IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Burkholderia pseudomallei 1106a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 67.97 STD DEV: 6.10
Burkholderia pseudomallei 1106a chromosome II, complete sequence - 1..3100794
3164 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1819	 68.85	0	1796426..1796608	-	60	126458026	-	BURPS1106A_A1828	-	hypothetical protein
1820	 72.89	0	1796734..1797729	-	331	126457052	-	BURPS1106A_A1829	-	rhamnosyltransferase
1821	 79.49	+1	1797914..1798030	-	38	126456573	-	BURPS1106A_A1830	-	hypothetical protein
1822	 70.27	0	1797982..1799565	-	527	126458462	-	BURPS1106A_A1831	-	EmrB/QacA family drug resistance transporter
1823	 75.38	+1	1799562..1800881	-	439	126457779	rhlB	BURPS1106A_A1832	-	rhamnosyltransferase I, subunit B
1824	 73.60	0	1800771..1801073	+	100	126456702	-	BURPS1106A_A1833	-	hypothetical protein
1825	 67.44	0	1801115..1802014	-	299	126457619	rhlA	BURPS1106A_A1834	-	rhamnosyltransferase I, subunit A
1826	 70.07	0	1802996..1803583	+	195	126456538	betI	BURPS1106A_A1835	-	transcriptional regulator BetI
1827	 67.48	0	1803626..1805095	+	489	126455859	betB	BURPS1106A_A1836	-	betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase
1828	 67.43	0	1805115..1806812	+	565	126457859	betA	BURPS1106A_A1837	-	choline dehydrogenase
1829	 63.33	0	1806932..1807561	+	209	126457185	-	BURPS1106A_A1838	-	hypothetical protein
1830	 68.83	0	1807937..1811314	+	1125	126457819	-	BURPS1106A_A1839	-	hypothetical protein
1831	 70.11	0	1811437..1811610	+	57	126456732	-	BURPS1106A_A1840	-	hypothetical protein
1832	 70.42	0	1811508..1812944	+	478	126455969	-	BURPS1106A_A1841	-	major facilitator family transporter
1833	 66.87	0	1813025..1814503	-	492	126458138	-	BURPS1106A_A1842	-	response regulator/sensory box histidine kinase
1834	 60.04	-1	1814500..1814952	-	150	126457438	-	BURPS1106A_A1843	-	response regulator
1835	 67.96	0	1814956..1817127	-	723	126455985	-	BURPS1106A_A1844	-	sensory box histidine kinase
1836	 81.54	+2	1817181..1817375	+	64	126456690	-	BURPS1106A_A1845	-	hypothetical protein
1837	 66.67	0	1817713..1818198	-	161	126456381	-	BURPS1106A_A1846	-	hypothetical protein
1838	 72.13	0	1818237..1819169	-	310	126457730	-	BURPS1106A_A1847	-	glyoxylate reductase
1839	 63.98	0	1819386..1819646	-	86	126458152	-	BURPS1106A_A1848	-	hypothetical protein
1840	 68.99	0	1819929..1820402	+	157	126455489	-	BURPS1106A_A1849	-	hypothetical protein
1841	 69.01	0	1820516..1820686	-	56	126455691	-	BURPS1106A_A1850	-	hypothetical protein
1842	 57.41	-1	1820763..1820978	-	71	126456600	-	BURPS1106A_A1851	-	hypothetical protein
1843	 62.30	0	1820975..1821157	-	60	126458280	-	BURPS1106A_A1852	-	hypothetical protein
1844	 57.84	-1	1821179..1821382	-	67	126455982	-	BURPS1106A_A1853	-	cold-shock domain-contain protein
1845	 65.91	0	1821551..1821682	-	43	126456718	-	BURPS1106A_A1854	-	hypothetical protein
1846	 63.89	0	1821822..1822037	+	71	126457612	-	BURPS1106A_A1855	-	hypothetical protein
1847	 60.09	-1	1822034..1822246	+	70	126455657	rpsU	BURPS1106A_A1856	-	30S ribosomal protein S21
1848	 76.07	+1	1822353..1822469	-	38	126456144	-	BURPS1106A_A1857	-	hypothetical protein
1849	 70.78	0	1822874..1823335	-	153	126457405	folB	BURPS1106A_A1858	-	dihydroneopterin aldolase
1850	 70.44	0	1823335..1823970	-	211	126457898	soxG	BURPS1106A_A1859	-	sarcosine oxidase, gamma subunit
