IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique HTCC1062

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 29.30 STD DEV: 4.13
Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique HTCC1062, complete genome - 1..1308759
1354 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
205	 26.23	0	209522..209845	-	107	71082914	rpmB	SAR11_0208	-	50S ribosomal protein L28
206	 30.20	0	209899..210951	-	350	71082915	pyrD	SAR11_0209	-	dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
207	 29.78	0	210951..212528	-	525	71082916	lysK	SAR11_0210	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
208	 27.87	0	212604..214049	+	481	71082917	trkH	SAR11_0211	-	potassium uptake protein
209	 33.41	0	214052..215428	+	458	71082918	ampG	SAR11_0213	-	muropeptide permease
210	 21.15	-1	215418..216164	+	248	71082919	-	SAR11_0214	-	hypothetical protein
211	 23.75	-1	216161..217057	-	298	71082920	tyrA	SAR11_0215	-	prephenate dehydrogenase
212	 26.96	0	217060..218142	-	360	71082921	hisC	SAR11_0216	-	histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase
213	 31.19	0	218334..219452	+	372	71082922	metX	SAR11_0217	-	homoserine O-acetyltransferase
214	 26.13	0	219455..220051	+	198	71082923	metW	SAR11_0218	-	methionine biosynthesis protein
215	 29.17	0	220052..220771	+	239	71082924	gloB	SAR11_0219	-	hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase cytoplasmic
216	 29.14	0	220837..221241	+	134	71082925	rplU	SAR11_0220	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
217	 38.04	+2	221254..221508	+	84	71082926	rpmA	SAR11_0221	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
218	 33.03	0	221539..222522	+	327	71082927	obgE	SAR11_0222	-	GTPase ObgE
219	 29.54	0	222512..223618	+	368	71082928	proB	SAR11_0223	-	glutamate 5-kinase
220	 29.74	0	223620..224870	+	416	71082929	proA	SAR11_0224	-	gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase
221	 23.57	-1	224851..225393	+	180	71082930	ybeN	SAR11_0225	-	nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase
222	 27.35	0	225411..225761	+	116	71082931	ybeB	SAR11_0226	-	iojap-related protein
223	 30.61	0	225758..226897	+	379	71082932	ctpA	SAR11_0227	-	tail-specific proteinase
224	 29.77	0	226898..227374	+	158	71082933	nudH	SAR11_0228	-	(di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase
225	 27.23	0	227367..227759	-	130	71082934	atpC	SAR11_0229	-	ATP synthase epsilon chain (ATP synthase F1 sector epsilon subunit)
226	 37.35	+1	227759..229177	-	472	71082935	atpD	SAR11_0230	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit beta
227	 30.82	0	229180..230055	-	291	71082936	atpG	SAR11_0231	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit gamma
228	 34.77	+1	230059..231594	-	511	71082937	atpA	SAR11_0232	-	F0F1 ATP synthase subunit alpha
229	 28.14	0	231595..232152	-	185	71082938	atpH	SAR11_0233	-	H+-transporting two-sector ATPase (F0F1-type ATP synthase) delta chain
230	 28.17	0	232263..234218	-	651	71082939	priA	SAR11_0234	-	primosomal protein N
231	 32.41	0	234241..235641	-	466	71082940	pdhD	SAR11_0235	-	dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase
232	 31.38	0	235642..236919	-	425	71082941	sucB	SAR11_0236	-	2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex E2 component
233	 31.03	0	236922..239825	-	967	71082942	kgd	SAR11_0237	-	alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
234	 34.82	+1	239860..240735	-	291	71082943	sucD	SAR11_0238	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase alpha chain (SCS-alpha)
