	192	78189112	-	Cag_1145	-	hypothetical protein
1129	 44.03	0	1541849..1543129	+	426	78189113	-	Cag_1146	-	hypothetical protein
1130	 47.83	0	1543244..1543588	+	114	78189114	-	Cag_1147	-	hypothetical protein
1131	 47.69	0	1543585..1544016	+	143	78189115	-	Cag_1148	-	hypothetical protein
1132	 44.69	0	1544112..1544648	+	178	78189116	-	Cag_1149	-	hypothetical protein
1133	 38.79	-1	1544881..1545210	+	109	78189117	-	Cag_1150	-	thioredoxin
1134	 46.58	0	1545306..1546241	+	311	78189118	-	Cag_1151	-	thioredoxin reductase
1135	 48.29	0	1546349..1547050	+	233	78189119	-	Cag_1152	-	OmpA family protein
1136	 47.98	0	1547279..1547674	+	131	78189120	-	Cag_1153	-	hypothetical protein
1137	 43.70	0	1547669..1548748	-	359	78189121	-	Cag_1154	-	UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl) glucosamine N-acyltransferase, LpxD
1138	 44.14	0	1549089..1550060	+	323	78189122	-	Cag_1155	-	ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase
1139	 43.03	0	1550095..1550682	+	195	78189123	-	Cag_1156	-	50S ribosomal protein L25/general stress protein Ctc
1140	 44.59	0	1550847..1552268	+	473	78189124	-	Cag_1157	-	peptide ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
1141	 35.48	-1	1552288..1552566	+	92	78189125	-	Cag_1158	-	hypothetical protein
1142	 47.43	0	1552616..1554211	-	531	78189126	-	Cag_1159	-	L-aspartate oxidase
1143	 42.86	0	1554335..1554880	-	181	78189127	-	Cag_1160	-	pyruvoyl-dependent arginine decarboxylase
1144	 45.57	0	1555089..1556297	-	402	78189128	-	Cag_1161	-	tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
1145	 43.88	0	1556294..1556767	-	157	78189129	smpB	Cag_1162	-	SsrA-binding protein
1146	 46.29	0	1557074..1558570	-	498	78189130	-	Cag_1163	-	oxidoreductase, FAD-binding
1147	 46.60	0	1558567..1560510	-	647	78189131	-	Cag_1164	-	penicillin-binding protein 2
1148	 45.66	0	1560540..1561034	-	164	78189132	-	Cag_1165	-	hypothetical protein
1149	 40.85	0	1561050..1561901	-	283	78189133	-	Cag_1166	-	rod shape-determining protein MreC, putative
1150	 43.08	0	1562000..1562389	+	129	78189134	-	Cag_1167	-	chaperonin, 10 kDa
1151	 45.21	0	1562460..1563419	+	319	78189135	-	Cag_1168	-	quinolinate synthetase
1152	 47.27	0	1563540..1564874	+	444	78189136	-	Cag_1169	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
1153	 39.35	0	1564900..1566063	-	387	78189137	-	Cag_1170	-	hypothetical protein
1154	 42.46	0	1566136..1566858	-	240	78189138	-	Cag_1171	-	carbonic anhydrase family protein
1155	 47.26	0	1566954..1567391	-	145	78189139	-	Cag_1172	-	chlorosome envelope protein I
1156	 40.98	0	1567407..1567877	-	156	78189140	-	Cag_1173	-	hypothetical protein
1157	 46.30	0	1567867..1569162	-	431	78189141	-	Cag_1174	-	GTP-binding protein HflX
1158	 43.11	0	1569415..1570365	+	316	78189142	-	Cag_1175	-	phytoene desaturase
1159	 41.47	0	1570430..1571965	+	511	78189143	lysS	Cag_1176	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
1160	 35.61	-1	1571978..1572460	+	160	78189144	-	Cag_1177	-	hypothetical protein
1161	 31.25	-2	1572450..1572689	+	79	78189145	-	Cag_1178	-	hypothetical protein
1162	 32.05	-2	1572707..1574419	+	570	78189146	-	Cag_1179	-	hypothetical protein
1163	 36.54	-1	1574424..1574735	+	103	78189147	-	Cag_1180	-	hypothetical protein
1164	 36.82	-1	1574737..1574994	+	85	78189148	-	Cag_1181	-	hypothetical protein
1165	 46.84	0	1575023..1576036	-	337	78189149	-	Cag_1182	-	capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein I
1166	 44.44	0	1576315..1577763	+	482	78189150	-	Cag_1183	-	hypothetical protein
1167	 39.57	0	1577808..1578881	+	357	78189151	-	Cag_1184	-	hypothetical protein
1168	 46.76	0	1578904..1579722	+	272	78189152	-	Cag_1185	-	transglutaminase-like
1169	 45.45	0	1579835..1580833	+	332	78189153	-	Cag_1186	-	hypothetical protein
1170	 46.65	0	1580886..1581944	-	352	78189154	-	Cag_1187	-	cytochrome c551 peroxidase
1171	 44.37	0	1582340..1583725	-	461	78189155	-	Cag_1188	-	phytoene desaturase
1172	 48.62	0	1583846..1584460	-	204	78189156	-	Cag_1189	-	RecR protein
1173	 45.24	0	1584468..1584803	-	111	78189157	-	Cag_1190	-	hypothetical protein
44.16	MEAN

5.32	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.