1851	 68.46	0	1823960..1826968	-	1002	126455912	soxA	BURPS1106A_A1860	-	sarcosine oxidase, alpha subunit
1852	 64.60	0	1826965..1827255	-	96	126456797	soxD	BURPS1106A_A1861	-	sarcosine oxidase, delta subunit
1853	 67.15	0	1827632..1828876	-	414	126458262	-	BURPS1106A_A1862	-	glycine/D-amino acid oxidases
1854	 67.72	0	1828893..1830407	-	504	126457660	sdaA	BURPS1106A_A1863	-	L-serine ammonia-lyase
1855	 71.94	0	1830566..1831798	+	410	126456728	-	BURPS1106A_A1864	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
1856	 67.06	0	1832171..1832422	-	83	126456046	-	BURPS1106A_A1865	-	hypothetical protein
1857	 68.51	0	1832615..1833319	-	234	126455587	-	BURPS1106A_A1866	-	hypothetical protein
1858	 75.15	+1	1833394..1833558	-	54	126456058	-	BURPS1106A_A1867	-	hypothetical protein
1859	 64.33	0	1833555..1834283	-	242	126457039	-	BURPS1106A_A1868	-	glutathione S-transferase P subunit
1860	 69.54	0	1834867..1835388	-	173	126457533	-	BURPS1106A_A1869	-	hypothetical protein
1861	 68.84	0	1835404..1835955	-	183	126458328	-	BURPS1106A_A1870	-	hypothetical protein
1862	 77.19	+1	1835968..1836366	+	132	126456176	-	BURPS1106A_A1871	-	hypothetical protein
1863	 75.51	+1	1836377..1836523	-	48	126456899	-	BURPS1106A_A1872	-	hypothetical protein
1864	 69.44	0	1836601..1837611	-	336	126458007	-	BURPS1106A_A1873	-	cytochrome oxidase, subunit II
1865	 70.40	0	1837601..1839046	-	481	126458575	-	BURPS1106A_A1874	-	cytochrome oxidase, subunit I
1866	 72.34	0	1839043..1839183	-	46	126457647	-	BURPS1106A_A1875	-	hypothetical protein
1867	 72.54	0	1839281..1839706	-	141	126456707	-	BURPS1106A_A1876	-	hypothetical protein
1868	 70.59	0	1839705..1840622	+	305	126458253	-	BURPS1106A_A1877	-	putative magnesium transporter
1869	 71.77	0	1840619..1840951	+	110	126458237	-	BURPS1106A_A1878	-	hypothetical protein
1870	 73.80	0	1841023..1843209	+	728	126457401	-	BURPS1106A_A1879	-	phospholipase D domain-containing protein
1871	 74.43	+1	1843206..1844222	+	338	126457011	-	BURPS1106A_A1880	-	endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family protein
1872	 75.46	+1	1844105..1844593	+	162	126455583	-	BURPS1106A_A1881	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 58.44	-1	1844750..1844980	-	76	126458227	-	BURPS1106A_A1882	-	hypothetical protein
1874	 56.23	-1	1845192..1845488	+	98	126457410	-	BURPS1106A_A1883	-	hypothetical protein
1875	 60.59	-1	1845763..1847292	-	509	126455487	-	BURPS1106A_A1884	-	hypothetical protein
1876	 58.08	-1	1848389..1851952	-	1187	126458154	-	BURPS1106A_A1885	-	hypothetical protein
1877	 45.83	-2	1852128..1852271	-	47	126457992	-	BURPS1106A_A1886	-	hypothetical protein
1878	 59.88	-1	1852276..1852761	-	161	126457085	-	BURPS1106A_A1887	-	gp68
1879	 63.63	0	1852786..1854594	-	602	126456588	-	BURPS1106A_A1888	-	hypothetical protein
1880	 62.60	0	1854610..1854732	-	40	126455649	-	BURPS1106A_A1889	-	hypothetical protein
1881	 66.52	0	1854872..1856245	-	457	126457747	-	BURPS1106A_A1890	-	hypothetical protein
1882	 63.69	0	1856336..1856503	-	55	126458555	-	BURPS1106A_A1891	-	hypothetical protein
1883	 64.81	0	1856514..1856675	-	53	126455557	-	BURPS1106A_A1892	-	hypothetical protein
1884	 62.25	0	1856672..1858438	-	588	126456443	-	BURPS1106A_A1893	-	YscC/HrcC family type III secretion outer membrane protein
1885	 61.09	-1	1858480..1859931	-	483	126455619	-	BURPS1106A_A1894	-	hypothetical protein
1886	 61.90	0	1860106..1860924	-	272	126456304	-	BURPS1106A_A1895	-	type III secretion protein SpaR/YscT/HrcT