235	 31.96	0	240737..241897	-	386	71082944	sucC	SAR11_0239	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase beta chain (SCS-beta)
236	 33.23	0	241897..242859	-	320	71082945	mdh	SAR11_0240	-	malate dehydrogenase
237	 34.94	+1	242868..244361	-	497	71082946	mmsA	SAR11_0241	-	methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [acylating] (MMSDH)
238	 31.65	0	244386..245159	-	257	71082947	sdhB	SAR11_0242	-	succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit
239	 36.10	+1	245159..246931	-	590	71082948	sdhA	SAR11_0243	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
240	 23.85	-1	246931..247257	-	108	71082949	-	SAR11_0244	-	membrane portion of succinate dehydrogenase
241	 26.04	0	247259..247642	-	127	71082950	sdhC	SAR11_1721	-	succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b
242	 30.04	0	247635..248636	-	333	71082951	asd	SAR11_0245	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
243	 31.53	0	248657..249766	-	369	71082952	dmdA	SAR11_0246	-	putative dimethyl sulfoniopropionate demethylase
244	 28.44	0	249763..250539	-	258	71082953	mhpC	SAR11_0247	-	hydrolase
245	 32.04	0	250536..252164	-	542	71082954	fadD	SAR11_0248	-	Acyl-CoA synthetase (AMP-forming)/AMP-acid ligase II
246	 31.69	0	252166..253929	-	587	71082955	mmgC	SAR11_0249	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
247	 32.88	0	253956..255062	-	368	71082956	leuB	SAR11_0250	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
248	 26.31	0	255049..255660	-	203	71082957	leuD	SAR11_0251	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydratase
249	 35.75	+1	255662..257065	-	467	71082958	leuC	SAR11_0252	-	isopropylmalate isomerase large subunit
250	 29.49	0	257077..257571	-	164	71082959	rplS	SAR11_0253	-	50S ribosomal protein L19
251	 34.21	+1	257588..258274	-	228	71082960	trmD	SAR11_0254	-	tRNA (guanine-N(1)-)-methyltransferase
252	 41.39	+2	258283..258816	-	177	71082961	rpsP	SAR11_0255	-	30S ribosomal protein S16
253	 33.77	+1	258831..260189	-	452	71082962	ffh	SAR11_0256	-	signal recognition particle protein
254	 30.30	0	260349..261173	+	274	71082963	dapF	SAR11_0257	-	diaminopimelate epimerase (DAP epimerase)
255	 30.83	0	261173..262090	+	305	71082964	ftsY	SAR11_0258	-	cell division particle
256	 23.58	-1	262083..262646	-	187	71082965	-	SAR11_0259	-	hypothetical protein
257	 29.53	0	262705..263598	-	297	71082966	-	SAR11_0260	-	transporter
258	 32.78	0	263611..263790	-	59	71082967	-	SAR11_0262	-	transmembrane protein
259	 32.81	0	263780..265117	-	445	71082968	-	SAR11_0263	-	amidase
260	 33.99	+1	265128..266489	-	453	71082969	-	SAR11_0264	-	mannitol transporter
261	 34.36	+1	266479..267063	-	194	71082970	-	SAR11_0265	-	mannitol transporter
262	 39.46	+2	267155..268312	-	385	71082971	-	SAR11_0266	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter - DctP subunit (mannitol/chloroaromatic compounds)
263	 29.98	0	268433..269506	-	357	71082972	msmX	SAR11_0267	-	ABC sugar transporter
264	 29.81	0	269499..270578	-	359	71082973	msmX2	SAR11_0268	-	ABC sugar transporter
265	 31.45	0	270578..271426	-	282	71082974	ycjP	SAR11_0269	-	putative ABC transport protein
266	 32.06	0	271429..272289	-	286	71082975	-	SAR11_0270	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
267	 36.78	+1	272358..273893	-	511	71082976	-	SAR11_0271	-	putative ABC transporter solute-binding protein
268	 37.76	+2	273915..274772	-	285	71082977	adhP	SAR11_0272	-	alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn containing) (adh-5)