1887	 66.34	0	1860921..1861229	-	102	126457397	-	BURPS1106A_A1896	-	putative type III secretion protein HrpB7
1888	 62.78	0	1861251..1861430	+	59	126458234	-	BURPS1106A_A1897	-	hypothetical protein
1889	 66.44	0	1861448..1862797	-	449	126455566	-	BURPS1106A_A1898	-	type III secretion system ATPase
1890	 65.81	0	1862794..1863606	-	270	126456264	-	BURPS1106A_A1899	-	type III secretion system protein HrpB
1891	 66.93	0	1863627..1864394	-	255	126457377	-	BURPS1106A_A1900	-	type III secretion protein HrpB4
1892	 63.46	0	1864409..1865218	-	269	126458134	-	BURPS1106A_A1901	-	YscJ/HrcJ family type III secretion apparatus lipoprotein
1893	 60.98	-1	1865271..1865657	-	128	126455975	-	BURPS1106A_A1902	-	type III secretion protein HrpB2
1894	 62.11	0	1865694..1866263	-	189	126456696	-	BURPS1106A_A1903	-	HrpB1/HrpK family type III secretion protein
1895	 62.98	0	1866550..1867608	+	352	126456589	-	BURPS1106A_A1904	-	type III secretion system protein HrcU
1896	 64.16	0	1867624..1869741	+	705	126455712	-	BURPS1106A_A1905	-	HrcV family type III secretion protein
1897	 64.47	0	1869741..1870424	+	227	126457894	-	BURPS1106A_A1906	-	type III secretion protein HpaP
1898	 64.91	0	1870646..1871725	+	359	126457706	-	BURPS1106A_A1907	-	type III secretion system apparatus protein YscQ/HrcQ
1899	 57.30	-1	1871709..1872359	+	216	126456985	yscR	BURPS1106A_A1908	-	type III secretion system protein
1900	 61.74	-1	1872382..1872645	+	87	126455867	-	BURPS1106A_A1909	-	HrpO family type III secretion protein
1901	 67.53	0	1872692..1873156	-	154	126458391	-	BURPS1106A_A1910	-	hypothetical protein
1902	 63.58	0	1873280..1873603	+	107	126458052	-	BURPS1106A_A1911	-	hypothetical protein
1903	 66.86	0	1873746..1874795	+	349	126457371	-	BURPS1106A_A1912	-	putative secretion-associated protein
1904	 64.66	0	1874850..1875098	+	82	126456338	-	BURPS1106A_A1913	-	hypothetical protein
1905	 59.03	-1	1875228..1875515	+	95	126455977	-	BURPS1106A_A1914	-	hypothetical protein
1906	 56.80	-1	1875628..1876083	+	151	126456843	-	BURPS1106A_A1915	-	CesT family type III secretion chaperone
1907	 62.60	0	1876581..1877489	+	302	126457591	-	BURPS1106A_A1916	-	hypothetical protein
1908	 63.64	0	1877916..1878377	-	153	126456476	-	BURPS1106A_A1917	-	cupin domain-containing protein
1909	 70.95	0	1878493..1879146	-	217	126455792	-	BURPS1106A_A1918	-	HAD family hydrolase
1910	 70.07	0	1879298..1880002	+	234	126458193	-	BURPS1106A_A1919	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
1911	 72.50	0	1880081..1880971	+	296	126458453	garR	BURPS1106A_A1920	-	2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase
1912	 72.22	0	1880994..1882361	+	455	126457778	-	BURPS1106A_A1921	-	hypothetical protein
1913	 71.65	0	1882358..1882999	+	213	126456672	-	BURPS1106A_A1922	-	putative aldolase
1914	 65.08	0	1883103..1884425	+	440	126457238	-	BURPS1106A_A1923	-	anion:cation symporter (ACS) family protein
1915	 68.47	0	1884507..1885283	+	258	126458219	hyi	BURPS1106A_A1924	-	hydroxypyruvate isomerase
1916	 71.71	0	1885311..1886282	+	323	126457337	-	BURPS1106A_A1925	-	NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase family protein
1917	 70.83	0	1886826..1887041	+	71	126458228	-	BURPS1106A_A1926	-	hypothetical protein
1918	 69.70	0	1887152..1887844	+	230	126456705	-	BURPS1106A_A1927	-	beta-hydroxylase
67.97	MEAN

6.10	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.