269	 30.84	0	275137..276219	+	360	71082978	stc	SAR11_0273	-	transcriptional regulator
270	 30.13	0	276222..277439	-	405	71082979	-	SAR11_0274	-	major facilitator superfamily transporter
271	 32.60	0	277460..278413	-	317	71082980	-	SAR11_0275	-	dehydrogenase
272	 29.55	0	278416..279711	-	431	71082981	glcF	SAR11_0276	-	(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase
273	 29.39	0	279711..280979	-	422	71082982	glcE	SAR11_0277	-	(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase
274	 33.73	+1	280945..282441	-	498	71082983	glcD	SAR11_0278	-	(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase
275	 34.11	+1	282447..283610	-	387	71082984	aspC	SAR11_0279	-	aspartate transaminase
276	 33.77	+1	283684..284835	-	383	71082985	ildD	SAR11_0280	-	l-lactate dehydrogenase
277	 28.43	0	284844..285353	-	169	71082986	-	SAR11_0281	-	hypothetical protein
278	 22.83	-1	285354..285734	-	126	71082987	-	SAR11_0282	-	hypothetical protein
279	 25.10	-1	285731..286252	-	173	71082988	ccmG	SAR11_0283	-	cytochrome C biogenesis protein ccmG
280	 26.46	0	286249..288126	-	625	71082989	ccmF	SAR11_0284	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein
281	 26.67	0	288128..288547	-	139	71082990	ccmE	SAR11_0285	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein
282	 27.63	0	288558..288785	-	75	71082991	ccmD	SAR11_0286	-	Heme exporter protein D
283	 30.52	0	288782..289492	-	236	71082992	ccmC	SAR11_0287	-	heme exporter protein
284	 29.60	0	289675..289995	-	106	71082993	ccmB	SAR11_0288	-	hypothetical protein
285	 30.43	0	290074..290625	+	183	71082994	yciB	SAR11_0289	-	intracellular septation protein A
286	 25.22	0	290618..290962	+	114	71082995	-	SAR11_0290	-	hypothetical protein
287	 31.62	0	290968..291666	-	232	71082996	ybhL	SAR11_0291	-	integral membrane protein
288	 31.02	0	291790..292827	+	345	71082997	tas	SAR11_0292	-	aldo/keto reductase-family protein
289	 31.16	0	292818..293324	+	168	71082998	-	SAR11_0293	-	hypothetical protein
290	 30.13	0	293329..294516	+	395	71082999	argG	SAR11_0294	-	argininosuccinate synthase (citrulline--aspartate ligase)
291	 27.67	0	294521..295138	+	205	71083000	frnE	SAR11_0295	-	polyketide biosynthesis dithiol-disulfide isomerase
292	 30.72	0	295195..295653	+	152	71083001	-	SAR11_0296	-	transmembrane protein
293	 29.66	0	295653..296033	+	126	71083002	-	SAR11_0297	-	phosphate-starvation-inducible E
294	 25.90	0	296040..297182	+	380	71083003	-	SAR11_0298	-	DNA photolyase-like protein
295	 33.78	+1	297179..297400	-	73	71083004	-	SAR11_0299	-	transmembrane protein
296	 29.44	0	297397..298116	-	239	71083005	-	SAR11_0300	-	glutamine amidotransferase class-I
297	 27.91	0	298160..298768	-	202	71083006	marC	SAR11_0301	-	marC family protein
298	 28.74	0	298810..299223	-	137	71083007	yqaA	SAR11_0302	-	putative transmembrane protein
299	 27.57	0	299342..300832	-	496	71083008	-	SAR11_0303	-	deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase-related protein
300	 33.63	+1	300899..301570	+	223	71083009	-	SAR11_0304	-	short chain dehydrogenase
301	 29.67	0	301545..302636	+	363	71083010	yliI	SAR11_0305	-	glucose dehydrogenase (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) precursor
302	 29.63	0	302639..303691	-	350	71083011	-	SAR11_0306	-	hypothetical protein
303	 33.33	0	303706..304551	-	281	71083012	folD	SAR11_0307	-	methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
304	 26.46	0	304560..304850	-	96	71083013	-	SAR11_1722	-	hypothetical protein
29.30	MEAN

4.13	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.